Childhood Friend of the Zenith Chapter 398

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There is something called gwibicho (鬼不草).

It is a plant that blooms only in humid areas in the western region.

It looked beautiful, but it was a kind of poisonous plant that gave a terrible illusion if swallowed by mistake.

Rumors that a group of Sapas used it to make and sell hallucinogens were also one of the poisonous plants as terrible as stones.

Furthermore, it is also used to get confessions from sinners. If you go deep, it was a poisonous plant that was also used for torture.


The poison king knows.

That means gwibicho has its own taste.

As long as it had enough resistance to poison, it would be a plant that would be in the limelight nationwide.

Of course, ordinary people do not have a tolerance for poison and cannot grow it.

That’s why the poison king liked gibibcho.

Only myself… No, it was a tea that I enjoyed drinking only in Tangmun.

This is because you can enjoy a better taste at a much lower price than other expensive tea leaves.

A full moon night.


The owner of the gate, Dokwang, was sitting on the floor alone, sipping gwibicha.

He preferred this kind of tea to strong medicinal liquor.

If there is anything different, it must be that all of these cars are made from poisonous plants.

Just as he was drinking a couple of sips and enjoying the scenery, someone appeared behind King Dokwang and approached him.

The woman cautiously approached the poison king and bowed her head.

“…Did you call? master.”

The woman’s name is Nahi.

Outwardly, he works as an attendant belonging to the party.

In essence, an assassination squad secretly operated by the Tang Dynasty.

He was the deputy head of the Bichalgwidae (備察鬼隊).

The poison king opens his mouth without looking at Nahi, who approaches.

“How did you look?”

Hearing the words, Nahi slowly got down on one knee.

Then, with his gaze sent to the floor, he began to enumerate the poison king in a calm voice.

“Three placed to the left of the entrance. Up to the four members placed inside the two placed at the top. All nine of them have been discovered.”

Nahi started reporting what had happened a few hours ago. Upon hearing this, the king of poison looks at Nahi with strange eyes.

It looked like he didn’t like something.

“Isn’t the report wrong?”


“Ten people including you. Everyone must have been caught by the former Gongja?”

“…sorry. I will correct it.”

Nahi’s head bowed even deeper. Dokwang’s words were right.

It was true that he was also discovered by that young man.

Nahi’s white hand curls into a fist.

– I don’t think you’re the kind of person who will do the job all the time.

The words the young man had been spitting out were buzzing in his ears. how did you get it

Were you immature in your response?


She was good at hiding her presence and was confident.

In addition, there was an order from the king of poison, so I was doing it with sincerity.

A young man named Gu Yangchen seemed to recognize him as soon as he saw him.

‘I’m sure I’ll somehow understand until the next nine.’

It was unexpected for Nahi that he was also caught.

Did he read Nahi’s mind?

The poison king said with a small smile.

“Don’t worry too much. Thanks to you, I had an interesting experience.”


The poison king grinned and took another sip of the gwibi tea.

At first it was a simple test.

I was interested in how good he was, so I played a little prank on him.

As soon as I entered the entrance, speculation was scattered as if giving a warning.

I never thought I’d find Nahi, the sub-owner, in the end.

She is a figure who has reached the pinnacle of maturity as an assassin.

If Nahi wants to, he is a person who has risen to a considerable position where he can even enter the Seven Nights Slayer, where the Dark King is the leader.

The child of the Gu family casually recognized her identity.

‘What the hell did he do?’

To the dokwang, it was just amazing.

In addition, thanks to Nahi’s transmission of the incident in advance, I was able to erase the presence of my daughter who had been hiding far away.

If even Nahi had noticed, he would have easily grasped the presence of Dang So-yeol hiding in the back room.

The poison king made a huge bet in advance and put his hand down.

Remembering that, the poison king had to laugh heartily inwardly.

‘…He’s old and does everything for his daughter-in-law.’

I can’t help but sigh as I wonder what this is like.


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Besides, in fact, it is said that it is for sugar fever.

Like everyone else, King Dok didn’t like Yangchun at first.

What kind of father would want to give his precious daughter to such an ugly bastard who goes after women.

Even if it was just the first time, I was determined to tear it apart no matter what.

As of now, I have a slightly different idea.

‘It’s a flower at that age…’

Dokwang was convinced as he faced Yangchun in person.

It is clear that it has reached the hwagyeong beyond the climax. Hwagyeong before reaching the terms and conditions?

This is a record unprecedented in history.

Looking at the potential and future of Guyangcheon, it was not bad, but it was a very outstanding position.

In the eyes of Dokwang, Guyangcheon is a person who is sure to reach the first person in the world in the future.

Should I say that I feel like I inherited my father’s talent as it is?

when you see it

In the end, I didn’t ‘do’.

I thought his children would be different.

Through the midfield dominated by the current Samjon. That is, to rise to the highest position.

In addition, unlike the rumor that Gu Yang-cheon was a horny person, it was not like that.

It may not be, but isn’t it called heroic lust?

If we were to consider the value of Guyangcheon, we could go beyond that level.

What’s more, my daughter died and couldn’t live.

‘Somehow, he said he had a face.’

The poison king had to shake his head as he remembered his daughter.

I knew that my daughter’s eyes were a bit far from the average person.

I wondered where there would be a human who would satisfy Dang So-yeol’s eyes.

…A human who matched his eyes so well suddenly appeared.

If Dang So-yeol is so infatuated with Gu Yang-chun that he is forced to run away from home, King Dok will admit it at this point.

If he was halfway, he would have ripped it apart by any means.

From now on at an early age, he is making a name for himself throughout the midfield.

In the future, if it was Guyangcheon, which has a good chance of becoming the first person in the world, King Dokwang could be satisfied.

‘I never thought he’d answer that in front of me.’

Dokwang recalled what Yangchun had said at dinner just before.

-I hate that.

When I asked him to stay away from Dang So-yeol’s side, he said so confidently to himself as a single king.

I told her to leave Dang So-yeol’s side as long as she didn’t break off her marriage with the Namgung family.

Gu Yangchen declared that he would not do either.

How could that be?

Is it a childish rebellion that can be done while still young and young?

Whatever it is, it is no different than selfish words.

In the eyes of Dokwang, Gu Yang-cheon judged that he had the talent to handle such selfishness.

If Dang So-yeol didn’t intervene and continued the conversation, I don’t know if I would have heard a more in-depth answer.

It was somewhat regrettable that Dang So-yeol couldn’t stand it and intervened, so I couldn’t hear it properly.

The poison king nodded slightly after thinking about that.

‘Yes, to take my daughter, I have to be the best in the world.’

She is a daughter who has been cherished like a treasure.

It would have been better to send it to a person with a guaranteed future than to send it to an incompetent guy with nothing.

‘If there’s something that gets in the way.’

If, in the future, we get married.

It must have been that he had to send his precious daughter to the concubine.

It was not a part that even a single king could easily allow.

It’s not anywhere else, it’s going to be a gap with the ‘Namgoong’ family.


Shaking the teacup full of tea, the poison king exhaled.

‘This part… will be difficult to concede.’

Did you say it was an engagement that was already done first?

Even so, it didn’t matter. It’s not like there’s no way.

That might be a problem because it’s a bit clunky.

Dokwang, who swallowed the shaken tea at once, took a deep breath and looked at Nahi.

“We’ll be leaving in three days, so prepare thoroughly.”

“All right. What should I do with my schedule for tomorrow?”

“Leader… no, I can’t call him Master now. The fallen sword is said to be coming this way, so prepare only by paying attention to that part.”

“yes. master.”

So far, he is still in the position of the leader, but as he himself said, the fallen sword will come down from the position of the leader.

After that, there will be many stories about the leadership of the Murim League.

‘It’s obvious that the non-partisan faction will try to keep an eye on it this time too.’

It was a well-known story that the head of the shaman was aiming for the position of leader.

It will probably be no different this time.

What’s surprising in this gap is…

‘Rumors that the Dowang wants the position of leader.’

It is said that the owner of the fanga is secretly hearing the story that he is aiming for the position of leader of the Murim Maeng.

Remembering that, the poison king let out a big smile.

‘It’s impossible.’

Even if that incompetent person wants the position of leader, can he dare to sit down?

No matter how you think about it, it was unreasonable.

Rather, it seems more likely that the son of the Dowang will step forward.

Even so, Dara was greedy for the leader position.

‘You don’t seem to know the subject.’

He was like that in the past, but he was still a man full of greed for his size.

‘Actually, it doesn’t matter who it is.’

The poison king’s eyes darkened coldly.

Rather, it would be helpful for the Dowang to become the leader.

Because he’s an idiot, so he’ll be easy to deal with.

What was unexpected was that the Sword King, who had seen it as similar to the Sword King, did not show interest in this part.

‘Something has changed.’

Should I say the atmosphere?

Exactly, the momentum has changed.

The creepy feeling I felt from Namgoong Jin has diminished. It was really full of the energy of a sharp swordsman like the nickname of the sword king.

It’s been a few years at most, so what happened?

Tuk-tuk. Dokwang, who was distracted by a cup of tea, soon closed his eyes and cleared his mind.

‘Does not matter.’

It doesn’t matter what changes happen to them.

Because what’s important to you right now is something else.

My daughter’s future is also important.

It wasn’t even that that mattered to the poison king right now.


“yes. master.”

At the call of the poison king, Nahi raises her head.

What caught Nahi’s eyes as she shifted her gaze. The moonlight of the full moon.

It was dark green eyes that shone lightly to match.

Dokwang’s eyes were smiling, but seeing that smile, Nahi had to cower.

“Tell it to the main gate. I’m telling you to heat up the lab table in advance.”

“…All right.”

After delivering the answer, Nahi slowly disperses into the darkness and disappears.

It was to fulfill the master’s command.

Immediately after Nahi disappears, Dokwang turns his head again and looks up at the moon.

The poison king thought.

Today, the moon is exceptionally brilliant, so it’s good weather for drinking tea.


I returned to the inn where I was staying after finishing my meal with the Dokwang.

As soon as I entered the building, I stroked my stomach.

“…it hurts.”

My stomach is quite nauseous.

I wonder if the aftermath of being extremely nervous is only now starting to appear.

I had to catch my weary breath thinking about the last meal.

‘He was a much more nerdy man than I expected.’

He frowned as he recalled the Dokwang’s tone and expression.

As if it matched my initial expectations, King Dok was a difficult person to deal with.

Let’s have a direct conversation and then vote.

‘It’s like the family head.’

I can say that he is the most like the head of the family among the owners of the four generations I have met.

Even if he is not a person with overwhelming force, he is leading the flow of conversation.

It was clear that the mood-driven feeling was the most politically developed human being.

Thanks to that, I had to concentrate considerably so as not to be swept away by the flow.

‘What do you want from me?’

The poison king looked at me as if he wanted something, but I had no idea about it.

much less

‘…Are they going to let me go?’

I felt like I was trying to pass over the rudeness I had done to the king.

It sounds like you said you wouldn’t give up on your engagement or your party.

I’m sure even the king would have heard this, but there was nothing that came out during the meal.

Is it because of the sudden intrusion of sugar fever?

Thanks to that, I was able to get to the main point without continuing the story, but I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

‘For now, we’re leaving in five days.’

Fortunately, we were able to schedule a trip to Sacheon.

It felt like the King of Dogs didn’t care too much about companionship.

Rather, I feel like I like it. that would be an illusion

‘As for the gang… Woochul said he would take care of it.’

Like Tang Mun, Pae Woo-cheol, who has roots in Sichuan, is also supposed to accompany him.

Although Pa Woo-chul made a subtle expression when he said he was going with Tang Mun.

I said it’s fine, so this part shouldn’t be a problem either.

then what’s left

‘To finish training for five days.’

All he had to do was complete the training designated by the Pazon.

For that reason, even at night, it seemed that he would probably head straight to the cave.

The moment I thought so and moved my steps.


Someone pulls my sleeve.

When I turned my head along the direction of the force, it was none other than Dang So-yeol holding the clothes.

Right after the sugar fever and meal time was over, I was walking to the inn together.

In the meantime, this… Since when have you been holding it?

I look at her with strange eyes, and Dang Xiaoyeol catches my gaze and smiles.

His characteristic eye smile was exceptionally deep.

After Dang So-yeol came out of the restaurant, he didn’t say anything to me and just followed me.

Sometimes I look at him and he just smiles like this, but doesn’t talk much.

I guess it’s just that when you look at it with a smile, you feel that you look pretty good.

After seeing that, I finally asked a question from my side.

“what’s the matter?”


“I want you to feel good about something.”

“Hi-Hi! no!”


Anything good is good With that thought in mind, I decided to take the first step.

Immediately after arriving at the guesthouse and parting ways with Dang So-yeol. heading to my room

I plan to pack my clothes and head straight to the cave.

I thought that I would be able to finish the training only when I reduced my sleep as much as possible, so I planned to sleep several nights.

The moment you enter the room.


I had to frown as I saw something protruding from the bed.

It looked like someone was lying on my bed.

As soon as I check it, it fills up immediately.

“…is this bastard?”

It was because I wanted to be a sleeping dragon again. Since this happened last time, is Woohyuk the guy again?

Why does this bastard keep coming here?

Without hesitation, I grabbed the blanket over it and put it away.

“I told you not to come…”

The moment he got angry as he pulled off the blanket.

I had to shut my mouth in an instant as I saw the person lying on the bed.

The person sleeping peacefully on my bed was not a sleepy dragon, and not even one, but two.

Did it respond to sound?

One of them quietly rubs his eyes and wakes up.

“Gong… sir…?”

The woman who raised her body with a small yawn as if she was tired was Wiseolah.

Even in such a situation, Namgoongbia was the one who slept casually.


I thought, making eye contact with Wi Seol Ah.

What else is this absurd situation?

The moment she was about to ask Wi Seol-ah what was going on, barely holding onto her mind.


My door, which had been closed, suddenly opens and someone enters.

“Confucius…! Actually, what I have to say…”


The person who came in boldly was Dang So-yeol.

At this, with an expression of regret, I turn my gaze and check Dang So-yeol.

It was to correct the current situation.

Dang So-yeol was already hardened like a stone after seeing what was happening in the room.

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