Becoming the Swordmaster Rank Young Lord of the Sichuan Tang Family Chapter 108

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< Episode 107 >

The person who raised his hand was a man who appeared to be in his early twenties. He had two black swords crossed behind his back. The characteristics of the behavior are clear.

Even in the vast Sichuan martial forest, the only people who wear this type of clothing are those of the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect. In particular, among them, the only ones who could use the black sword were Mak In-hu, a noble general during the Gongsan Mountain Hyeolsa, and his immediate descendants.

“Is this the successor to the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect?”

Sang Myeong-il, a district prosecutor, also guessed the man’s identity at a glance. Among the factions under the Heuksaryeon, there were not many that had the power of the Taeeulmuk Sword faction. In particular, since Sangmyeong-il recognized Mak In-hu’s skills as a swordsman to some extent, he remembered Tae-eul Muk’s swordsmanship and his existence. I was also quite impressed by Makinhu’s natural ability to live.

‘It’s clear that the one given by Ryeonju was swordsmanship using lethal force, probably.’

Taeeul Ssanggeomsik 一 Yes, that was the name. An extremely sharp and powerful swordsman who maximizes his lethality and further strengthens his sword skills. The sword energy combined with deep murderous intent through the Taeeul Twin Swordsmanship takes on an ominous black glow.

This silent sword technique was much more powerful than an ordinary sword technique. Actually, if you think about it, it’s natural. Isn’t the intention to kill also a type of intention? In any case, it means that such thoughts were roughly expressed in the sword. Although it may not be comparable to the ‘true strength’ that was the exclusive property of warriors who reached the realm of peace, it would be sufficient to deal with most strong men.

“It is an honor that Sang Dae-hyeop, the first of the six nobles, recognizes our original sect. The descendant is said to be Mak Cheon-hwi, the successor of the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect.”

“Yes. Mo Cheon-hwi. You want to make a life-or-death decision with the Tang family’s So family?”

“Yes. He is the evil beast that harmed my father. If you didn’t know, what kind of unfilial piety would there be if you knew the identity of the evil beast and didn’t take revenge? I heard that he participated in this Sacheon branch, and that he could have killed my father through life and death. “I want to avenge .”

Mo Yinhu’s eldest son, Mo Cheonhui, spoke without hiding his eyes burning with revenge. Due to the incident that the Sichuan Martial People called Gongsan Hyeolsa, the power of the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect was irreparably reduced. Not only did Makinhu, the best leader of the sect, die, but even the elites of the sect he dragged along died.

In the end, the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect that Mak Cheon-hwi took over was now practically an empty shell. The surrounding waves were also well aware of this fact. There are people who are starting to pay attention to the vast area that the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect has been ruling over and the interests that belong to it.

The Taeeulmukgeom faction lost the power to maintain what it previously enjoyed. If it had not been for the Sacheon branch that was opened at the right time, they would have been attacked by other factions right away. Thanks to the fact that the Simhwabang, which oversees the Sacheon branch, declared that it would not tolerate disputes between factions for the time being, the situation was spared.

Mak Cheon-hwi made the best decision. First of all, because the funeral of his father, Mak In-hu, was not completely completed, he did not ascend to the position of general, but remained in the status of successor. Of course, he wanted to participate in the Sacheon branch.

Of course, if you participate in the Sacheon Branch now, you will receive numerous challenges from the successors of other Bangpa factions who are greedy for profits, but the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect did not have the ability to fight the Bangpa war or defend its territory anyway. It would have been easier to protect the interests through secret duties in the Sacheon branch.

Moreover, Mak Cheon-hwi had learned the Taeeul Ssanggeom style taught by his father quite deeply and was quite confident in his own skills. Since he has been able to manifest the ink sword energy, he will not be pushed aside by later exponents of the same age.

In addition, the rights obtained from the Sacheon branch are even guaranteed by Simhwabang for five years. Five years is not a short time. It was a time when Mak Cheon-hwi’s Taeeul Double Swordsmanship could reach maturity, and it was also a time when the power of the fallen sect could be revived to some extent.

So I decided to participate in the Sacheon branch, but soon after, I heard another news. Yeon Myeong, a member of Danga Sogaju, the evil spirit of Gongsan blood temple, also participates in the Sacheon branch.

Mak Cheon-hwi saw it as an opportunity. He had heard and knew of the rumor that it was Ye Yeon-myeong who led the joint mountain blood killing, but he guessed that it was largely an exaggeration. Even though the martial arts of the Tang family were specialized in mass murder, the number of people mobilized by his father, Mak In-hu, reached three hundred. Did he kill that many people on his own without any agreement?

It didn’t make sense.

His father, Mak In-hu, laid a solid foundation in the Shaman sect and mastered the sword training and Taeeulssanggeomsik taught by Heuksaryeonju himself. It is an extremely exhilarating and extremely powerful sword technique that completely crushes the opponent. No matter how great your memorization and martial arts skills are, it will be difficult to even wear your father’s collar. Moreover, the others taken were also elites of the sect. This means that they are not people who can be easily defeated.

‘Other figures in the party probably helped.’

Not only that, they probably used some kind of trap or some kind of unusual poison. Mak Cheon-hwi accepted the rumor that Yeon Yeon-myeong had killed 300 people by himself as a fabrication to exaggerate Yeon Yeon-myeong’s inaction, who was newly appointed to the position of Sogaju.

Meanwhile, there was something that bothered me. In the process of ascending to the position of Sojiajou, Yeon-myeong heard rumors that he had killed two Tang family elders and that he had killed two hundred Sapa warriors near Chengdu with amazing memorization of martial arts. Jang Tae-cheon, the lord of Mokyeong Palace, who was famous for his wildness, also died. There were many eyewitnesses to this, so the possibility of it being false was extremely low.

‘It must have been because they were so careless or because they were a ragtag group of people.’

Mak Cheon-hwi thought that if he went into battle with his spirit properly displayed, there was no way he would be defeated by memorization. Especially if he asks for life or death right away, he won’t have time to make a fuss.

Above all, if I were to kill Yeon-myeong in a life-or-death situation right here and now, there was more than one thing I could gain.

First of all, he can avenge his father’s grudge, and he can bring back all the interests of the capital city where the Tang family is located. The rights guaranteed for five years will be of great help in rebuilding the Taeeulmuk Sword School. Also, among the other participants, there were some who were seeking to take advantage of the saints, and they will all end up like dogs chasing chickens. If Yeon-myeong dies, he can no longer fight for the interests of the saints.

Moreover, the reputation that Yeon Myeong had built in a short period of time was no joke. The Taeeulmuk Sword Sect, Cheonjinbang, and the owners of Mokyeong Palace were all defeated, and the number of warriors from the Four Sects who died at his hands had already reached four hundred. If his natural name was a warrior from the Sa faction, and the people he killed were from the political faction, he would have become a martial artist long ago.

If you can kill such an obvious name, you will be able to gain enormous fame.

It was with this calculation that Mak Cheon-hwi nominated Yeon-myeong as soon as the Sacheon branch began.

“Good. Then, Danga Sogaju, please step forward.”

“It’s a given.”

There was a young man walking out with a voice. Of course, there were many among the participants who did not know Yeon-myeong’s face. As soon as I entered the study room, Yeon Myeong was assigned a room in a secluded place. Mak Cheon-hwi, the successor to the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect, only knew that he was participating, but it was his first time actually seeing the enemy’s face. The only thing that happened was that those who witnessed Yeon Myeong stood at the reception desk at the front door of Simhwa Room and recognized him.

“Dangga Sogaju…? I’ve heard that he’s handsome. Isn’t this too harsh?”

“I would believe it if it were said to be the reincarnation of either Songok or Banan.”

“If your skills are as rumored and your appearance is like that, isn’t the sky very unfair?”

“It feels like my eyes are opening. It feels like a goodwill that wasn’t there in the party is rising. Yes, I guess you have to be at that level to be able to call yourself a nobleman or a nobleman. There are too many shameless people.”

“If I ever die, I will definitely have to cut off the skin on my face. It would be worth it to make a cotton ball out of that face.”

Sado Bangpa’s successors cleared the way for Yeon Yeon-myeong to pass, while also talking excitedly among themselves when they saw his shining appearance. In particular, women blatantly flirted with Yeon Yeom-myeong or expressed affection for him. Zhuge Yingying, who saw this, glared at her, but the more she did, the more explicit her expression became.

It was when Yeon Myeong and Yeon Myeong arrived in front of Guhwan High School Prosecutor Sang Myeong Il that they became quiet. It was only then that Yoo Yeon-hee, the black sandflower next to Sang Myeong-il, could properly see Yeon Yeon-myeong’s face.

“…oh my god.”

Yoo Yeon-hee froze after saying something whose meaning was unknown.

Sangmyeong-il said.

“I heard that a separate non-stage was prepared from the Ark, but… In the martial arts world, life and death decisions take place regardless of location. This is the venue for the duel between Mak Cheon-hwi of the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect and Yeon Myeong of the Tang Family. If you have any objections, please tell us now.”

“doesn’t exist.”

“Me too.”

Mak Cheon-hwi and Yeon-myeong shook their heads without the slightest hesitation. As it seemed like a battle would take place here without any movement of location, the other participants all stepped back and created a circle of space.

“In a life-or-death situation, you can use bodyguards and servants. This is because you are the heirs of a family. The inaction you have in your own body is important, but the military power of your subordinates is also your ability. It seems that Sogaju of the Tang family was not aware of this fact. ”

Sang Myeong-il said as he glanced at the guards and attendants, Tang Mi-ryeo and Zhuge Yingying, who were standing behind Yan Yan-ming. In his opinion, Tang Mi-li-ryo, not to mention Zhuge Yingying, showed that he was quite skilled in martial arts, but he was inferior compared to the other successors who accompanied him.

Since there was an age limit that the participants of the Sacheon branch were under twenty-five, and the guards and servants had to be people who had not yet reached the age of the age limit, most of the descendants of other Bangpana families were accompanied by people who appeared to have reached the age of the body. Although it is a rule, there is no way to accurately confirm age, so the Bangpana family tended to send along those who looked young among the younger masters.

The same was true for those who accompanied Mak Cheon-hwi as bodyguards and servants.

Among the few remaining disciples of the Taeeulmuk Sword Sect, we brought in those who had outstanding skills even in their twenties. It’s just that they couldn’t learn the Taeeul Double Swordsmanship, but their skills were not much lower than Mak Cheonhwi’s.

In this case, it was practically like fighting three against one. That was the reason why Mak Cheon-hwi smiled in repentance.

“Do you have any thoughts? What on earth do you think of the Sacheon branch…?”

“There is no such thing as a lecherous man. He must have been brought here with the intention of serving him at night, right?”

“They say good-looking guys pay for their faces….”

“Is it the Sogaju’s taste? The maid is quite pretty…”

There are pounding sounds. Tang Mi-ryeo and Zhuge Yingying’s faces harden at the words that are no different from obscene remarks. It may have been due to the natural tension that came with a life-or-death situation ahead.

“I told you. They’re corpses.”

Yeon Myeong mutters softly. This is a way of saying don’t worry about it. After realizing the meaning of the words, Tang Mi-ryeo and Zhuge Yingying’s faces became much more relaxed.

This time, Yeon Myeong spoke to Sang Myung Il, the Guhwan Prosecution Prosecutor.

“I kill ants by pressing them down, but I don’t necessarily ask my subordinates to help me.”

what? Hahahaha!

Sang Myung-il burst into laughter wondering what was so funny.

Mak Cheon-hwi, who had suddenly turned into an ant, frowned.

< Episode 107 > The End


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