Assimilating Villains Abilities to Become the Strongest Chapter 7

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new superstar


The audience that filled the stands, including CEO Cho, all jumped up to their feet.

The same was true in the player waiting room.



Most of the boys who were sitting and watching stood up and looked at the TV in surprise.

Go Jun-kyung, who has not yet stood up, also

‘What was the fist…?’

He was staring at the TV with an expression of disbelief.

However, the game is not over yet.

Kang Gyeong-mo, who fell down, suddenly got up again like a roly-poly.

He stepped forward again as if there was no damage, but his appearance was quite the opposite.

Two eyes slightly opened in shock, a thick stream of blood flowing from the corner of the mouth.

Above all, what catches Go Jun-kyung’s attention is…

‘My jawbone is completely gone?’

The left side of his chin was dented after being hit by Kim Jin-seong. It was bizarre to see it completely torn apart.

Go Jun-kyung broke Kang Kyung-mo’s jaw with one blow, which even Go Jun-kyung himself couldn’t break?

‘The guy who didn’t break anything even after being beaten by me for 5 rounds?’

I couldn’t understand it even more because I was in Go Jun-kyung’s position and had personally dealt with Kang Kyung-mo.

Five rounds in the ring is a very long time.

Despite this, Kang Kyung-mo survived with only a broken nose and some incontinence here and there.

He is a man with a natural determination and strong bones, so how…?

‘No way, his fists are stronger than mine… No, that doesn’t make sense.’

Go Jun-kyung tried to erase the doubts that appeared in his mind at that moment. 

It was something that could not have happened in common sense. Even if Kim Jin-seong had rare characteristics, he could not develop his punching power in such a short period of time.

Go Jun-kyung is the one who can judge the game situation more objectively than anyone else in the waiting room. That’s why I thought the assumption I just came up with was absolutely ridiculous.

‘Maybe your bones have become weak due to the aftereffects of fighting me. In fact, he cracked his jawbone while fighting with me.’

In short, it was a lucky punch, Go Jun-kyung concluded in his mind.

Kang Kyung-mo himself, standing at the stadium, was also denying reality.

‘···Bang, I let my guard down.’

Kang Gyeong-mo, who quickly corrected his wavering vision, simply judged the previous situation to be his own mistake and ignored it.

‘Let’s focus, Kang Kyung-mo. If you get hit one more time, it’s really dangerous.’

Kang Kyung-mo clenched his fists and corrected his posture. Unlike before, this time the guard was in a more cautious stance.

He had a lot of experience and knew very well how to handle a serious injury like this in the middle of a game.

‘That guy has little fighting experience. He uses his out boxing style to wear down his stamina and then aims for the second half.’

Outboxing where you repeat hit and run, hit and run away.

It was a strategy that could be done because Ganggyeongmo was fast on his feet and had a much longer reach.

Kim Jin-seong was a beginner among beginners who had only competed once.

It was obvious that he would tire himself out while chasing Kang Kyung-mo, who was boxing out, and throwing punches in vain.

So, Kang Kyung-mo plans to take the fight to 4-5 rounds and then take advantage of the moment when his stamina is weakened to compete.

‘Keep him from approaching with a jab, and once he’s out of range, use a low kick.’

With his guard up, Kang Kyung-mo tried to keep the opponent in check with his jab as much as possible and then delivered a surprise low kick.

‘This can never be stopped.’

In response to Kang Kyung-mo’s low kick that flew like a whip, a cool hitting sound like ‘kkeok’ erupted from Kim Jin-seong’s calf.



Kang Kyeong-mo’s eyes widened as he saw Kim Jin-seong rushing forward without slowing down as if there was no shock.

No, I got it right with the trait activated, but how…?

Kim Jin-seong, who quickly closed the distance and came in.

Although embarrassed, Kang Kyung-mo raised his guard as much as possible.

Kim Jin-seong’s fist swung above him.

Kang Kyung-mo quickly shook his head.

‘Once I block and fall back…’


With a dull sound echoing through the stadium, Kang Kyung-mo’s thoughts stopped momentarily.

Kim Jin-seong’s fist went straight through the guard and landed squarely in Kang Kyung-mo’s right chin.

The sight of several broken teeth flying into the air along with blood drops from Kang Kyung-mo’s mouth as he flew backwards was broadcast live.


CEO Cho, who was watching, shouted in astonishment without realizing it.


Go Jun-kyung’s chair fell backwards with a loud noise.

He couldn’t believe what he had just seen.

‘Did you break through the guard with force?!’

I saw it clearly.

Kim Jin-seong’s fist flew into Kang Kyung-mo’s raised forearm, breaking the forearm bone and shattering his jaw bone.



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Go Jun-kyung is so shocked that he stares blankly at the TV.

Meanwhile, the game on TV was coming to an end.

Kim Jin-seong immediately climbed on top of Kang Kyeong-mo and began strangling her neck with both hands as hard as he could.


Kang Kyeong-mo could only sob with his eyes rolled back and could not offer any resistance.

The brain was also in great shock from the second attack.


“Any last words?”

He couldn’t even answer Kim Jin-seong’s question about his will.

However, Kim Jin-seong did not loosen his grip. With his cold eyes, he strangled her even harder, helping her to meet her end quickly.

Kim Jin-seong, who saw that he had lowered his head helplessly, finally realized the life that was in his eyes.

‘···Good, perfect.’

A perfect victory with no injuries.

Thanks to his good control of his life, he did not show any signs of weakness throughout the game, and the fact that he finished the game right away when the opportunity arose was both perfect.

Soon, the referee next to Kim Jin-seong raised his hand high.

“The winner of this battle is! seaweed! jin! castle!”

Only then was Kim Jin-seong able to check the audience seats.

A scene of confusion itself, mixed with cheers, astonishment, screams, and cries of anger.

To that extent, the process and result of this game brought a great shock to everyone watching.

Even the CEO, Kang-Hyeon Cho,

“It was like this? Kim Jin-seong, that bastard? No, what kind of characteristics does it have…!”

He was so shocked that he was talking gibberish to himself, so it seemed like he had said everything.

“···No, no. I can’t be like this now. hey!” 

CEO Cho, who came to his senses late, shouted to Daejun sitting next to him.

“Bring that bastard to the representative’s office right now! right now!”

Afterwards, he also ran to the representative office in a hurry. 

The sight of that fat CEO Jo running around so urgently was a truly precious scene that even employees who had worked with for a long time rarely saw several times a year.

* * *

“Oh my, welcome! ha ha ha!”

CEO Kim Jin-seong, who had just entered the representative office, gave a friendly hug and a friendly laugh.

“It was a great performance from a player who will become our club’s next superstar! How are your legs? are you okay? “Are there any torn ligaments, cracks or anything like that?”

“yes I’m okay.”

“If you think there’s a problem, tell me right away! “We will provide medical staff 24 hours a day!”


Just two weeks ago, I was told to wash the bandage before use… The words rose up in my throat, but Jinseong Kim held back.

“Now, sit down! sit down! What would you like to drink? coffee? No, no! “I just finished the game, so have a cool glass of cola!”

CEO Cho sat Kim Jin-seong on the sofa and personally brought him a glass filled with cola and ice.

“Drink comfortably, drink comfortably. So, how is life in the waiting room? “Isn’t someone bothering you or something like that?”

“Uh… it’s okay.”

Go Jun-kyung’s gang immediately came to mind, but Kim Jun-seong answered like that.

Compared to the past memories of being bullied by Yang Dong-ju’s gang, now that there is no physical harassment, it is almost like heaven.

“How many rooms are you using now? “Don’t you think Go Jun-kyung moved his room after the first game?”

Kim Jin-seong’s eyes widened at those words, and CEO Cho’s expression changed when he saw the reaction.

“what? Are you still using room 99?”


“Go Jun-kyung, this bastard…I told you to move the surviving freshmen to better rooms right away!”

Kim Jin-seong, who was listening, only then realized.

‘Did Go Jun-kyung have the authority to change rooms?’

Suddenly, the conversations the gang had been having came back to my mind.

[Stuck in that room for the rest of your life and burn the corpse! Tsk tsk tsk.]

[Please continue to take good care of the corpses from now on! Giggling!]

‘Those kids, that’s why they laughed so heartily.’

The fact that he did that on purpose brought a hint of murder to Kim Jin-seong’s eyes.

But it soon disappeared.

‘Well, that’s actually good. Thanks to that, I was able to dispose of all the corpses.’

Rather, if the room had been changed right away, it is more likely that it was Kim Jin-seong himself, not Kang Kyung-mo, who turned into a cold corpse in the previous game.

“That bastard has been listening to me well so far, so why are you doing this? Hey, when Jinseong returns to your waiting room, change rooms right away. Understand?”


“Use the best empty room! You can tell the other kids to give up their room! Except for the champion, Jun-kyung. Understand?”

Kim Jin-seong nods his head.

Of course, he had no intention of changing rooms. You can become stronger by continuing to dispose of corpses by taking charge of the incinerator, but why bother?

CEO Cho, who did not know his true feelings, brought up another topic.

“The reason I called you here is to let you know in advance who you will be dealing with in the future.”


Kim Jin-seong’s eyes widened. You tell me the matchup in advance?

“For the time being, we will match you with guys weaker than Kang Kyung-mo. Do you know why?”


“There are only five people stronger than Kang Kyeong-mo. “If you stick with them, it’s obvious that one of them will die like today, right?”


“Then you will definitely lose a key player, right? You’re losing a star who could bring you a lot of money. Do you know what I mean?”

Before I knew it, Representative Cho was giving an impassioned speech.

“Lee Hyung-jun and Kang Kyung-mo were also stars, but that’s okay! Because we discovered a new star called you. My intuition tells me that you will become more famous in the future. So we’re going to raise a ton of money!”

What I just said was sincere.

Break Kang Kyung-mo’s guarded arm and shatter his chin with one punch? Even Go Jun-kyung couldn’t do this, and she won’t be able to do it again.

With that overwhelming destructive power alone, Kim Jin-seong had enough qualities to become the new superstar of Fight Club.

“step! It can never be done with one or two punches like it is now. This means that while showing fierce fighting, you have to ‘act’ so that the audience doesn’t feel that the difference in skill is too big! ‘Acting’!”


“That’s why people bet money. If there is too much of a difference in skill, the difference in odds is so big that people don’t bet much money! It’s important to ‘act’ to collect money from gamblers! “Did you understand what I said?”

Kim Jin-seong had no reaction to his words.

CEO Cho, seeing the sour expression, said as if he had expected it.

“At this point you will be like this. What do I gain by acting like that? “Whether I win easily or hard, I’ll still be trapped in this basement, right?”

‘···I know very well.’

It was Kim Jin-seong who answered in his mind.


At that time, CEO Cho bent down and brought his head closer to Kim Jin-seong and asked in a subdued voice.

“Don’t you want to be free?”


At that moment, Kim Jin-seong’s eyes shook greatly.


Isn’t this the reward that the boys currently trapped underground want most?

Representative Cho continued to persuade me.

“If you just follow what I say, I will definitely get you out of this basement.”


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