Assimilating Villains Abilities to Become the Strongest Chapter 156

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Episode 156. Stand in front of the camera again

Choose a new subcontracting clan to take charge of!

These words could not help but come across as a huge deal to the team leaders.

‘How much of a help is the slush fund provided by the subcontracting clan in configuring the team members’ equipment…? !’

In fact, Team 6 also purchases consumables and weapons with slush funds regularly donated by the Boko Haram clan.

Team 1 will probably earn several times more slush funds than team 6. This is because Ember Moon, the most famous ‘strip club’ in this city, was hired as a subcontractor clan.

‘If Arlovski is in last place, doesn’t that mean he has to take charge of the clan with the least financial power?’

The problem was this.

The moment you take charge of a clan with low financial power, the slush funds you earn each month will inevitably decrease.

For example, a clan like Slaughterhouse, which has now lost its main slaughterhouse.

This morning, Arlovski was able to protect Boko Haram’s slaughterhouse and was on his way home after cheering, but through a confrontation with the youngest, Boko Haram was lost to another team leader?

At that moment, Ricardo was so angry that he felt like he wouldn’t be able to sleep for days.

‘Why on earth do they decide the selection of such an important subcontracting clan based on a competition like this with the youngest?’

This was what Ricardo was most curious about.

I knew that the youngest contestant had recently become quite famous through internet broadcasting. However, there is a clear distinction between fame and importance.

The order in which subcontract clans are selected that determines the future of the team is decided solely based on the results of the competition between the youngest members of the team? This doesn’t make sense.

“Everyone seems surprised. “Let me explain why.”

Francisco tried to start explaining.

Not only Ricardo but also the other team leaders had expressions like, ‘Why this time?’

“As those who know know, there have been some changes in the Triunpo subcontracting clan recently. They say that Nature Animal, which ruled the B16 area, has been destroyed, and that Slaughterhouse and Boko Haram have been fighting each other without us knowing, so the balance has been greatly disrupted. Am I right? “Ricardo?”

“… you’re right.”

Ricardo answered honestly.

“In addition, a new clan called ‘Blood Squad’, active in area B16, came in as a subcontractor. I heard that these guys recently took over Exchange Street, the core of District B16.

“Because of this slight change, we are in a situation where we have to adjust the subcontracting clans each person is in charge of.”

Francisco looked at everyone.

“It’s already come to this, so it doesn’t seem like a bad idea to choose a subcontracting clan through a competition between youngest members.

If there is this level of compensation, the youngest members will work harder and viewers will be more immersed in watching, right? “What do you all think?”

To his question, an answer was immediately heard from the right side.

It was Team 2 leader, Ramiro.

“I’m good.”

“I think it’s okay, too.”

“I agree too.”

Subsequently, team leaders 3 and 4 also voted in favor.

Ricardo’s expression got worse as he watched this.

‘The youngest members they have are strong, so they might agree right away, but not us!’

His gaze turned to the youngest children, Juan and Luca, who were sitting next to Team 1 and 2 leaders.

It has already been more than three months since they joined as the youngest members. They have already been new for a while, and are currently being evaluated as being much stronger than most of their teammates.

Layton and Juan, the youngest members of teams 3 and 4, are also representative prospects of the Triunfo Clan, who are evaluated as having a bright future, although they are not as good as Juan and Luca.

‘No matter how much Arlovski defeated Jason, it’s clear that he’s still weak based on those four… .’

It is said that Jason was once a fairly powerful clan member within Triunfo, but he was only a member of Team 6.

If he had been part of Team 1, Triunpo’s elite team, he would have been in the lowest position at best, and there is a high possibility that he would not have lasted long and been demoted.

That’s how big the difference in power is between the top and bottom teams within Triunpo.

“What do the rest of the team leaders think?”

Soon, Team 1 leader turned to Ricardo and asked.

“I’m good!”

“me too.”

“Sounds like fun!”

Team leaders 8, 9, and 10, who had nothing to lose, immediately voted in favor.

The problem was the team leaders with waist lines who were likely to suffer losses if they were not lucky.

Perhaps all three, including Ricardo, wanted to vote against it. However, since more than half of the votes were in favor, it became difficult to oppose.

So Ricardo and others had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

“Then I will assume that everyone agrees with me. Now, let’s move on to a meeting about the rules. This youngest contestant… .”

Francisco moved on to the next item on his agenda.

“First of all, let’s start tomorrow. There’s no benefit in dragging it on, right? They say the PR team has already completed all preparations. “Do you have any opposing opinions?”

No one objected to his words this time. It also played a part in the fact that there hasn’t been any major issues recently to worry about, even putting off the maknae showdown.

As a result, it was confirmed that the youngest contestant would begin tomorrow evening.

* * *

The next evening.

A number of people, including Kim Jin-seong, were standing in front of the entrance portal to a demonic dungeon.

“Are you ready to film in the dungeon?”

A man was busy moving around and shouting at the staff. From what I heard, that person is the PD in charge of this ‘Maknae Daejeon’ broadcast.

“Yes, it is finished.”

“Is the Internet broadcast running smoothly without interruption?”

“No problem at all.”

“good. “Move back so you don’t disturb the cameramen!”

Even as the staff took steps following the PD’s instructions, the cameramen were only concentrating on filming the youngest members, the main characters of this program.

‘… But isn’t it too focused on just two people?’

Honestly, I had no idea that Kim Jin-seong would even think like this.


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As such, the cameramen’s focus was only on Juan and Luca, the youngest members of teams 1 and 2.

‘No matter how famous they are, they’re still a bit harsh.’

At the time of Colosseum Survival, the camera was not focused this one-sidedly on Kim Jin-seong, the main character.

‘Well, it’s not like I can’t understand what they’re doing, but… .’

Jinseong Kim turned his gaze back to Juan and Luca.

“Don’t follow me this time.”

At that moment, Juan was looking at Luca and speaking coldly.

“Isn’t it time to use your own skills instead of always being the one to take credit from others?”

“You’re the one who kills other people’s monsters and doesn’t insist that it’s yours.”

“… what?”

Juan lighting the double wick. Either way, Luca continued checking his equipment.

“Brother, do you think I don’t know that other clan members attack and steal away the monsters that they worked so hard to season?”

“Is this bastard now spreading nonsense? uh!”

“Is this bullshit? I am a person who really hates lies. “You know, right?”

“under! “Did that kind of bastard use all kinds of sweet talk to create conflict and take away someone else’s girlfriend?”

Luca got angry at those words and glared at Juan with murderous eyes.

“Be careful what you say, brother Juan.”

“What will happen if I’m not careful? Are you going to hit me now?”

Juan and Luca soon approach each other and start glaring right in front of their noses.

Kim Jin-seong, who was watching the scene, thought to himself.

‘How can we not film if he keeps growling like that?’

Hasn’t it been said since ancient times that the most fun things to see are Buddhist scenes and fights?

They fight like that on their own, but from the PD’s perspective, of course, they have no choice but to focus on the two. In that respect, Kim Jin-seong fully understood.

“Stop, stop! “These bastards are trying to fight again!”

At that time, someone came towards the two, shouting loudly from a distance.

Team 10, Sergio.

He is the person who participated in this ‘Maknae Daejeon’ as the leader of the field evaluation team.

“Again, fighting each other is prohibited until the maknae war is over. “I know that because you will be eliminated as soon as you fight!”

“… … .”

“What are you doing? “Why don’t you go back to your seat quickly?!”

It was only after Sergio shouted in succession that Juan and Luca took a step back.

Sergius, who was looking at them pitifully, soon turned to everyone and shouted.

“We’ll be entering the dungeon in 5 minutes! “Everyone, do a final equipment check!”

At those words, the rest of the players looked again at the equipment they were wearing.

Kim Jin-seong, who also acted the same way, quickly checked his ability status window again before his eyes.

Name: Jinseong Kim

HP: 35550/35550

MP: 24800/24800

Strength: 3721

Intelligence: 2480

Stamina: 3555

Agility: 3498

Skin Defense: 1833

※ Current skills possessed

– Geumgang Buddha Ingot

– Shadow Hide (+Warp Hole)

– Self-immolation (Skill Enhancement +1)

– invalidate

– Creature transformation (skill enhancement +1)

– Ability blockade (Skill Enhancement +1)

– killing

– Spider web flowing with mana (Skill Enhancement +1)

– Watching Eye (+Teleport)

– Dongguijin

※ Permanent skills acquired through comprehensive characteristics

– Steal

– sneakily

– wall climbing

– confusion

– hypnosis

– Temptation

– Complete invisibility (Skill Enhancement +1)

– Neck cutter

– Create a subspace magic circle (+vacuum ability)

– It turns into smoke.

– Illusory Fog Magic Circle

※ Current characteristics

– Location detection

– Night hunting expert

– One who controls mana

… .

Viscrima Points: 8674

※ Skills that can be used with Vis Crimea Points

– Magi

– recovery

– Shinma unity

– A space dominated by demonic energy

‘… You’ve become incredibly strong.’

This is my personal status window that I checked for the first time in a long time since Colosseum Survival.

I couldn’t help but be surprised and impressed when I saw the drastically increased ability levels.

‘Definitely my abilities have increased noticeably since I came over to the New World.’

That’s because, previously, it was difficult to get stats above 50 even if you killed villains or large monsters.

However, in the New Continent, if you kill a monster or villain that you think is a bit strong, don’t you just get an ability score close to 100?

‘Wasn’t the ability level obtained by killing Jason at the end also 100?’

▷ Double Hit: When using all skills, the damage received by the enemy is doubled.

▷ All stats are permanently increased by 100.

‘… That’s right.’

Jinseong Kim checked again and erased all the windows in front of him.

‘Even though I’ve become this strong, it’s still not enough. Looking at it, you have to get all abilities to at least 5,000 to become an executive at Triunpo.’

But it didn’t seem that difficult.

If I just kill a few new monsters in this Demon World dungeon, wouldn’t I be able to quickly reach 5,000? This thought dominated Kim Jin-seong’s mind.

“Now, let’s enter! Everyone, including the players and the filming team, please follow me in!”

Soon, Sergio shouted loudly and entered the dungeon portal first.

The rest of the party, including Kim Jin-seong, followed him.

(Continued in the next part)


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