Assimilating Villains Abilities to Become the Strongest Chapter 139

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Episode 139. pet monster



Everyone in the car jumped up in shock.

No one was hurt.

This was because Kim Jin-seong noticed something flying from outside in advance and wrapped a thick protective film around the entire truck.

‘Tsk… !’

Jinseong Kim, who was still blocking the aftermath of the explosion, gritted his teeth without realizing it.

This was because the power of the attack I had just blocked was stronger than I thought.

‘It’s even flying from far away again!’

The problem was that Kim Jin-seong’s sensitive senses sensed that the same attack was coming towards the truck again from a distance.

Kim Jin-seong decided that it would be difficult to continue like this.

“Everybody get out of the car!”

After shouting to everyone, he kicked the back door as hard as he could.

bang! Kim Jin-seong jumped out of the open door first.

However, the rest of the people did not jump right away but hesitated.

Is it okay to act so arbitrarily even without instructions from executives through earphones? This thought still remains in their minds.

At that time, Terem shouted.

“no way! “These are words from a human who has cleared level 10, so you should listen!”

After that, he jumped outside for the second time,

“me too!”

“Hey, Mr.! I don’t know!”

His colleagues, Musa and Fur, eventually jumped along with him.

That was the beginning.

The rest of the people in the car were also swayed by the crowd mentality and started jumping out.

‘The one who cleared the level 10 dungeon?’

‘So you’re stronger than me?’

‘If that’s the case, I can trust and follow it!’

Those who jumped were all thinking the same thing.

And their choice was a godsend.


The moment the last member of the group jumped out of the truck, another missile flew from outside and blew up the truck.

A special military truck covered in thick steel and powerful protective magic was completely destroyed by a single missile.

“Hi! crazy! shit! Damn it!”

“What kind of missile is this that destroys this truck with one hit?!”

“Uh… ! “It’s flying again!”

The frightened companions soon turned their attention to the finger pointed by the fur.

Dozens of identical missiles were launched from all directions in the dark, covering the sky.

That’s when everyone’s eyes widen.

“Everyone get behind the truck!”

Kim Jin-seong’s shout reached their ears.

The companions instinctively follow his instructions.

Kim Jin-seong himself also moved behind the truck, activated the microphone function of the earphones in his ears, and urgently shouted.

“Missiles are coming towards the truck! “The trucks are scattering in all directions, and the people inside have to get out quickly!”

A few seconds after Kim Jin-seong shouted.

The voice of Dangote, the master of the Boko Haram clan, was heard through the earphones.

– Everyone get out of the car and disperse!

Only after Dangote’s instructions were given, the rear doors of the trucks following behind opened all at once.

Around that time when the hunters were just starting to come down.

Missiles that covered the sky fell all at once around the trucks.


The power of the missiles was enormous.

The entire area around the truck exploded and was completely covered in dust.

“Wow! Waaagh!”

“You didn’t mention this situation during the strategy meeting!”

The three party members, including Terem, who was almost screaming, were clinging to Jinseong Kim, who had summoned a shield.

Fortunately, Kim Jin-seong’s protective shield remained intact until the missile bombardment was over.

Thanks to this, all the party members riding in the same truck, including three porters including Terem, were able to survive safely without major damage.

But the situation on the other truck looked very serious.

First, more than half of the trucks were completely blown up and burning brightly, and charred corpses were strewn nearby.

“Ugh… Ahhh… !”

“portion… a little… please… !”

And there seemed to be quite a few injured people, covered in blood and groaning, as if they had been hit by debris.

If I were to describe the sight of Kim Jin-seong in one word, it would be ‘horrible’ itself.

– Everyone, report the situation! Report the situation from car number 1!

At that time, Dangote’s radio call was heard through the earphones. The attention of the surrounding party members who heard this naturally focused on Kim Jin-seong.

Kim Jin-seong also naturally began reporting on behalf of everyone.

“This is car number 1. “Except for the loss of the truck and driver, everyone is safe.”


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After speaking, Kim Jin-seong focused on listening to other reports that followed.

– Car No. 2! A total of 14 out of 30 survived! Of these, 7 are injured, 2 are seriously injured!

– 3, Car No. 3… Ugh! Currently, only 7 people are alive and all are receiving treatment for their injuries. Ugh… Does anyone have any potions left… ?

After listening to the subsequent report, it turned out that the only one that survived without any damage was the first car with Kim Jin-seong in it.

At least half of the rest were either dead or so badly injured that they could not fight.

– f*ck! How on earth did this happen?!

This was when Dangote, who had heard the whole report, shouted in anger.

“Hahaha… !”

A laugh loud enough to be heard by all the surviving Boko Haram members erupted from the darkness ahead.

“Dangote, you little monkey! “Did you think I couldn’t predict a simple strategy coming from your single-celled brain?!”

Dangote gritted his teeth through the earphones.

-Jason… ! That scrap metal pig… !


Kim Jin-seong’s two eyes had a young look to them.

Among the things Yu Xuan explained before leaving, it was also included that the name of the Master of the Slaughterhouse Clan was Jason.

In other words, the identity of the enemies who attacked the truck was Slaughterhouse.

‘So that means they noticed the plans of the executives here.’

Even as I was thinking this to myself, Jason’s shouting continued.

“It worked out great! You already seemed like a thorn in my eyes, but I’ll take this opportunity to completely annihilate them all! Hahaha… !”

After the shouting ended, I thought there would be silence for a moment.

Soon, boom. thud. thud. The sound of heavy footsteps shaking the whole place began to be heard from far away.

The people whose footsteps were heard from all directions soon came into Kim Jin-seong’s field of vision.

It was a monster.

“f*ck it! It’s a pet monster… !”

The warrior who was still standing next to me let out a sigh after checking the monsters.

Jinseong Kim looked back at him.

Seeing the look in his eyes demanding an explanation, Musa began to speak quickly.

“Slaughterhouse is famous for capturing monsters alive, modifying their minds, making them pets, and using them in battle.

Of course, because the body is also modified, its combat power is much stronger than that of the typical monsters on this continent.”

“More than the monsters on this continent?”


Kim Jin-seong once again looked at the monsters approaching from the front with new eyes.

These Selepo continent monsters are already much stronger than monsters on other continents in every way, but those guys in front of you are stronger than them?

“My lovely pet monsters!”

Then Jason’s cry was heard again from the darkness.

“It’s time to run wild! Freely express the instincts you have suppressed for so long! Hahaha… !”

Just as Jason’s laughter ended.



The monsters that had been approaching slowly until now suddenly started screaming and running with all their might.

– come! Ready for battle!

Deputy Master, Akuma’s instructions came through the earphones.

When everyone was watching the monsters running towards them with their weapons drawn.

– Everyone retreat!

Immediately, Chief of Staff Yu Xuan issued the exact opposite order.

– Slaughterhouse’s pet monsters are very difficult to deal with unless you have specific skills to deal with them! First, we need to retreat and plan for later!

– What are you talking about when we’re already surrounded on all sides?!

Akuma shouted and immediately retorted.

– Even the trucks are almost completely destroyed! If you run away on your own two legs, it’s obvious that you’ll be caught by monsters and suffer even greater damage!

– If you fight like this, you will be destroyed! Why are you being so stubborn when it’s difficult for even Akuma to deal with even one of those monsters?

– what?! This bastard said let’s see… !

“Ah, Mr. “What are you two doing?”

“Why are you fighting on the battlefield?”

“What are you telling us to do?” ?”

As the two continued to argue, the remaining Boko Haram members began to fall into confusion, not knowing what to do.

-What are you two doing now?!

In the end, only after Dangote started yelling did the two stop arguing.

– Fight first! It’s too late to run away!

As Dangote said, while the two continued to argue, the pet monsters had already reached the Boko Haram clan members.

Now, I had no choice but to fight to survive.


The first party to be attacked by the monster were the first car survivors, including Kim Jin-seong.


Kim Jin-seong, who saw the monster’s head approaching right in front of him, was able to easily identify its identity.

‘This is my first time seeing one with four arms.’

Each of its four hands was holding a large but very sharp-looking sword.

‘Shall I try to deal with it alone first?’

After making up his mind, Jinseong Kim turned to everyone and shouted.

“Everyone disperse and step back!”

Kim Jin-seong, who confirmed that all of his instructions were followed, ran towards the Minotaur instead.

The Minotaur swung the great swords he was holding at him, who was burrowing into his arms.

Phew! Phew!

The sound of the Minotaur’s sword cutting through the air came as close to the ears of Kim Jin-seong as he rushed forward.

Kim Jin-seong, who narrowly avoided all attacks and succeeded in crawling into his arms, swung his sword towards his abdomen with all his might.


“… … !”

Kim Jin-seong’s eyebrows twitched.

‘This sound… .’

It was the same sound that had been heard before when the master of the Nature Animal Clan, Jakob, swung his sword against his bare arm.

‘No way, this guy too… ? Yikes!’

Kim Jin-seong quickly jumped to the side to avoid the sword that was coming down on him.

To Kim Jin-seong, who spun once in the air and landed safely,


A warrior’s cry was heard from afar.

“That monster has strengthened skin, so it doesn’t get even a scratch from most attacks!”

Kim Jin-seong nodded slightly at those words. Because of Musa’s words just now, he confirmed that what he had expected was correct.

‘then… .’

Kim Jin-seong rushed towards the Minotaur again.

This time, on the contrary, he jumped high. The intention was to aim for the head of the Minotaur.

But before he could reach it, Kim Jin-seong had to deal with the great sword wielded by the Minotaur.

Kim Jin-seong turned his body sideways as hard as he could, narrowly dodging the long sword, and at the same time stretched out his hand and fired a spider web at the Minotaur’s shoulder.

Afterwards, it climbed the spider web, made a wide turn in the air, and reached the Minotaur’s head in one go.

Kim Jin-seong immediately throws his sword into the air and extends his palm to the back of the Minotaur’s head.

The warrior who saw this shouted in surprise.

“No, it’s a monster with enhanced skin… !”


However, Musa was unable to continue speaking due to the sound that came immediately.

He just had wide eyes, mouth open, and an expression of disbelief.

‘… what?’

The sight of the headless body of the Minotaur falling backwards like a rotting tree was played in the warrior’s eyes like a slow video.

‘Now, I’m sure I just touched the palm of my hand, but my head exploded with one hit, right?’

(Continued in the next part)


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