Assimilating Villains Abilities to Become the Strongest Chapter 105

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Episode 105. polluter


Another black monster burned to extinction.

Kim Jinseong held out his palm towards the black monster running right behind him.

“I couldn’t explain it to you earlier, but those monsters are called Demon World minions.”

Meanwhile, Lee Ji-seong was chatting to Kim Jin-seong non-stop.

“It is common for the entire body to be made of demonic energy like the ones in front of you, but as you saw in the lava zone earlier, there are also cases where the entire body is made of mana of a nature other than demonic energy… .”


“… there is.”

A fireball was created from Kim Jin-seong’s palm and flew away, causing an explosion.

Ji-seong Lee did not stop talking even as he watched the scene.

It was a sight I had already seen so many times while following him around that I had already gotten used to it.

“These guys don’t take damage from normal physical attacks. That’s why my colleagues, including me, whose specialty is swordsmanship, had a hard time earlier… .”


“… “You don’t have to worry.”

Lee Ji-seong muttered as if he was talking to himself as he looked at the scene unfolding before his eyes.

That huge flame tornado that suddenly formed before my eyes. The minions trapped inside were disappearing at a rapid rate.

As long as I was with Kim Jin-seong, who used that kind of magic so casually, it seemed like there was no way I would die from demonic minions anymore.

Lee Ji-seong, who was staring blankly at the whirlwind for a moment, shook his head and started talking again.

“These are among the weakest monsters found in the Demon World Dungeon. “The infamous Colosseum production team would never have placed only minion-sized monsters in the labyrinth.”

So you better be careful… . The words continued to rise in his throat, but this time, it was Ji-seong Lee who did not utter the last word.

The being known as Kim Jin-seong so far seemed too strong to leave a warning to be careful.

‘Seeing it right in front of me makes it even more ridiculous, won… .’

It was Lee Ji-seong, who had been active in the Demon World Dungeon as a corpse disposal unit in the New World for over a year. At that time, he used to watch numerous strong men right next to him.

However, the way Kim Jin-sung is showing right now is enough to make Lee Ji-sung stick his tongue out.


Kim Jin-seong, who soon burned all the last remaining minions to extinction, began to move to another place again.

And then he thought.

‘It’s easier than I thought.’

Considering that I was very nervous in the beginning because it was a final match taking place in the New Continent, the difficulty of the labyrinth I had experienced so far was much lower than I expected.

‘I don’t know if it’s because I’m strong, or if the beginner level of Demon World Dungeon is actually this easy… .’

Kim Jin-seong continued to walk forward while continuing his thoughts.

It was then.

‘… … !’

A very strong and foreign energy suddenly felt from the front.

Jinseong Kim immediately activated his demon energy to its maximum and took an attack stance. He instinctively felt a sense of crisis.

Soon, Jinseong Kim was able to confirm the identity of the energy with his own eyes.

‘… ‘The sky is splitting open?’

The sight of the central part of the long passage extending ahead, with space literally being torn apart, came into Kim Jin-seong’s field of vision.

“Oh, no!”

Ji-Seong Lee, who was standing next to him, let out a gasp of astonishment at the sight.

“Why is there a dimensional rift here… !”

‘Dimension rift?’

Kim Jin-seong looked back at Lee Ji-seong with an expression of ‘What is that?’

However, Ji-Sung Lee was so shocked that he couldn’t read his expression and was too busy spouting out what he wanted to say.

“Careful! Now, ‘polluters’ from the other world will appear through that gap!”


“They are on a different level from the minions I’ve dealt with so far! “You must never let down your guard!”

That’s when Ji-seong Lee warned him.

Sensing something, Kim Jin-seong’s head jerked and turned towards the dimensional crack.

Indeed, as Ji-seong Lee said, unfamiliar beings were squeezing out from between the cracks.

Kim Jin-seong observed in detail the figure that soon appeared completely and landed on the floor of the passage.

‘That… . hyena?’

It looked exactly like a hyena would look like if it walked on two legs.

Of course, it was a being that seemed much larger, stronger, and more threatening than the hyenas he knew.

“shit! They’re from the Ad tribe… !”

Jisung Lee’s voice, almost smoky, was heard from next to him.

“Those guys are very fast and they travel in groups, so they are very picky. “Be careful not to get surrounded!”

‘Those guys?’

Soon Kim Jin-seong learned why Lee Ji-seong said that.

Soon, identical looking guys continued to pour out from the dimensional crack.

The Aad tribe, which quickly grew to eight in number, soon started running towards Kim Jin-seong.

“… … !”

Jinseong Kim’s pupils dilated slightly.

The speed at which the Ads ran was much faster than expected.

In terms of speed alone, it was at a similar level to what I felt when dealing with Shinwoong.

▶ The state has been converted to ‘Shinma Unity’.

Jinseong Kim naturally transitioned into a state of unity with the gods and demons and raised his sword.


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At the same time, the Ads swung their long fingernails towards Kim Jin-seong.


The sound of swords and nails clashing rang out loudly, and at the same time, Jinseong Kim took a step back.

At the same time, Jinseong Kim widened his eyes.

‘What power… !’

It is a force so strong that it can force oneself, who is in a defensive posture in a state of Shinma unity, to step back.

However, the surprise was short-lived, and Kim Jin-seong immediately calmed down his eyes and began to watch the movements of the other Ads.

The moment he mixed the sum, he realized.

‘If you let your guard down, you’ll die!’

That’s when I think to myself and take a defensive stance again.


Soon, the other Ad tribes attacked Kim Jin-seong at the same time, screaming as if they were ghosts laughing.

* * *

– omg

– That’s a split in dimension… ?

– So those hyenas also appeared from another dimension?

– It’s so strong. Kim Jin-seong of the world is being pushed out?

– It’s not a demon dungeon for nothing… .

[Kim Jin-seong, this is a crisis! We are on the verge of being completely surrounded by those monsters called Ads!]

[Perhaps because it is a monster from another dimension, it is very strong. I think Ji-seong Lee just called them polluters?]

[That’s right! Those polluters are currently pushing Kim Jin-seong, the undisputed strongest player of Season 12, to the point where he can’t even fight back!]

Both viewers and commentators were reacting in surprise at the completely unexpected sight of Kim Jin-seong being unilaterally pushed aside.

The same was true for the employees in the monitor room.

“Please continue to focus on transmitting Kim Jin-seong’s battle scenes.”

“But aren’t they too strong? Although the number is a bit large, if Kim Jin-seong is pushed to that level, the other participants will not be able to use their strength… ?”

“I know. “Is it really possible that all but Kim Jin-seong will be wiped out, as PD predicted?”

“The CEO clearly said that he put a lot of effort into controlling balance… That’s a bit… .”

The employees showed a worried reaction and continued to focus on transmitting Kim Jin-seong’s fight scenes.

On the other hand, Baek Jun and Jang Seung-wook, two men who know the entire process of this final match… .

“no… !”

“Why is there a dimensional rift in this dungeon… !”

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, he was currently showing a shocked expression.

In particular, Baek Jun, the CEO, seemed more embarrassed than anyone else.

‘Dimensional rifts are never created within these beginner dungeons, so how…? ?’

In fact, the dungeon on Ambages Island, where the final match is currently taking place, was among the easiest of all the Demon World dungeons in the New Continent.

Even compared to the difficulty level of the easiest level 1 demon dungeon on the main continent, Selepo, it was less than half the level.

The probability of a dimensional rift being created within a dungeon like this is actually less than 0.001%.

This is because dimensional cracks tend to be created frequently in higher-level dungeons in the first place.

‘Somehow, a variable that should not have occurred has occurred.’

Kim Jin-seong, who was currently dealing with the Ads, had won with a low probability of less than 0.001%.

It was then.

– It’s a long road.

Baekjun immediately turned on the microphone and answered the voice coming from the earphones he was wearing.

“Yes, Master.”

– I just received a report from the kids that a dimensional rift has appeared in the dungeon. Is it true?

“Yes, it’s true. “Currently, Kim Jin-seong is fighting a group of Ad people.”

– hmm… . I’m glad it was created on Kim Jin-seong’s side.

“you’re right.”

As Yong Han-gil said, it was fortunate that Kim Jin-seong was dealing with the Ad tribe.

This is because there is currently no participant other than Kim Jin-seong who can confront the polluters to that degree.

– Anyway, it’s a big deal. Once a dimensional rift has been created in an area, rifts tend to continue to occur… .

“… … !”

Jang Seung-wook, who was also listening through earphones, began to shake greatly at what Yong Han-gil had just said.

If polluters powerful enough to push Kim Jin-seong like that continue to appear in the future, it would be a truly major crisis.

Their entire finals plan may be ruined.

– Is it okay to stop the finals for a moment?

“That’s not possible.”

To Yong Han-gil’s question, Baek Jun answered firmly without hesitation.

So far, all Colosseum survival programs have been broadcast live, and have never been stopped in the middle.

Of course, there were no unexpected situations like the present.

At the time, all employees, including Jang Seung-wook, agreed to stop for a while, but Baek Jun was the one who resolutely pushed ahead.

Variables that arise during live broadcasts are also part of Colosseum survival.

It was one of the iron rules that Baek Jun set forth while running the Colosseum.

“Even if all participants, including Kim Jin-seong, are wiped out, the live broadcast will continue.”

– hmm… .

“The Colosseum is such a program, Master.”

– … I understand. I’ll see if there’s a way to prevent future rifts.

“Thank you, Master.”

* * *

After completing the communication, Yong Han-gil gave instructions in a quiet voice to Hong Yeon-seok, who was standing right next to him.

“Prepare for a second dimensional rift to be created on the passageway where Kim Jin-seong will arrive.”

“All right.”

While Hong Yeon-seok gave instructions through earphones, Yong Han-gil began watching the Colosseum live broadcast again on the smartphone screen.

Yong Han-gil thought to himself as he watched Kim Jin-seong struggle, surrounded by the Ad tribe.

‘If Shinwoong, he is our ‘failure’, then Kim Jinseong, who absorbed his abilities, should not be spared either.’

The damage suffered by the Daehan Clan due to the existence of ‘failures’ was already enormous.

It was a major incident that, if unlucky, could have resulted in the withdrawal of the Daehan Clan from the New World.

From the perspective of Master Yong Han-gil, he did not want to experience such a crisis again.

‘At all costs, you must kill him while he is wandering in the labyrinth. After the finals, there is a possibility of an unlucky escape… .’

Yong Han-gil’s eyes were cold and sunken as he looked at Kim Jin-seong on the smartphone screen.

* * *

Kang! Wow! Kang! Kang!

The sound of Jinseong Kim blocking the attack of a group of Ad people with his sword continued to echo throughout the surrounding passageway.

The group of Ads who had completely surrounded Kim Jin-seong were unilaterally pushing him, while Kim Jin-seong had his back against the wall and was unable to counterattack, only focusing on defense.

However, Kim Jin-seong’s eyes were calm and calm. She was maintaining her cool.

‘… I know roughly how much it is.’

It was Kim Jin-seong, who had been dealing with the Aad tribe who were constantly attacking him for a long time.

As he continued to defend, Kim Jin-seong had now gained a general understanding of them to some extent.

‘As things stand now, there is no chance of winning. There are too many numbers. then… .’

The black waves generated from Kim Jin-seong’s body began to color the surroundings at a rapid pace.

A ‘space dominated by demonic energy’ was created.

From then on, the nature of the confrontation began to change rapidly.


In Kim Jin-seong’s first counterattack, the head of the Ad tribe who was fighting closest was cut off cleanly.

With one person reduced, Kim Jin-seong was able to block the attack of the Ad tribe group with much more ease.

That leisure naturally led to another counterattack.

Wow! Wow!

Once again, the head of an Ad tribe was blown off.

Kim Jin-seong, who was slowly reducing the number of animals one by one, was already dealing with the last remaining Ad tribe.


The last Aad tribe could not hold out for long and was decapitated cleanly.

‘good. ‘What kind of abilities do these guys have?’

Jinseong Kim was filled with anticipation and checked the notification window that appeared right in front of him.

[Demon Dantillion has noticed your presence.]

[Demon Dantillion begins to take interest in you.]

‘… huh?’

Kim Jin-seong’s eyes were round.

This was because the notification window that appeared before my eyes was completely unexpected.

(Continued in the next part)


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