An Angel Lives in the Academy Chapter 69

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Episode 69: An angel who realizes his past life (8)

‘I’ve felt this light.’

James Tardon blinked.

The most important thing for a shaman is the ability to see the essence of the soul.

Whether casting a spell on the other person’s soul or predicting the other person’s attack, the eyes always had to be wide open.

If I closed my eyes even for a moment, the spell would break and I could even lose my life.

‘No way, I…’ ‘Did you blink?’

Therefore, when James was awake, he rarely blinked.

‘It’s hard to look at.’

Dean James blinked again.

Then he clenched his fist tightly.

This is a story that has happened several decades from now. When the alien empire completely collapses and refugees begin to flock to Earth… … .

There was a final desperate battle against the devil.

‘This light… Yes, this light… … .’

James Tardon, one of the survivors of the Last Death Squad, remembered the identity of this light emitted by the Referee.

‘This is angelic power… … !’

Demon King, the darkness that shines everywhere in this world.

A handsome boy with an androgynous appearance,

There was a black halo on his head.

Gray wings rose behind his back.

The Demon King devastated this world with his army. James’ colleagues tried to stop it.

‘He died in action while carrying out his duty.’

Blood was already flowing from James’ fist.

‘Hateful angel. ‘Hateful angel!’

James approached the referee angrily.

Revenge on the comrades who fell in the darkness, and revenge on the abominable Heaven that is ravaging this world!

‘Wait a minute, you’re a referee?’

Shocked – James, who regained his senses for a moment, had no choice but to stop his steps.

And as a shaman, he penetrated into the referee’s soul and understood in just a few seconds that what the referee had said was true.

‘If it is a referee known in the Bible… He is known as the judge of the world, a very powerful angel.

James’ red eyes looked at the sobbing boy in front of him.

“I hate the lab… Even superhumans… … .”

Sniffle slurp-

Looking at the boy crying, he seemed no different from other boys his age. Except for the fact that it is truly beautiful.

‘If I had granted past life awakening to that boy without knowing that I was Lepriel… That boy must have become Lepriel and regained all his powers.’

But why does this boy know that he hates heaven… Did he avoid awakening to his past life by revealing that he was a referee?

Looking at the boy who kept sniffling,

James realized one thing.

‘… ‘You made a sacrifice.’

I don’t know what the mechanism is, but maybe when that boy awakens as a referee.

‘There will be a big uproar around here. Just like Lucifer did. In order to stop that boy, he revealed himself to be an angel. He was hiding it well until now.

Also, look at how he keeps muttering about labs and superhumans.

It was said that it had been a long time since anyone realized how the angel who fell to earth would be used.

Moreover, the fact that he hid his status as an angel in front of him means that he knows that there are many people who hate heaven like him.

‘Still, to protect the students here.’

He revealed himself to be an angel.

This was a sacrifice.

Sacrifice for people.

‘It was there in the end.’

James no longer felt angry.

Instead, I felt grateful.

‘An angel who did not abandon humans… It really was.’

James approached the referee.


Sniffle slurp-


“Yes, four!”

The referee’s emerald eyes full of tears… I looked up at James with a fearful attitude.

“As an educator, I express my gratitude.”

James bowed his head.

“Thanks to your decision, we were able to save the lives of countless students attending Central Academy.”


James laughed softly.

“And does an angel have to be so annoying? “I will never hand it over to a superhuman family or a laboratory.”

The referee hesitated, not knowing what to say, and slowly and carefully opened his mouth.

“But you.”

“you’re right. I hated heaven. And he hated Lucifer’s brothers, the angels, even more.”

James continued to answer unasked questions about what was so fun.


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“And I hated divine power users too. Not to mention the damn church. “I hate everything, everything, everything.”

Then, he tied his tie again and looked into the distance.

“But today I cried. It’s been a few decades… Do you know why?”


The referee shook his head.

“Because I saw the angel forgive the church and the cardinal family. He was the one who forgave sinners and healed people… Isn’t it funny? “The sight of a writer who hates heaven being so moved by something like this that he sheds ugly tears.”

Before we knew it, a brilliant divine power was blooming in James’ hands.

“I hate heaven. however.”

James muttered with an expression full of regret.

“I waited for an angel more than anyone else.”

And he continued.

“I finally realize that I still have faith.”

There was sincerity in his voice.

“The fact that I still believed in heaven.”

It’s faith.

The referee doesn’t believe that.

The referee no longer believed anything.

But why?

“thank god.”

Was the referee smiling when he heard that?

James slowly took the referee’s hand and paid respect to the back of his hand.

“Thank you for staying on earth. “Angel.”

* * *

James looked at the great witchcraft camp installed in the basement.

A magical pattern drawn with dragon’s blood, the ultimate masterpiece that is a culmination of his occult knowledge.

“Please release me… … !”

And the name of this boy tied up in the center of the great witchcraft camp is.

It was the referee.

“Do not worry too much. “Everything will be fine.”

“I don’t think this is really right.”

The referee answered with a trembling voice,

‘No, until just now, it was definitely an atmosphere where things were going smoothly. ‘Why are you doing this all of a sudden?’

And I looked back at how the situation came to be like this.

Through their conversation, James and the referee created a warm atmosphere.

James looked at the referee with an moved expression and calmly told a great story.

“Then shall we begin the past life awakening?”

“yes? What have you heard so far? “If I awaken as a referee, the Central Academy will be blown up?”

James shook his head and opened his mouth again.

“Let’s do our best to reduce that possibility.”

“No, Dean?”

“and… … .”

James led the referee up the stairs.

There was no mansion above the stairs. Instead of the Central Academy’s mansion, there are huge mountain ranges stretching out majestically.

“Look, even if you go wild as a referee, there will be no damage to the Central Academy.”

“W-where are we?”

“Have you ever heard of the Rocky Mountains? This is a mountain range protected by my magic. “It doesn’t matter if you run wild.”

The referee said to James a little angrily:

“You are weaker than Lepriel. “But what is the reason for doing something so reckless?”

“I know it’s reckless. But there is no other way.”

“other way? All you have to do is awaken another student to their past life!”

James shook his head.

And he spoke in a firm tone.

“No, you must awaken from your past life. “Other students don’t care.”

“So why on earth!”

“… “There is not much time left for humanity.”

There is no time left for humanity.

In fact, it was something that even the referee noticed.

Even though mankind gained all kinds of small benefits through the blood, sweat and tears of the Demon King and the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s Army by capturing Drew Mark.

It was certain that a major offensive by the Demon King’s army would unfold in just a few years.

“There’s a cliché, right? Regardless of means or methods. “There are no means or methods that can prevent the survival of a species.”

There was confidence in James’ voice.

“You can power up the archangel… “As a protector of humanity, I cannot miss this opportunity.”

“no, I do not want! “Gyaaaaak!”

“and I… … .”

Just like that, the referee was dragged away and installed in the main Juju training center.

“I believe it.”

A voice full of confidence.

And eyes burning with faith.

During the last midterm exam, this was the view I saw from the pseudo-religion called New Shinrikyo.

Eyes of fanaticism.

“… iced coffee.”

There was no way to stop fanaticism.

The referee did not pray.

I just closed my eyes and thought of things like Klein’s White Room.

Red circles begin to glow. The language of an already extinct race is spoken from James’ mouth. I’ve heard it once… No, a song I have never heard before in this life resonates.

The referee quietly closed his eyes and strengthened his will.

If it’s long, it’s long, if it’s short, a short amount of time passes.

When the song resonates like that, and even the referee with his eyes closed can notice the red light coming from under the ground.

At that moment, a voice was heard.

“It’s done.”

James muttered in a tired voice.

“It was successful.”

With those words, the referee was released.

“Oh, well.”

The referee looked around his body. And he felt his back. Let’s see, there are no wings on his back, his face is the same, and his height is the same.

“Nothing has changed?”


Ha, ha, James said with a smile.

“I did just one thing. “The door was opened.”

“The door?”

“Yes, the Gate of Awakening.”

At the same time, James thought to himself, ‘That’s the only way to stop the runaway, to lock yourself inside yourself. Autism… Just autism… … .’ Aren’t they saying the same thing?

“The Gate of Awakening? Please explain properly!”

“Referee, take a look at yourself. Then you will understand.”

No, contemplating oneself in this situation was almost impossible, even for a referee who had taken a magic arts meditation class.

“Come on.”

But James was stubborn.

After lamenting the fact that, as an angel, he could not swear, the referee entered meditation in the upright posture.

Kleinian witchcraft meditation.

Purple Room-

The surrounding situation was too complicated, the referee’s feelings were too complicated… Of course, it could not help but be a very shallow meditation.

‘… for a moment?’

Still, the referee could feel it.

The fact that there is someone inside you.

The boy who looked exactly like him had a cold expression, just like Yumari.

And the angels’ unique halo,

There are also traces of torn wings behind the back.

‘Let me out.’

The referee knew the boy’s name.

‘Repriel? ‘Repriel in my heart?’

James’ voice was heard at that moment.

“Did you feel it? Now in your mind… “Lepriel, the archangel who judged the old world, is sealed.”

James grinned.

The referee looked at James with a blank expression.

“Dean, this is…” … .”

“From now on, I will use that archangel sealed in my heart… Learn more knowledge and acquire more skills. Sometimes I borrow the power of an archangel… “Isn’t it perfect?”

What is perfect?

Suddenly, an unexpected tenant appears in one’s mind. Who would call this situation perfect?

However, for the idiot angel referee, it was a slightly tempting offer.

“Well, then… “Are there any side effects?”

“Hmm, do you like cartoons?”

comic book? Of course, the referee also liked cartoons quite a bit.

“There is a nine-tailed fox sealed inside the body, and the Shinigami is in the same body as an evil spirit. Have you ever seen a cartoon about eating your finger and becoming a witch doctor or something like that?”

“… well. “There are a few cartoons that come to mind when I hear that.”

James smiled and pointed at the referee.

“Just think of the side effects that come from those cartoons.”

Side effects from those cartoons… … ?

What side effects does the main character experience there?

His body was taken away by the nine-tailed fox,

My body was taken over by a ghost,

My body is taken away by my fingers.

“Are you saying there is a possibility that he could go on a rampage while losing his body to Lepriel?”

“… “As expected, you are quick-witted.”


The referee looked up at the sky.

“Why can’t angels swear?”

For a moment, the referee forgot that he was an angel and wanted to curse James.


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