An Angel Lives in the Academy Chapter 48

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Episode 48: An angel who creates a club (1)

The days are getting longer. Before I knew it, the memories of the days when I was shivering from the cold were fading, and even the days when the cherry blossoms were already fluttering were slowly fading away.

Central Academy was dyed blue.

On such a sunny day, the Academy’s main auditorium was crowded with outsiders for the first time in a long time. Old generals from various countries, rankers wearing the emblems of famous guilds, and even envoys from each superhuman family.

‘We’re just announcing the results of the midterm exam.’

The referee looked around.

The VIPs and parents alone are out of breath, but if you include the escort troops they brought with them.

‘I’m a little nervous… … .’

It had to be that way.

Whether or not he knew what the referee was thinking, the sonorous voice of the student council secretary was heard once again.

“Next, we will announce the top scorers for the first-year midterm exam.”

Water spirits beat drums next to them, and little fairies sing next to them.

It’s just a place to announce the top and second place candidates for the exam, so what… … .

“The top scorer for this first-year midterm exam is… … .”


The referee looked at Soya sitting next to him.

Soya clenched her fists… She looked at the referee with an expression that said she wasn’t nervous at all.

“This is Miss Han Soya from the Department of Magic. “Please welcome everyone with applause!”

Soya jumped up and waved his hands.

“Station, of course. “It’s just as I expected!”

Contrary to what he said, Soya was literally making a fuss. Seeing her like that, the referee became a little anxious, and the referee tried to reassure her by using the shape of her mouth to tell her, ‘Don’t be nervous and talk slowly.’

“okay… … .”

Soya walked away awkwardly. To compare… It was similar to a newborn chick learning to walk.

The referee was already starting to feel uneasy.

“Now, as the valedictorian of the first year, please tell me something.”

“Hehe… “It’s a natural result, but it’s a little strange that you’re so surprised.”

The referee bowed his head.

In fact, the only person in this auditorium who was surprised was Soya. The rest just looked at Soya with wary eyes.

‘But the choice of words is a bit… … .’

It’s a natural result.

It was arrogance itself, throwing away all humility.

‘Wow, the students in the Department of Magic are shaking with anger. What should I do next? really… … .’

The referee wanted to shake his head.

However, because Soya was looking at him, he couldn’t help it.

“… That is why black magic is so great. Much more than other magic systems! Oh, and John Al Callis, a magician from this world… … .”

Plus, it’s full of TMI.

The referee was slightly regretting handing over the chief position to Soya.

‘No, I couldn’t help it. This was the only way to gain angel power and not attract attention.’


In fact, if the chief award was to be awarded, of course the referee should have received it. Even though he borrowed the power of Lepriel, it was Lepriel who killed the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Lord’s Army and destroyed the corrupt pseudo-religion.

But why did Soya give such an embarrassing senior speech right now?

The reason for this could be found out in the conversation between the referee and Park Jin-ho that took place the day before yesterday.

“Referee, you are truly excellent.”

Looking at Park Jin-ho’s sparkling eyes, the referee lowered his head.

‘It’s so burdensome… … .’

The referee opened his mouth cautiously.

“Thank you, thank you.”

“No, it’s us who are thankful. Who would have thought that Drew Mark, the highest ranking official in the Demon King’s army, would be captured alive. Moreover, they caught a pseudo-religion that was no different from an outpost of the devil’s army.”

Park Jin-ho continued to smile and shake the referee’s hand, ignoring the words “iron-blooded.”

“excellent. “Great!”

“Gyo, professor!”

Jinho Park shouted excitedly.

“From now on, the military will no longer have a priestly relationship with this professor.”

“… yes?”

And he said this seriously.

“From now on, any attack on the military outside of the priestly relationship will be regarded as an attack on me… … .”

“What nonsense are you talking about with a child? “Sit down and don’t overindulge.”

Lusa, who was next to him, fired.

It was only then that Park Jin-ho realized that he was too lazy.

“Wow, I didn’t live up to my age. “Like Lusa.”

“What are you doing?”

“So, to sum up what the referee said… “While you were fighting Drew Mark, an angel flew down from the sky and blew off his arm?”

Actually, that was half true.

The referee nodded slowly.

“That’s right.”

“An angel, an angel… … .”

“It’s strange.”

Jinho Park and Rusa did not believe this. The angels were people who never showed their faces even when the otherworldly empire collapsed.


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However, I couldn’t believe it when they told me that they came down only because of a pseudo-religion.

“But Drew Mark said that too. “The boy transformed into an angel and cut off his own arm.”

“… Park Jin-ho, do you really believe what he says?”



Rusa gets angry at those words.

Park Jin-ho continued speaking as if nothing had happened.

“Professor Bon believes in Hexie’s interrogation skills.”

“Ah, it was information that Hexie found out. Then I should believe it too.”

So the professors decided this way. Now there are no angels left in this world except for one. Then, the power shown by the referee… … .

“Maybe this kid has potential. “Related to dramatic techniques.”

“Professor Bon also thinks so. It would be correct to judge that the referee, who was pushed into an extreme situation, unleashed his full potential in an instant. Moreover, the referee’s main attribute is divine power, and if the potential is unlocked, it is not strange that it naturally takes on an angel-like form.”

Jinho Park muttered to himself.

“He is the Red Bok of the people.”

“And to us fairies too.”

And the two professors laughed greedily.

“As expected, you are the next owner of Cheonggu.”

“He is the guardian of the next World Tree. Wait, Jinho Park, what?”

Pinch – Rusa pinched Jin-ho Park’s arm as if he was disgusted, but he didn’t move at all and spoke to the referee.

“I will prepare a special class to unlock the referee’s potential. “It is a special class that can liberate all the potential power, the power of the past life, the power of the future, and the power of possibility.”

“Ahh… Are you really talking about supplementary classes for students with excellent grades?”

The referee had a sense of what the class was like.

Of all the Central Academy classes that still seem crazy, this class is especially difficult.

‘no… … !’

The referee screamed in his heart.

“right. “Please prepare slowly.”

But there was no way to refuse.

“By the way, referee. “What on earth do you mean, giving up the chief position?”

Yes. The reason the boy was talking to the professors now was because of the referee’s advice that he wanted to give up the senior position.

“I just don’t understand.”

Lusa’s grumbling voice.

In fact, the referee also had nothing to say.

‘How can I say that I don’t want to attract attention from the Demon Lord…’ Besides, if you give up the chief position, the angelic power will surely come in sweetly… … .’

But I had no excuse.

So what the referee chose was… … .

“Would you like the professors to guess?”

is asked in reverse.

A question that may seem impolite in some ways.


However, the referee used his patented angelic smile to create no such atmosphere at all.

The professors were immediately fooled by that smile.

“… Right.”

Jinho Park was the first to open his mouth. And Jinho Park muttered with a surprised expression.

“Referee, you are giving up being the chief for the sake of humanity!”

“Eh? What are you talking about?”

“Lusa, think about it. If the referee takes first place, he must announce the reasons for taking first place.”

“That’s right, you caught the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King Army… for a moment.”

Rusa also clapped her hands as if she realized something.

“No way, little one, you gave up the honor of capturing the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Lord… “Are you saying you’re going to keep this a secret for the public good?”

The referee nodded as if it was obvious.

Actually, I never thought about it like that.

“If the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Lord suddenly disappear… Moreover, if this fact has not even been made public… Clearly, the Demon King’s Army has no choice but to proceed with the investigation related to this matter.”

“And if you catch it in reverse… “It would be possible to completely destroy the information network of the bastards who betrayed humanity.”

Hearing this, the referee thought.

‘Ah, that’s why I’m giving up being the top student.’

He was now a fraud angel referee who had reached the point of deceiving even himself.

Rusa and Jin-ho Park looked at the referee with expressions of emotion. And the two professors slowly approach the child.

And the pouring shower of pats from professors.

“You amazing bastard!”

“From now on, attacks on the military will be against me… … !”

‘Oh, I’m dizzy!’

While the referee was receiving violent affection, he was able to see a small message floating around.

But the referee had one more thing to ask of him.

“Professors. “I have one more favor to ask.”

“What? “Speak quickly.”

“Tell me!”

The referee slowly opened his mouth.

“Could you please make Soya the chief? Of course, it will be difficult to publicize this issue of the Four Heavenly Kings, but please evaluate other magic papers published by Soya… … .”

The referee thought it would be good for Soya to take first place. because? Because only then will he be able to receive many scholarships.

And there must be a lot of scholarships, so Soya can do a lot of research and become strong quickly.

Moreover, if you give up being the chief for the sake of a future hero… That too was worthy of angelic power.

However, when the professors saw this, they thought, ‘Soya’s family situation is difficult, so he gives up his senior position to Soya.’ I couldn’t help but think.

Therefore, the professors who heard that.

“s*x manipulation? “It’s gum.”

“… Huh.”

He said. No, educators consider manipulating grades… Isn’t that too much of favoritism?

Anyway, let’s do this… … .

I was even able to acquire another angelic power.

Being Soya’s chief is a bonus.

therefore… … .

‘It’s all good…’ … .’

But Soya’s feelings were not over. Soya’s presentation of her dark-horse-friendly feelings continued until the host stopped her.

“Just one more word! This is really important… … !”

‘Why is the shame my responsibility?’

The referee covered his face.

* * *

The referee cleaned up and prepared dinner for Soya, who would return soon.

At the same time, I even hung out the laundry.

Even the housewife was impressed by the way she handled her work skillfully using her daily life skills while wearing an apron.

“Angel Calendar~ Angel Calendar~”

And even humming a strange song.

“Skill level up~ Skill level up~”

It was also suspicious that the lyrics changed as the cleaning skill increased.


At that moment, the sound of a knock on the door was heard.

“who are you?”

The referee put on his apron and opened the door of the cathedral.

“Ah, first year referee?”

“yes. “It’s me.”

“I came from the student council.”

Student council.

The referee did not have good memories of the student council.

“Why, why?”

“I’m here to ask you to apply for a club ahead of next week’s club competition.”

“Are you applying for a club?”

For a referee who is an introverted outsider, isn’t it too much of a statement to call him a club?

“yes! To own a club room, you must of course open a club. This cathedral here… “It says it’s a club building?”

“Oh right.”

Now the referee realized that he needed to form a club.

“Ahaha, you might have forgotten. I will leave the documents here, so please submit them by next week. Otherwise, we will have to go into compulsory execution… … .”

“Well, compulsory execution for what?”

The student said with a smile.

“Of course, it is a compulsory execution to collect the club room! “There is no club, so you can’t use the club room, right?”

“omg… then… Do I have to leave this church?”

The student continued to laugh and say.



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