An Angel Lives in the Academy Chapter 41

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Episode 41: An angel walking outside (1)

The referee opened his palm. The rain fell drop by drop, soaking the boy’s small palms.

The boy looked at the Naiad.

Is it because it rained?

The referee could not accurately judge whether she was crying or not.


Her voice was somehow locked.

“Why did you give up winning?”

Actually it is. This simple pudding submitted by the referee could never have won the Spirit’s Protection.

To be honest, this pudding was the creation of a girl who didn’t know much about food, and even compared to today’s puddings, the flavor wasn’t that good because it excluded modern spices.

Even though the Naiad judged it subjectively, it was also an event that too many people were watching. If Naiad goes too far and tries to give this pudding the win, it will definitely be a problem.

Then why is the referee… … .

The referee recalled his conversation with Rebecca that had occurred an hour ago.

In fact, the professors knew that Naiad often showed a pathetic and weak appearance that did not fit his position as the Spirit King.

Therefore, I also had a deep suspicion that one day I would surrender to the devil’s army. And while going through this incident… … .

Doubts became convictions.

The professors decided not to hesitate any longer.

“Naiad. “I knew it would be like this.”

And Saint Rebecca decided to take on that role.

This is because since the saint had despaired of the world, Rebecca often got her hands dirty with dark matters such as these purges.

She no longer treated anyone.

All it did was kill it.

“Where are you going. professor?”

In front of the saintly woman full of life, an angel-like boy blocked her path.

‘I came to kill you as expected. Why are our professors so utterly cruel? Don’t you think you should call yourself an educator like this? … ?’

As soon as Rebecca saw the boy’s determined expression, she realized why the boy was blocking her.

“It’s a place you can’t beat.”

Rebecca’s prickly answer.

Still, the boy asked without hesitation.

“Are you trying to purge the Naiad?”

“yes. That’s right.”

A sharp answer.

‘You can’t get rid of the naiads. No matter how pathetic the Naiad is as a Spirit King… There is an official in the Demon King’s army that only the Naiad can eliminate.’

And in the end, even the professors regretted getting rid of Naiad.

The boy hesitated for a moment and then continued speaking.

“… Please think again. please.”

“Why? Naiad has already committed a great injustice. In order to hide that great injustice, we will have to commit even greater injustice, and in the end, one day, we will end up selling this world into the hands of the devil.”

“What if you admit your mistakes?

Rebecca answered coldly.

“That spirit was an arrogant being that wasn’t even afraid of heaven… He will never admit his guilt.”

“What if not?”

The boy’s expression looked somewhat earnest.

Even though Rebecca had a strict attitude towards other people, for some reason she couldn’t show such a firm attitude towards this boy.

“I’ll give you one chance.”

Rebecca turned around and whispered.

“By midnight today, if the Naiad publicly admits his wrongdoing… … .”

She finished speaking, disappearing into the darkness.

“We will consider this purge.”

In this way, the viewpoint returns to the rainy Naiad Forest.

“Why did you give up winning?”

Naiad was looking at the referee.

The boy felt he had to answer the queen’s question.

‘Why did you give up on winning? There will be much more angel power gained from keeping you alive than from winning… And if you die in the first place, the spirit’s protection means nothing.’

A thoroughly practical answer.

But that wasn’t the only reason.

“Have you ever seen the movie Blade Runner?”

A Naiad who loves human culture. As far as the referee knew, she was known to enjoy watching classic movies.

You’ve probably watched the classic classic Blade Runner at least once.

“I’ve seen it before. “It was a story about the future unfolding in the future, about humans and the dolls they made.”

“Then do you remember the ending of that movie?”

Rain continued to fall from the sky.

The rain flowing down Naiad’s face may not even know whether it is tears or rain.

“The movie ends with the main character, the detective, meeting the last runaway doll and hearing its last words. Perhaps the doll’s last line was… … .”

“In the end, all precious memories will disappear. “Like tears in the rain.”

Like tears in the rain.

The referee looked up at Naiad.

“This is why I made this pudding.”

“… yes?”


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“I was always disappointed with the ending of that movie. In the end, all precious memories disappear like tears in the rain… “That’s so sad, isn’t it?”

If the referee had not seen the recipe in Naiad’s memory, this pudding would never have appeared in this world again.

It probably disappeared like tears in the rain.

‘That’s really… … .’

The referee thought about the note the girl left.

That note and the emotions contained within it.

Just disappearing into vain… … .

That was so sad.

It didn’t matter if I didn’t get angel power. Even if I couldn’t win the Spirit’s Protection with this, it didn’t matter. The referee just wanted to make pudding for the Spirit King.

Of course, the referee will vehemently deny that such a thing is absolutely not true and that he did it to gain angel power and a connection called Naiad.

The referee looked at Naiad and said.

“With this, my memories of that child… … .”

The boy said with a slight smile.

“It won’t disappear like tears in the rain, right?”

Naiad looked at the boy with a surprised expression.

“No way, you win for me, this pudding…” … .”

Of course, this wasn’t just for Naiad.

The referee was doing this because he could gain angel power and the favor of the Naiad through this. Moreover, Naiad, who has become good, will become a big trouble to the Demon King’s army.

‘Naia is the one who needs to work hard from now on… … .’

The referee continued while hiding his true feelings.

And with a smile that was somewhat devil-like, no, angel-like, he held out his hand.

“Apologize for what you did to Marie… If you continue to be nice, I will make pudding often. “Can you promise?”

And seeing that smile, Naiad realized what a true angel was.

‘This is an angel. Even though I tormented myself so much… Forgiving me and bringing back precious memories of that child… … .’

Naiad hugged the angel’s small hand tightly.

“… All right.”

It is faith in heaven.

The referee couldn’t help but laugh.

Naiad was the first to regain the faith in heaven that even she, an angel, did not have.

… Well, it doesn’t matter.

‘I’m sure I saw the message pop up. With this, Naiad is completely on our side… … !’

“I promised.”

With those words, the referee turned around.

So Naiad looked at the disappearing angel. I continued to look at the boy disappearing through the pouring rain.

The rain soon stops, and warm light begins to shine in the sky.

Naiad ate the remaining pudding.

Because I could eat it again in the future.

* * *

“Whoa, I was so wet after only being out for a few minutes.”

The referee came into the waiting room shaking his head. As soon as the referee comes in, he hands one person a towel.

“Thank you for your effort.”

The person’s name was Yumari. Yumari asked the referee with her usual friendly smile.

“So we… Can you win?”

“Woah, you mean you won?”

The referee asked from a step away. However, Yumari still smiled and did not know how to leave the referee.

“The referee said that there is a sure way to win with the spirit’s protection this time. is not it?”

Only then was the referee able to remember what he had done. ‘Hmm… It’s a pity, I have a way to win with the spirit’s protection.’ He said he was bluffing.

The referee fell one step again.

Yumari with a kind smile is scarier than Yumari with a straight face.

“Are you sure you can’t win?”

“Well, that…” … .”

Yumari takes a step closer again.

The referee had no more room to escape.

And Yumari’s hand reaches out.

The hand was wriggling as if this situation was somehow interesting.

‘no way?’

Only then did the referee realize that Yumari was joking.

‘Yumari is joking? no way?’

Pat pat-

Yumari patted the referee with no expression.

“You can at least pat your head between friends, right?”

“uh. uh? is it?”

Was it like that? The referee actually didn’t know much. I was so surprised that Yumari was joking that I couldn’t even speak properly.

‘Seocheon Yuga tried to suppress Yumari’s instinct as a dragon… I understand that they have been subject to almost torture-like training since they were young… … .’

As a result of that training, Yumari was able to let go of her dragon instincts. However, as a side effect, I had no choice but to let go of many emotions. Dearness, happiness, wishes, etc… … .

But as a result, one boy kept knocking on her heart, over and over again.

In her dark heart, a crack appeared through which a ray of light came through.

“And it doesn’t matter if I don’t win. The family will punish you for this… “It was already expected.”


“Win this Spirit’s Protection. This was Yuga’s order. Since it failed, I guess… … .”

Pat pat-

How long are you going to pet the referee?

“… sorry.”

“It’s not something you should be sorry about. The referee tried his best.”

The referee gathered his thoughts.

How can Yumari avoid receiving this unreasonable punishment? How can we acquire angelic power by eliminating punishment?

‘The people who punish Yumari will definitely be the Yu family members related to student council president Yoo Si-hyeon. then… … .’

To prevent them from punishing Yumari,

All I had to do was throw in a very troublesome situation.

“I have a good idea.”

The referee motioned for me to follow him and left the waiting room again. Yumari looked at the back. and.

He brought his hand, which was stroking the referee, to his face.

The heavenly scent still remained in those hands.

“want to have… … .”

I felt like I could withstand any harsh punishment with this scent. No, not just for punishment, but also for life to come… … .

‘No, this is unavoidable. ‘I have to protect you before you get ruined like your mother!’

Yumari was slightly surprised by the strong desire rising within her heart. At that moment, she saw her own reflection in her eyes.

Yumari was not acting, but was genuinely smiling.

But that smile didn’t seem pure at all. The pupils turned yellow and looked like the eyes of a snake, and Yumari’s horns grew ferociously, vibrating the surrounding mana.

“This isn’t me… … .”

Yumari’s true nature, which he tried to suppress in Seocheon Confucianism, began to stir.

“You can’t do this.”

Yumari bit her lip and silenced the dragon that was stirring within her again.

“Marie! Come out and see! “I have a really good way to give Yoo Si-hyeon a beating!”

A boy’s voice heard from outside the waiting room.

Yumari immediately went out of the waiting room with a hardened expression.

The horns had become smaller and the pupils had returned to their original state. And there was always the same cold expression.

There was nothing strange.


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