An Angel Lives in the Academy Chapter 188

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Episode 188: An angel taking observation classes (11)

Central Superhuman Academy is noisy. In the first place, we cannot expect quietness like a religious facility in an educational facility where students gather, but noisy is noisy.

Because it is a credit-based academy, it does not become quiet just because it is class time, and the only time it becomes quiet is probably late at night.

However, even in this central academy, there were two areas that were quiet all year round.

The name of one of them is the Central Academy’s First Library, a library that stores all kinds of banned books and is maintained in strict silence by instructors from the Department of Magic.

The name of another place is Gyo-dong.

It was a place where the professors of the Central Academy of Superhumans lived and was famous for being a place where students did not set foot, even though access to students was not specifically prohibited.

As Soya was looking at the entrance to the teaching building, he could clearly feel why students did not approach this place.

Traces of each professor are slightly visible.

Long sword wounds, rolling liquor bottles, someone’s unknown blood, unidentified fingernail marks, and traces of battle.


Soya swallowed dry saliva once.

‘what? Do professors fight with each other sometimes?

How shrimp explode in a whale fight. Students did not avoid the faculty building for no reason.

‘Honestly, few of our professors are normal.’

The only thing that is normal is Professor Jin-ho Park, Vice Dean… The rest of the professors… … .

‘Not to mention Rusa, Professor Hexie and the other professors are really… … .’

Soya felt his body tremble slightly and hit himself hard on the cheek.


“Oh, it hurts.”

What can I do if I’m already scared?

Now is the time when every minute is urgent.

I had to meet the referee as quickly as possible.

Just like the morning star of old, before an angel falls and becomes a fallen angel.


Soya, who had strengthened her small fists again, was moving towards the teaching building without hesitation.

‘I don’t feel anything.’

Although Soya was relieved by that fact, she couldn’t raise her eyebrows.

‘It looks like there’s no particular security system or anything.’

How arrogant this is.

Confidence that you can cope with whoever comes into the faculty building.

Complete faith in their own strength.

The composure and pride that only the truly strong can show.

“… “It can’t be possible.”

Soya thought that couldn’t be possible.

The girl realized that professors were truly strong beings, and that was why they were not arrogant.

Because he does that too.

Because there are things that can only be seen if you reach this level.

‘I still have a long way to go.’

Slowly conserving his magic power, Soya found a way down.

‘There must be classrooms 0 to 9, called the first academy, in the basement of the faculty building.’

According to rumours, that was the case.

Classrooms 0 to 9, a facility built by the old dean to teach professors. That classroom now exists in the basement of the faculty building.

“Soya style black magic. “I will look into the abyss.”

Soya, who made several hand signs in an instant, raised his magic power and opened his mouth.

As soon as the pink lips briefly spoke the magic language, a black aura began to bloom behind the girl.

I will look into the abyss.

A high-ranking magic that, when expanded to its maximum extent, turns all areas covered in darkness up to 2km into Soya’s eyes.

It was a magic inspired by the way people feel gazes in the dark, and it was a terrifying magic in that it could only avoid Soya’s eyes in a bright space without even a shadow.

However, if there is a weakness, it is that an enormous amount of information flows in at once… … .


But it didn’t matter to Soya.

The basement was hidden by vision and protected by a barrier, but it was no big deal to Soya.

Because there is the next magic.

Soya begins to form a seal once again.

It was amazing how quickly the relationship was made.

If they had seen Soya make five hand signs in just one second, the other students in the Department of Magic would have been unable to keep their mouths shut and would have trembled with an inferiority complex, and even Professor Klein would not have been able to stop admiring her.

“Soya-style black magic. “I’m alone in the dark.”

Alone in the dark.

The ability to teleport anywhere within 2km in the dark. I will look into the abyss. It is often linked to magic.

Although it had the disadvantage of only being able to teleport alone, the advantage of ignoring the opponent’s barriers and secrets made up for all the disadvantages.

In this way, Soya arrived in the basement of the teaching building.

“What is this feeling?”

The basement of Gyosu-dong was strange.

My first impression was that it reminded me of a huge facility like something out of a science fiction movie, and my second impression was that it reminded me of the ruins of an ancient civilization that perished a long time ago.

In some ways, it looked like the last remnants of the apocalypse that was about to unfold, and if you rubbed your eyes and looked at it, it looked like a magnificent facility representing the heyday of human civilization.

‘The appearance doesn’t change. It just changes my way of thinking.’

However, the appearance did not change.


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Only Soya’s interpretation is different.


Still, if we can find one thing in common in this confusing picture.

“Utopia or dystopia.”

Amid rapidly changing thoughts, Soya found one correct answer.

“Places that cannot exist in this world.”

Once Soya confirms the accident, facilities begin to appear again.

An eternal space that cannot exist in this world and cannot be reached by people polluted on earth.

“Artificial paradise?”

It was a very advanced guess, but as a magician, Soya had no choice but to come up with this opinion.

‘If we only show a space that each person perceives differently, but a space that cannot exist in reality… … .’

Little by little, Soya’s thoughts deepen.

However, Soya shook his head again and quickly set out to find traces of the referee.

“Where are you?”

The referee is in a place that can no longer be found through darkness or traces of magic. Hiding his frustration, Soya ripped off the brim of his wizard hat.


‘The referee has rented classrooms 0 to 9 in case he gets corrupted. In that case, the characteristics of the classroom rented by the referee are either isolation or protection.’

Finely chop your nails.

Soya suddenly felt like eating very sweet chocolate.

‘The surest way to isolate or protect someone is to completely hide their existence from the world.’

Superhumanly, it was like that.

A situation in which someone can recognize that they are being protected cannot be called complete protection.

‘Right now, a referee exists in a classroom that doesn’t exist.’

To be precise, it would be an unrecognizable classroom. But how on earth can you recognize and find an unrecognized classroom?

‘… impossible.’

Cold despair flowed down Soya’s back.

“What do we do.”

Hands that don’t know what to do and have nowhere to go.

Soya’s sharp eyes, which had shown courage until now, softened and began to fill with transparent tears.

“how should.”

It might not be too late.

As soon as he saw the referee disappeared, he ran over immediately, so the referee must not have been corrupted yet.

“how… … .”

But if you continue to spend time like this.

‘Dark Demon Princess Soya?’

The boy who suddenly called himself a princess.

‘what’s the matter? ‘Does it still hurt somewhere?’

The person who saved me from that cold water, from the end of a very lonely life.

‘Would you like to stay with me at the cathedral? As a party.’

Be your first party member.

‘I will always be by your side.’

A person who is like family.

‘I have no choice but to live until I find out… … !’

The person who saved me from the darkness of Verdel.

The angel who was always by his side… … .

It was the sound of disappearing.

“no… … !”

And Soya couldn’t bear that.

In the center of a crudely constructed paradise, a girl ended up on her knees.

Seeing Soya clumsily wiping away her tears, several people who were watching tried to move.

“It’s a drag.”

The girl who appeared next made them stop.

“Seriously, tell me something and leave. I go to the professor building. The boy is there. “You have to say something like that for me to help you.”

In the end, this was a story about a guardian angel and a warrior, so they couldn’t come forward.

“Wol… … .”

“Stop crying. Are you always squeamish? “Report the situation quickly.”

Soya calms her whimpering voice and explains the situation. The pink girl who heard that smiled and patted Soya’s wizard hat.

“Don’t make fun of me like I’m a kid!”

“I didn’t say anything. “I just patted your head.”

“That’s it! “I can’t forgive such dark-hating remarks!”

“… I’m completely fine. “Nyaa.”

The wind begins to flow without any sound.

It was said that Hongwol was starting to gather energy.

“Wait a minute, you’re hurt.”

“I’m a bit tough Goyang… No, because I’m a human.”

And when Hongwol takes a low stance, Soya follows suit. She seemed quite familiar with it because she had already done it a few times.

However, the flexibility was low and the posture seemed too stiff.

“Punishment, I feel like I’m being punished.”

Hongwol easily ignored Soya’s complaints and laughed like a villain.

“A referee is trapped in an unrecognizable place? “Then there is only one way.”

Hongwol’s thoughts were simple.

I don’t recognize any space. What makes it unrecognizable is that it interferes with the ability to think, which means that the space has the ability to make decisions.

In that case, you can use the cat hero’s special move.

“If the space recognizes us and hides itself, all we have to do is make it not recognize us… … !”

And Soya and Hongwol disappeared.

One of the adults who was watching the two girls disappear said.

“Is it possible with those kids? We should have intervened from the beginning… … .”

“Professor Bon thinks it is possible.”

An adult who was cleaning his monocle opened his mouth.

“Our intervention is meaningless. Angels are very pure beings. Then, in this fallen world, it is fate for angels to also fall. No matter how much you are a referee, you cannot avoid this fate.”

“But the only person who can break that fate and change the world is a warrior.”

The large adult held his hands together with earnestness, as if he were praying.

“We have to trust those kids.”

The adults, each in their own way, prayed for blessings on the warriors’ future path.

* * *

As Hongwol and Soya hid themselves from this world, there was a room where they shyly revealed themselves.

The name of the room, which is modeled after an image of heaven, is Classroom 2.

The heavenly characteristic of that classroom is that it is a sanctuary.

The power to reject everything that does not belong to heaven.

“That room is new now.”

“I know.”

Two girls were trying to reach into the sanctuary that no one had been able to reach until now.

“I will hit you hard as soon as I meet you. and.”


“And I’m going to hug you…” … !”

If you just open that white door, you may be able to save the angel angel referee and make him realize that you are, in fact, an insider.

“Yes, I should do the same. “Let’s hit him hard, and then give him a really hard hug.”

“therefore. Referee!”

The two girls simultaneously stretched out their hands toward the white door.

I was trying to reach the unreachable and change my destiny.

“come out!”

Rattling- rattling.

“… “It won’t open.”

“… … .”

And the two girls stopped.


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