An Angel Lives in the Academy Chapter 123

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Episode 123: Training Angel (1)

Is it possible to live a life without losing anything?

Even if you don’t get everything you want, if you don’t lose what you don’t want to lose, you are the happiest person.

However, we all know very well that there is no such life.

The referee was lost in thought while listening to the sound of falling rain.

‘Hongwol… … .’

A beast girl with pink hair.

Looking at her tall height and the flowing curves that come with it, it may be strange to be called a girl, but people are convinced when they see Hongwol’s still youthful smile.

The fact that she is not yet an adult.

‘The next chief of the Moon Cat Clan, a genius swordsman who can wield two magic swords at the same time.’

One of the monsters of the war of destruction where monsters were running rampant, he had the ability to laugh off even the absurd insults of swordsmen who couldn’t hold dual swords, calling him a double swordsman.

But Hongwol is not just that.

‘Yeah, that’s not important. Wol is to me… … .’

The referee was lying on the cold stone floor, listening to the endless sound of rain falling.

‘Wol is a precious friend to me.’

And the referee hid the moan that suddenly burst out.

“Wol… … .”

The referee couldn’t get up. It felt as if something heavier than myself was pressing down on my stomach. no.

It was actually crushing.

“… “When on earth did it come up?”

Hongwol was sleeping soundly on the referee. The girl was occupying the referee’s stomach in a posture commonly referred to as the bread posture.

A posture that preserves as much warmth as possible by making a pillow with both arms, the waist upward, and the legs on the knees.

I don’t know how on earth he ended up sleeping in such an uncomfortable condition on the referee’s boat, but the referee couldn’t turn Hongwol away like that.

Hongwol’s body became fine thanks to the referee’s power, but the trauma of the wounds he once suffered did not easily disappear.

Without saying a word, the referee patted the area above Hongwol’s pink tail, between Hongwol’s waist and pelvis.

‘I saw it on the Internet the other day, and it said that cats like to be touched here… … .’

I actually liked Hongwol too. Although she was sleeping, her mouth smiled and she started making noises like ya ah to see if she was in a good mood.

In this way, the Butler Angel Referee is activated.

Although other owners say they have a hard time with cats occupying the bridge… The referee is in a situation where his entire body is under pressure.

But the referee held on.

He was truly a model deacon.

If I worked hard as a butler like this, I was able to gain a little angel power.

The referee hid his regrets,

I closed my eyes again, listening to the sound of rain.

* * *

‘I’m too weak.’

The referee thought of this idea every time he took a break. You enter the Central Superhuman Academy, which is said to accept only the best superhuman talent, and you are also in the top ranks at the Central Superhuman Academy, and you still think like this?

If it were other superhumans, they would have accused him of being a deceiver. But the referee thought differently.

‘The reason Wol got hurt this time was because I was weak. If only I had reacted a little faster… Or, if you had the skills to take on a professor-level strongman… … .’

The referee will have to deal with the devil someday. Still, he had to protect his friends.

The devil and his minions? They are strong people who need no words. Soya, Hongwol, Yumari. Villains who threaten their friends? Likewise, these people were only extremely strong.

The referee had to become stronger to deal with such people.

‘… Hmm, and if you become stronger, you’ll be one step closer to becoming a rich angel referee.’

Of course, materialistic desires were not left out either. In this world where superhumans exist, power is wealth, and making money was really easy as long as you had power.

After thinking about it for a long time, the referee finally came to one conclusion.

‘The time has come. ‘It’s time to put into practice one of the reasons I entered JoongAng Superhuman Academy.’

And the referee muttered.

“I guess I have no choice but to take that class… … .”

“Referee. “What are you worried about?”

Soya asks. The referee nodded his head slightly and then said:

“I guess I’ll have to stay outside the cathedral for a while.”

Soya was taken aback by those words.

Soya grabbed the referee’s sleeve and asked.

“why. why?”

“I have something to do in the professor’s building. But I don’t think it will end anytime soon… … .”

“I want to go too!”

Soya’s sharp tone suddenly strikes. The referee asked again, a little embarrassed when Soya came out like this.

“Cow. don’t worry. “I’ll prepare a lot of side dishes and leave.”

“It’s not because of that. you idiot!”

Soya suddenly grabbed the referee and shook him.

“It’s not unusual to see female professors looking at you these days! Especially Professor Hexie and Professor Meryl! But do you go to the faculty building where those professors live?”

“Professor Hexie sometimes sleeps at our cathedral.”

In the name of being a housemaster professor.

Soya shook his head.

“I don’t like that either, but this cathedral is still with me.”

“but… … .”


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“What’s wrong! Did you see Professor Merrill’s eyes light up when he saw you? Did you just bite your lip? It’s not some kind of pervert. No, that professor is a pervert. “That’s my feeling.”

Soya had a great sense of something.

The referee sighed and spoke again.

“It’s important.”

“no. no. “I can’t send it.”

Soya’s attitude is so decisive. The referee knew that Soya’s anger would last for a long time, so he felt the need to get Soya’s permission at all costs.

Then there is only one way.

How to embarrass Soya.

The referee immediately threw a fastball.

“Cow. “Do you like me that much?”

“What, what? what! what?”

Soya clapped his hand in the air and immediately lowered the brim of his black wizard hat to cover his face.

“What are you talking about. Me, I just said this out of concern for my friend in a completely platonic way. “Why, why, why do you have that illusion?”

“Hmph, I like Soya.”


Soya lowered the brim of his hat further. When the visor was completely lowered, Soya’s comical appearance was noticeable, with not even her face or neck visible.

“Don’t worry too much. “Nothing will happen.”

The referee spoke in a friendly manner.

Then Soya, still covering her face with her visor, whispered in a slightly watery tone.

“You really, really, nothing is going to happen, right?”

“of course!”

“… “As a friend in the purest sense of the word, I am worried about you, so please come quickly.”

The referee said with a smile.

“I will be back.”

Soya nodded slightly.

The nod was slow and shaky, and it seemed like there was a lot of regret.

Upon hearing the sound of the referee packing his bags and leaving, Soya’s small hand stops while pointing towards the referee. It was as if he didn’t want to let go.

And when the referee leaves completely… … .


Soya whispered to her shadow with a cold expression that she would never show to the referee.

“Did you call me, Queen?”

“Did you completely digest the Four Heavenly Kings last time?”

“I say it completely, but… “You can say I made most of that power my own.”

A huge black dog grins evilly. The hundreds of teeth sparkling in the light were truly terrifying.

“… “Go and secretly guard the referee.”

Soya’s eyes sparkled.

“And report to me everything that happened.”

* * *

The Vice Dean’s office located on the top floor of the Department of Swordsmanship, an office that other people are afraid to approach… A boy was boldly knocking on the door.

Even though the door was not opened, the owner of the office immediately identified who was knocking on his door.

“Referee? “Please come in.”

“hello… … .”

When he saw the referee who cautiously visited his office, Jin-ho Park smiled brightly as if he really missed him.

“What’s going on?”

Jinho Park said that and removed a chair for the guest as an empty gift. The referee bowed his head and sat down.

“Professor, I want to become stronger.”

“Yes, everyone wants to become strong. Professor Bon believes that by the time Goon graduates, Goon will be able to become one of the strongest powers in the world.”

The referee shook his head after hearing that.

“There is no time. “As you know, Professor.”

“… But if you try to rush, you ruin the food. “The only way to avoid betraying the military is to build up your skills with honesty.”

“but… … .”

It was truly a straight argument. However, the referee didn’t have much time, and there were too many opponents that he couldn’t beat in a straightforward sense.

“Professor, I would like to take supplementary classes for students with excellent grades.”


“You said last time that I also have a chance, right?”

“okay. “Professor Bon said so.”

Supplementary classes for students with excellent grades.

One of the secrets of JoongAng Elementary Academy that only rumors abound about.

Among the insanely difficult classes at JoongAng Superhuman Academy, this class is known without a single controversy to be the most difficult and dangerous.

“Referee, you must have heard rumors about supplementary classes for students with excellent grades, right?”

“Yes, according to the rumor, I heard that the student council president was half dead and barely passed. “I didn’t hear how the class was conducted.”

Jinho Park nodded.

“Because it’s our secret. Just as the Eastern Academy has the secret of pre-thinking, supplementary classes for students with excellent grades are the secret of our Central Academy.”

“Yes, and I heard that the student council president gained pole skills through supplementary classes for students with excellent grades.”

“That is also true. Professor Bon guarantees this.”

Of course, the referee already knew how supplementary classes for students with excellent grades were conducted. And he had been preparing for it from the moment of his admission.

And Jin-ho Park looked at the referee once again.

“Referee, are you confident?”

Jinho Park asked with a serious expression.

The referee answered with determination in his voice.

“I will have courage even if I am not confident.”

I had to muster courage.

‘I know that supplementary classes for students with excellent grades are really dangerous classes.’

The referee swallowed. No matter how long I had been preparing for this class, the chances of success were not very high.

‘Still, you have to be strong. To protect it.’

I had to muster courage to protect it.

Even if you don’t get everything you want, if you don’t lose what you don’t want to lose, that person is the happiest person.

In order not to lose, you must become strong,

I also had to be courageous in doing dangerous things.

I shouldn’t have given up until the end.

Jinho Park, who was looking at the referee for a while, patted the boy on the shoulder and said.

“I heard that it was the military that stopped Meryl’s crazy hatred. The military is accomplishing something that even Professor Bonn could not succeed in doing. “It’s something close to a miracle.”

There was pride and concern in his voice. As a professor, I decided that I needed to teach in order for the boy to grow, but I was still worried about what I would do if the boy got hurt.

Jin-ho Park spoke to the referee with sincerity.

“Professor Bon always believes in the military.”

And Jin-ho Park declared.

“We will start supplementary classes for those with excellent grades.”


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