Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 98

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< 98. Second Heart (1) >


Erzsebet, who was rubbing under Ronan’s wing bones, stopped. she asked, squinting.

“···Ronan. Did you have the original core?”


Ronan frowned. I wondered what nonsense he was talking about other than applying medicine well.

Core. Isn’t it a lump of mana that takes dozens of years to create, even for those who aren’t under the damning curse? Ronan shrugged his eyebrows and shook his head.

“There is no such thing.”

“yes? Then this is…?”

Erzsebet spread her palm again and touched the same spot. There was clearly something inside Ronan’s body. The movement of Mana could be vividly felt in her core, which was pulsing at a different beat than her heart.

‘It’s different from a normal core. what···?’

However, it felt different from the cores I had seen so far. The method of managing mana was similar to the core, but the method of accumulating mana was closer to the circle.

And if he was not mistaken, Ronan’s core was not integrated with the heart but was separated from it. It felt like there were two hearts beating, but I had never seen anything like this before. It was the car she was drooling over and contemplating.


“Hey! sorry!”

Erzsebet hastily withdrew her hand. He was so focused that he forgot to apply the medicine.

She quickly applied the potion to the remaining affected area. Her face lit up every time she felt the curve or elasticity of her muscles through her fingertips. It was a feeling I could never get used to.

‘It’s solid!’

Before long, the treatment was over. Ronan’s wounds were completely healed within five minutes of applying the medicine.

Not only the burns, but even the minor bruises and abrasions that had previously occurred were completely gone. Like a mad lion. Ronan laughed when he saw the skin without a single scratch left.

‘The smell of money makes me dizzy. I’ll have to ask you to discuss it with Marya later.’

It was difficult to find something like this even in any large workshop. If the production system was corrected and the right distributors were found, it would be possible to collect so many gold coins that one would surely die. Ronan, who put his clothes back on, looked at Erzsebet and smiled.

“thanks. “Thanks to you, I survived.”

“Hmm, it’s no big deal.”

“It was applied meticulously. “I thought she would be reluctant to do something like this because she is a young lady, but I was surprised.”

“Well, it’s a noble’s duty to help commoners in trouble…!”

As Erzsebet said that, she could not make eye contact with Ronan. Her ears were red, sticking out between her purple-black hair. She cleared her throat again and opened her mouth.

“Hmm, anyway, Ronan. “Something is strange.”

“Do you think it’s strange?”

“There’s the core I mentioned earlier… I think you should check it out.”

Erzsebet told us what she had found out. In short, it was said that something unusual, like a tumor, had developed near the heart. Even alive and writhing.

‘As expected, that piece of toilet paper…!’

Ronan’s eyes widened. She suddenly remembered the feeling of a foreign body inside her chest right after she grabbed the Vajra. He placed his hand over his heart and opened his mouth.

“···Am I going to die now?”

“Oh, probably not like that. “It’s because it’s so unique, so if you go back to Phileon…”

“You’ve waited a long time.”

Erzsebet was in the middle of speaking. A familiar voice came from behind. As she turned her head, she saw Aun Pillar walking past her, wearing half-burnt robes.

Ayre and Tower Lord Lardan were guarding both sides of him. Ayre, who had returned to her human form, was holding a bundle of books in her hands. Ronan waved his hand.

“Oh, are you here?”

“I’m sorry I’m late. “There is so much to sort out.”

“What is it? I know you had a hard time.”

“Compared to you, it was an inconvenient hardship.”

Ronan shook his head. Aun Pilar, who fought the great fire all night, looked haggard, as if he would collapse at the slightest breeze. Even ten of her bodies would have been insufficient. Aun Pillar said.

“I don’t know what to say first. “Please accept my bow first.”

Suddenly, Aun Pillar knelt down on one knee and bowed his head. Ronan’s face hardened. Erzsebet shouted in astonishment.

“Take it, Top Mage?”

“Thanks to you, we were able to welcome dawn again.”

Seeing that Aire was also taken aback, it seemed like this was an action that had not been agreed upon in advance. Only the tower owner, Lardan, was smoothing his beard and wearing a dignified smile. Ronan frowned and growled, ready to kick his ass at any moment.

“Damn, why don’t you get up soon? “What is this person named Mabapju doing to embarrass you?”

The surrounding attention was focused. The wizards who were in the midst of recovering the damage stopped in bewilderment and looked at the top mages who were bowing their heads to the boys and girls.

Aun Pilar didn’t wake up until a long time had passed. He made eye contact with Ronan and opened his mouth.

“Thank you for saving the Dawn Magic Tower.”

“You’re stubborn about that.”

“I would like to express my gratitude once again. “I couldn’t say hello properly because I was so anxious on the sea.”

Lardan suddenly walked forward and bowed silently. He disappeared for a while and came back wearing a plain shirt and pants rather than the fancy robe of the Magic Tower Lord. Ronan, realizing the meaning, twisted his lips.

“···Do you think you won’t be able to find it?”

“okay. But there is no limit. “Because I hit it with all my might.”

Lardan burst out laughing. Having lost all his mana, he said he was planning to hand over the tower owner position to Aun Pillar as soon as the situation was resolved.

He also added that he originally wanted to take responsibility for releasing Vajra’s seal and turn himself in, but he was put on hold for a while due to dramatic dissuasion from other wizards. Aun Pillar said.

“We plan to hold a grand banquet as soon as the incident is resolved. Of course, you are the main characters. Please rest well and wait.”

“Oh, that might be a bit difficult. “I’m going back today.”

“that···! “How could you not stay a few more days?”

“First of all, I’m a student. “If I’m late again this time, the talking lion will put me in the oven and bake me with the cookies.”

Ronan explained the circumstances under which he had to return. Actually, I didn’t mind going a few days later because I had already secured the grades, but I didn’t want to put any additional pressure on busy people. Ergé Bet also quietly nodded his head next to him as if he had the same thoughts. Aun Pillar said with a sigh.

“In that case… there’s nothing we can do.”

“Let’s have fun next time. “Then I will tell you what a banquet is.”

“But you should still accept this.”

Suddenly, Aun Pillar was rummaging around in his arms and pulled out something. It was a very luxurious box used to store expensive accessories, and inside was two sun-shaped badges.


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The badge, which appears to be made by cutting a whole diamond, changes color depending on the angle at which it receives light. Not only did it look expensive, but the energy oozing out was unusual. Erzsebet’s eyes widened.

“Hey, this is a first-class Magic Tower Medal…!”

“Is it good?”

“Well, it’s not the level to discuss such things. Even in my family, almost no one has received it…!”

It was a medal given to those who made significant contributions to the Magic Tower, regardless of status. Erzsebet stammered like a slightly inexperienced child, explaining the effect of the badge.

To be honest, most of the words were unintelligible, such as being able to officially enter most of the facilities at the Dawn Magic Tower, and having the right to attend ‘High Lemien’, an exchange open only to high-ranking wizards.

“Anyway, it’s good.”

Ronan shrugged. Seeing not just anyone else but Erzsebet, the daughter of Akalusia, making such a fuss, it certainly seemed like it was not an ordinary item. Aun Fila said as he attached the badge to Ronan’s shirt collar.

“Of course, even without these items, your relationship with the Dawn Magic Tower will remain unchanged. But as you live, you will feel it. “Most memories come from material things.”

“I agree with that too.”

“I have imprinted some magic on you, so I hope you find it useful. Please accept it.”

Aun Pilar, who subsequently gave Erzsebet a badge, smiled softly. Ronan nodded.

“Then I won’t decline. By the way, Aun Pilar. “I have a favor to ask.”

“of course. “I will do anything I can.”

“This book. “Give it to me.”

Ronan said that and took out the Vajra from his back pocket. Everyone’s eyes, except Ronan, got so big that they almost seemed to pop out.

“That can’t be possible…!”

“yes. It’s Vajra. “Originally I was going to just take it with me, but my conscience pricked me.”

“Now, just wait a moment. That’s difficult. “You know very well that it is no ordinary book.”

“Now it’s just an ordinary book. “Look.”

Suddenly, Ronan picked up Vajra’s cover and started waving it around. The evil energy of the past was not felt in the black book fluttering helplessly. Aun Pillar, sensing that the presence had actually disappeared, cautiously opened his mouth.

“···What do you plan on using it for?”

“I’m just looking for something.”

Ronan did not say out loud that he would chase after the demon who wrote the book. Because they were too tired to accept such shocking information. Aun Pilar rested her forehead and sighed.

“···Good. “Take it.”

“As expected, it is the next Topju download distribution.”

“However, after you are finished using it, please be sure to return it to the Magic Tower. “It is a dangerous book no matter how much one’s ego has disappeared.”

“It’s nagging to say the least. “Just trust me.”

Ronan patted his chest and rolled up Vajra again and stuffed it into his back pocket. They were about to go on an airship. Aire, who had been standing still, opened her mouth as if she had been waiting.

“Wait a minute, I have something for you too!”

Aire held out the bundle she was holding. The bundle, as big as an adult’s body, was filled with old books that were probably hundreds of years old.

“These are all books written by Sarante. There are many good books, so take them and read them.”


This was another unexpected gift. If the books were written based on Sarante’s vast knowledge, there would no doubt be many useful things.

“thank you. What are you going to do now? “You are now free.”

“I’ve been thinking about it, and I plan to continue my work as a librarian. It was also Sarante’s request, and…”


“As expected, I like books.”

Aire laughed bitterly. If Sarante heard it, she would be very happy. Ronan smiled and accepted the bundle.

“Good for you.”

“Come again. “At that time, I will introduce you to many interesting books.”

“If possible, please make it unrelated to the curse.”

After that conversation, Ronan returned to Phileon. Erzsebet, who still had a field trip scheduled, remained at the Dawn Magic Tower. She waved her hand and saw Ronan off, side by side with Sion de Grancia.

“Take care! And be sure to check the core!”

“Is this your sister’s fiancé?”

“Ji, what are you talking about? “For me, Adeshan is the only one…!”

Erzsebet lightly pulled both of Sion’s cheeks. Shion tilted his head.


Ronan laughed out loud as they almost reminded him of sisters. It was impossible to imagine that they were the daughters of Akal Lucia and Grancia, her enemies.

‘I hope we can use this opportunity to become closer friends.’

Even if we combined our efforts to prepare for the apocalypse, it would not be enough. He happened to be riding the same airship, Western Wing, that he rode when he came to Magic Tower.

The captain recognized Ronan and made him sit in a special seat where only the royal family would sit. When I offered to pay for the ferry fare, he shouted and asked if I wanted to see him jump, so I couldn’t.

This time, no fireball flew. Aun Pillar, transformed into a firebird, escorted the airship until they left the airspace.


Ronan arrived at Phileon around noon the next day. Because he got enough rest, he wasn’t very tired.

He was able to write and submit the club activity report with peace of mind. Ronan felt happy that his writing skills were improving the more he wrote.


Since Marfez in his dream was also full and happy, the only person in Varen Panasir’s office who was not happy was Varen.

They were sitting facing each other at the table where they always talked, and talking about this club’s activities. After carefully reviewing the report, Varen turned to face Ronan and said.

“Okay Ronan. So, the story goes that you were at the center of the incident that occurred at the Dawn Magic Tower.”

“Well, that’s right.”

“I accidentally entered a forbidden book area, was almost eaten by Vajra of Destruction, one of the three banned books, and escaped dramatically despite being caught in the crosshairs of Hell Prominence and other top-tier flame magic… Am I correct in understanding this?”

“That’s accurate.”

Ronan nodded confidently. Varen took a sip of black tea with trembling hands and took a deep breath. He stretched out his furry finger and pointed to the black book lying on the table.

“That book… is the Baju of Destruction.”

“Yes. Isn’t the real thing more ordinary than you think? “When I think of all the trouble I went through to get this, it’s really…”

Ronan began to tell the story of the time he captured Vajra. A fairly realistic and exciting description followed, but none of it caught Varen’s ears.

Clink! The teacup fell from his hand and shattered. Consciousness seemed to be far away. Varen’s large body leaned forward.


“What, why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”

Varen barely stood with his hands on the table. Ronan approached with a concerned look on his face. Varen jumped up from his seat when he saw the Vajra in his hand.

“Huh! “Get it away!”

“Hey, why are you yelling? “Frighten people.”

“Well, well, are you saying that? What on earth do you do to go do research and come back with something like that? I am···! I am···!”

“By the way, you used the potion well, Varen. “It killed the effect.”

“Don’t talk back! “I have to make it clear this time, please sit down there!”

Varen was almost crying. She seemed to be in quite a bit of mental distress. While speaking passionately about the safety of students and the school, he crouched down, covering his face with both palms.

“Keuheung, keuhuh… What would have happened if it had really gone wrong…?”

“shit. Is it possible to be that weak-hearted? “He’s a bit distracted.”

Varen did not answer. Only low sobs could be heard from beneath the mane. Ronan knew this would last for at least an hour.

‘I can’t help it.’

Ronan took out the gift he had prepared in advance and left the room. It was exactly two hours later that Varen gathered her thoughts and raised her head. Ronan disappeared out of nowhere, and a book was left on the table.


It was a very old book that was yellowed. The cover of the book had a clear title: ‘Basic Herbalism’. Below it was written the name of the author.

“Sarante… Remation?”

Judging by the last name, it was the name of an elf. Varen wiped his eyes and opened the book.

“This is…!”

His eyes widened with each page he turned. The yellow parchment contained detailed instructions on how to use and grow herbs that he could not even imagine.


‘It would be good if you put it to good use. It was a good book. ‘

After leaving Varen’s office, Ronan headed straight to the club building. The Vajra of Destruction, which once terrorized the Empire, was stuck in the back pocket of his pants in the form of a newspaper that was placed in every bathroom.

‘Those smart guys will figure out something.’

Ronan was planning to throw Vajra to Asher or Ophelia. She read it all the way on the airship, but all she could find was a list of things she couldn’t understand at all.

‘Now that I think about it… I should also ask about this tumor.’

Ronan narrowed his eyes as he remembered what Erzsebet had said. Nabirose or Jardin must have known something.

In fact, he was still preoccupied with the anxiety that this lump might simply be part of a terrible disease. The thing that was the origin of its birth was such an unpleasant entity that there was nothing I could do about it.

‘···wait for a sec. If this is a core, doesn’t it mean it can draw mana?’

Ronan suddenly felt curious and stopped in place. Depending on whether mana was manifested, there would be mixed feelings of joy or frustration, but no matter what, it was better to get hit first.

I just need to check it out quickly now. Ronan, holding La Mancha, stood in his stance.

A strange breathing sound came out of his mouth. After trying the mana exercises, she could definitely feel that something new had taken root in her heart.


He attempted to draw energy from the lump he felt in his chest, rather than from his existing heart. Perhaps because my senses were open, it wasn’t that difficult.

Before long, a whitish energy was creeping up La Mancha’s sword body. Ronan narrowed his eyes and cursed.


White mana was wrapped around the blade. An all-too-familiar sparkle was emerging from the flow reminiscent of her white mist.

Glitter. Ronan’s mind turned completely white at the sight of it being completely identical to Nebula Clazie’s mana.

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