Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 416

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2-38. fugitive(2)


The day is dark.

The shadow over the campus was getting darker.

The added weight in the air suggested that it would rain soon.

The man in the cloak was still staring at me.


It was far away, but it was certain.

Judging by his ability and the way he looked like he was about to urinate, that bastard was Schlieffen.

The car was just about to wave because it was so happy to see it.

Schlieffen, who had been glaring at me silently, turned his back.


It didn’t feel like hesitation.

The guy disappeared around the corner of the building.

The tornado that had ground his mustache was also scattering, leaving behind only red stains.

“Hey, where are you going!?”

Even though I called out loud, there was no answer.

I ran away like a wild dog that had been given a bone.

I jumped over the railing.

It was seven stories high, but it didn’t matter.

There was no sound from the landing as light as a cat.

“at there!”

The chase began immediately.

I had to catch him before he decided to hide.

The distance of hundreds of meters was shortened in just 4 seconds.

I turned the corner where Schlieffen disappeared and stopped in place.

“Eight, damn it.”

A wide and complex residential area was spread out.

It was the Kratyr Pavilion where inferior students stayed.

The wooden buildings that had not been maintained at all had become so gloomy that ghosts could use them as homes.

Dozens of cabins provided too many escape routes to count.

“This is why people without skills are of no use… Adeshan also stayed here.”

Fortunately, I was able to withdraw before I could finish speaking.

It could be a bit sluggish.

I thought I was a nerd, but there may be cases where I was born with shadow mana.

Schlieffen was nowhere to be seen, but I calmly looked around.

There were subtle traces of people passing by on the road.

“Do you think I can’t catch it?”

It was an area I wasn’t confident in, but I was able to do this much.

As I concentrated my mind, my five senses were amplified.

Sounds that were previously unheard begin to be heard.

The smell of wood, mold, and river water mixed with the wind is felt more clearly.

My skin became more sensitive and began to sense every single movement of air.

Before long, the corners of my mouth rose.


Results came quickly.

There was only one person other than me moving within a radius of several hundred meters.

Is this what a hunter who discovers deer footprints feels like?

I was just about to resume the chase.

“Don’t move.”


“What is your identity? “Why are you following me?”

A voice came from right behind me.

A deadly feeling that I had not felt until just a moment ago was stabbing me in the back of my head.

As I carefully lowered my eyes, I saw a razor-blue blade touching my neck.

It was the Pale Lord, the treasured sword of the Grancia family forged in a blizzard.

“···Huh, as expected, experienced fugitives are different.”

I was filled with admiration.

Detecting and hiding signs was something this kid was good at, but this time he was truly amazing.

I ignored the warning and turned my head slightly.

The first thing that caught my eye were dark blue eyes that glowed dimly.

“huh? Schlieffen.”


Schlieffen’s brow furrowed.

The look of discomfort was evident, perhaps because the warning had been ignored.

Nevertheless, the fact that he did not immediately hit his head revealed his innate goodness.

Naturally, I made eye contact with him and raised my eyebrows.



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I wasn’t surprised because of his noble nature.

A frizzy beard.

A beard as dark blue as his hair covered his lower abdomen.

After being dumbfounded for a few seconds, I finally opened my mouth.

“Damn it, what is that fur?”

“Don’t change your mind.”

“No, but this isn’t real, shit. “Like some kind of bandit.”

It was a shock comparable to hearing the news of the rebellion.

I can guarantee that if he looked like this, he would have failed to seduce my sister.

I wanted to have permanent hair removal done right away, but Schlieffen wasn’t that relaxed.

The Pale Lord’s blade got closer.

“I won’t tell you twice. “Reveal your identity.”

“Okay, okay. My name is Ronan. It’s not your enemy, but rather it’s on your same side. “It’s the same as being clogged.”

“Ronan… that’s a name I’ve never heard of. “A person with skills like yours would definitely be well-known.”

“Of course. “In this world, I would be no different from a monkey.”

“This world?”

“There is such a thing. “Hey, when are you going to explain all this again?”

Thinking about explaining the situation again already gave me a headache.

I opened it slowly so as not to provoke him.

“Listen, Schlieffen. I came from another world. It’s a world that looks exactly like this one, but has a different history. There, you were the hero who saved the world, and you presumptuously proposed to my sister. Ah, I’m suddenly upset again.”

“…What kind of nonsense are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“Damn it, I thought you wouldn’t believe it. Since you answered as I asked, let me ask you one thing. Is Regent Barka by any chance Barka Turgen? “The younger brother of Sentai Sword Saint Zaifa.”

“What is the purpose of asking such an obvious question?”


Schlieffen frowned.

The moment I heard those words, I closed my eyes tightly.

Unfortunately, the prediction came true.

Barca Turgen.

Jaifa’s younger brother and the one who caused the Night of the Fangs.

One of the bishops of Nebula Clage, and an idiot who was suffocated to death by Adeshan in the original world.

‘If there was a competition for bastards, he would be the runner-up.’

It was still good in my memory.

Barka tried to devour the North by using a puppet named Jager, and in the process, he committed outrageous acts of evil.

Such as resurrecting Aradan, Zaifa’s son, and pampering him, or driving stakes across the northern region that curse the birth of deformed babies…

I also understood that the Auror I saw a lot of times and that the eyes came out of the mouth of the mustache.

Barka was born with physical strength suitable for a warrior and majored in black magic.

It seemed that the ambitious cat had finally reached the heart of the empire.

“Ha, f*ck… that bastard succeeded in the end.”

I felt my blood pressure rising.

It was necessary to administer sedatives.

As I rummaged through my arms to take out a cigarette pipe, Schlieffen’s brow furrowed.

“I. “I would have told you not to move.”

“Just take a look. “If I don’t wash this, I think one of my blood vessels will rupture.”

“You guy.”

Schlieffen’s voice lowered.

It seemed like I was slowly reaching the limit of my patience.

He turned over the hilt and swung the sword.


As expected, it is a clean sword.

I was able to gauge my level with just one small movement like this.

Although he was not as good as Schlieffen in the original world, he seemed similar to the Schlieffen he met in his first life.

I ducked my upper body to avoid him and approached his side.

He then grabbed the wrist holding the Pale Rod.

“How are you going to kill someone with this?”


Schlieffen froze as I asked the question with a chuckle.

He was looking at my hand holding him as if it were a monster’s tentacle.

I pulled the cigarette out of my mouth with my other hand.

When I exhaled, white smoke came out.

He then continued speaking with his eyes focused on the spine of the sword, which was hovering in the air and had no lethal power.

“As expected, you are the same, Schlieffen. “I feel a little relieved.”

“Damn it, let go!”

Schlieffen swung his elbow.

I lightly took a step back.

Schlieffen, who regained his freedom, immediately grabbed the hilt of his sword with both hands and prepared to fight.

“Unsheath your sword!”

“Calm down, man. “I have no intention of fighting with you.”

“What on earth are you? Why did you break into Phileon Academy and why did you confront the Golden Army?!”

“I came into the academy because I thought there was something there, but I didn’t know that that bastard was Geumgun. “There are still many things to talk about, but I’m glad that one thing has become clear.”

“Are you sure?”

“okay. “You were not the one who killed His Majesty the Emperor.”


Schlieffen’s eyes widened.

The momentum that seemed to threaten to launch sword energy at any moment subsided.

When I look at him like this, I can see his haggard face better.

It wasn’t just the beard.

The darkened eye shadows and sunken cheeks represented the hardships Schlieffen had endured so far.

The body of the guy who didn’t wear anything other than perfectly ironed clothes was wrapped in a cloak that was almost like a mat.

‘It doesn’t look very good.’

Shoot… it started to drizzle.

The rising fog narrows visibility.

Most of the scenery is swallowed up in gray-white.

The sound of rain was spreading over the desolate campus.

We didn’t move for a while, facing each other.

As the confrontation continued like that.



A dreary energy hit me like a cold wave.

It was in the direction where the classroom steeples were located.

This was the moment when Schlieffen and I pulled back almost at the same time.



Something flew through the fog and stuck where we were.

“What is this again?”

I narrowed my eyes.

Two badly damaged spears were stuck deep in the ground.

The aura of Barka that I saw before was engulfing the spear like fire.

Schlieffen clicked his tongue.

“Tsk, so much time was wasted on useless conversation.”

“What kind of bastard interrupts an adult talking?”

Schlieffen and I turned our heads.

Seven spiers rose above the thick fog.

On top of the sharp edge, each of the uniformed gunmen stood one by one.

“···Imperial Army?”

Coats that reached down to the calves were the uniform of imperial army officers.

The face was completely covered by a mask that was similar to something worn at a ball.

They just stared at me without saying anything.

Schlieffen grabbed the hilt of his sword.

“Run away. “I will take my time.”

“Why are you being so serious?”

“It is Barca’s personal guard. “There are some annoying guys.”

Blue eyes became serious.

A chill began to bloom over the Pale Lord’s sword body.

Judging by the energy oozing from their shoulders, they were all quite capable.

‘What are these bastards doing, stepping on someone else’s school building?’

Of course, that wasn’t my part-time job.

The important thing was that not only were they interrupting our conversation, they were tarnishing my alma mater.

The moment I was about to say something, Schlieffen shouted.


The seven gunmen jumped up at once.

They glided along without making any sound.

Schlieffen fired a wide sword strike.

A huge crescent moon-shaped sword energy hit the floor twenty steps in front.


A wall made of whirlwinds erupted, breaking the paving stones.


The two people in the lead were swallowed up by the wind.

Part of the wall turned red along with the disgusting sound of flesh being torn apart.


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