Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 377

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Abduction 62. Sword and Star (7)



Schlieffen expressed his bewilderment.

It was clearly Ronan who was aiming the sword at him.

I couldn’t figure out what on earth had happened to make him appear on Jaifa’s behalf.

I’ve encouraged him to compete in the Sword Saint Finals several times, but he’s never accepted.

Suddenly, a deep old man’s voice was heard from the audience.

“Why don’t you just explain? To me…cough, cluck. “It doesn’t seem like a trivial matter.”

“ah. your majesty.”

It was a friendly voice.

Ronan smiled brightly and turned his head.

A dying old man was sitting next to the emperor.

It felt like I had gone to the bathroom even though I wasn’t there just a moment ago.

Schlieffen hurriedly got down on one knee.

“Schlieffen de Siniban Grancia meets His Majesty the Elector.”

“Oh, right. Ronan… No, I see you too, Ronan de Valture. Well, the Emperor. “I’m confused because it’s been a while since I’ve done this.”

Ronan scratched his head.

Anyway, I can’t adapt to the court manners.

People who saw the messy greeting were shocked.

The identity of the old man was none other than the previous emperor, Balon, 44 years old.

Despite the rudeness, the Emperor smiled calmly and waved his hand.

“Why are you being so formal… To an old man who is no longer an emperor… Cough! Cough!”

“What, are you okay?”

“Of course not, but don’t worry. Because this is the age I should be. I guarantee you that even if I die here, no one will be sad that you died young at a young age.”

Balon 44 chuckled.

Ronan saw that and smiled bitterly.

He seemed like a completely different person from when the Imperial Palace awarded him the Dawning Plaque.

His hair was all white, and the wrinkles covering his skin were as tight as the rings of an old tree.

The neck was so thin that it seemed to have no strength to support the crown.

“You’re probably going to find differences in pictures with the ladies in the imperial palace, but why did you come all the way to this cold place…?”

Ronan said to himself.

It’s not a joke, it felt like if I startled him, he would die naturally.

To be exact, it would have been a heart attack, but at that age, it would have been a natural death no matter what.

His narrowed gaze turned to the emperor right next to him.

“your majesty···.”

“Why, why are you looking at my luggage? “I and the ministers tried to stop me several times.”

Balon, 45, who made eye contact, was shocked and shook his head.

The man who inherited the throne when he was close to fifty was somewhat embarrassed by Ronan.

This was because he was very close to the Emperor, and watched Ronan slaughter the giants from beginning to end.

I know he is a person who has contributed more to the empire than anyone else, but honestly, I would say he is a little scary.

“I haven’t said anything yet. your majesty.”

“Hmm, your eyes are so fierce. “It makes me think about what sin I may have committed without realizing it.”

“How could a saint like Your Majesty do that? “I apologize for my disrespect, so please forgive me.”

“no. What happens to my luggage if it comes out like that? “Why is it only in times like this that etiquette is perfect?”

Balon, 45, was embarrassed.

I wanted to tell the general to stop my husband, but she was not there.

Ronan chuckled and raised his lowered head.

One way or another, the current emperor was a person I personally liked.

Just as when you plant beans and they grow, he resembled his father, who was a great monarch, both in appearance and ability.

I have hunted with my husband and wife a few times, so I wonder why they feel so uncomfortable.

The Emperor said:

“So what the hell is going on? Jaipa, where did that friend go and why are you here?”

“Ah… it’s really not that big of a deal. “It’s because sparring has become so intense.”


“yes. It seemed like it was only yesterday that I was playing catch with my son when Jaifa suddenly came to me and asked me to play a game. I must have been itching, so I agreed to see the old man’s skills for the first time in a while. But my goodness, I have become stronger than I could ever imagine.”

Ronan, remembering that time, raised his thumb.

Sparring with Jaipa, who had completely transformed himself, was the most thrilling and meaningful experience I have had in recent times.

The rejuvenated tiger teacher attacked Ronan like a black thunderbolt.

The two new weapons, short spears, were fangs that tore apart space.

He was never an opponent he could fight with the situation in his hands, and Ronan had to be sincere for the first time in a long time.

“······Surely Jaifa is dead?”

“What kind of scary words are you saying? We already don’t have many friends, so why would I do something like that? “I just buried it in the cool ground to let it cool down.”

The game was decided at dawn when the sun had completely set.

After a fierce struggle, he succeeded in throwing Jaifa deep into the valley and knocking him out.

It was a very rewarding victory, but there was one problem.

The point is that there are no people to participate in the Sword Saint finals.

Ronan sighed.


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“Whoa… honestly, I just wanted to run away. For one reason or another, I am a person who prefers spending time at home with my family. But no matter where I went, it was written in big letters that Jaipa was coming before the Sword Saint decision. “You sound like a damn old man.”

“So, you came here on behalf of the fallen Jaipa.”

“Yes. “I feel sorry for those who had high expectations.”

Ronan waved his hand at the audience.

People were frozen in the cold.

It wasn’t just because Jaifa couldn’t play, it was because Ronan showed up calmly after defeating him, who had completely transformed himself.

“Ronan…! “Didn’t I completely withdraw from active duty after the war?”

“So what did I say? You said the hero who saved the world couldn’t be weak. “With this, the controversy over my imbecilic skills will completely disappear.”

“Get ready to write an article as soon as it’s over! The Empire’s Morning Star and Hero clash at the top of Farzan! “It’s definitely the front page!”

Ronan once again realized that he had lived a very quiet life.

It was a violent reaction similar to that seen when a cripple stands up.

Well, I lived like this because I wanted to, but.

Ronan’s eyes suddenly turned to Nabirose.

“It looks good. “Of course, you look the best when you’re at the top.”


She was looking down at Ronan stiffly.

It was so outrageous that it made no sense.

Ronan bit his tongue as he showed his blood-stained hands.

“I probably won’t be able to come to Jaifa. Can you see that I’m hurt too? “My hands are still shaking.”

“······Does not matter. Because that idiot couldn’t control his temper. “Are you serious about competing?”

“of course. I’m telling you in advance for fear of misunderstanding, but coming out on behalf of Jaifa doesn’t mean I’m looking down on this event. “First of all, I am also a swordsman.”

Suddenly, Ronan grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands.

The smile disappeared from the sunset-colored eyes.

Holding his sword vertically, he sent a sword salute towards Nabirose and Alogin.

“of course. “You have to take it seriously.”

“If that’s the case, that’s fine.”

Nabirose laughed.

It was one of the reasons why he liked Ronan.

Although he appears to be mischievous in everything, he never looks down on the values ​​that others consider important.

Except for something as retarded as Nebula Clazie’s ambition.

“I authorize Ronan de Valture to participate in the Sword Saint Final Battle. How are you, Alogin?”

“I agree too. “I actually think this side will be more fun.”

Alogin agreed.

The unexpected always pleases the elderly.

Moreover, it was the first time since the Last War that Ronan had been seen wielding a sword.

Since the Emperor also agreed to this match, all that remained was Ronan’s opponent to face.

Ronan turned to Schlieffen.

After being silent for a few seconds, he shook his head.

“To agree.”

“It should come out like that.”

Ronan laughed.

Thunderous cheers erupted from the audience.

Preparations for the match were made in an instant.

Elite wizards from each magic tower installed a defensive barrier that separated the audience from the battlefield.

Since they had already talked a lot, the speeches between the Emperor and the Sword Saint were omitted.

Iril jumped up and down and shouted.

“Ronan! honey! Cheer up, both of you!”

“Eek! “Appa and uncle are really fighting!?”

Aria was shocked with her eyes wide open.

Ronan glanced at the two people and licked his lips.

Should I have just told you and come home?

I felt strangely sad that I was the only one not receiving support from my family.

“You seem like a good husband and father. “It’s pretty good.”


After confirming that the shield installation was complete, the two people stood facing each other.

The excited atmosphere subsided.

A tense tension filled the place.

At the top of Farzan, where only the sound of the wind could be heard, Nabirose’s voice rang out.

“Then, the match begins.”

It was a moment when words came to fruition.

Schlieffen’s figure disappeared from sight.

There was no such thing as an exploration war.

Ronan blinked once, and Schlieffen appeared right in front of him.


Ronan curled his mouth.

It was such an agile walking technique that it would be rude to compare it with the past.

There was no time to draw the sword.

Ronan leaned back with only his hand on the hilt of his sword.


A sharp slash passed by his forehead.

“It’s okay.”

The cut hair was flying.

Ronan whistled.

Although it was short, it was important that it reached it.

Instead of immediately raising his upper body, he twisted his body to the right.

A sting made of sharp wind passed by the side at intervals of a sheet of paper.

The flowing attacks gave no time to rest.

“Didn’t you say you were serious about it?”

Schlieffen intoned.

Ronan raised his upper body and frowned.

A slash aimed at the neck was coming.

He could have avoided it by retreating, but instead of retreating, he kicked the ground and leapt.


Three vortexes erupted from the spot where Ronan was originally located.

The wind that broke through the ground and ascended to the sky tore everything it caught in its path.

If I had taken even one step back, I would have been turned into rags.

Less than two seconds passed before this attack struck.

It was the moment when Ronan, who had jumped over Schlieffen, turned around and landed.

“huh. It did.”



Blood spurted out onto Schlieffen’s shoulder.

It was not a shallow wound as the amount was quite large.

Iril, who was watching with bated breath, covered his mouth with both hands.


“Ah, apppa!”

Schlieffen stumbled.

The sudden blood loss made me dizzy.

Ronan spun the sword around and blurted out.

“So you’re serious about it.”


Schlieffen’s eyes widened.

I didn’t even realize when I got cut.

He came to his senses by chewing the flesh of his mouth.

It was the moment when I retreated to increase the distance.


Ronan’s sword turned scarlet.

The force that brought down the giants pulled Schlieffen.

Footwork has lost its meaning.

Ronan, who had dragged Schlieffen in front of him, continued speaking.

“It would be better for you to criticize it instead of trying to hide it.”

Ronan muttered.

There was no time to respond.

Schlieffen raised his sword and took a defensive stance.


His body was thrown away with a sharp metallic sound.


Rather than a sword strike, the impact felt like being hit with a huge mace.

Normally, it would have been pushed back much further, but the headwind prevented it.

Schlieffen’s sword body transformed into wind and dispersed.

He took his stance again and fired a sword strike.

Five swords that seemed to split the sky flew in, each aiming at Ronan from different directions.


Ronan shrugged his eyebrows.

It was an unavoidable blow unless he had wings, but he had no intention of dodging it in the first place.

The sword body, which had been scarlet, was now stained red.

The wide split drew a circle.

A black energy resembling blood was sprayed in all directions.

Schlieffen’s sword energy, which was intercepted, scattered like an explosion.

Farzan became quiet as if cold water had been poured on him.

Ronan, who had destroyed all his sword energy, muttered bitterly.

“Are you really trying to fight old Jaifa like this? “Nothing has changed.”


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