Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 363

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Abduction 47. Guardian of the home (6)



“It also made a big poop.”

Kearsarge turned his head.

A man was standing at the entrance to the laboratory, which had been empty until a moment ago.

His face, soaked in blood from head to toe while holding a sword, was reminiscent of an evil spirit.

“······How did you get in here? “There must be a defense system in operation.”

But it wasn’t his behavior that caught Kearsarge off guard.

This is a cave in the middle of ancient ruins.

It was a hideout that had not been discovered by anyone for over 50 years.

In order for anyone other than myself to enter, I had to break through more than twenty defensive magics and guards.

It was designed with the assumption that it would prevent even military-sized attacks.

Ronan answered harshly.

“I just came in.”

“Such nonsense…”


In fact, Kearsarge’s defense system was very good.

If it had been a decent opponent, he wouldn’t have been able to get away, and at least he would have been able to buy time to escape.

It was his misfortune that the intruder was Ronan.

“I just cut it with a knife a few times and it broke through.”

A long time had passed, but the power of star blood was still alive and well.

All Ronan did was slash whenever he detected suspicious mana or something popped up.

After repeating this about twenty times, I was able to reach the laboratory where Kearsarge was located.

“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not that poorly structured. “What kind of trick did you use?”

“stop. “I didn’t come here to chat with you.”


“I’ll give you a chance to make your final argument. “Why did you do something like this?”

Ronan aimed the tip of his sword at Kearsarge.

It seemed certain that this author was the culprit who created the undead army.

Normally, Ronan would just cut things off without listening to the situation, but this time he got a little more interested.

What kind of wrinkled old man did this by locking himself in a cave to enjoy the wealth?

“What a funny friend. “I have no reason to answer that question.”

“That’s surprising. “Usually he gets excited and explains how thick his poop is.”

“It smells bad, so let’s just leave it at that. It was nice talking to you for the first time in a while. “I will use your body for useful purposes, so you can die first.”

Kearsarge retched.

The stench of rotten blood made it difficult to breathe.

He was staring at Ronan and snapped his fingers.


A geometric magic circle appeared in the air and a purple-black ray of light shot out.

“I have a good skeleton, so I should use it as a skeleton.”

The light that separates flesh from bone was his favorite magic to use.

A beam of light engulfed Ronan.

Kearsarge returned to his desk and was thinking about how to use the bones.

“The smell is because of you. “You live mountain pine.”


“Has your conscience rotted because you’ve been rubbing corpses all day?”

A voice came from inside the beam.

Kearsarge looked back and raised his eyebrows.

Ronan survived without any injuries.

The light beam was splitting left and right in front of the vertical blade.

“I was going to send it to you nicely, but you couldn’t do it. “He should be sentenced to Kyobo punishment.”

“This guy!”

Ronan sighed.

Kearsarge, who belatedly sensed the crisis, prepared himself for battle.

I don’t know what kind of trapping technique he used, but it wasn’t an easy one.

‘It goes straight to full power.’

He was once a supernova at Phileon Academy.

Kearsarge picked up the grimoire and chanted a spell as if singing a song.

Three high-level magics appeared simultaneously.

A crack appeared in the space behind him, and a huge demon appeared.


The magical beasts that inhabit the underworld were monsters that even Kearsarge himself could not completely control.

Dozens of magic circles pouring out the same decomposition rays as before appeared throughout the laboratory.

Finally, the skull’s grip broke through the ground and struck Ronan’s spot.

······wait for a sec.

Where was it?



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Kearsarge sighed.

Ronan was nowhere to be seen.

It was standing there just a moment ago, but then it disappeared.

Kearsarge, who felt uncomfortable, was rolling his eyes.

As if the wind was blowing from somewhere, a red line was drawn over his limbs.


It took time to recognize the situation.

Bright red blood oozed over the line.

I thought the feeling below my pelvis was gone, and my vision began to blur.


Then the feeling below both shoulders disappeared.

The limbs separated from the body flew in the sky.

It was then that Kearsarge noticed that lines were being drawn everywhere the eye could see.

The hands of the giant skeleton, the head of the demon beast, and even the magic circle floating in all directions were cut to pieces with red lines.

This was the moment when Kearsarge’s body, which had turned into a larva, was lying on the floor.


All lines opened at once and a series of explosions occurred.

“Oh, no!”


For a moment, it turned red.

The beast from the underworld was reverse-summoned with its face torn into pieces before it could even take its first step.

The giant skeleton’s hand, which was harder than steel, collapsed into hundreds of bone fragments.

The torn magic circles lost their meaning and disappeared.


Kearsarge coughed up blood.

I couldn’t understand what was happening.

Ronan’s slash cut down everything except Kearsarge’s research materials.

A sharp pain came one step too late and hit Kearsarge.

“Kwaaaaaaaa! “Aaaah!!”

The cut edge was clean, but that didn’t relieve the pain.

Kearsarge was struggling in the pain of having his limbs amputated.


Suddenly, a strong shock hit the back of his head and his consciousness was lost.

“100 million···.”

“good. “He’s not dead.”

Ronan smiled in satisfaction.

I roughly kicked him in the head, but luckily he seemed to have good control of his strength.

Regardless of his personality or purpose, he seemed to be quite capable, so it would be helpful if he was brought back alive.

Ronan picked up Kearsarge’s hair and muttered something regretful.

“It would be great if the lab was set up outside. “Stay on form in front of the kids.”

I thought it was a little unfair.

Asher and Orsay should have taken care of all the undead by now.

He must have done it in a flashy way, but compared to those two, he seemed to have shown a very plain side.

“There’s nothing I can do… I’m a poor swordsman.”

Ronan quenched his appetite.

Still, it seemed like this was a good save against the Archmage and the Demon Dragon that burned down the empire.

After looking around, he put Kearsarge in a bag that looked suitable.

An old man with his limbs cut off will not have a very good influence on the mental and physical development of children.

Until he left the lab after gathering key data, Ronan did not notice that something was watching him.


“Wow, I just smashed it.”

The air outside was acrid.

Ronan, who came out of the cave, laughed.

The prediction that it would be done in a flashy manner was exactly correct.

A landscape unfolded before my eyes as if a part of hell had been removed and relocated.

‘Is it possible to restore that to its original state?’

The wind blowing south brought a mixture of ash and sparks.

The field that was full of undead had turned into a huge crater.

Flames as thick as magma were burning and rising from the sunken ground.

Black smoke blocking the sun.

The fire was so hot that there wasn’t even a smell of burning corpses.

Ronan was admiring the Hell Island while sticking out his tongue.



A familiar crying sound rang from not far away.

This was before Ronan even raised his head.

Sita dived through the smoke and landed in front of him.

“Bye! “Twaaa!”

“Sita? “Why are you here?”

Ronan’s eyes widened.

The dream bird whose entire body was covered in black feathers was undoubtedly Sita.

Why did a kid who should be playing in the North come all the way to the South?

Sita, who had been repeatedly pressing her cheek against Ronan’s face, suddenly lowered her head.

“What, get on it?”


Sita nodded.

Although he was dumbfounded, Ronan did just that.

Theta, which flies faster than sound, crossed the crater in an instant and arrived at its destination.

In a clearing where the flames did not reach, the three musketeers Asher, Lanse, and Orse, who had transformed into humans, were gathered in one place.

Asher spotted Ronan and waved his hand.

“Ro, Ronan, you’re here. “There were no problems?”

“As you can see. But why did Sita come here?”

“Well, I didn’t know, but I think the general sent it. “There was a note tied to my leg in case someone got hurt.”

“Our honey?”

Asher nodded.

He showed Ronan the note tied to Sita’s leg.

On the luxurious paper was written in Adeshan’s handwriting that although I trust you and Asher, I am worried as a mother and will keep Sita on my tail.

With a postcard saying I love you.

Ronan laughed.

“Anyway, I heard you’re thorough.”

“Yes… if it’s written here, I’ve been following Master Orsay since he flew in, but I didn’t notice at all.”

“Well, we all know that Sita’s wings don’t make a sound… Anyway, what happened? “Why are they in such condition?”

Ronan pointed at the children.

Ranse and Sechika were each holding on to a tree and reciting everything inside.

“Ro, Uncle Ronan… are you here? Ouch!”

“Wow! Wow! Gagging, gagging!”

To anyone watching, it looked as if he had inhaled tear gas as he was crying and running down snot.

The only sane person was Erin.

She was struggling next to Ranse, who was vomiting.

“Why not Erin! “Stop picking on me all the time and show Erin too!”

“No… wow! “Absolutely not.”

“crying! “I miss you too!”

Lance shook his head, putting his head down on the floor.

When I looked closely, I saw that he was clutching something in his right hand, and it seemed like he had so much strength that he wouldn’t let go even if he were to die.

I couldn’t stand this.

Ronan approached quickly and snatched the item Lanse was holding.

“Yumma. What are you holding on to so tightly? “Can this be a pictorial of Navardose’s new product?”

“Ah, Dad!”

What the son was holding was a small magic tool.

There was a complex incantation engraved on the cube, and from what Ronan remembered, it was an object that captured images and then projected them.

Lance urgently stretched out his hand, but in vain.

Ronan giggled happily.

“Let’s see where and what you have planned.”

“It’s okay, but you can’t show Erin. “Erin!”

“Why are you making such a fuss? Oh, it came out.”

Meanwhile, the magic tool worked.

The spells glowed all at once, and an image appeared before Ronan’s eyes.

It was shot from none other than Ronan’s own point of view.


The massacre committed by Ronan today was being replayed.

Every time he swung his sword, the undead fell, spilling blood and internal organs.

The video, which unfolds in the first person, was on a different level of horror than what was seen from afar.

“Erin… You can’t look at Erin…”

Cut, pull, tear, turn over.

The video ended with Ronan chopping off Kearsarge’s limbs.

Lance had secretly cast a spell to learn more about what his father was doing.

For a moment, the word ‘majesty of the head of the family’ crossed my mind.

Ronan, who was standing with Erin’s eyes covered, muttered in confusion.

“Oh my.”


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