Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 353

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Abduction 36. Beasts (8)


“Whoa… that was close. “I was right on time.”

Secrit, who encountered Jaifa, breathed a sigh of relief.

I was worried that it took a long time today, but fortunately it arrived in time.

Varen, who was dumbfounded, stammered and asked.

“S-Professor Secret? “What on earth is this…?”

“He sent out a rescue signal while he was being captured. Since you didn’t notice, it seems like the archmage’s spell was made very well.”

Secret nodded calmly.

He fired a rescue request spell while being kidnapped by the North Wind Dan.

It was a magic created by Asher himself for Secret, who travels to all kinds of dangerous places to collect curses.

“It was agreed that the nearest security force would come. In that sense, my friends here are very unlucky. “I never thought Zaifa would come in person.”

“Well, from what I heard, you were just a drinking friend…”

“iced coffee. That’s literally it. Since we were similar in age and saw each other frequently, we became attached. “We meet for a drink every now and then.”

“Are you talking about the Sentai Sword Master? It’s amazing.”

Varen was purely amazed.

I knew that Secret had been traveling around the North for a long time and made friends in various places, but I never thought he would even make Jaifa his drinking partner.

As far as he knew, there was no one other than Ronan and Nabirose that Jaifa could call a friend.

“Right, are you feeling okay?”

“Is it possible for me to be okay after being beaten up like that? “I think I’ll have to be bedridden for at least three months.”

“that···! Hurry and escape from here…”

“That’s it. You have already tried hard enough. “Let’s leave the rest to that tiger.”

Secrete pointed at Zaifa with his chin.

The black Weretiger still remained on the chopped-off spire.

Secret, who was looking at him and Varen alternately, muttered softly.

“······You both probably have a lot on your mind. “Isn’t that right?”


“Shit… I’m really screwed.”

Blanta clenched his fists.

The beautiful leopard’s fur stood up like needles.

The Were Tiger standing on top of the spire was undoubtedly Jaipa Turgung.

The space that had been cut by his aura was slowly being restored.

Lethe opened her mouth.

“······Calm down, Blanta. “There is a plan in place for situations like this.”

“You know… I know too. “Even though I know it, it’s not easy.”

Blanta answered with his eyes fixed on Jaifa.

The scimitar soaring toward the sky was sprinkling a dazzling blue light.

“Has that old man become even more sinister?”

I couldn’t believe that he was a nearly 100-year-old veteran.

Even compared to the same Were Tiger, it was overwhelmingly larger.

Lethe wiped away the cold sweat.

“I will go first. “Please take care of the two guys.”

“I get it. “Get hit by me.”

“I wish you success. “If we fail, we will all die.”

Lethe left those words and walked towards the fortress.

Looking at his solemn steps, it seemed like there was some belief in him.

“Zaifa, it’s dangerous… Ugh!”

“Don’t do anything useless. “The moment you guys look like you’re trying to run away, I’ll run after you.”

Varen tried to warn him, but was foiled by Blanta.

He released his anger as if to vent his anger and grabbed the chain that was connected to the two people.

Varen and Secret, who were strangled, squeaked.

Blanta, who was still staring at Jaifa, pursed his lips.

“···That’s right. “If we fail, we all die.”

Jaifa was silently looking around.

The red eyes were shining brilliantly, no different from when they were young.

It didn’t take long to figure out what was going on here.

“You can’t really get up?! “Where are you falling?”

“I’m sorry… I haven’t eaten anything in days…”

Abuse was still taking place in the salt farm far away.

Because of the distance, they had not yet noticed Zaipa’s appearance.

A human wearing a red coat was beating the salt-carrying prisoners with a barbed whip.

“It’s because you’re so bad. “If you don’t want to become salted meat, get up now!”

“I’m sorry, please have mercy…!”

Wherever I looked, I saw prisoners going to and from the mine.

The prisoners with dust caked all over their bodies had already lost their original fur color.

Even though I continued to cough up blood, what came back was cold disregard and urging.

“Why can’t you use your strength like this? “You also ate dried cod earlier.”

“Call, Cough! “They only gave half a loaf to each person…”


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“Stop complaining! Look at me, I get beat up every day, but I don’t lose hope. “What if you, who have no responsibility, treat me like that?”

It was even the same prisoner who managed them.

Werebear, who had been burning a cigar in Blanta’s room just a moment ago, was brazenly pretending to be a work crew leader.

While continuing to tell stories of beatings that weren’t even received.


Such a scene reminded Jaifa of the past.

A burning hometown, the empire’s expansion policy and helpless compatriots dying.

The wife and son were killed after being hunted down like animals.

I was in the midst of reliving a nightmare I would never forget.

“Everyone get into formation! “Never make a mistake!”

“The Sword Saint is a thing of the past, and now he is just an old monster. Suppress and kill him at the same time!”

People’s voices were heard from under the spire.

Before I knew it, the Bukpungdan had climbed to the rooftop and were surrounding Jaipa.

It was quite crowded, and if you count the number of people stationed outside the fortress, there seemed to be hundreds of them.

They were all armed with equipment that looked different from ordinary weapons, and they all seemed to have been developed in-house to deal with beastmen.

Of course, in the current situation, none of that mattered.

Varen said to himself after seeing the fighting scene.

“Has everyone gone crazy…?”

It was clear that they were under mass hypnosis.

Or maybe you don’t know what kind of person Jaifa Tergeng is.

Otherwise, I couldn’t understand that behavior.

Even if I ran away without even looking back, it wouldn’t be enough.

“The North belongs to humans!”

“Old meow, why did you come crawling in here when you should have been sitting in the back room!”

Jaifa was still lost in thought.

Although low-level swear words were pouring out, he didn’t care at all.

The number of people who came up to the rooftop of the fortress was about to reach three digits.

After completing preparations, the Northern Winds finally gave the order to attack.

“Now! launch!”


Bokchang followed.

Various projectiles, including crossbows, were fired at Jaipa at once.

Among them, there were also items that had been used when kidnapping Varen and Secret.

The head of the crossbow split at close range and a net flew out.

Finally, Jaifa spoke.

“good. decided.”

At the same time, the shape of the scimitar became blurred.

The spear blade was swung in all directions, but no one saw its trajectory.

A sphere made of projectiles was about to swallow Jaipa.


All projectiles exploded in the air along with the howling wind.

The net was cut into pieces, and the arrows and spears were cut in two.

Unknown mechanical devices were also broken into pieces.

“What, what, what!”

The North Wind Altar is frozen.

The remains of the projectiles were falling overhead like rain.

There was not a single scratch on Jaifa’s body.



The first to come to his senses was the man serving as the company commander.

He was about to give instructions to his frozen subordinates.

Jaifa jumped from the top of the spire and landed on the man’s head.


Blood sprayed out along with the sound of a person being crushed.

Jaipa, who corrected the spear, spun around and swung the scimitar.

As the well-forged spear blade drew a circle, a red line was drawn over the members’ necks and faces.


A slash was made, but again no one noticed.

It was just as they belatedly noticed the company commander’s stampede and were about to react.


The red lines spread all at once, and a hundred heads rose into the air.

An eerie breaking sound.

A hundred streams of blood soaring toward the sky.

The red was unusually red in contrast to the hazy clouds.

The only survivors were seven people standing outside the range.

The members, who barely survived, threw down their weapons and began to run away.

“Ah, ahhh!!”

“f*ck, run away!”

However, Jaifa had already made up his mind.

When the scimitar was swung again, the seven bodies were cut in half at the same time.

Corpses lying around in vain.

A torrential rain of fresh blood pours down again.

Jaifa lowered his gaze down to the fortress and growled lowly.

“You are annihilated. “Every single one of you.”


“hmm? “Why are you…”

“Hey, boss!”

The members who encountered Lethe stopped in shock.

They had just left the fortress and were running away.

Lethe narrowed her eyes after grasping the situation.

“What are you all doing here? “Return to the battlefield.”

“No, that’s impossible. “You can’t beat that thing, no matter what weapon you use, it won’t work!”

The middle-aged man in front pointed behind him.

The fortress where Zaifa was rampaging was turning into hell.

Every time a black slash broke through the outer wall, a desperate scream rang out.

“Take your time, even if it means risking your life. “I will solve it.”

“To solve this situation…about half of them are already dead! Just allow me to retreat…”

It was a car where a middle-aged man was crying and talking.

Lethe raised her right hand and made a motion to pull the trigger.


A poisonous needle fired from below his wrist lodged in his neck.


A middle-aged man who was staggering collapsed.

The faces of the other fugitives turned pale.

The area where the poisonous needle hit was discolored black.

He died instantly without needing to see any more.

“Two, boss…”

“It’s a poison that sends even beasts to its knees. As soon as a human passes by, it’s over. “I have exactly twenty rounds of these poisonous needles under my wrist.”

Lethe moved her hands slowly.

Every time a finger pointed at themselves, the members gasped.

Lethe widened her eyes and scolded.

“Go back. “I won’t tell you twice.”


“Don’t hesitate and run. “I will shoot you the moment you stop or walk.”

There was no room for negotiation.

The members turned away with tears in their eyes.

Freed prisoners were escaping through doors and windows.

“Wow!! “I’m free!”

“Long live Jaifa! “Exterminate the humans!”

Now that they were free, they were rushing towards the Northern Winds.

Most of them were overpowered, but there were cases where they pushed through their physique and won.

In the end, a werewolf that succeeded in closing the distance bit the female member who was shooting the crossbow.


“Haha, even blood is sweet!”

Blood and intestines were flying out.

Once the distance was shortened, there was no way for a human who could not control mana to defeat the beastman.

She was disintegrated in the hands of the wolf without even being able to properly resist.

The werewolf, who was crazy about blood, tore apart three members, including a woman, before turning into a beehive and dying.


Lethe, who was watching the devastation, chewed her lower lip.

He walked briskly again and arrived at a watchtower that was quite far away from the fortress.

A tall building that is now abandoned and no one approaches.

There was something covered with a tarpaulin installed on the rooftop.

“The night of the canine is not over yet. Jaifa.”

When the tarpaulin was lifted, a huge ballista that seemed to be used in siege warfare was revealed.

The amul jar, which had no use at all, was an object created solely to wait for this moment.

The parts that made up the ballista were engraved with all kinds of magic spells and phrases.

Lethe took off her gloves and stroked the oldest phrase among them.

[Please become a great engineer]

A rough but sophisticated handwriting.

The person who carved the emblem was no longer in this world.

Lethe took a deep breath and sat down at the controls.

As he aimed at the fortress, he muttered as if he were chewing and swallowing.

“Blood, you have to wash it with blood.”


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