Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 139

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< 139. Come, Spring (4) >


Ice fragments flew. The witch’s trapped body leaned forward. Ronan gritted his teeth as he held her in his arms.

“Wow, it’s so cold.”

It felt like I was hugging a block of ice naked. Even her thick coat couldn’t stop the cold seeping from her body. Ronan looked at the witch’s face and shrugged his eyebrows.

‘It looks ordinary on the outside.’

Evelyn was wearing the same black robe that Asher wore. On her sleeve was a yellow badge symbolizing that she was a new student in the Phileon Magic Department.

I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t grown up yet, but it feels quite different from the witch I saw in my past life. She was just a cute girl. If it weren’t for her damn coldness and bleached white hair, she had a face that would have enchanted every boy in Phileon.

“Hey, calm down.”

Ronan shook the witch’s shoulder. No reply came from her. Her small head swayed helplessly like an accessory to her body. Suddenly, an ominous premonition passed through her mind.

‘···He’s not dead?’

Ronan urgently placed his index finger under the witch’s nose. Fortunately, she could feel her breathing out, albeit slightly. Her body was also pale and bloodless, but there were no visible wounds on her.

“Damn, I have a lot to ask.”

However, seeing as he was still unconscious, it was difficult to say that his condition was good. After muttering a curse at her, Ronan took off her cloak and placed it on the witch.


It was a shame because Itargand had raised the temperature. Otherwise, his ribs would have frozen. While I was fastening his buttons one by one, I heard Erzébet’s voice from behind.


Now that I think about it, the surroundings were quiet. Ronan turned his head. She and her people all stood still, as if rooted to the ground.

Itargand was also staring dumbfounded at the ice shards scattered on the floor. The silence continued for about thirty more seconds. The interrogator who guided him jumped up and shouted.

“Uh, uh, the ice broke!”

A loud voice echoed in the empty space. Only then did people become speechless. The growing murmur exploded into exclamation.

“Ma, the witch’s shell has been broken!”

“Oh my god, you really cut it with that sword?!”

“I-I didn’t see it either!”

They started discussing the miracles they had seen with all sorts of fuss. Perhaps because the witch was scary, it wasn’t easy for her to approach. Erzsebet walked slowly and stopped in front of the witch.


Erzsebet smoothed the wound on her neck. Judging by the fact that he was constantly chewing his lips, his emotions seemed to be complicated. After taking several deep breaths, she opened her mouth.

“I didn’t see it at all. “What did you do?”

“I just cut it with a knife.”

“That’s it?”


“···Even after two years, you still look the same.”

Erzsebet shook her head as if she was fed up. It was like this at the Dawn Magic Tower. Suddenly, loud footsteps echoed from the other side of the hallway.

When I turned my gaze, five or six people wearing bird-beak masks were running towards me. Judging from his attire, he appeared to be an interrogator like Karaka.

“···oh my god. “The report was true.”

After looking around, the interrogators dispersed and began their own tasks. Someone started picking up ice shards and putting them in a box, while someone else started scribbling down something in a notebook.

The man who had been observing the scene for the longest approached Ronan. The mask depicting an owl was impressive. He looked back and forth between Ronan and her witch before opening his mouth.

“This is Special Interrogator Ahja. Are you the one who broke the shell?”


Ronan nodded calmly. Her man looked surprised for a moment and asked the question again.

“What is your name and affiliation?”

“This is Ronan from Phileon Academy.”

“okay. Ronan, you have done a great job. “I just received a call from the system.”

“What’s going on?”

“They say the snow has stopped.”

Ronan’s eyes widened. He relayed a message that the snow that had been pouring down for a year had stopped and blue skies were revealed. I didn’t expect things to be resolved this quickly.

Inquisitor Ahja briefly explained the process ahead and the rewards he would receive. As the story progressed, the frequency of Ronan laughing increased. Perhaps because it was such a large event, the scale of the compensation was beyond imagination. Ahja expressed his gratitude once again and continued.

“You will probably hear from the imperial palace soon. “I think you can wait with peace of mind.”

“Nimi, you’re meeting the emperor?”

“He is a hero who brought spring back to the islands, so it is natural. “No matter how bad he is, he will at least have dinner with us.”

Ronan laughed as if he was shocked. In both his lives he had never seen the Emperor in person. After conveying all the information, Ahza took out a black rope from his waist.

“Then could you please step aside for a moment? “I will arrest the Witch of Winter.”

“Oh, wait a minute.”

“Why are you doing that?”

“I have something to ask him personally. “I think I need to come to my senses first. Can you wait for me?”

Ahja’s face hardened. After being stiff for about five seconds, he opened his mouth.

“···That’s troublesome. Evelyn Droza’s status is that of a full-fledged prisoner. “He can’t leave a felon free to do something.”

“How can there be no way?”


Ahja shook her head. The stern tone conveyed a firm tone that no matter what, it was impossible.

It wasn’t exactly wrong, but it was ambiguous. I was just wondering how I could convince her of this. Karaka came up behind her and got between them.

“Hehe, don’t be too hard on me and give me at least some air.”

“Interrogator Karaka.”

“You’re a hero who saved the system, right? Is there anything really wrong?”

“Uhmmm… Still…”

“If anything happens, I will take responsibility. “I ask you as a fellow interrogator.”

Ahja sighed. The attention of the interrogators who were in the midst of gathering information was focused.

Karaka seemed to be a fairly high-ranking interrogator. After thinking for a while, Ahja nodded his head.


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“···All right. “I will trust you, Interrogator.”

“Haha, don’t worry.”

“Please don’t take too long. “I will go first and wait for you.”

Ahja shook her head and turned her back. After completing data collection, the interrogators left Juteca. Karaka, who was looking behind them, closed one eye to Ronan.

‘Old man.’

Ronan chuckled without realizing it. Perhaps this was the best Karaka could do for him. Ronan gave the same wink and picked up the witch.

“We should lay it down first, right?”

“That sounds good. “There is an office just up the road, so go there.”

“great. Let’s go there.”

Since he was unconscious, I had no choice but to pick him up and move him. I felt like my body was much warmer than before, perhaps because I had put on a coat. Ronan suddenly noticed something unusual and shrugged his eyebrows.


Seaaaa… the witch’s hair color was changing. The white hair that was completely white was turning a healthy brown from the roots. Ronan’s brow narrowed slightly.

“What, why are you like this all of a sudden?”

It seemed as if the snow was melting and the soil buried beneath it was revealed. Has a curse or something been lifted? At that time, Erzsebet’s voice was heard from not far away.

“Asel, what’s wrong?”


Ronan turned his head. The sight of Asher standing still and Erzebet clapping her hands in front of him caught my eye. Now that I think about it, Asher was nowhere to be seen in the chaos from earlier.

“Are you okay? Asher!”

No matter what Erzsebet did, Asher did not react. There was no focus in the eyes that were staring into space. Ronan frowned at her.




Asher opened his eyes. It was a mysterious feeling. I think she had her eyes open originally. His blurry vision became clear and Erzsebet appeared, her face pressed close to him.


Asher was scared and stepped back. Erzsebet did not move. There was no change in the balance of his body, even though he was in a shaky position as if he would fall at any moment.

“W-Where are you?”

Asher noticed something was wrong and hurriedly looked around. She wasn’t the only one stopped.

Ronan was coming towards us with the witch in his arms, people were talking with their eyes wide open, and even Itargand was still standing dumbfounded. Everyone stood still.

“Well, what happened…?”

It seemed like time had stopped. Even when I tried to remember how something like this happened, I couldn’t remember. We definitely saw Ronan break the ice on her, but the next scene was cut off.

At that time, a voice came from behind.

【Nice to meet you, kid.】


It was a woman’s voice. Asher took a deep breath. It was true that when she was so startled she couldn’t even scream.

I felt like my heart sank to my belly button. After taking her deep breath dozens of times, Asher slowly turned her head. A woman in a white dress was standing right behind him. She raised her hand and grinned.

【You’re a very pretty child.】


Asher let out the scream he had been building up. Craddangtang! He almost fell backwards, hitting his butt.

The woman giggled as if she found that sight amusing. Asher opened her mouth, barely holding back the tears that were about to spill out.

“W-Who are you…?!”

【Who are you? That’s an interesting question.】

The woman smiled. She was a very beautiful person. Her pure white hair, which reached down to her waist, was like silk woven from her eyes. Everything about her was white except her cloudy blue eyes and her bright red lips.

Just by looking at her appearance, she seemed to be similar in age to Nabi Rose, but the atmosphere was so strange that it was hard to guess for sure. The woman thought for a moment before opening her mouth.

【I have many names, so I will call you whatever you like. The cruelest season, white land, or…】

For a moment, the woman trailed off. She walked with her graceful gestures and stood next to Ibelin.

【You can call me the Winter Witch like everyone else.】

“Chaff, the winter witch…?”

Asher’s face turned pale. What on earth does she mean when she knows the face of the Witch of Winter? He said, pointing to Evelyn being held by Ronan.

“Well, wasn’t she the Winter Witch?”

【Ibelin is just my vessel. Poor kid. She was captured by some strange men and spent a year in the cold ice…】

The woman looked pitifully at the fainted Evelyn. She continued her words while affectionately stroking Ibelin’s head, which was turning brown.

【Still, it wasn’t a waste of time. This twinkling star has come into my arms. You can’t even compare it to Evelyn…】

“Bah, a twinkling star…? “More than that, what is happening to me…”

【Ah, it’s nothing special.】

The woman stopped stroking and approached Asher. She squatted down and gently grabbed both of Asher’s cheeks.

【It’s really no big deal…】

It was so cold that I wanted to scream, but my body didn’t move. Her breasts were clearly visible through her flowing dress. The woman, pressing her face close to her as if to kiss her, whispered softly.

【Give your body to me.】


Asher’s eyes widened. Only then did Asher notice that her grown womanly hair was wrapping around her own limbs. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t move. She hurriedly tried to chant a spell, but her hair, which grew quickly, blocked his mouth.

“Ugh! “Ugh!”

【It’s okay, kid. are you okay···.】

The woman whispered sweetly and gently hugged Asher. I could feel her consciousness gradually slipping away. She cried out with all his might as he desperately bit down on her hair.

“Ro, Ronan!!”



Asher’s eyes returned to focus. He came to his senses and looked around. Erzsebet’s face, who was clapping her hands in front of her, brightened.

“What, are you conscious?”

Asher did not answer. He moved his hands and feet here and there and muttered in a voice filled with admiration.

“It’s surprising… I don’t think even that old Lorhorn was like this…”

“yes? Asher, are you okay?”

“huh. Okay.”

“…It’s okay, right?”

Asher belatedly nodded. Erzsebet tilted her head at the somewhat changed atmosphere. It seemed like his tone of voice and his eyes had changed subtly.

“Yumma, are you okay?”

At that time, Ronan came striding towards me. Evelyn had been handed over to Karaka. He said, pinching one of Asher’s cheeks.

“Why are you so quiet earlier? What’s going on?”


Asher raised his head. Asher, who was quietly staring at Ronan, laughed bitterly. He suddenly hugged Ronan and muttered softly.

“My prince…”

“Why is this guy acting like this all of a sudden?”

Ronan’s face distorted like a rock. Ergé Bet covered her mouth with both hands. He was disgusted by the world and grabbed Asher’s shoulders to shake him off.

“Did you turn? ok?”

“You’re being rude. “Isn’t this something you can do?”

Asher said, puffing out one cheek. She behaved just like a girl. Asher brushed his hair behind his ear and muttered softly.

“I think this is good enough beauty. “Your eyes are still very high.”

“…I’m sure it’s gone.”

Goosebumps like chicken crawled up the back of Ronan’s neck. Erzhebet, who looked at the two people alternately with contemptuous eyes, opened her mouth.

“Oh, this beast… How can you do this to Adeshan… and even Master Asher…!”

“Erzebet. shut up.”

Ronan shook his head. Asher still maintained a feminine attitude.

It seemed like part of my brain had frozen because of the cold. Physical treatment seemed urgent. Just as Ronan was about to roll up her sleeves, a voice came from behind her.

“there. “Stop.”


Ronan turned his head. Red Hatching Itargand was glaring at him. His outstretched wings were still not retracted.

“How did you do it?”


“You broke the ice that even I couldn’t melt. “What kind of trick did you use?”

“What kind of trick is this? “If you fail, go back quietly, wipe your feet, and go to sleep.”

Ronan waved his hand as if he was annoyed. Itar Gand clenched her fists.

“···no. “I can’t understand it.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“I will challenge you to a duel. “Right now, in this place.”

Itargand’s voice was low. Before he could say anything, his body began to swell.

A tail reminiscent of a giant tree was growing. Coo coo coo coo! The mouth began to protrude and transform into a crocodile-like snout. Ronan cursed as he watched the wings becoming more red.

“Isn’t this a crazy bastard!”

“Prove that you are stronger than me.”

Even though there were a lot of red dragons who just left, this was a bit harsh. The zooteca was vibrating. People started screaming and running away. Interrogators rushed in and desperately tried to stop him.

“Hey, Itargand! It’s not possible!!”

“Shut up!”

Itargand roared. Several interrogators, overwhelmed by the peerage, sat down in their seats. He had already turned into half a dragon.

‘It’s going to spin, really.’

Their current location was deep under the sea. If that immature dragon were to return to its perfect form, there was a high possibility that the outer wall would collapse and everyone would be buried.

At this point, it was impossible not to see blood. Itargand had to be stopped even if it meant half-killing him. Ronan sighed and tried to pull the hilt of the sword.

Sigh! Something was fired over Ronan’s head and lodged in Itargand’s chest.


It was so fast that I didn’t even see it properly. Everyone’s faces became stiff. Itar Gand looked down at his own chest and coughed up blood.


An ice pick the size of a street tree was dug deep into my chest. The pulsating chill was spreading throughout Itargand’s body.

It was ice that I had seen many times before. Ronan slowly turned his head. Asher, stretching out her hand as if aiming, caught her eye.


【Ah, as expected, it’s amazing.】

Asher muttered in a voice full of admiration. A crack-like smile appeared on his lips. His bright red hair was turning white from the roots.

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