Absolute Necromancer Chapter 337

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Episode 337

“Phew, it’s been a while since I’ve been here.”

“Aphuah! Have you been here before? This is my first time seeing Tom!”

“I guess so. You weren’t there at that time.”

“… … Now I have greed too!”

“Yeah, yeah, now that we’re together, we can attack together.”

“Yeah! Hehe.”

141st floor.

Jinhyuk, who appeared there, felt a very new feeling.

‘Soon, it will be the 150th floor, half of the so-called low-rise section. It took much longer than when I climbed up here in the past, but I became incomparably stronger than before.’

The time until Jinhyuk died on the 600th floor was approximately 5 years.

Compared to that, now that 1-2 years have passed, it may be said that it is only the 141st floor, but Jinhyuk now knows that climbing the tower quickly is not the answer.

The entity that Jinhyeok must catch is not the intangible thing called the tower’s conquest, but the dagger that is targeting him.

That is, because they were beings with clear murderous intent.

And the daggers become more powerful and more usable as Jinhyeok climbs the tower.

‘If I could deal with enemies to the point where I could get stronger just by climbing the tower, I’d be on the 600th floor by now.’

Moreover, for Jinhyuk, the number of floors below 600 was not a problem.

If you just focus on clearing each floor without resting, it won’t even take a year to get to the 600th floor.




“Shall we spar?”

“Okay. Can’t you see Hye-rin over there with her eyes wide open?”

“… … Damn, there’s nothing like sparring to improve your skills.”

What was important to Jinhyeok now was not the empty honor of conquering a certain number of floors of the tower, but rather improving his own skills.

That’s why Jinhyuk couldn’t help but feel regret.

Even though Hye-rin was playing with Tam from afar, she was glaring at them and was showing signs of running towards them as soon as they took out the letter D of Dalian.


“Kyunghoon’s situation is not good, so we need to go and help him quickly.”

“Okay, I thought about it carefully. It’s a shame, but let’s do the sparring later.”

Since Goldrich had also relayed information that Choi Kyung-hoon, who was located on the 150th floor, and ‘Gehenna’ where he was located were under attack by the Celestials, he could not waste time sparring.

“Okay, so someone like Kyunghoon or Ryu or something like that would be stronger than you.”

“… … It’s unpleasant. I’m not weak.”

Even in the midst of all this, Jinhyuk, who had not forgotten to scratch Hendrick’s mentality, stood up with a faint smile.

“I need to get up to the 150th floor quickly and see some familiar faces.”

“You see a lot? Wasn’t Choi Kyung-hoon the only one on the 150th floor?”

A familiar face.

It seemed quite odd to say that I would see a lot of them.

It’s almost like meeting Ryu for the first time, and only Choi Kyung-hoon is there.

It felt very strange to go see one person and say you see a lot of familiar faces.

But Jinhyuk did not change what he said despite Hendrick’s question.


“If you go, you’ll probably see a lot of familiar faces. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you either… … But it seems like you’ve been working hard while I was away, so it’ll probably be pretty useful.”

“……no way?”

“Yes, my army that broke away from me. I sent them to the 150th floor.”

“… … I wonder if there will be nothing left by the time we get there.”

“Maybe so.”

Jinhyuk’s army.

“Balkan, Tune, Basil, Ashur Hum. How strong they have become.”

His own legion commanders leading an army made up of soul soldiers.

Because I sent them to ‘Gehenna’ located on the 150th floor.

“Okay, then shall we start?”

“Not bad.”

And before the buffet was turned into a place with nothing left to eat by the troops he sent, Jinhyuk and Hendrick were planning to set foot in the buffet.





The residents of the 141st floor started running towards them like crazy.


The end always came with a bang! and it was the moment when their run began. * * *

“Phew… … .”


“Rest. You’ve been working too much lately.”


With a deep sigh, her blond hair, which looked like it had been gilded with molten gold, was tousled.

A man messes up his own neat hair.

Anyone who knows anything about the man will tilt their head in puzzlement.



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“The world’s greatest gold-rich man is acting like a peddler. He has so much work to do, it’s ridiculous.”


The one with the most money in the tower.

Because he was a mysterious being who always had a cool and sharp appearance and always maintained a neat appearance.

But he really had a tired face.

In the past few days, we have been sending out communications regarding Jinhyeok, relaying new information, and assigning personnel for personnel movement, etc.

Because there was so much to do.

“Thanks to that, only the western hemisphere is dying.”

The number of goldrichs in the Western Hemisphere is not so large that they can carry dozens or even hundreds of them.

They are so precious that only a few are used, and only occasionally when necessary.

After several days of driving that carrier like crazy, there were no more carriers left to move.

It wasn’t for nothing that I sent news about Jinhyeok to Choi Kyunghoon so late.

Because I sent it to Ken and Haryu first, and then sent it to Choi Kyung-hoon.

In addition, as soon as Goldrich heard that Gehenna, where Choi Kyung-hoon was located, was being attacked by the Celestials and the Holy Nation, he prepared for them.

of course-

“Now that the Soul Soldiers’ Army has moved, Gehenna will also take a breather.”

The contrast became useless.

Jinhyuk revealed himself.

Because he sent his army of soul soldiers to Gehenna through Goldrich.

And as they climbed the tower diligently under Jinhyeok’s orders, they grew in strength and power and headed to the 150th floor without a moment’s hesitation.

It was an absurd determination, and Goldrich, apart from being tired and annoyed, envied them.

“They rush into a place that is no different from hell with a single order, carrying a rifle. Isn’t that the epitome of a true military?”

The military is about becoming one and giving up one’s life like a blade of grass for the sake of an order.

But there is no such army anywhere in the world.

That’s what life was like.

No matter how much they train and train, is there an army that can advance without an inch of hesitation to a place where there is a very, very high possibility of death at the first order?

It wasn’t something that could be created with time or money.

“I’m really jealous of this one thing.”

Cha Jin-hyeok.

This is possible because they are created only for one being and look only at one being.

A being where all are one, and one is all.

That was the Soul Soldiers’ Army, and the commanders leading the Soul Soldiers’ Army were no different.

They too were ultimately just parts that existed for Jinhyuk, and those parts rolled like cogs in a wheel without losing sight of the purpose of their birth.

That’s why Goldrich was jealous.

Even though I have armed a huge number of troops with an incredible amount of supplies that cannot even be compared to the Soul Soldier Army, I still cannot obtain the Soul Soldier Army even if I exchange them all.

“… … Even if it weren’t for that guy Cha Jin-hyeok, I would really try to steal it.”


Goldrich’s eyes sparkled at the thought of this being a virtue that a merchant should possess.

But that sparkle didn’t last long.

“Well, if it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t have been able to create such monstrous creatures, so it’s not like there’s any such thing.”

Because Jinhyuk’s soul soldier army was not something that could have been created by anyone other than Jinhyuk in the first place.


“There is nothing more stupid than trying to take what belongs to someone else.”

The reason Goldrich doesn’t think about stealing the Soul Soldier Army is not because it belongs to his friend Jinhyuk, but because it belongs to ‘Death Star’ Cha Jinhyuk.

And even after more than 10 years, Goldrich’s mind still remembered the fear brought by the existence of ‘Death Star’ Cha Jin-hyeok.

Of course, it was because Goldrich had an excellent memory, but the fear was something that any human being, regardless of whether they had a good or bad memory, would inevitably remember.

“Rather than taking what’s his, I’d rather fight the Four Emperors. Well, if they tell me to fight a god and a demon, I guess I can try to take it.”

It is no exaggeration to say that fighting the Four Emperors, who are absolute powers within the tower, would be better than taking what belongs to Jinhyeok.

If you mix things up a bit and tell them to fight against gods and demons, then it’s something worth thinking about.

It was actually ridiculous.

Jinhyuk was strong in the past, but he couldn’t even get over the 600-floor wall, and even taking that into account, he was a strong climber who could reach the 700th floor, but he couldn’t compare to the Four Emperors or the gods and demons.

However, those who knew Jinhyeok in the past were reluctant to take away Jinhyeok’s things or hit him in the back of the head.

“There is no mercy for robbers and traitors.”

Because I was afraid.

At most, they knew how a single human being, called a ‘one-man army’, would command the tower, and how they would react and deal with it if their property was invaded, so they did not touch Jinhyeok’s property, and they tried to never betray Jinhyeok when they were on the same side as him.

In the words of a traitor?

“… … I feel bad for Nine Star. Who would have thought that a dead guy would come back to life?”

Nine Stars are showing us this in person now, so there is no need for further explanation.


After thinking about it, Goldrich leans back on the sofa, and the sofa slowly tilts back, creaking as it follows his body.

“I guess I need to oil it a bit.”

It was a nice sofa.

It’s just that the flavor has slightly faded over the years.

Even though he had more than enough gold coins to fill a room, Goldrich was not a big fan of luxury.

Always use only as much money as you need.

Anything more than that has always been moderate.

When you need it someday.

To spend hundreds of millions of gold.


“I will accept the deal.”

[The greedy dragon’s eyes shine.]

[The greedy dragon whets its appetite.]

And this was that moment.

Ten gold coins pouring down on the table.

It was a shabby number.

But the only thing that was shabby was the number.

[100 million gold]

Because a single gold symbolized the value of 100 million gold.

In fact, it was gold that was unnecessary.

Just as no one in the world uses 100 million dollar bills or checks, there was not much use for 100 million dollar gold coins.

But this time, things were different.

“I want to buy the ordeal of greed.”

The Trial of Greed.

A trial administered by the ‘greedy dragon’.

The essence of the ordeal of appetite that Jinhyeok had been conducting was the same, but to buy it, a huge amount of money was needed, and 1 billion gold would be enough to fill Goldrich’s office and still have a lot left over, so it couldn’t be helped.

1 billion gold.

It is a lump sum payment that is difficult for an average climber to save up in their entire life.

It was a ridiculous deal though.

[The greedy dragon says there is no after-sales service.]

[The greedy dragon says that even if you fail, there is no refund.]

Far from being terrified by the ridiculous price, the ‘greedy dragon’ strongly declared that he would never return the 1 billion gold that was now his.

Goldrich calmly responded to those words, which stated that no matter what the outcome of the ordeal was, he would never receive any additional compensation for it.

“A merchant compromises only when he is buying or selling something. He does not compromise on something he has already bought or sold.”

[The greedy dragon is satisfied.]

[The greedy dragon asks if he would like to come in right now.]

Goldrich’s office shook slightly as if he was satisfied with Goldrich’s answer.

It was a slight connection to a transcendent being, and the aftereffects of that being’s joy.

But Goldrich paid no attention even though his own office was shaking and almost falling apart.


“Open it.”

[The greedy dragon says the deal is done.]


All he asked was to open a portal to the Trial of Greed.

With that answer from Goldrich, a small mouth appeared in the air and swallowed ten gold coins, each worth 100 million gold.

Ugh! Ugh!

It was shocking to see a whopping 1 billion gold coins disappear in an instant through a single meal.

Tsk tsk tsk-

“Then can I go?”

Goldrich just stared blankly at the purple portal that appeared before his eyes and asked for permission to enter.

[The greedy dragon smiles at you.]

[The greedy dragon wishes you good luck.]

And as soon as the Master of the Trial gave permission, Goldrich strode towards the portal.

“Cha Jin-hyeok. Don’t think that I can’t stand by your side just because I’m a merchant.”

Goldrich to stand by his side, not behind, as his colleague, friend, and business partner.

No, William Haswald suddenly disappeared into the portal leading to the ordeal of greed.

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