Absolute Necromancer Chapter 331

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Episode 331



-You can’t reach him!

The inside of the Blue Dragon was truly teeming with undead.

No, the word “bustling” is not an adequate description of the undead blocking Hendrick’s path.

“Get out of the way.”

But Hendrick did not back down even when faced with such undead.

Forward and forward again.

Hendrick’s entire body was covered in wounds as he cut down hundreds and thousands of undead, but he did not stop.



“… … Keuk!”

Hendrick was crushed to death by the immense mana and dragon power that filled the empty space, coughing harshly.

Fortunately, there were no other undead around, so there was nothing to attack Hendrick who was lying on the ground, but the important thing was the fact that Hendrick had stopped.


A grinding sound is heard inside Hendrick’s mouth as he resists the pressure, causing his molars to crack.

Despite the pain of his teeth cracking and the red blood filling his mouth, Hendrick pressed forward.

Swish- swish- swish-

At first it was crawling.

Since he can’t get up, he uses his two arms and his sword like a hoe to hit the ground, then pulls his body up, and then hits the ground again, repeating the process infinitely.

After gradually moving forward and becoming accustomed to the immense energy that filled the space, it was time to stand up.

Thud- thud- thud- thud- thud-

One step at a time.

Hendrick walked so slowly that it seemed as if fire would burst out, but it was definitely faster than crawling on the floor.

Hendrick, who had become accustomed to walking, next turned to jumping.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

The sound of jumping echoed within the room.

It wasn’t an ordinary leap forward.

The great sea.

Running in the deep sea is next to impossible.

In fact, Hendrick is running beyond moving while a huge amount of energy fills the space and holds him down?

That means pushing back a huge amount of energy from the front.

Hendrick was now performing a miracle similar to how humans were able to impose their will on nature.

“Whew… … Whoosh… … Whoosh… … .”

It wasn’t without a price.

My whole body felt heavy like water-soaked cotton, my muscles were screaming, and my bones rattled as if they were torn to pieces.

The blood in my body felt like it was flowing backwards, my vision was spinning, and my brain felt like it was going to burn.

But even in such pain, Hendrick did not stop.


Finally, he was able to see the being he was looking for.

A blue-haired girl squatting in a position that was still a bit far away but clearly visible.

It is impossible for an ordinary girl to squat down in a place where even the body of a strong superhuman would be crushed to death.

There was only one answer.

“Blue Dragon.”

The owner of this space.

Blue dragon.

If the girl’s true identity was the Azure Dragon, then everything made sense, so Hendrick called her name softly.


“……who is this?”

A stranger calling his name.

The girl turned her head, her small body trembling.

Lovely blue hair.

Blue eyes that seem to contain the sea.

A dragon’s eye drawn vertically in the middle of those eyes.

“I came to pick you up.”

Hendrick announced to the girl, who was worthy of being called the epitome of beauty, that he had come to pick her up.

To take the girl who has been here for a long time outside, to achieve his own purpose.

But he couldn’t move the heart of a girl who had existed for thousands, tens of thousands of years.

“… … I don’t like it, I’m scared.”


Because that’s what kept the girl tied to this spot.

It was something I couldn’t even imagine.

Even the space made up of the remaining energy after death is overwhelmingly overwhelming, so how can such a being be something to be afraid of?

Of course, even if she was afraid, Hendrick did not bend his mind.

“Still, I have to take you out.”

“… …Who told you to bring me here? Is it the Yellow Dragon?”

“Yellow Dragon? I don’t know of such a being. I just need you because of my needs. That’s all there is to it.”



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“… … How selfish of you. I don’t want to go out, but you still want to take me? Because of your needs?”


The Blue Dragon was furious at Hendrick’s calm attitude of trying to drag him out against his will.

“Why! What do you need! I like it this way! If I go outside, that scary woman might come after me again, and then I’ll have to suffer again!”

Anger towards something outside.

Hendrick, who was faced with the thick fear mixed in there, responded calmly.

“I don’t have time… …but let’s start with the story. What on earth has made you so scared and kept you here? For hundreds, thousands. Maybe even longer.”

“… …Tiamat.”


At the familiar name, Hendrick broke his poker face for the first time and looked at the blue dragon with a surprised face.

But the Blue Dragon paid no attention to him and continued to speak his words frantically, like a machine gun.

“That five-headed woman is after me. Even the yellow dragon couldn’t protect me in the end. And yet you want to take me outside? You’ll be eaten by Tiamat first? And yet you want to take me? Huh?”


An evil dragon that even gods and demons cannot do anything about.

Tiamat’s power was so strong that even the ‘Fairy Dragon King’ and the ‘Central Dragon’, who were the opposite of her, had difficulty protecting beings other than themselves from her.

In other words, the Blue Dragon was a young dragon who was sacrificed in the struggle between the Divine Dragon and the Evil Dragon.

The words that the Blue Dragon spoke out loud were, ironically, filled with concern for Hendrick.

The first being I met.

Concern for the being that seeks to take you outside, into the fearful world.

It was absurd, but the Blue Dragon was doing it.

Hendrik lightly responded to her words as she cursed at him, saying that she didn’t want to see Tiamat’s gaze being caught and getting hurt because of her, as if she had taken him outside.

“Tiamat is outside now.”


“It is not the main body, it only has one of the five heads, and even that is not normal, but it is a monster that we cannot dare to face.”

“… … Are you sure you came here to make me attack Tiamat?”


“… … You’re crazy, you’re crazy, you’re crazy! That’s impossible. That’s not possible. I… … I’ve already been killed by that woman! How could I possibly fight her?”

Hendrick’s eyes were filled with only the image of a child trembling with fear, with no longer any anger or concern for Hendrick.

Seeing that he had already decided that it was impossible and was not trying to change it, Hendrick slowly approached the Blue Dragon one step at a time.



“……what are you doing?”

“… … I need your strength.”

Hendrick knelt before the blue dragon, who was trembling with fear, and bowed his head in begging.

No, it would be an understatement to say that I begged.

The sight of a being he had never seen before kneeling before him and bowing its head in begging was enough to make the Blue Dragon, who had existed for a long time but could not be described as young, bewildered.

But Hendrick didn’t care.

“I hate all the dragons in this world.”

“… … What? Then why are you asking me?”

“I can’t kill a friend who trusted me because of my personal feelings.”

“… …Someone is blocking Tiamat.”

“Cha Jin-hyeok. The name of the being that is currently stopping that monster, and also the name of my friend.”

“That guy sent you to me. Using his life as a shield.”

“Yes, that is why I can never give up. My pride, my knees, my pleas. I will give it all to bring you back and save my friend from the hands of Tiamat, that monster.”

The sadness of losing his family to the Dragon Clan turned into hatred, and as time passed, it did not dilute but rather grew stronger.

Hendrick is now a dragon among dragons, a dragon of the gods.

I was kneeling before the blue dragon.

Only for himself, to believe in himself, to save his friend who was left alone in front of Tiamat.

The Blue Dragon, who had read Hendrick’s earnestness, carefully got up from his seat and placed his small hand on Hendrick’s long hair and asked.

“I… … have already been defeated. Tiamat is a monster that neither the Yellow Dragon nor Bahamut can do anything about. If you fall out of favor with such a monster, you will definitely be killed by her one day.”

“Does not matter.”

“It’s not something that can be easily solved. If, just by chance, I appear again and take down Tiamat’s fifth head, Tiamat will come after me again, and your death will definitely be included in the process. What do you think you, a subspecies of dragon with only dragon blood, can do to an evil dragon that even gods and demons cannot do anything about?”


But the Blue Dragon was now longing for an answer.

The aforementioned look of hope that Hendrick’s mind would not change even after hearing everything he had to say.

Even though he couldn’t see the sight, Hendrick’s heart didn’t change one bit.

“Just help me this once. I’ll take care of any danger that comes my way. My goal is to slay all the dragons in the world… … but if there’s a dragon that can help me along the way, I’ll throw everything I have into protecting that dragon.”

“… … !”

“Don’t even think about avoiding the being that will defeat the being you fear, even though it is right in front of you. If not this chance, you may never have another chance to overcome your fear.”

“……I’m serious?”

“I do not lie. And my goal is to slay the dragon, but the one fighting Tiamat right now is one who sees beyond that. I will never allow my partner to be in danger. That is just the way he is.”

“Pa… … partner?”

The young blue dragon’s face turns bright red at the word partner that came out of Hendrick’s mouth.

But Hendrick, still kneeling and bowing his head, continued to speak calmly.

“If someone I can trust my back to on the battlefield isn’t called a partner, then what can I call them?”


Hendrick raised his head slightly at the sound of a regretful exclamation.

“… …Can’t we call it half?”


“Okay… … I’m just kidding!”

I frowned as I looked at the blue dragon making strange noises.

In response to Hendrick’s answer, the Blue Dragon smiled brightly and asked.

“What is your name?”

“… … It’s Hendrick.”

The first time I heard Hendrick’s name was when I met him.

Upon hearing that, the blue dragon muttered with a serious face, ‘Hendrick… Hendrick… …’ before quickly introducing himself.

“I am the Blue Dragon. And now that I am your partner, please give me a name to call you.”

Blue dragon.

Hendrick sat up straight and fell into thought as the Blue Dragon asked him to formally reveal his name and give him a new name that he would hear directly from his own mouth while together with Hendrick.

“Blue hair, blue eyes. Your name is Cheongryong to begin with… … I think it would be good if it was ‘Cheong (靑)’, which means light blue.”

“… … Good. Yeah! I like it.”

Not long after, Cheongryong nodded his head and smiled with satisfaction at the new name he had just revealed.

And when his name was decided, the Blue Dragon smiled brighter than ever and ran to Hendrick, hugging him and shouting.

“Hendrick! Please take care of me!”


“… … Haa, okay. Please take good care of me too, Cheong.”

“Yeah! Hehe.”

Despite the light weight of the blue, Hendrick felt the weight of the choice he had made.

‘… … Hannah, I’m thinking of you.’

Hendrick smiled bitterly as he looked at his younger sister Hannah, whom he could no longer see, under the light weight of the blue clothes in his arms.

“Then go out.”


The recruitment of new colleagues and partners is complete.

Now there’s only one thing left.

“Tiamat. Are you ready to bite off her nape, sir?”



All she did was bite the nape of her neck while she was fighting with Jinhyeok.

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