Absolute Necromancer Chapter 330

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Episode 330

Knock knock knock-

“Gasp… … Ugh… … Gasp… … .”


There was a man running through a wasteland where nothing special could be seen.

A sharp nose and sharp eyes.

It was no exaggeration to say that the face that matched them well was handsome, but the man who was running now frowned as if he had no interest in his own appearance.


“… … Cha Jin-hyeok.”

A man running at the sound of a loud noise coming from behind.

Hendrick paused for a moment, looked back, and wiped the sweat off his face.


Hendrick’s body, which has reached superhuman strength, hardly ever gets tired, and of course, he doesn’t sweat.

The reason why Hendrick was sweating was simple.

Because even with the enormous physical strength that a superhuman body gives, he is exhausted, tired, and mentally at his limit.

But Hendrick didn’t stand still for long.

“Almost there.”

The huge mountain peak seen in the distance.

The mountain peak that rose so high that it was impossible to tell how high it was was right in front of us.

It would have taken several hours to travel this distance, but Hendrick managed to reach the center near the mountain peak in just a few minutes, dealing with the dragon teeth that blocked his way.

It wasn’t for nothing that Hendrick was panting and sweating.

His legs were shaking, his lungs were screaming for air, but Hendrick took a deep breath and started running again, not even paying attention to the beads of sweat dripping down his body.

Knock knock knock-

Hendrick passed by with a quick but regular running sound, and beads of sweat ran down the path like a road. * * *

“… … We’ve arrived.”

Hendrick, who had compressed hours of travel into just ten minutes, caught his breath at the foot of the mountain, listening to the roar that was now barely audible.

-Find it quickly!

-There must be something hidden in this mountain!

“… … There are also a lot of flies.”

Numerous dragons are caught up in Hendrick’s sharp senses.

If it were normal, he would have glared at them and rushed at them, but Hendrick knew how to weigh the pros and cons of things.

He knew that if he wanted to, he could sweep them all away even though he was exhausted, but if he did, he would disappoint Jinhyeok’s expectations.


“I’ll sweep you up later.”

Two figures appeared in front of Hendrick, who was trying to suppress his rising anger by gritting his teeth.


“He’s my dad’s friend! Huh… … Is dad an audi?”

Hye-rin and Tam.

It was the moment when they, who had headed to the center first to find traces of the Blue Dragon under Jinhyeok’s orders, appeared in front of Hendrick.

Hendrick let out a hollow laugh at the familiar sight and his face hardened.

“This is a serious situation. A man named Baalzebub has appeared and made a pact with the light dragon, using him as a sacrifice to summon a powerful evil dragon.”

“What… … What? But why are you coming alone! What about Jinhyuk? Did Jinhyuk run away to somewhere else?”


Hye-rin’s face turned pale at the name she had heard and seen before, and she asked about Jin-hyeok’s well-being-

“Jinhyuk… … stayed there and caught that guy’s attention. If that guy hadn’t stopped me, I probably wouldn’t have gotten here.”

“Ha… … Hahaha… … That’s ridiculous. Last time, Jinhyeok stopped them all by himself, even though he was ready to die, no, he was half-dead, but this time he offered up Kyungryong as a sacrifice? Then it’s really… … really dangerous!”


Now, with tears welling up in her eyes, Hye-rin was beating her chest, and Hendrick had nothing to say to her other than that he was sorry.

Eventually, Tam felt something strange when he saw Hye-rin crying and clinging to Hendrick, and he grabbed Hendrick’s sleeve with tears in his eyes.

“Dad… …Is it dangerous again?”

“… … Yes, but there is still a way.”

Hendrick tried to calm down Tam, who seemed ready to burst into tears at any moment, and told them that there was a way to save Jinhyuk.

“What? What is that! No, you should have said that first!”

“I just thought the explanation took priority.”

“So what is the method? What is the method? Is there anything we can do to help?”

“What you guys were doing. Find the Blue Dragon, wake him up, and stop that monstrous evil dragon. That’s the way.”

“… … What? No, does that make sense?”

“Whether it makes sense or not, the only thing that matters is that if we don’t do it, Jinhyuk will die.”

“… … This is driving me crazy, really.”

The blue dragon that Hendrick has not found yet has been here for several months already.

There was simply not enough time to comb the entire forest like this.

But Hendrick calmly grabbed the two and asked.

“Did you guys find anything first? Even just a little bit would be good. If there’s anything that could be a hint, tell me at least that.”

“… … I don’t have one. I tried my best to avoid the dragons and find it, but it’s just a regular forest. Except for the fact that the mana is thick and the trees have grown incredibly tall, it’s just like a regular mountain and forest.”

“I know that too. Tom, haven’t you seen anything?”

Since what Hye-rin had found out was something he already knew, Hendrick immediately grabbed Tam and hung on.

Tam was embarrassed by the sudden attention being focused on him, but-

“This is for Jinhyuk.”



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“… … I saw Tom from below.”

When told that it was for Jinhyeok, Tam immediately told him what he had seen.


“Yeah, the mountain is big, and there are a lot of other people up there… … I just saw it from below.”

“What did you see?”

“Look at it so closely that you can see the entire mountain.”

“So what did you get?”

“The shape of the mountain resembles a dragon.”


And at Tom’s words, Hendrick asked back with a surprised face as if he had been struck by lightning.

The shape of the mountain resembles a dragon.

Because I had a strong feeling that there might be a hint there.

Hendrick’s thoughts were quite accurate.

“Umm… … To be exact, doesn’t it look like the dragon is snoring? Like a tom waiting for his dad to come!”

“… … Hendrick.”

“… … Let’s go back first. To a point where we can see the entire mountain.”

“Yeah, Tom. Come here.”


It seems like the dragon is sleeping.

As soon as they heard that, Hye-rin and Tam jumped up from their seats, and Hye-rin gently held Tam in her arms as she hurriedly moved toward the spot that Tam had mentioned.

And the moment Tom stood at the spot where he saw the mountain from afar.


“… … That was correct. Is that something you could know because you saw it through the eyes of a child?”

They could see.

“The blue dragon was not hidden anywhere.”

“Yes, that mountain. That entire mountain was the corpse of the blue dragon. As time passed, dirt piled up on top of it, trees grew, a huge forest formed, and all of that came together to form the mountain.”

“… … Then how do I get the Azure Dragon?”

“If you call that mountain the Blue Dragon, then it looks like it’s sleeping in that direction. That would be the head. That’s most likely the entrance.”

As Tam said, the shape of the mountain really resembles a giant sleeping dragon.

And if this is really true, there should be an entrance or a clue on the sleeping head side.

After thinking that far, they ran straight towards the dragon’s head as if there was nothing more to think about. * * *

“When I think about it as a dragon’s head, it really does look like a head.”

“Step back for a moment.”

Arriving at the beginning of the mountain that looked like a dragon’s head, Hendrick quickly looked around and said.



“If I can’t find it even after looking for all the evidence, then I must be the one who is right, just like Cha Jin-hyeok said. Then I will open it right away.”



Hendrick, who had found it, immediately began to lift the mountain in the shape of a tightly closed mouth.



The dragon’s head rose and its mouth opened with great force, causing the dragons climbing the mountain to scream as if they were experiencing a natural disaster, but Hendrick paid no attention to it at all.

“I… will go in… Please… go outside.”

Lifting the giant head of a mountain and a dragon.

Even for Hendrick, it was a difficult task, so Hendrick finished speaking with a trembling voice and flew into the distant dragon’s mouth.


The dragon’s mouth begins to close again as Hendrick disappears.

Hendrick did not forget to add something to Tom, who was blankly watching the dragon’s mouth closing.



“Thanks to you, I was able to help Jinhyuk. It’s all thanks to you.”

“… … Hehe, yup! I really need dad to help me!”

“Don’t worry.”


Before the last words were spoken.

The dragon’s mouth closed and inside the darkened room, Hendrick turned his back.

As he walked inside, Hendrick blurted out the words he had never been able to say to Tom.

“Because I have no intention of breaking the promise my friend made to me.”


At the same time, Hendrick, who had pulled out his Dragon’s Edge sword that was still sharp despite having cut down many enemies, began to run deep into the interior.

Clunk clunk clunk clunk!



Dragon Tooth Soldiers and Dragon Bone Soldiers fill the inside of the Blue Dragon’s skeletal body.

Even though they were charging at him with more power than those outside, Hendrick didn’t hesitate at all.

“Chungryong Island (Dragon Strike).”

-… … !


Hendrick pierced through the rushing Dragon Tooth Soldiers and Dragon Bone Soldiers in one go and advanced forward, leaving behind the shattered Dragon Tooth Soldiers and Dragon Bone Soldiers, who were slowly regaining their original forms.

There was no reason to kill them all perfectly, and Hendrick didn’t have much time left.

“It’s a nuisance.”


Hendrick continued to advance without stopping, striking relentlessly at those who had been charging at him without stopping.

‘Cha Jin-hyeok, they say that people like each other meet. I don’t think I can deny it anymore.’

Hendrick, who once said that there were only crazy people around Jinhyeok and that Jinhyeok himself was a crazy person who attracted those crazy people, could no longer deny that he was also a crazy person.

For Jinhyuk, who believed in himself and risked his life to catch the head of the evil dragon that even gods and demons could not do anything about, even though his own dragon power and mana were at rock bottom and his stamina was exhausted to the point where he could not even breathe properly-

“I don’t want to lose you. I’d rather die than say it in front of you… … because you’re my friend.”

If only I hadn’t gone crazy and kept moving forward with the sole intention of not losing Jinhyeok, who I had finally made a friend of after so long.

Because there are no crazy people in the world.

Even if my energy is at rock bottom.

Even if your stamina is low and you can’t even breathe properly.

As long as I have the strength to hold the sword and the strength in my legs to move forward.

“… … Hwaaaaaaaaaa!!!”

Hendrick will never stop.

With a scream that seemed to draw out everything he had, Hendrick’s body ran wildly towards the heart of the Azure Dragon, where the Dragon Heart would have been if he had been alive.

If the Azure Dragon’s spirit and his Dragon Heart still remained within, then there was only one place for them to be, so Hendrick’s legs moved forward without the slightest hesitation.

A being gazed blankly at Hendrick.

[The dragon in the center looks at you.]

Hendrick moved around, swinging his sword madly, half-conscious, unaware that there was a being watching him.

This was the moment when Hendrick, the runaway locomotive that would not stop until it reached its destination, was born.

The runaway train, which was running solely for the purpose of keeping its promise to Jinhyeok and saving him, began to run wild like that.

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