Absolute Necromancer Chapter 328

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Episode 328

Dragon tribe.

As one of the Four Emperors, they are arrogant but have the strength to match.

Additionally, the source of their strength is ‘time’.

1 year, 2 years-

As time goes by, they grow stronger and stronger.

Of course, if they only became stronger over time, there wouldn’t be a ruling class like elders among them.

There are certainly differences in talent between them, but from the perspective of an average climber, a Kyungryong, an Elder Kyungryong, or a monster would all be the same.

But ultimately, it is certain that among the Dragon Clan, time exists before talent.

No matter how talented a person may be born with to become the next Dragon Emperor, there is no way a hatchling or a small dragon can surpass a light dragon or an ancient dragon.

‘But what is this power?’

But right now, at this moment.

Deveratan could tell.

The theory that time, which we believed to be absolute, surpasses talent is now being shattered before our eyes.


Their mere presence causes the air to tremble and the sky to vibrate.

Even the space shudders at its presence.

That was something that Debertan could do too.

‘It wouldn’t be surprising if we excluded the fact that the human in front of me was not even as old as a small dragon, no, a hatchling. But when he was in a dragon form at the hatchling’s age, he was clearly a dragon, only as old as a small dragon. How on earth?’

However, the problem is that Jinhyuk, unlike Debertan, did not live for hundreds of years, and was not born with a dragon’s body from the beginning.

In fact, Jinhyuk had been holding a Yongrin that rivaled the status of a little dragon until just now.

It is certain that Debertan could not have mistaken the dragon ring, which allows one to roughly estimate the age of the dragon clan, just like the rings on a tree.

But the current Jinhyuk was definitely different from before.

‘The personal guard that protects the Dragon Emperor. It reminds me of those who gave up everything as a dragon and became his spear, sword, and shield. And when they were dragons, did they even have dragon hearts? They clearly didn’t exist when they were dragons… . . . ‘


The next level is the Elder Dragon.

Monsters that follow the Dragon Emperor, the sole ruler of the dragon tribe.

The dragon heart that had formed inside Jinhyuk’s body, along with its powerful appearance that reminded him of them, was more than enough to surprise Debertan.

Dragon Heart.

In human terms, it would be equivalent to a heart, but most dragons have both a heart and a dragon heart, or only a dragon heart.

It’s safe to say that there are no cases where a person only has a heart without a dragon heart.

In the first place, a dragon tribe without a dragon heart is not even considered a dragon tribe.

In that sense, Jinhyeok just now was a half-dragon, and Jinhyeok now is worthy of being called a true dragon.

-It doesn’t matter. You are just a human imitating the great dragon race. You are a fake.

But Debertan was only surprised and did not think deeply about it, nor did he recall his defeat.



His huge body, which had calmly pronounced death, instantly reaches Jinhyeok and bites the back of his neck.

Red blood spurts out into the surroundings, accompanied by an eerie sound.

A shower of red blood falling from the sky.

And when Debertan felt the flesh and blood in his mouth, he smiled.

Debertan could see.


Jinhyuk, who had a smile even more bitter than his own on his lips.

It was an absurd thing.

Although it is not comparable to the heart or brain, the neck is a vital area that is not lacking in its ability to be called a vital point.

The damage would not be small, considering that a dragon of such enormous size took a huge bite of it.

In fact, the combined weight of the flesh and blood currently contained in Debertan’s mouth amounted to several tens of kilograms.

It was a wound that even Jinhyuk could not ignore, as it was the weight of an average middle or high school boy ripped from the neck.


-… … !


Jinhyuk used his power without paying any attention to that fact.


The area around Debertan’s mouth, which had bitten Jinhyeok’s nape with the now all too familiar sound of skin slicing, was brutally torn.

Mouth, lips, gums, etc.

Debertan cried out in anger at the pain of everything around his mouth being ripped off.


-You had a bite, so I had a bite too. Isn’t that fair?

-This… this… thisooooohh!

The reason Debertan was eaten.

It was simple.


Jinhyuk’s wound from being bitten by Debertan.

The mouth that emerged there bit Debertan.

Debertan looked back with a disgusted face as he watched the giant mouth greedily devouring the flesh and blood of Debertan that it had eaten.


-… … Kwaaaaak!



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Jinhyuk’s predation is not over yet.

Inside Debertan’s mouth.

The large and small mouths that sprouted from Jinhyeok’s flesh and blood inside it.

They began to mercilessly eat away at Debertan’s tongue and the roof of his mouth.

Debertan, whose mouth area was being bitten and whose mouth was now being attacked as well, roughly spat out the flesh and blood inside his mouth.

Thud thud thud!

Flesh and blood falling from the sky.

It was horrifying, but what was even more horrifying was that the flesh and blood mouths were greedily chewing and devouring Debertan’s flesh and drinking the dragon’s blood.

-Keep on… …Keep on!

Even so, Debertan had to make a fuss to shake off the flesh and blood that clung to the roof of his mouth like the suction cups of an octopus or squid, allowing him to continue eating.

Finally, after much effort, Debertan vomited out the remaining flesh and blood, and with his eyes reddened and tearful from the pain, he looked forward and expressed his anger.

-I’ll kill this guy… … .


-… … !


In front of Debertan, Jinhyuk was there, with his huge mouth wide open, having moved in front of him.

The gaping mouth roughly bit Debertan’s nape, and a huge piece of flesh tore off, sending out a fountain of blood.

It was incomparable to the wound he had received just a moment ago.


Debertan, whose large size meant he had more places to eat, now looked at Jinhyeok with fearful eyes.

-You… … What on earth are you? How can a mere human possess the power of a dragon, no, how can you possess this much power!


A frog standing before a snake.

Prey before a predator.

Debertan’s huge body shuddered at the sensation he felt for the first time in his life.

Jinhyuk smiled bitterly as he chewed and swallowed Debertan’s neck in one breath, as he trembled without even forgetting the pain.

-Because it’s me.


-Cha Jinhyuk. That’s my name. And remember, the reason you’re shocked and all the pain you’re going through and your entire race is going into my belly is for one reason.

-… … What is that?


Debertan asked back with a trembling voice at the answer that was even more arrogant than his own, a dragon.

Jinhyuk lightly responded to Debertan’s question.

-You messed with a mad dog that you shouldn’t mess with. A genius that overpowers you and a monster that can eat you. Simple, right?

The entire race will be wiped out because they touched me.

At those words, Debertan could no longer remain silent.

‘I must kill it. Even if I have to sacrifice myself, I must kill that monster.’



It didn’t matter anymore.

If that inhuman human who smiles bitterly in front of me survives here and goes up, and up.

‘The entire race is truly at risk.’

Because your entire race would be at risk.

Ancient dragon?


There is the Goryongdo, who is close to gods and demons and is called the next Dragon Emperor, and the current Dragon Emperor who has already ascended to the position of Dragon Emperor.

‘There’s no stopping him once he reaches the top of the tower. It’s only now. This moment, when I’m in front of him, is his only chance.’

The moment when I became convinced that one day I would be devoured by that monster’s teeth just like I am now.

-Blizzard! Blizzard! Blizzard!


Three blizzards appeared around Debertan, created by pouring out such enormous power that it cracked his own dragon heart.

It is the greatest of great magics, literally created at the cost of Debertan’s life, and cannot even be compared to the Blizzard used earlier.


The huge blizzard that froze and shattered the surroundings and struck from three directions was more than enough to swallow up Jinhyuk’s large body.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Of course, Jinhyuk didn’t just sit back and watch.

He tried to reduce its size by repeatedly using Predation on the blizzard that was rushing towards him, but the Blizzard that was putting Debertan’s life on the line was strong.

A blizzard of such a large and powerful size that it makes you wonder, “If there is something that seems to have no end no matter how much you eat, it would be like this?”

– Know this with glory. Your future will surely be great, but your present is worthless. That is why you will die with me.

Debertan’s calm voice echoes through the air as he senses that even if he survives here, he will not live long due to the destruction of Dragon Heart.

Jinhyuk’s huge teeth clench and grind at the voice of a brave man ready to die.

-Get your neck ripped off by some worthless guy?

– Bark all you want. In the end, your end will be suicide together with me.

-……shut up!


The three blizzards cast by the dragon tribe, who was approaching the 800th floor, with the determination to die, were powerful enough to make Jinhyeok think of death.

‘You can’t break it from the inside.’

Blizzard, who had been keeping himself locked up and focused more on the inside than the outside, did not easily reveal his true colors.

At this rate, it will be impossible to destroy all three of Blizzard’s cores within the time limit.

That’s right.

“Teaching the world.”



If you put so much effort into making sure it can’t be broken from the inside, then it’s okay if it’s broken from the outside.

The moment when a powerful blast from outside instantly destroys the core of one of the three Blizzards, reducing the number of Blizzards from three to two.


A man in a crimson suit, lightly landing on Jinhyeok’s large head, drew his sword and muttered softly.

“That’s exactly right.”

-It’s not even a perfect fit! It’s too late!

“From the way you say it, it seems like you got it right.”

-Shut up and get off my head!


When Jinhyuk suddenly bursts out in anger after seeing him muttering calmly and giving him his head.

Hendrick calmly said what he wanted to say.

“There are two left. I’ll take one. Can you handle the other?”

-……of course.

One was taken out by a sudden blow, but two Blizzards remained.

Even that alone was more than enough to turn Jinhyeok and Hendrick into ice cream, but neither of them thought they would die.

That’s why they prepared.

“Good. Then I’ll go. After counting to three. Hitting at the same time.”





After counting to three while breathing in sync with each other.

Hendrick kicked Jinhyuk’s head and rushed towards Blizzard on the left.

Jinhyuk hurled curses at Park Chan Hendrick and rushed towards the Blizzard on the right.

-Ah… … No. No, you guys!

Great magic created by sacrificing one’s life.

He had intended to make this place his own grave as well as a place to bury Jinhyeok and Hendrick, but their actions did not allow it.


‘No. I can never die alone.’

How can you be the only one dying in something you prepared for mutual destruction?

That could never happen – thought Debertan, as he tried to stop them with his heavy body due to the Dragon Heart starting to crumble as if he was making a last-ditch effort.

“Teaching the world.”


Kwagagagagak! Kwaddeuddeuk!

The eerie sound of the world being torn apart and swallowed up by a blizzard pounded on Debertan’s eardrums.

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