Absolute Necromancer Chapter 324

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Episode 324

Dragon tribe.

Their strength is already well known.

Even in the form of an ordinary human, they are able to crush most climbers, and when they become a dragon through the dragon transformation where the power of the dragon flows, they become a walking castle, wearing a dragon scale that is stronger but lighter than steel armor.

However, among the states of the dragon tribe, the most powerful and dangerous state and appearance was the ‘dragon state’ that everyone acknowledged.

Even if we assume that hatchlings are out of the question since they don’t come from the dragon tribe’s village ‘Lair’, even the dragon form of Soryong, which is even better, was more than enough to sweep away dozens of climbers on the 100th to 200th floors.

If that’s the case for even a small dragon, what would be the condition of a dragon from the Dragon Clan that is one level higher than that, a Jackal?

‘It’s a monster.’


A monster that is so big that even if dozens of climbers from the 300th to 400th floors, which are called the middle floors, try to climb it, they won’t be able to put up a proper fight.

That was Jackie Chan’s dragon state.

‘And I’ve caught Jackie Chan in that dragon state dozens of times.’

Moreover, Hendrick has caught Jackie Chan in that dragon state dozens of times.

Even if it is not the present body but the past.

The problem was that it was a time when he was called the Dragon Slayer, but it didn’t really matter.

The memories of that time still remained in Hendrick’s mind, and Hendrick’s body did not hesitate to use techniques based on those memories.

“Kill the dragon.”

The first technique Hendrick honed.

Kill the dragon.

While other techniques were created and refined after they had reached a certain level of maturity, dragon slaying was a technique that Hendrick had been using from the beginning.

It was a technique that was honed with the sole purpose of killing dragons, and the technique became sharper as it absorbed the blood of dragon-type monsters such as lizardmen, drakes, and wyverns.

The dragon slayer who was so polished-


-… … Kwaaaaak!

-… … Kaisen!

The first attack, Yongrin, was destroyed by Chungryong Island, and Kaisen, whose soft flesh was exposed, was attacked.

Kaisen’s roar in pain resonates through the sky, and Mutla calls Kaisen’s name.

And that was his mistake.

“Do you know what the greatest strength and weakness of the Dragon Clan is?”


Hendrick, who had reached the front of her before she knew it and was speaking with a chilling gaze, allowed her to approach him.

“It’s arrogance. If you had put me in front of you, you should have targeted me first, regardless of whether your people died or not. Killing the dragon.”

-Ugh… … .

Unlike Kaisen, the green dragon scales of Mutra, which are still intact, are gradually being torn apart by Hendrick’s dragon slaying.

It’s like putting frozen ice cubes in a blender and grinding them up.


The solid ice itself boasts the hardness of steel, but the blade of the blender that can cut and grind anything will one day-

The ice will be crushed so fine that it can be eaten as shaved ice.

That was exactly the situation for Mutra right now.

Yongrin is still holding on, but that’s all.

‘If Yongrin is pierced, I too will become like Kaisen… … .’

Still watching Kaisen writhing in pain next to him, Mutra felt goosebumps and immediately went on the attack.

There’s a reason why they say the best defense is a good offense.

Especially if the target of the attack is a powerful being like Mutra.



As soon as Mutra finished speaking, dozens of giant magic circles appeared around him.


A fraudulent power unique to the Dragon Clan that allows them to create great magic simply by speaking.

Hendrick stopped killing the dragon as he felt a powerful force from dozens of magic circles created in the air.

When Mutra felt the blades of the blender that had been spinning ceaselessly stop, she smiled bitterly and activated the magic circle.

-Inferno Wave.

Whoosh whoosh!

Waves of hellfire fill the sky.

The waves of hellfire spewed out by the giant magic circles were so enormous that they reminded one of the great ocean.

The moment the waves of hellfire that were surging to burn Hendrick, flicking their tongues, finally reached Hendrick.


Hendrick’s Dragonscale Sword is placed inside its scabbard.

“Teaching the world.”

The moment when the sword is drawn in an instant.



Waves of hellfire.

That which has no substance was ‘cut’.



-… … Kwaaaaak!

The sturdy dragon scales that had withstood the dragon’s slaying were torn apart and shattered, revealing Mutra’s white flesh.



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The sword strike of the World Tears did not stop even after destroying the dragon’s fin, but dug into Mutra’s flesh and tore it apart from the inside.

The pain of tearing at one’s flesh and blood.

For Mutra, who had only ever been injured a few times, the pain was so great that it reminded her of death.

“Don’t joke around. You won’t die from that.”

Hendrick laughed as he looked at the long sword marks left on Mutra’s body, which had taken the full brunt of the world-tearing shock due to its large size.

“Even a human dozens of times smaller than you could withstand it.”

-… … Lies! That’s ridiculous!

Teaching the world.

As the name of the skill suggests, the sword strike that Hendrick unleashed had considerable power.

Mutra couldn’t believe that a mere human could withstand such a sword attack.

It makes more sense that Hendrick said that to tease himself.

“The first thing you got was a reduced power attack.”

-… … !

But that was the reality.


Even though he had reached the level of Jackie Chan, he was unable to block the sword attack that was not even a complete world-splitting attack even in his transformed dragon form in order to exert all his power.

When Mutra stares blankly at Hendrick in disbelief at the unbelievable reality.


-… … Kaisen!

Kaisen, who was writhing in pain after having his flesh pierced by Hendrick’s dragon slayer, joined the battle.

Even though the 1-on-1 match turned into a 2-on-1 match, Hendrick didn’t show any regrets.

‘One has already lost his taste for pain, and the other is seriously injured.’

Because the battle is already tilted in your favor.

The condition of the two dragons, each as big as a building, was not good.

Both were taken by surprise when they transformed, and one of them lost consciousness in pain as he allowed an additional hit as soon as he transformed.

The remaining one was not even able to properly fight back in a one-on-one situation and was left to fend for itself by being hit head-on by the world’s teachings.

Can a battle against them be considered a 2 vs 1?

‘It’s not 2 to 1, it’s probably 1.5 to 1.’

At least Hendrick didn’t think so.

1.5 to 1, not 2 to 1.

Hendrick, thinking that it could be even less, straightened his sword and said while looking at the two giant dragons that were rushing towards him.

“Chungryong Island (Dragon Strike).”

-… … !

-… … !

It is a name of a technique that has already been shown once and was more than enough to instill fear in the minds of the two dragons.

Chungryong Island (Lightning Dragon Island).

The fastest thrust Hendrick can do.

The moment when that technique, which was more than enough to pierce even a dragon, was used again.

Phew! Phew!

-… … Kwaaaaak!

-… … Inoooohm!

A hole the size of Hendrick burst open in the torso of the two giant dragons that were standing side by side.

Red blood flowed out, forming a puddle, no, a small lake, but so much blood burst out that-

“Dragon Blood… … Sounds good.”

Hendrick, who was drenched in their blood, smiled rather than feel uncomfortable at the blood covering his entire body, and licked his tongue at the blood on the corner of his mouth.

It was the moment when the mad dragon and the dragon slayer mixed together.

“Let’s finish slowly.”

Hendrick’s new form, with its expressionless face erased and a bright smile on its face, disappeared again, feeling the past and present becoming a little more mixed up.



A shower of sword strikes fell, slicing through the entire body of the giant dragon.

Kaisen and Mutra.

The death of the two dragons was an attack that took a big step forward. * * *

The two mangled dragons were so powerful that it was hard to believe they were a mess.

In fact, it was a natural thing.


Dragons have incredible physical endurance, physical defense, magic resistance, and a recovery speed that surpasses that of trolls.

No matter how messed up their bodies are, they recover over and over again in seconds.

‘A long-term war against the Dragon Clan is impossible.’

Hendrick knew that fact better than anyone else.

Hendrick kept pushing them without stopping, as he had experienced several times that dragons would roar in vain if given just a little time.

“Wave Dragon.”


Dozens of small dragons surge forward like waves.

They dug and dug madly into the tiny wounds on Mutra and Kaisen’s bodies.

As if parasites were gnawing away at the host’s body, the little dragons burrowed in and gnawed at the flesh, advancing and advancing.

Of course, that wouldn’t kill Kaisen and Mutra.

They are only used to disperse Kaisen and Mutra’s recovery power to other places.

The real story started from now on.

“Falling Dragon Strike.”

-… … !

-… … !


Hendrick’s Dragon Scale Sword, which had fallen from the sky and drawn the dragon’s attention, struck the dragon’s thick neck like an axe chopping a tree.

The moment when Yongrin bounced around like a fish’s scales, and even the flesh underneath was cut.

Phew! Phew!

-… … Kwaak!


Kaisen let out a painful groan.

The impact tore through flesh and even some bones.

It was no wonder that Kaisen, who had already lost his mind from pain, went mad.

Thinking that his fellow tribesman and friend Kaisen might die, Mutra tightened the muscles of the wound that had been pierced by the dragon island and roughly stopped the bleeding, then immediately flapped his wings.


Since each wing was the size of an airplane, the wind they created by flapping was like a gale that could hardly be called magical.

With that wind, Mutra ran towards Hendrick in an instant and bared her teeth at Hendrick, who was standing on Kaisen’s nape.

-I’ll chew it up for you!

Mutra bared her sharp, thick teeth at Hendrick, as if she would not miss the strength that comes from her huge body.

Hendrick spoke softly to such a mute.

“Ryu Seung-ryong.”

-… … Ugh!


The Yongrin Sword, which is nothing more than a toothpick compared to the giant dragon, begins a test of strength against the powerful bite force befitting the giant dragon.

The muscles in Hendrick’s two arms, holding the Dragon’s Scale Sword, bulged, and the mana and dragon power flowing through his body supported his body.


Thud thud!

-… … Kwaaaaak!

The winner of the power struggle was Hendrick.

Mutra, who was forced to open her mouth beyond its limit, screams in pain from her torn mouth.


Hendrick jumps down from Kaisen’s nape, leaving behind that mute, and lands on the ground.

Soon, Hendrick, who was standing on the ground and looking at the two dragons floating in the sky, prepared the sword strike that he had used to cut down the dragon form of the young dragon tribe he had faced in the Goblin Village in the past.

‘Dragon slaughter.’

A sword strike that kills a mad dragon.

A sword strike that can cut off even a dragon’s neck that is in a mess and not even in perfect condition.

‘Going one step further.’

But Hendrick was not satisfied with that.

‘Bear it at the same time.’

Two dragons.

Hendrik swung his sword, determined to cut off both of their thick necks at once.

“Twin dragons slaughter.”

A sword technique that slays two dragons.

The moment it first appeared in the world.

Squeak squeak!

The two dragons floating in the sky had to become victims of that swordsmanship.


First, the giant dragon’s head fell to the ground, creating a huge vibration-


Hendrick smiled faintly as he watched the huge body fall, incomparable to the head that had finally fallen off, and create an earthquake.

“That guy Cha Jin-hyeok, I wonder if his stomach will explode.”

Hendrick quietly accepted the gift he had prepared, hoping that Jinhyuk would like it.

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