Absolute Necromancer Chapter 318

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Episode 318

“… … Phew, I thought I was going to die.”

“Dad, are you dead?”

“… … I almost died because of you- No, let’s not talk. Good job, Tom.”

“Hehehe, yup!”

Jinhyeok, who had been on the verge of death because of Tam, who couldn’t hide his worries after winning the duel, said nothing more and praised Tam.

‘Even if I tell you, you’ll just start crying again.’

I hate crying.

Jinhyeok looked at Tam’s smiling face with that thought, then smiled, but his face hardened and he chewed over the lesson.

‘The battle itself was evenly matched. Rather, I had many advantages. However, there was only one thing that prevented me from winning against Hendrick. Was it the difference in experience?’

When I first encountered Hendrick.

At that time, Jinhyuk had grown quickly and possessed strength that did not match his level, but he was defeated by Hendrick, who was struggling with the gap between his experience as a dragon slayer and his body as a dragon.

Of course, we fought again and won, but it wasn’t easy.

And Hendrick proved his abilities once again through this match.

‘It seems like the soul and body are slowly coming together.’

Dragon Slayer Hendrick and Dragon Clan Hendrick.

Although the two are the same being, they cannot be considered as one.

That’s why Hendrick lost in the second fight even though he was stronger than in the first fight.

Well, even if we take into account that Jinhyuk’s growth was faster than Hendrick’s, Jinhyuk’s victory was somewhat strange considering that Hendrick’s ability was one of the best in the tower.

But the current Hendrick was quickly narrowing the gap and was aiming for the unity of soul and body.

“Are you ready to admit it now?”

“… … I acknowledged it from the beginning. It’s just that my body and mind were a bit slow to accept it. Wait, I’ll tell you what kind of ability it is to climb to the 900th floor and command the tower.”

“Yeah, 2 wins and 1 loss.”

“… … Be satisfied with two wins. That will be your last victory.”

“I won’t spar with you from now on.”

“… … You seem like a lethal guy!”

Jinhyuk, who was chuckling as he watched Hendrick tremble with anger, wasn’t laughing inside.

‘It’s scary. The 900th floor… … If a guy who commanded the 900th floor with a human body and even scared the Four Emperors is now wearing the body of a dragon and showing off the 900th floor’s martial arts… … A real monster will appear.’

Hendrick’s strength is so famous that there is no one among the most famous climbers who does not know him.

Of course, even Hendrick died in the attack of the Four Emperors, but Hendrick was enough to become a legend in his own right.

Because instead of simply dying in the attack of dozens of the Four Emperors, he targeted the Dragon Clan and achieved the feat of annihilating them all, making them his companions on the journey to the afterlife.

Of course, if such a Hendrick, wearing the body of a dragon, were to melt away all of his previous life’s inaction and look beyond that, Jinhyeok’s victory might really be impossible.


“I’m just kidding. There’s nothing better than sparring with you, so there’s no way I’d avoid it. And if I lose, so what? It doesn’t matter if I lose ten or a hundred times. At the end of that defeat, there will be a starting point for my victory, and from then on, you’ll lose ten or a hundred times.”

“… … Oh, right. That’s how you should act. Look forward to it. I’ll soon turn 2 wins and 1 loss into 2 wins and 2 losses.”

Jinhyuk enjoyed it himself.


It could be.

But Jinhyuk was sure that at the end, there would be a placard with the name of winning streak, starting with his victory.

Of course, their cool appearance didn’t last long.

“Then I’ll make it 3 wins and 1 loss.”

“After receiving it, I got 2 wins and 3 losses.”

“Okay, call. Then I win 4 and lose 1.”

“Don’t add, I… … .”

“Can you both stop it?”

“… … .”

“… … .”

It was Hye-rin who broke the endless cycle of anticipating each other’s victory, covering Tam’s eyes and ears while looking at the two with contempt.

“Tam, don’t look. Support, support.”

“… … Hye-rin, being dependent on your father can cause emotional anxiety in a growing child… … .”



“… … .”

There could be no backlash.

“Tomorrow morning. No, right now, if you don’t want to starve starting from lunch today, then keep quiet.”

“… … Threatening with food is a bit too much.”

“Hendrick, do you want to starve?”

“But nothing is as certain as that. Cha Jin-hyeok, you are truly the type of person who selects colleagues.”

Even Hendrick had no choice but to acknowledge Hye-rin’s cooking skills.

Moreover, for him who had been eating only dried food for several months, Hye-rin’s cooking was more effective than any method of intimidation.

That’s why the two people, unable to bring themselves to aim at Hye-rin, who was holding a spatula, pointed their knives at each other.

“Are you insulting me right now?”

“You know a lot. Do you have a disease that makes you die if you hire someone with a good personality as your colleague?”

“What are you talking about? If that were true, I wouldn’t have included you as a partner! You crazy lizard!”

“Lizard? Are you calling me a dragon now? You’re going crazy because you want to die.”

“… … No, your body is a dragon, so are you a giant? Huh? Are you a demon or a celestial? A dragon, you’re a lizard.”

“Whew, stand up, Cha Jin-hyeok. I’ll have to make your record 2 wins and 2 losses right away.”

“Ha, this is what I was hoping for. This time, I don’t need to worry. I’ll just trample on you one-on-one.”



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“Good. I’ll make it 2 wins and 2 losses easily.”

“What the heck, you little brat?”

“Why? You barely managed to win 2-1 with a taunt, so do you think you can win against me without one?”

“… … Okay, let’s die today.”

A war of words without an inch of backing down.

Of course-

“Everyone, be quiet and clean up your surroundings. The pursuer will definitely hear the sound and come. You can’t leave even the slightest trace. If you want to fight the pursuer who came after exhausting all your strength in the sparring, then fight. However, this time, I won’t block, and Tom and I will move first.”

The duel between the two could not continue.

A feast of words that are true to every word.

Hye-rin’s words were right, so it was difficult to ignore them, as she was holding the biggest weapon, a rice spatula.

I had already informed my location to any potential enemies through one sparring match, and had also used up a lot of my stamina and energy.

To spar here again would be arrogance beyond recklessness.

“… … Don’t clean.”

“That’s what I was thinking. Did you really think I would be as stupid as you and have a second duel? Your brain, which used to work so well, has become stiff while I wasn’t looking.”

“f*ck f*ck? Did you just call me a f*ck?”

“It’s clear that you’ve become really stupid.”

“… … Okay, let’s bet on who can finish cleaning first.”

“Not bad.”

But instead of sparring, they chose another approach.


Who is faster?

Who is neater?

It’s a showdown over that.

It’s the strongest when you look at the 300th floor or lower.

Even if you look at the 600th floor or lower, it is natural to see a handful of strong players discussing victory or defeat over cleaning.

“… … Oh my, really. Tom, do you remember what I said?”

“Don’t you both look alike?”

“Yes, please don’t forget. Please, I beg you.”

It aroused Hye-rin’s contempt.

It would be enough to say that the sight of them cleaning up their surroundings with sparks in their eyes was nothing short of swift. * * *

The cleaning that started with Jinhyeok and Hendrick in the lead ended in an instant.

They disappeared, leaving behind only a speck of dust.

Just a speck of dust.

A perfect arrangement and cleaning that was not a mistake or anything, but just a bit of luck so it didn’t disappear.

A group of people appeared there.

“Is this it?”

“Yes, the surrounding area is clean, but there are traces of filling and especially traces of powers used by the god and the demon. It seems that there was a big fight here and both escaped with heavy damage and injuries.”

“Considering that you fled in a hurry, you cleaned up very well, didn’t you?”

“… … That must mean they are that great.”

The sight of a man bowing and bowing in front of a man who seemed to be the same age as him was extremely pitiful, but there was a big difference between a man bowing and a man being bowed to.

“Better? Better than us?”

“… … No, that’s impossible. How could they possibly surpass the Dragon Clan, the so-called best of the Four Emperors!”

“Haha, yes. That must be right. Dragon Slayer Hendrik. There’s no way a young dragon with that horrible name can escape our pursuit.”

“Yes, yes, that’s a given.”

A dragon’s horn sprouting from the head.

There is a huge difference between a climber of ordinary human origin and a climber of the Dragon Clan, one of the Four Emperors, known as the nobles of the tower.

They did not consider the already dead Dragon Slayer Hendrik and the Dragon Clan Hendrik as the same person.

That was a given.

No matter how fearsome a name it may have, it is already dead.

But they didn’t know.

That the being they were chasing was the same being who was imprinted with fear in the Dragon Clan society.

Of course, they didn’t know that, so they were only chasing Hendrik with four dragons and a few dozen climbers assigned by Carmen Fallon.

“Search the area thoroughly. No matter how quickly and precisely you clean up, if you moved too quickly, there will be at least a trace left behind.”


Not realizing that they were chasing a tiger and not a puppy, they leisurely scanned the surroundings, leaving the search for Hendrick’s missing traces to the other hikers.

“When I move under orders from above, I never thought that the wasteland that used to look so annoying would look like a resort.”

“That’s true.”

“Haha, Ketran! Thanks to you, we got to enjoy our vacation while the other guys were having a blast!”

“You can make money just like that.”

“Hehe, after this job is over, I’ll take you to the elf brothel I know well. It’s run by the elf kingdom, so there won’t be any trouble.”

“Heh, right. People like us don’t need lowly humans. At least an elf should be in order to spend a night together, right?”

For the dragons who had been rolling around under Debertan for days and days and then broke away from there to chase after Hendrik, this moment was a vacation and this place was a resort.

A noble appearance is only visible on the outside.

No one here could have predicted that they, who were no different from the other Four Emperors when they were alone, would start laying out various items and food in their own subspaces.

‘I need to finish this quickly and take a long rest.’

‘If I receive the commission this time, I’ll go into hiding for a while, get some rest, and then come back.’

The tracking was so easy that I thought it would be a piece of cake to do-

“Damn it! It’s been days already!”

“Find it quickly, you punks!”

“If you don’t bring his traces in front of me right now, I will tear off the head of one of you and chew it up.”

It will last so long that it will even destroy their nobility.

Dragon Clan and Chusaldae Climbers.

It had been about a week since they had been chasing after Hendrick and Jinhyuk.

Unlike the first week, it was natural for the dragons and even the climbers who were being bullied by them to have poison in their eyes after a week without any trace or results.

“What’s for dinner tonight?”

The parties they were chasing were instead just resting comfortably and having a late dinner.

Needless to say, it must have been so comfortable that if they had known, they would have died of rage.

“It’s ramen.”

“Ramen is good.”

“I like it too!”

“… Wasn’t it ramen yesterday too?”

Their dinner consisted of ramen noodles that they had received in boxes from Goldrich and stocked up on.

I heard Hendrick and Tom nod in satisfaction and Jinhyuk’s dissatisfied rebuttal, but-

“Eat whatever is given to you. Or starve.”


Since Hye-rin was the leader at the dinner table, holding a ladle, Jin-hyeok accepted the bowl of ramen with a sour look on his face.


“… … Why? Why do you eat so well? Is there some kind of DNA in the Dragon Clan’s DNA that likes ramen? No… There’s no Dragon Clan DNA in Tam’s DNA….”

Jinhyuk tilted his head as he heard the two dragons slurping ramen next to him, but soon picked up his chopsticks.

“If you’re not going to eat it, put it down.”

“I can eat more!”

“… … Get out of here, you punks. This is my dinner!”


“… … Ugh.”

Because there were devils sitting on either side of me, eyeing my ramen bowl without even emptying it all out.

“There’s plenty, so don’t take it. If you need more, just let me know.”

“One more bowl.”


“… … You eat so quickly.”

Hye-rin was the only one who could see the unstoppable appetite for ramen and just filled a new bowl with laughter.

That was the moment when the seventh night of the forbidden ‘Grave of the Dead Dragon’ passed.

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