Absolute Necromancer Chapter 224

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Episode 224


A place where the screams of dead dragons echo 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The grave of a dead dragon.

It was one of the places in the tower that was said to be forbidden.



This is because it is a place where various undead run out.

However, if it were just a place where undead ran out, it would not have been called Ban.



“… … Yongahbyeong!”

“There are also keel soldiers!”

“What, there are all these monster-like places?!”

Yongahyeong and Yongolbyeong.

Undead each made from dragon teeth and bones.

They were different from regular undead.

The quality of ordinary undead is determined by the corpses, bones, or materials that make up the body.

In that respect, the strength of the dragon soldiers and dragon bone soldiers who became undead using something like a ‘dragon’ was no different from saying that they had a strength that was stronger than that of a fairly high-level undead.

Minimum price is Dullahan.

The complexions of the climbers who had set foot in the place where death knights occasionally appeared if they were unlucky were grim.

“… … “I miss my mom.”

“me too.”

“What kind of idiot creates a hideout in a place like this? “Isn’t that bastard already behind?”

“Honestly, I think so… … “Didn’t you hear about that bastard’s race?”

“… … Ah, damn it! Dragon tribe!!!”


One of the Four Emperors called the nobles of the tower.

There was a strong possibility that a climber of that race would be alive in the tomb of a dead dragon whose strangeness did not match the number of floors in the tower.

The climbers, who were tearing out their heads in agony, eventually continued their search.


Breaking the jaw of the charging dragon soldier.


He pulls out his weapon and crushes the bone of the dragon soldier who attacks him.

“Whoa, why are there so many of these undead?”

“Do you want to know why?”

“Of course I’m curious. f*ck, you knew the reason but didn’t tell me until now… … uh?”

Meanwhile, one of the climbers, who was complaining about the unabated number of undead, swore in a deep but emotionless voice coming from next to him.

But even for a moment.

Startled by the voice he heard for the first time, he turned his head –

“Wow… … .”

“Oh my… … .”

“buy… … Save me… … .”

“… … “When?”

At the spot where all the climbers except himself had been brutally cut down, there stood a man with a sword-like handle that seemed to be made of dark red.

However, despite the questions of the climber who was left alone, the man continued what he was saying while holding the sword that had been split in half.

“The dead dragon’s grave is literally the place where the dragon died. A long time ago. “In the distant past.”

“What does that have to do with the undead not decreasing?”

“Because it’s not just one dead dragon. “If each one was bigger than the building and not just one but many of the distracting things died, it wouldn’t be strange for this many undead to appear.”

“… … !!!”

Calm but scary words.

The climber, who unconsciously took a step back when he realized that there were not just one or two dragon corpses sleeping under the ground where he was stepping, but a much larger number, looked at the man.

“… … “Then why are you in that place?”

“The original purpose was to gain strength by hiding in places where people like you can’t find them as much as possible… … “It’s a little different now.”

“… … what is that.”


Swallowing dry, the climber asked a question to answer my curiosity.

What on earth are you hoping for, living in a place where death is everywhere at every step?

‘It fits the title of a hideout in the first place, but does it really make sense to stay in a place where your life is likely to be hidden?’

It was a little creepy.

Even if you are being chased by the Four Emperors, is it possible to put yourself in a situation where you feel like you will be torn to pieces by the undead before you are caught by the Four Emperors?

‘… … ‘Is it even a real sword?’

When you think that something like looking like a sword is impossible for someone who doesn’t really think of themselves as a sword.

“The evil dragon’s vengeful spirit.”

“… … ?”

“For me, who is determined to kill all the dragons in the world, the souls of dead dragons are also within that category. That is why I am staying to kill the souls of the evil dragons who died long ago.”

“mi… … friend… … .”

An answer came back that he could never understand.



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Kill all dragons.

It is absurd that a being wearing the body of a dragon would say such a thing, but since it was not enough to kill a living dragon, the story goes that he is now the owner of the dead dragon’s tomb and has been living in a place like a thin ice plate in order to kill the soul of a dragon that died a long time ago. So, it was a natural reaction.

“It’s been quite a while since we’ve had a conversation. Well, it’s not as much as a conversation with that guy… … .”

With the words of the man who was talking alone, the climber turned his back and started running away.


The sound of running on the hard dirt floor echoed harshly, and the man who was looking at him and having a conversation in the Sisan Blood Sea.

“Do you think you can run away?”

Hendrick muttered quietly and stamped his feet lightly.


A heavy sound.

With him-

“Domain, Four Dragons’ Tomb.”

“… … !!!”

A huge change enveloped the dead dragon’s tomb, engulfing Hendrick and the fleeing climber.



A space where the sound of a dead dragon in pain rings in your ears.

“Death Dragon Dance.”

“… … “Kaaaaaaaa!!!”

There, Hendrick’s broken dragon sword shook, and dozens of evil dragons devoured the man without hesitation in the direction it moved.


A collapsed area.

Hendrick, who once again set foot on the dead dragon’s tomb, turned his back as he saw no traces of the climber left.

“Cha Jinhyuk. Stay alive.”

With his last words echoing hollowly in the dead dragon’s grave, Hendrick began moving again to achieve the purpose he came here for. * * *

-It’s alcohol! alcohol!

-Wow, meat can’t be missing from a feast!

-Sound the wind music~

“You guys are having a good time.”

“It is better to stay away from alcohol and meat when cultivating the Tao. Isn’t this because there is usually no way to eat well?”

At the Yuldoguk banquet held in response to Jinhyeok’s departure, everyone, regardless of whether they were Taoists or Taoists, laughed and chatted happily, eating and drinking.

Jinhyuk clicked his tongue at the sight of them filled with joy, but Gildong, who was sitting next to him, just chuckled as if he was enjoying this moment.

“And thanks to you, demons have completely disappeared from Yuldo Kingdom. How can you not be happy?”

“Well, I guess that’s true.”

A festival enjoyed by everyone.

It was a celebration of Jinhyeok’s departure, but it was also intended to announce the joy of Yuldo-guk’s escape from the devil.

That’s why Jinhyuk shook his head and agreed with Gildong’s words.

“Don’t do the same thing next time.”

“… … Hehehe, I know.”

After warning Jinhyeok not to let demons into Yuldo Kingdom again, he drank his glass while taking in the atmosphere of the festival.

“Is this for about half a year? “I don’t know if the people outside will be okay.”

“Everyone will do well. “Aren’t they your brother’s colleagues?”

“That’s true, but… … “The enemies must be so strong.”

“surely… … “I can’t deny it, yes.”

Four Hwang people.

The entity that Jinhyuk and his colleagues are dealing with.

No matter how powerful and powerful they were, they were still lacking.

Therefore, it is natural that Jinhyeok, who is inside Yuldo Kingdom without any information, is worried about those outside.

“But I’m going to leave now, so it’s okay. Don’t worry. “Everyone will be fine.”

“… … “It would be good for myself to believe that.”

Jinhyeok held his glass tightly, trying to suppress his worries, and took a gulp.

“One more drink.”

“It’s good! Let’s go with a smile at the end, bro!”

Worries are worries, and I didn’t want to ruin the mood of this moment –

Jinhyuk just smiled and clinked glasses with Gildong.

Without being able to see the dark side of the seemingly lively party. * * *

“Preparations are complete.”

“… … .”

In the dark shadows, the man announced to the woman that preparations were complete.

When the woman frowned without saying anything, the man also responded rudely.

“Why don’t you frown? “If anyone sees me, they’ll think I’m doing something bad.”

“… … “Wouldn’t it be a bad thing to throw those enjoying the feast into chaos and shake up Yuldo’s country?”

“… … Shut up, this is ‘justice’. What happened to Yuldo Kingdom when the youngest, not the first or second, ascended to the throne? The land was infected with hemp and became sick, and the people of Yuldo Kingdom suffered. “Do you really think he’s fit for the throne?”

The woman, who had been silently listening to the man who was pouring out words at a rapid pace as if he had lost his mind, finally said one word.

“So, do you think it makes sense to bring in external power, especially the demons that made Yuldo Kingdom like that? “There was no talk like this.”

“Hyerin, that was the original plan. There can be a sudden change, and sometimes a former enemy becomes a comrade. Are you going to step out now? uh? Will you?”

“… … .”


A woman responds to a man’s words.

No, Hye-rin just gritted her teeth without saying anything.

‘Shall we go out? ‘Even now?’

The man in front of me.

Just as the eldest Hong Chi-heon, who lost the throne to Gil-dong, said, the desire to step down even now suddenly rose up.


“Nothing will change if you come and leave now. You already decided to join the rebellion, you just added another demon to it. “You’re already a traitor, you know that?”

“… … .”

Hye-rin had nothing to say in response to Chi-heon’s mocking words.

Looking at Hye-rin who had become quiet, Chi-heon put a wedge in there.

“And Gil-dong also erased his mistakes with the help of an outsider like Cha Jin-hyuk or something, right? “So I said I would do the same. What’s the difference?”

“… … .”

Hye-rin lowered her head with a face that looked like she was about to cry as she retorted Gil-dong’s rebuttal by questioning whether Jin-hyeok was an outsider or not.

Chi-heon passed by Hye-rin and tapped her shoulder.

“Run it.”

“… … .”

Yuldo country.

A country of Taoists and Taoists.

[The first driver, Lee Seung-cha, comforts you.]

“… … It’s okay, it’s already been decided.”

[The first Seungcha Lee says he would understand you.]

“No, I have no desire to be understood that way. just… … “All I can think about is what it would have been like if I had met him a little earlier or somewhere else.”

[First Seungchasa Lee answers that it is the biggest one.]

“… … “Let me begin.”

[The first Seungchasa Lee is rooting for you.]

There, a rebellion began to change the current system.

Is what you are doing right, or should you stop now?

Although it was confusing, the girl, who just walked on the path she had once walked because she couldn’t get away from it, only looked good on the outside but remained the same on the inside, also fell into such chaos.

‘… … stop me Jinhyuk.’

Although it hasn’t been long since they met, the girl seeped into the rebellion, hoping that the person she relied on more than anyone else would stop her.

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