Absolute Necromancer Chapter 220

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Episode 220

“… … Hmm, is this Shonjutsu?”

“That’s too much! “I told the other kids to learn Taoism first!”

“It was force majeure. It wasn’t what I wanted either. “I think I just learned the martial arts that suited the situation first.”

Jinhyuk stroked his chin as he looked at the ghosts and spirits lined up around him.


Realizing that he could handle Hye-rin’s main magic to some extent, Jin-hyuk comforted Hye-rin, who was standing in front of him with a sulky face.

“… … Still, I was surprised. It can’t be possible that it’s an evil spirit that steals a soul that already has an owner – this is worse than mine… … .”

“No, that’s just because my control is high, it’s still far below the level of Shonjutsu itself.”

“… … “Isn’t that true?”

“Yes, you are still above me, Hyerin. Of course, we will catch up someday.”

“I would have told you not to lie if someone else had told you…” … “I can’t say anything because it really seems like that to you.”

An ordinary Taoist cannot even learn the art of Four Spirits, but assuming that he or she can learn it.

It will take a very long time for him to reach Hye-rin’s level, and since Hye-rin will also grow in the meantime, the distance between them will never narrow.

However, just as Hyerin said, it seemed that the irregular named Jinhyeok would soon surpass her, so Hyerin could not refute it.

“… … To work hard.”

“That’s right, this is the beginning. Now that I have learned how to lay the foundations of Taoism, all that remains is to prepare more foundations.”

“That’s right, your magic is one yet all. “If you’re going to be satisfied with learning just one martial art, you shouldn’t have gone down that path in the first place.”

“You are right. Sahonsul is just the beginning. Gildong’s magic, Woohee’s magic. Furthermore, he obtains the Taoist arts of the entire Yuldo Kingdom.”


As he spoke, Jinhyuk clenched his fists and expressed confidence.

All magic.

The sight of him saying that he would pour the entire Yuldo Kingdom’s magic into his body was very mad and arrogant, but Hye-rin, looking at him, thought that Jin-hyeok would be able to do it.

of course.

‘… … If you had come to Yuldo Kingdom a little sooner, things would have been a little different.’

A past of your own choosing.

Thinking that if Jinhyuk had been there, she wouldn’t have made that choice, Hyerin smiled bitterly and cheered for Jinhyuk. * * *

After meeting Hye-rin, Jin-hyeok devoted himself first to refining his first cornerstone, ‘Sad Soul Art’.

Thanks to this, Jinhyeok’s drinking skills improved over the course of a few days.

[Status Window]

Name: Cha Jinhyuk

Occupation: Spirit Master

Sub-occupation: All Master

Body: Mana body, chaotic body


Strength: 135 (+123)

Health: 143 (+123)

Agility: 132 (+123)

Intelligence: 183 (+123)

Mana: 234 (+138)

Magi: 128 (+178)

Holy power: 128 (+178)

Spiritual Power: 257 (+123)

Dragon Power: 85 (+123)

Strength: 88 (+123)

Strength: 48


1. Predation

2. Versatility

3. One won


Comprehensive resistance, tenacity, sajonjutsu

“Has it been added to Skillan? “It means you’re doing well.”

Jinhyeok, who confirmed the three characters of Sahonsul that were added to the few skill columns, stood up from his seat with a smile on his face and his head bowed.

“Sajonjutsu has now established itself to some extent, and what remains are other martial arts.”


Although it was a Taoist skill in the realm of talent that was extremely difficult for other Taoists, Jinhyuk easily raised it to an appropriate level and immediately moved on to the next step.

“My Taoist arts are all yet one, one yet all. All Taoist arts must be united.”

All yet one, one yet all.

In order to do that, everyone had to learn the martial arts.

“Hmm, I don’t know what to name the magic.”

And it was natural that there was also concern about the name of the new magic to be created.

The name of an ability helps build an image that brings to mind that ability.

In other words, just because it has a fancy name doesn’t mean it’s good, and just because it’s too ordinary doesn’t mean it’s good.

“It would be nice if it was a name that goes straight to the center.”

That’s why Jinhyeok thought over and over again about the name of Dosul.

Just then, Gildong’s natural voice came from next to me.

“Wouldn’t it be simple to go, bro?”



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“It’s not that easy.”

“I know, but… … “Why don’t you listen to me first and think about it?”

“Okay, I’ll accept your opinion. “The term ‘collective intelligence’ does not exist for nothing.”

Gildong says he has his own thoughts.

Jinhyuk nodded and encouraged the conversation as if to give it a try.

“It is said that it is a Taoist technique that gathers all the Taoist techniques by using the Chinese character Chong (叢), which is all gathered together in the character Je (諸). What about Je Chong Jutsu (諸叢術)?”

“… … “Hoo?”

But when I actually heard Gildong’s answer, it was very good.

It was a perfect name that made Jinhyuk, who was just trying to ignore it because he thought he was going to say something strange again, catch his thoughts.

Jechongsul (諸叢術).

The moment I remembered that, a change occurred in Jinhyuk’s characteristics.


1. Predation

2. Versatility

3. One won

4. Jechongsul (諸叢術) / (Incomplete)

“… … “I guess I liked your name without realizing it.”

“what? then?”

“Jegunsul.” Leave it at that. Although it is still labeled as unfinished… … Well, it’s just a label that will be removed someday, so it probably doesn’t mean much.”

It’s a name I really like.

It already had enough value to become a trait, and while I was just waiting for that name, it was just the right name.

As if there was nothing else to look at in the status window, I just typed the name of Jechongsul into the characteristics column.

“It’s the name I chose, so give me royalties, bro!”

“Can I use my fist?”

“… … “One meal is enough.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

Gil-dong, who was excited about the fact that the name he gave became the name of Jin-hyuk’s new magic and talked about royalties, fell silent the moment he saw Jin-hyuk’s two beautifully curled fists.

“The drinking ceremony is almost over, so now it’s Gildong’s turn.”

“Yes, yes, I know. “You’re probably targeting my wind and brain arts, right?”

“If you know, give it to me quickly. “I’ll eat it all up.”

“… … “There is no difference between a pet and an owner.”

Gildong let out a sigh as he felt that Tam, who was trying to bite him every time he saw him, and Jinhyuk in front of him overlapped.


At the same time, a strong wind began to blow around him. * * *

The four most basic martial arts.

Earth skills, water skills, wind skills, fire skills.

They were like mirages that Jinhyeok could not reach before he acquired the art of shooting guns.



‘… … ‘I can feel the wind.’

The energy of fengjutsu that I could not feel even though I tried many times.

Jinhyeok felt the wind moving with him and that it was moving back and forth according to his will, so he repeated inhaling and exhaling.

The wind moves according to Jinhyeok’s thoughts of becoming one with nature and further with the wind.

“Got it.”

Jinhyeok, who felt the wind moving according to his will, opened his eyes and looked down at his hands.


After confirming that the invisible wind was moving around his hands, Jinhyeok stood up with a satisfied look on his face.

“monster. “I think I now know how Hyerin felt.”

Gil-dong, who saw the scene from beginning to end, stuck his tongue out and congratulated Jin-hyuk on his achievement, and at the same time was able to understand Hye-rin’s feelings.

Gildong, who perfectly understood what Hyerin, the master of Sahonsul, must have felt as she was the first to become a victim of Jechongsul, sighed and asked.

“What do you plan to do now? “I also obtained wind magic.”

A question posed to Jinhyeok, who was checking the wind techniques added to the skill column.

When asked what he was going to do from now on, Jinhyeok, who confirmed that he was good at wind techniques, answered as if he was asking something.

“We should also introduce something called brain art or tactics.”

“… … “Eat the flea’s liver!”

“Hyerin also said something similar. “Maybe it’s because we’re childhood friends, so we say the same thing, Gildong.”


Gil-dong, who was screaming and wringing his body, eventually had to pass on even his remaining magic to Jin-hyeok.

To be precise, Gil-dong gave a demonstration, and Jin-hyuk, who had an unfinished martial arts technique, copied the martial arts based on that –



“… … This is a scam! “It’s a scam!”

It goes without saying that that was enough.

It took a few days, but considering that it only took a few days to copy someone’s magic, it was ridiculous.

Even Gil-dong, who always passed by with a smile on his face, was so excited that he said everything.

“Whose should I eat next?”

Jinhyeok, who had happily devoured Gildong’s magic, ran his tongue over his red lips and moved in search of his next prey. * * *

“… … Hyerin and Gildong. “What’s next?”

Third target.

It was none other than Woohee.

She greeted Jinhyuk with the same calm expression and attire as always.

“Why don’t you call me childhood friend killer?”

“Gianjutsu is a more complex and difficult Taoist technique than Shihonjutsu and Brainjutsu. It’s hard to reach the extreme, but it’s even harder to learn.”

Childhood friend killer.

Woohee swallowed dryly and expressed the difficulty of magic at the nickname that was a perfect fit for Jinhyeok, who had taken away the magical arts of his childhood friends.


“Do you know that two other people also said similar things?”

“… … “Let’s get started right away.”

Considering that Hye-rin and Gil-dong had already said similar things earlier, and that their Taoist arts were now filling Jin-hyeok’s skill list, the problem was that it just felt like a ceremonial event to Jin-hyeok.

Woohee sighed and performed her illusion in front of Jinhyeok.

An illusion unfolded before the eyes of Jinhyeok, who had stolen all the magic he had encountered so far.

Jinhyeok, who saw that, nodded, got up from his seat and disappeared into the training ground.

A few weeks have passed since then.

“I admit it, genjutsu was definitely the most difficult of all the magic I’ve encountered so far. “In particular, the most difficult thing was to make the alter ego and the real body unrecognizable.”

“mi… … friend… … !”

Jinhyuk, standing in front of Woohee again, acknowledged Woohee’s words.

Upon hearing the sight and words of Jinhyeok, who appeared with an alter ego that looked exactly like her, Woohee had to utter a curse word for the first time in a long time.

“It’s been a while since I got to meet the elders.”

Jinhyuk, who worked hard to purify his demonic energy for a couple of months while swearing and looking disheveled, leaves behind Woohee, who goes to the royal palace of Yuldo Kingdom in the distance to claim additional payment.

I need to take a step towards the Presbyterian Church located there.

“The price would be equivalent to their magic.”

Among the four major martial arts he had yet to learn, Jinhyeok was so excited that he couldn’t bear the thought of skipping, or rather learning, the martial arts from the elders who were at the peak of earth magic, water magic, and fire magic.

Looking at the spot where Jinhyuk had disappeared in such an instant, Woohee let out a sigh and a helpless laugh.

“… … All Masters. “It’s truly a monstrous ability.”

As long as he knows his way forward, no one can predict or hinder his growth.

Woohee trudged towards Jinhyuk, who quickly started following her after only showing him a few martial arts.

“I guess I’ll have to train hard starting today.”

Woohee could never tolerate a teacher being overtaken by a student.

Well, no one could know how long that could be maintained.

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