Absolute Necromancer Chapter 195

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Episode 195

“… … Brother!”

“… … brother!”

After Jinhyuk closed his eyes-

Ha-Ryu and Mi-Ho frantically called Jin-Hyuk’s name.

However, the eyes, which had already closed once, showed no sign of opening as if they were a thousand pounds long.

“No – the vitality… … .”

Jinhyuk’s slowly decreasing vitality was clearly visible, so it was natural for Ha-ryu to throw up his hands.

Jinhyuk dies.

Because I couldn’t believe that fact.

“We have to finish it, right? “If you leave it like that, you’ll die.”

“… … no way. “Onii-sama won’t die!”

At Haniel’s words, Ha-ryu stood between Jinhyuk and Haniel with his staggering body.

‘… … Ugh- my head… … .’

The past overlaps.

My childhood self, the panoramic view of the village on fire, and even the screaming residents there.

‘… … I couldn’t do it then, but I can do it now.’

If it were now, not in the past when he was young and weak, he could have prevented Haniel from killing Jinhyeok.

Haryu thought so.

But Haniel was not someone who could be stopped by such petty thoughts.

There was no way that she, who easily won against Jinhyeok, who pulled everything out, would lose to Ha-ryu, who was not even in perfect condition.


Haniel takes a step forward.

A haze of light shimmers from the spot where she steps.


On the second step, the sun rose behind me.

It was a sun with divine power that was comparable to that of the real sun that looked down upon the earth from the sky.


The third step instilled a sense of pressure that overwhelmed everyone on earth.

Haniel chuckled and pushed Ha-ryu as he watched Ha-ryu, who was standing in front of Haniel, stumbling and staggering.


It was only a light push, but it was quite natural for the stream, which was unable to move properly due to the pressure, to roll on the floor.

After passing through the muddy stream, Haniel approached Jinhyeok, who was quietly closing his eyes with a pale, tired face.

“I’ll kill him, and then I’ll kill you guys too. It will be the fertilizer that helps me become a new legend. “Isn’t it truly an honor?”

The creepy words, which were the exact opposite of the bright smiling face, made my skin crawl, but Ha-Ryu didn’t stop.


“… … Won’t you let go?”

“… … I can’t let go. I can never send it to my brother. “You’d rather kill me first.”

Even though his body was covered in dirt and scars, and he couldn’t even move properly due to the pressure, Ha-ryu reached out and grabbed Haniel’s ankles.

Haniel’s mask cracked at the fact that someone who would have given up long ago and waited for his own end had blocked his path.

“Okay, if you want that, I’ll do it.”

He turned his steps towards Jinhyuk and headed towards Ha-ryu, who grabbed his ankle.

Haryu closed his eyes tightly as he looked at Haniel standing tall in front of him.

‘I knew it from the beginning. He knew that if he got in the way of this man, he would die sooner. but… … Still, it’s better than having my brother die in front of my eyes.’

He would have died on the first floor anyway.

Ha-Ryu was ready to give up his life without hesitation if Jin-Hyuk could live even for a few more seconds or minutes with that life.

“Bye. The last goblin. In the end, ‘cutting it in the bud’ was successful.”

Haniel’s cold voice fell on his head like a guillotine, and Ha-ryu trembled with his eyes tightly closed.


“… … ?”

No pain was felt downstream.

In front of Ha-Ryu, who tilted his head and opened his eyes softly-

“… … “You arrogant paladin-!”

“I am not a paladin. “I just borrow their power when necessary.”

“Why are you blocking my way when it comes to the soul? Do you want your very existence to disappear?”

Long hair with a harmonious mix of white and purple, dressed in pure white armor, caught my eye.

“Do you think I, my lord’s sword and shield, would be afraid of extinction? You won’t be able to lay a hand on him and his companions.”

Ashur Hum.

It was the moment when he won rock-paper-scissors and appeared here.


“I’ll sweep it up.”

Seeing everyone blocking his path, Haniel gritted his teeth and raised his divine power.


“Please feel free to come. “My lord will wake up soon.”

“hot! It is impossible for a breathing corpse to open its eyes again unless the gods intervene directly. “You bet the extinction of your very existence on a ridiculous ideal, paladin!”

And Ashur Hum also firmly blocked Haniel, holding his sword and shield.

The extinction of existence itself.

Even the soul disappears.



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It was a scary thing to hear, but Ashur Hum just stood firm and glared at Haniel without hesitation.

“… … die.”

Seeing that Haniel did not give in to his threats, he chewed his lower lip and stretched out his hand, releasing divine power.


Ashur Hum, seeing the approaching wave of divine power shattering the surroundings, swallowed his sleep and made the sign of the cross in reverse, looking at Jinhyeok who was closing his eyes as if he were dead behind him.

‘I don’t think I can last long. Please stand up until I can stand.’

Ashur Hum was confident that Jinhyeok, who Haniel declared was no different from a dead corpse, would rise again.

Therefore, while holding his shield and sword, he blocked the waves of divine power with his whole body. * * *


Jinhyeok, who had moved to an unknown space, walked and walked without any knowledge of the situation outside.

With each step, Jinhyeok slowly became assimilated with his surroundings and moved forward without even noticing that he was disappearing.

No, Jinhyuk wasn’t sure if he was taking steps or staying still.

You just think you are walking.

‘… … ‘It’s hazy.’

I didn’t think anything of it.

What you did a while ago, what you should do from now on, etc.

Jinhyuk’s mind seemed to be empty.

‘It feels like the inside has become one.’

Brain, heart, five internal organs, etc.

Various organs inside the body, as well as bones, blood, flesh, etc.

It feels like everything that makes up the body has been lumped together.

Not only that, but the energies were also the same.

Mana, dragon power, giant power, magic power, divine power, spiritual power.

The moment when the countless energies gathered while climbing the tower were united into one.

“… … door?”

In his hazy mind, Jinhyuk could see a large door appearing in front of him.

I look at the large door with my unfocused eyes, and gently stroke the door with my weak hands.

Coo coo coo coo-

The large door that felt Jinhyuk’s hand began to slowly open with a loud noise.

The world beyond the door was a colorless world.

A world where no color exists.

That place is none other than-

[The Master of the Underworld says it is not time for you to come here yet.]

“… … Hades? Could it be that the world beyond is the Underworld?”

It was the underworld.

Although the oneness of everything and the trance was not broken, Jinhyeok was able to deduce what the world beyond the message window and door was.

Even though he realized that he was now standing on the border of the underworld, Jinhyeok, who was in a trance and oneness with all things, had no thoughts.

Just standing there, I thought.

[The master of the underworld says that once you cross the gate, you cannot return.]

Someone appeared in front of Jinhyuk, who did not flinch even in the face of advice that seemed like a cold threat and was looking at the world beyond the door with a hazy look.

“I guess the message wasn’t enough.”

A voice with a profound and heavy resonance.

“… … “Is it Hades?”

“Yes, you have already paid for your life. So if I take your life, it’s a breach of contract. “Go back, I mean go back to the earth with what you gained by coming to the border of the underworld.”

“… … what?”

It was a series of incomprehensible words.

What I gained by paying the price of my life and going to the limit.

Since they were all incomprehensible words, Jinhyuk’s oneness and trance were broken, and Jinhyuk asked in a voice full of absurdity –

“I don’t say it twice. But it might be quite fun next time I see it.”

After Hades just said what he wanted to say.


“Then let’s see later.”

At the same time as he hit Jinhyeok’s forehead with a chestnut, he smiled slightly and said goodbye.

“What kind of thing is that-”

The moment Jinhyeok was about to say something when he was suddenly struck by the dead of night-


“… … !!!”

Jinhyuk began to fly as if traveling in reverse the same way he had walked.

Hades, who was looking at Jinhyuk’s appearance, which had suddenly turned into a dot in the distance, eventually snapped his fingers.

Perfect! Coo coo coo coo-

As soon as he snapped his fingers, the door to the underworld closed, and the colorless world disappeared into darkness once again. * * *


“I lasted a long time, but that’s it.”

Haniel spoke calmly as he pictured Ashur Hum kneeling in front of him.

However, contrary to his calm voice, Ashur Hum’s condition and the surroundings were in complete disarray.

However, Haniel didn’t care about that and stretched out his hand to finish.

“Any last words?”

Ashur Hum sensed something in response to her question about his will, flinched while kneeling, and eventually smiled and opened his mouth.

“… … “You said-”


A voice so small that it is hard to hear.

The moment Haniel frowned and asked again.

“One won (one won).”

“… … !”

A voice that should not be heard was heard.

At the same time-


Energy of tremendous quantity and quality burst out.

“… … Magi? Divine power? No, that’s not anything… … “Is that all of that?”

A force so immense that even Haniel could not help but hesitate.

The energy of being one yet all.

“… … Jinhyuk Cha! “How on earth!”

Haniel shouted harshly at the energy flowing from the being that should have been dead.

“I don’t know either. But I still think it’s in better condition than before.”

Jinhyeok’s condition after returning from death was much better than the situation when he was on the verge of death.

Of course, his physical condition was poor due to the rebound from using one member multiple times, but he had the strength to use the third member.

“… … “Don’t you know that even if you get better, you are below me!”


Upon seeing Jinhyuk using unusual energy, Haniel immediately jumped out of his seat and rushed towards Jinhyuk.

Haniel, who was rushing forward while using his divine power roughly, looked like a ray of light.

The light of destruction that destroys everything.

But Jinhyuk was no slouch either.



He simply blocked Haniel’s attack with his bare body.

“… … what?”

“Once I died, I understood. Ilwon is just… … It wasn’t just about coming together as one. “I was thinking wrong.”

To Haniel, it was Jinhyuk who was muttering something that was embarrassing and incomprehensible.

Of course, Haniel didn’t just listen to that.

“… … die!”


Haniel punches out at an invisible speed as if he were light itself.

Jinhyuk’s response to him was simple.


“… … !”

Haniel was astonished to see Jinhyuk, who had just blocked an attack with enormous attack power with his bare body, dodge all of his fists, which were moving as fast as a beam of light.

“how… … “How can a mere human have such defense and speed-”

“… … Well, I don’t have everything. Should I say that I only invested in one thing?”

Jinhyeok was as surprised by his new power as Haniel, who was embarrassed.

And what Haniel said was wrong.

Defense and speed.

Because I didn’t have all of them, I was ‘picking’ one of Jinhyuk and using it.

[Status Window]

Name: Cha Jinhyuk

Occupation: Spirit Master

Sub-occupation: All Master

Body: Mana body, chaotic body


Unit power: 999+


1. Predation

2. Versatility

3. One won (one won)


Comprehensive resistance, tenacity

‘It’s unity… … It’s definitely a miraculous power.’

Jinhyeok, who went to the entrance of the underworld, gained experiences of ‘oneness with all things’ and ‘evanescence.’

A state in which everything about oneself becomes one, assimilates with nature, and oneself disappears.

The realization gained in that state turned Jinhyeok’s ‘member’ into a ‘true member’.

[One won]

All stats are combined and replaced with ‘unity power’.

The ‘Unity Power’ stat can be any stat or no stat depending on the user’s will.

* If you remain single for a long time, your body may collapse.

At first, it was just a trait that combined the divine power and demonic powers that were separated from the semi-demonic half-demon before the chaotic body, and only one of the two could be chosen.

It has now made it possible to unite all stats such as strength and stamina as well as all energy into one under the name of ‘unity power’.

‘… … ‘Is this worth a try?’


A giant among giants who is an Elyos of the Bina class and holds the position of archangel of the Netach class.

This is the moment when I think that, in my current state, it might be worth trying with her.


“… … “Wow!”

“Not like you! “Don’t think that someone like you, who is just my meal, can stand on equal footing with me!”

Haniel’s Seomseom Okseok pierced Jinhyeok’s abdomen.

Haniel, filled with anger, reached Jinhyeok before he could replace his power with another power, as if it was just a joke, and inflicted fatal damage.


It was the power of the Elyos, located just two levels below the Emperor.


When Haniel swung with his hand stuck in Jinhyuk’s abdomen, Jinhyuk’s body slipped out of his hand and rolled roughly on the floor.

“That’s it.”

With his red-stained hand dangling like a sword, Haniel took steps to suffocate Jinhyuk.


Haniel’s hand is aimed at the nape of Jinhyeok’s neck, who is concentrating on recovery with a fist-sized hole in his abdomen.



Long, white fingers grabbed Haniel’s wrist.

“Yuriel, I came here because of that woman’s request. What happened? Haniel, look at you too.”

A being with the power that Haniel couldn’t get rid of no matter how hard he tried looked at Haniel with a sly face and greeted him with a happy face.

But Haniel was not happy at all when she looked at his face.

White hair and red eyes.

In addition, two horns protrude from the top of the head.

“… … “Lude!”

“I’m sorry, but won’t you call me Demon Lord Ryud? “Even though he’s like this, he’s still acting like a king?”

A man who is so demon-like that you can immediately recognize him as a demon.

Furthermore, he is a man who stood above those demons but has now been exiled.

“So are you going to do more? “If you want to do more, break this.”

Demon Lord Ryud smiled brightly as he put strength into the hand holding Haniel’s wrist.

It was a refreshing smile that was not typical of demons.

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