A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation Chapter 457

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Pasha sasha sasha!

With the monster’s death, the pattern on his face began to glow pink and scatter like flower petals.

And in the darkness where light cannot reach.

Someone was watching the scene and shuddering.

[at las….]

He began to tremble with a bright smile.

[Finally…! The liberation method has been born! The [key] is in my hands!]

The being looked out into the distant sky, filled with joy.

Looking out across the dark, empty sky, he clenched his hands.

[Now… soon.]

* * *


A cascade of pink apple blossoms in full bloom rose above the strange tree.

I feel it.

Tingling, tingling… .

Oh my goodness, even I, who was on the verge of breaking the void, had an ‘infinite’ power that took my breath away!



The earth began to tremble, and pink pollen began to flow from beneath the red coral-covered expanse of land.

The scent of forsythia came from somewhere on the wind and tickled my nose.

‘The power of madness…’


The whole world was filled with a pink color, beginning to drive out the red sky.

: : Wow!!!!! : :

A desperate voice, one that was unclear as to whether it was longing, desperation, or anger, echoed across the sky.

And then, Kim Yeon started to exert her strength.


Seven balls of light rose around the strange castle.


A masterpiece by a monster.

The item that [she] absolutely needed to head to the slaughterhouse.

It was an [artificial star].

Originally, it was a half-functioning artificial star that could only operate for 5 seconds even if all of the power sources in the strange castle were poured into it, but under the apple blossoms, the power of the artificial stars could be felt to be fully charged.


Even seven artificial stars cannot handle the power properly and become ‘overcharged’!


At the same time, the strange castle at the center of the artificial star… .


Kim Yeon-i is starting to show off her true investigative skills.


In the latter half of the Saseonggi period, when he had received the power of the blood yin and displayed tremendous strength, Gyucheon was blown away and fell far away.

The strange castle began firing its main cannon with the power of the seven stars.



The tsunami in the north was evaporated by that blow.

The main guns continue to fire rapidly.

The heat of the south, the thunder of the east, and the storm of the west all disappeared at once, and the heavens and earth that had been turned upside down by the pink light were reversed and returned to their original state.


The materialized Heavenly Demons rushed in all at once.

They didn’t come in large groups like a natural phenomenon, so the main guns couldn’t take them out one by one.

However, Kim Yeon stretched out her palm.



No… a huge force that could be called tyrannical began to form in her hands.

The pose itself wasn’t that accurate or sharp by my standards.

However, strength gathered in front of Kim Yeon and apple blossoms began to bloom.


The dragon tribe’s dragon wave.

No, the main gun of the Submyeong or the Strange Castle.

A similar ray of light shot out along with her work, killing the Heavenly Demons in one blow.

And that blow wasn’t the end.

She continued to dance and began to sweep away the endless stream of Simcheonmas.

Kim Yeon’s feet move.

Accordingly, the dance continued endlessly, and her twin sisters bloomed endlessly like apple blossoms, emitting rays of light in all directions.


I gasped for breath, feeling the smoke billowing out of my body.

The recoil of Yu-gong climbing the mountain subsides inside the body.



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In the past, just unfolding it would have been the ultimate fate of U-gong Yi-san, but after the fusion period where my body became the world itself, it was just a little smoke.

‘Of course, if you really stretch it out endlessly, you could theoretically die…’

After calming my breathing, I looked towards Cheonryunsan Mountain.

After the Kim Yeon Man-gae flower bloomed, an incredible murderous aura was emanating from inside Cheonryeon Mountain.

“Is that the wedge that Blood Emotion has driven into this world?”

“Yes. The blood sound drove a wedge into Cheonryeon Mountain and eroded the Gwanghan Realm.”

Wiggle, wiggle… .

Seo-hyul appeared next to me with a smile and explained.

The moment when the power of Gwanghan appears.

The red sky changed back into a blue sky, and the blood yin realm was once again becoming the light realm.

“The original plan was to join forces with Seo Do-woo and drive the power of the madness cultivated by the monster into the wedge within Cheonryun Mountain….”

Seo-hyul said with a hollow laugh.

“I didn’t know that that sage would… amplify the power of Kwanghan. Thanks to that, Hyeon-eum seems to have received an unimaginable shock right now. If Seo Do-woo purifies the wedge in this state… Hyeon-eum will definitely suffer a fatal wound.”

Perhaps because the Heaven of Blood had retreated, Seo-hyul kindly told me in a voice what the current situation was and what I should do.

“Go, Seo Do-woo. Drill a hole in Cheonryun Mountain and release the wedge’s power. Then, have that sage strike the wedge with a mighty blow. With that, the blood yin will completely disappear.”



Seo-hyul touched my shoulder and smiled.

“I will bet my fortune on Takhonmancheon. I know what you are thinking, but this time it is not for real. It is because without me, you cannot face the will of the Blood Emotion that helps you head on.”

“… .”

“… We can’t do anything because of our contract. If Seo Do-woo suspects something anyway, he can shake it off with his clan power.”

“I didn’t say anything….”

I felt uneasy, but I had no choice but to nod.

Seo-hyul smiled brightly, placed a hand on my shoulder, and put something sticky and dark into my soul.

I felt the sticky personality of that bastard being superimposed over my soul.

It feels like my soul is wrapped in a wrapping called Seo-hyul.

I took a stance and stood in the center of Cheonryun Mountain in the strange castle.

I ran towards the place where I felt a creepy murderous aura.


My charge literally punches a hole through Cheonryeon Mountain.

I headed towards the center of Cheonryeon Mountain, straightening my sword and piercing through, and finally I was able to enter a large cave.


‘This place….’

I frowned.

This place, which originally seemed to be an ordinary cave, was flowing with sticky blood and something that looked like brain fluid, and on the walls of the cave, fleshy walls that looked like those of some kind of living creature had formed.

And the center of the blood.

There, thousands of red auras were writhing like tentacles, wrapping something in the shape of a sphere.

A pitch-black dot appeared in the center of the red sphere and glared at me.



Motherly [eye]

As soon as I saw that [gaze], I was shocked to the point where my mind melted and my body trembled.

“Geuuuuuugh! Geuuuuu… .”

‘Is this… the view from the breaker’s perspective?’

With my empty vision, I read the malice that covered the entire hierarchy of souls.

Tremendous malice and ugliness.

A combination of ugliness, obsession and stickiness!

As soon as I made eye contact with [it], I felt thousands of magical and magical understandings being engraved in my mind, eating away at my spirit.

And I realized that even this was the fact that Seohyul’s Takhonmancheon was barely protecting my sanity.

‘From the level of the Shatterstone, the higher the realm, the more difficult it becomes to face [a higher being].’

I think it was because as my perspective on the world became broader, more delicate, and more magnificent, the understanding and pain I could see also increased.

It’s the same reason why people with sharp senses feel pain better!


I felt the will being transmitted from the eyeball-like tentacle sphere in front of me.

: : Pray to me. Worship me. You will follow my will… Turn back immediately and kill the insect that emits the power of light. Then you will become a venerable person under my command… : :

Tsk tsk!

I felt an overwhelming will twisting my will.

Could know.

If I let my guard down even a little, my consciousness will be consumed by that will and I will become a puppet in an instant.

I felt that if Seo-hyul’s Tak-hon-man-cheon had not been the minimum protective device, my existence as ‘me’ would have been swallowed up by Hyeol-eum without even having time to strengthen my will.

I stood in front of the blood and opened my mouth.

“… I have always respected [the chief judge of the underworld, Myungma Jin-gun Yoo Ho-deok].”


Blood was spurting out from all over my body, but I didn’t care and continued speaking.

I felt that the Bloody Eyes were no longer trying to control me and were trying to listen to what I had to say.

“He was a noble man, and he was a man of character who was respected by everyone. I truly regret that he met with disaster when he went to help his friend with the righteousness that befitted his power.”

No intention was read from the eyes in front of me.

However, I noticed that I was quite ‘content’, as this space itself no longer rejected me but rather listened obediently to what I had to say.

“I am a mere mortal who has respected the noble one. Is not the will of the great one immortal within you? Wasn’t the light limit the body of your friend? Please, great one, respect the honor of your friend and step aside. If you remember the honor and act accordingly, all the gods of the three thousand great thousand worlds will once again see the righteousness of the chief judge of the underworld.”

The space itself trembled at my words.

The tentacled snowball conveyed its will with a look of satisfaction in its eyes.

: : Knowing the example. I know that you have the eyes to recognize the truly great. But you are mistaken about something. The reason I want to enter Gwanghan’s body is because only I can occupy his body, my friend. : :

He continued speaking.

: : After Gwanghan’s soul left, he continued to be insulted for hundreds of thousands of years. Gwanghan’s name was changed to include light, and Baekwoon, a believer in light, erased Gwanghan’s traces from Gwanghan’s body, and continued to control and suppress him. I will raise Gwanghan’s body again, and challenge Baekwoon and the hateful light that insulted Gwanghan, and I will only restore Gwanghan’s honor that was insulted for hundreds of thousands of years. : :

I said with a bitter smile.

“I dare to suggest this. If you are truly the noble chief judge… shouldn’t you be the one who will cleanse your friend’s honor by raising his corpse and washing it, rather than by strengthening your own strength? Shouldn’t you, who judges the right and wrong of the dead, properly judge whether it is right to raise your friend’s body again…?”

And then, the look in the orb’s eyes changed at my words.

: : Are you trying to prove my qualifications now? I am Yoo Ho-deok!!! No matter what anyone says, I am the strongest Jin army, and the best judge who has been favored by the oldest one! Even if I don’t have to prove it to a bug like you, I am Yoo Ho-deok!!! : :

His eyes lit up, as if my words had struck a chord with him.

: : Burst and die, you bug! : :


An enormous pressure was weighing on me.

I barely resisted and laughed.

“… Okay, then I will treat you as a blood syllable, not as the chief judge.”

: : dare !!! : :

That moment.


Jeon Myeong-hun appeared next to me.

It seems that he came to his senses as the influence of the Blood Sound Realm disappeared and the Heavenly Demons left his mind.

Knock, knock… .

The guy was crying.

“Isn’t there something I can do?”

It seems that Seo-hyul has heard everything about the current situation that is being discussed in Tak-hon-man-cheon.

“That kid… showed me [that time]… over and over again…!”

It seems that the Blood-Effective Heavenly Demon has been replaying the day of the destruction of the Geumsincheonryeomun over and over again in Jeon Myeong-hun’s head.

I said with a grin.

“If I attack, immediately trigger a thousand eons.”


“Kim Yeon!”

I called out to Kim Yeon loudly, and a tremendous force surged towards me from behind.

Kim Yeon-i activates Yeon’s kite.

The story of Mansanginyeondo and Yeoniyeon resonates and the characters of ‘My Past’ are called to this place.

I smiled and pointed to the center of the red sphere of energy.

“Isn’t that the Baekun Seongsa inside?”

I feel it.

The Baekwoon inside me, and the remnants of Yang Sujin that are obsessed with her.

He must have captured the Baekun Seongsa and brought her into his possession, then eroded the light realm centered around her.

In other words, if you shock Baekun Seongsa, you can call upon the power of Yang Sujin within him and drain the power of Blood Yin.

After draining the power of the blood yin like that, Kim Yeon delivers the final blow and it’s over.

I took a stance and shouted before the blood yin could react.

“I will save you. Please save me!”

I will send down a thousand kalpas to stimulate Yang Su-jin’s brain.

I thought about the countless number of people I had met and seen in the realm of the mind.

The three stages of implementation of the one-man system.

And… Jang Ik’s 22 disciples.

River valley.

“Sudden rain!”


The sword of Kyungchang, which had been looking towards the next realm while dying, burst out from my sword.

The way I dealt with Seo-hyul in the 15th round came out of my hand.

But it’s different now.

Because in my heart right now, there are ten thousand hearts and twenty-two lives!

You want to get back Gwanghan’s body and restore his realm and position?

This world is a world where it takes thousands of kalpas to even recover the realm!

Why don’t you keep being greedy and coveting the vastness of the earth?

I will drop a thousand eons that you absolutely cannot handle!

I started dancing like that, carrying all of the Sammokchong on my back.

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