A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation Chapter 456

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Full bloom

Pink threads dance under the red sky.

Clink clink clink clink clink… .

The puppets of the strange castle move.

The puppets’ artificial souls precisely recreated the time two thousand years ago, and their gravity began to distort space and time.


The supporting role went back to that time.


The monster is [her].

I went back to that evening with Wolha Eun.

The ghost storyteller and Wol Ha-eun, one holding a fan and the other holding a harp, begin to dance together.

As I looked at the sight, I suddenly realized something creepy and opened my mouth.


I’m sure the supporting actors will notice soon enough.


While the supporting actor danced, his ritual room flowed down from the tip of the branches of the strange castle.

The pink ceremonial threads were each connected to our consciousness.

And as soon as that consciousness reached me, I felt all the negative thoughts in my consciousness subside.


As the negative forces from the Deep Heaven Demon amplified, the unconscious comrades’ condition was seen to improve when they reached the monster’s consciousness room.

The heavenly demons inside them melt away all at once.

The monster’s entrance and love spread everywhere.

From the golden apple trees, thousands of pink strings spread out and covered Cheonryeon Mountain.


Cheonryeon Mountain began to tremble, and a strange sound came from somewhere and echoed throughout the heavens and earth.

It sounds like something is screaming!

And, I understood the supporting actor’s enlightenment while operating the strange heart battle.

‘I see… Is this the realm of the Great Seong of the Strange Heart?’

The basic purpose of the strange mind game was to make the monks’ conscious realm, which was in a spherical form, into a tangible form, just like ordinary people.

The essence of the strange and mysterious mind war was to be able to freely change the form of the conscious realm by switching between the forms of a realm of consciousness and a sphere, to control puppets, and to create and control ‘artificial consciousness’ through ‘circuits’ in the magical device.

And since the strange heart-type person had a consciousness in the form of a thread just like the criminals and could freely change the color of his emotions, he had the ability to infiltrate the consciousness of others as if it were their own emotions and exchange messages with them.

And through the great and strangely strange battle, I realized what the true potential of the strangely strange battle was.

The power to connect people.

That is the strange heartbeat.

By the strange heart of the universe, a pink string began to connect us.

Me and the monster.

The hearts of Goegoon, Kim Younghoon, Jeon Myeonghoon, Oh Hyeonseok, Kim Yeoni, Siho, and Changhoja began to connect.

And I was able to connect with the monster’s mind and understand his power of passion and love.

‘The power to realize the phenomenon of an idea…!’

A person’s thoughts are merely a shade of emotion in themselves, but when they descend to the level of energy, they can become miraculous phenomena or powers.

A while ago, when Kim Young-hoon was explaining the enlightenment about Ogijowon, he showed the phenomenon of combining the thought of Noh with energy and boiling up strong energy, or combining the thought of Ae with energy and amplifying strong energy.

Of course, Kim Young-hoon did not deeply study the phenomenon itself according to such ideas, so he did not obtain the related technology or knowledge.

However, through the Strange Heart Dialogue, the monster who had been observing human emotions for two thousand years obtained the relevant heavenly entrance.

His ability to intuit and evoke is to call forth the possibility of phenomena that thoughts possess!

I, no.

Everyone present who knew the monster saw the pink sea that floated in the monster’s mind.

It is a love affair solely for Ha-eun.

And then, that affection began to manifest as a phenomenon through the affection of the monster.



The most gigantic and powerful thoughts begin to exert immense power.

Woof, woof!

A thunderous roar echoed from inside the kite while the supporting actor was dancing.

The kite was unfolding in a perfect form that I had never seen before.

Kim Yeon coordinates from the outside, and Jo Yeon draws strength from the inside.

The pressure of the space seemed to surge, driving away the negative power of the blood yin.

Woof, woof!

Suddenly I felt a certain will resonating from beyond the sky.

: : No way. : :



I vomited blood.

Just hearing the voice was like a powerful shock that struck my soul and body as if I had been struck by a thousand eons.

: : It’s already over. As long as Gwanghan doesn’t return alive, Gwanghan is mine. : :

The Shenzhen horses are singing.

Darkness flowed like a river, and negative forces gathered from all over the world, creating monsters.


The supporting actor’s love touches Kim Yeon’s consciousness.



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At the same time, Kim Yeon’s consciousness, which had been pure white until then, began to become colored.

No, to be exact, by the supporting actors.

It seemed like the color inside was being pulled up.



I smiled at the sight.

For some reason, an overwhelming sense of relief settled within me.

I knew that look.

It seemed as if pink flames were burning brightly all over Kim Yeon’s body as she created a completely pink consciousness.

As seen at the end of episode 15.

The incarnation of Kim Yeon, which had appeared through Gyu Baek’s Gwanghanjiyak, had finally revealed itself by becoming one with Yeonsim.


The light of the strange castle, which had completely activated the line of infinite power and temporarily banished the evil power of blood yin, was fading away.

The supporting actor’s vitality was wearing away.

Bringing up the past means… .

It requires such immense power that even if you could realize your love with ‘infinite power’, it would not be enough.

The monster must have been able to recall his past only after squeezing out all his life force, along with his affection.

I looked at the past scene of the monster floating above the strange castle for a moment and asked Seo-hyul.

“Is that the end, Seo-hyul? If what you said is true, didn’t the monster say that things would get better if he activated the Kite?”

I asked Seo-hyul a question, and Seo-hyul answered through Tak-hon-man-cheon.

It seems like he doesn’t want to talk to me directly under the bloody sky.

[I don’t know much about the magic of the monster because it’s my first time seeing it… but I do know one thing. He has already directly called forth the power of the madman through it. However, the scene that the monster called forth is acting as a curtain, imprisoning that power. In short… when the monster dies and that scene collapses, the power of the madman will naturally bloom.]

Seo-hyul warned me.

[And, if I can notice it, then Blood Yin must have noticed it too. Blood Yin’s light limit erosion is about 80% complete. He will start attacking the strange castle, so prepare yourself.]

“…i get it.”


It felt like the whole world was rejecting us.

Ominous forces push us away.

From the west, a storm rushes toward us, from the north, a tidal wave, from the east, a torrential downpour, and from the south, lava gushes forth.


The world is turned upside down!

The same tricks that Baekwoon had shown began to turn the world upside down and bring the strange castle down into the sky.

‘Controlling 80% and already demonstrating power at the level of a sacrament.’

I looked behind me.

The monster’s vitality was fading away, and his past was becoming vague.

The threads of love created by the supporting actors gradually faded away.

As the power of love that the supporting actor’s love had been radiating began to wane, negative and evil forces began to flood into the strange castle once again.


I started to tie the knot.

Up until now, I have never used a curse or left a spell, except when dealing with Wonrip.

The curse was already deeply embedded in my soul, and I had now become a sorcerer who could curse anyone with a mere thought.

Even if I tried to use a curse, the battle with the opponent usually ended before I could draw out the full power of my curse, so there was almost no chance of me ‘fully’ using the power of the curse.

But today.

I had to bring out every possible curse that I had, with every pain and scream I had.

Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck!

A vicious curse rose up and a curtain of blinking eyes appeared around the strange castle.

The eyeballs sometimes tried to escape from the curtain by turning into faces, but it was no use.

[Destruction of the World. Reversal!]

The cursed monsters, who had already become no different from the demons of the Bloody Yin Realm, began to turn around all at once.

The monster’s heart was connected to everyone.

Human hearts connected with other people, and we became one.

Therefore, even though this is the life of one who has suffered, it is a blessing for now!


A dazzling pure white light burst through the ten million flower buds, driving away the evil power.

It’s not the end.

I started using Woo-gong-i-san.


In each and every one of the four seasons of Ugong’s mountain, he puts a prayer and a message of blessing, and begins to resist this negative and evil world of blood yin itself.


I feel like my sword strike is clashing with the very logic of blood yin.

A supernatural ability that allows one to absorb the opponent’s power into their body and become infinitely stronger.

The flower of blessing was constantly growing stronger and brighter along with the U-gong-i-san.

I looked back slightly while dancing the sword dance.

The monster’s vitality began to fade, and Kim Yeon raised her body and began walking up to the top floor of the strange castle where the monster would take his final stand.

‘I can’t see his end. So… I leave the end of the monster to you. Kim Yeon… .’

* * *


The series of kites has ended.

The supporting character of the monster looked at Ha-eun in front of him.

Ha-eun was smiling brightly.

It wasn’t a hard puppet body.

It was clearly ‘her’ body, the one who had been with him two thousand years ago.

The supporting character of the monster laughed while looking at the surrounding scenery.

“I wish I could go back to that time, even if it was just once.”

Ss …

Gradually, the nostalgic sight he had been longing for faded away, and the supporting actor returned to reality.

I feel a cold wind.

I feel the sky shining.

This was not the village of vows where she had first become lovers, but a strange castle.

The warm Ha-eun disappeared and what remained was only the hard [her].

The monster looked at [her] for a moment, then looked at Kim Yeon, who had climbed up to the top floor of the strange castle.

“Are you here?”


“There’s so much to talk about between us.”

The supporting actor looked at Kim Yeon with an expression that said, ‘I’m sorry,’ and smiled.

“I have done many things to you that I should not have done. And yet you acted as my teacher and entrusted my long-cherished wish to you. I… am truly indebted to you.”

Kim Yeon bit her lips as she tried to say something.

And then there was silence.

It seems like he wants to listen to the supporting actor’s words until the end.

“I won’t ask you to forgive me. You can blame me as much as you want, and I have nothing to say about the fact that I kidnapped you without permission and sometimes modified you… Even if I had ten mouths, I would have nothing to say. However… Even though I am such an inadequate teacher, I am your teacher.”

He pointed to a certain place in the blurry scenery of the kite.

“As a teacher, perhaps… it is the first and last proper gift and teaching I can give.”

In the place where the assistant director pointed, a flower was blooming in the air.

It was an apple blossom.

It was a flower of energy created by the winged spear of Wolha-eun inside the kite, and at the same time, it was Jo-yeon’s goal that he had not let go of even while suffering from madness for two thousand years.

It was the supporting actor’s wish.

“Take it.”

Kim Yeon-eun walked towards the apple blossoms in the center of the disappearing kite.

And he said, brushing past the supporting actor.

“I hated you.”

“I see.”

“I still have some resentment towards you. You kidnapped me without permission, engraved the strange heart-attack on my head without permission, and even engraved circuits on my body without permission. But… ”

Kim Yeon closed her eyes.

She also saw the past of the supporting actors along with Seo Eun-hyun, Seo Hyul, and Oh Hye-seo.

At the end of the supporting role’s past, there was finally the answer that Kim Yeon wanted.

The first and last performance of the supporting actor.

And his affection was clearly the answer she had been hoping for.


“Even if I hate it, I will respect it. Even if I dislike it, I will revere it and remember it.”

After finishing speaking, Kim Yeon walked past Jo Yeon and into the center of Yeon’s Yeon.

The supporting actor sat down on the spot.

The place where he was had completely scattered the kites, and now he had completely returned to the strange castle.

The puppet musicians who were playing their instruments all stopped.

As the master’s life faded, the entire strange castle came to a halt.

Crunch… .

Jo Yeon squeezed out the last of his strength and manipulated [her] with his strangely quirky mind, making her sit across from Jo Yeon.

The assistant took the sunset sword out of his bosom with trembling hands.

Seo Eun-hyun said that Ha-eun’s heart also resides in Jo Yeon’s heart.

‘The realization that I am who I am today because of the act of giving my heart to others… How wonderful… .’

To become who I am today, countless people have given their hearts to supporting actors.

And, among them, Ha-eun’s heart must have been there too.

Therefore, it must have been said that Ha-eun was inside the supporting role.

‘We are already together in fact.’

It seemed so simple, but it was something no one had said to the monster for two thousand years.

‘I can’t believe how easily I felt at ease… What have I been doing for the past two thousand years?’

He closed his eyes and took something out of the water.

“Perhaps… if there is a hell, I will fall to the very bottom. The hottest and most painful place.”

The supporting actor himself knew it too.

He is a demon and an evil spirit who has been capturing countless living beings and forcibly converting them into puppets for thousands of years.

It was crazy.

His sin was unforgivable.


I will accept it as if hell has already been planned for me.

What came out of Jo Yeon’s arms were Baek Hong Joo and two glasses of alcohol.

“… I… told you…?”

He struggled to move his body, which was gradually losing its vitality, and barely managed to utter a few words.

Now he dies.

I’ll probably be dragged to the bottom of hell, but I’ll accept it.

It’s okay to die.

The only thing that is regrettable is… .

“Next time… the two of us… let’s have a proper meal together…”

Crunch… .

The supporting actor has a drink in front of him.

A drink in front of [her].

Followed Baek Hong-ju.

The supporting actor, who had put down the bottle of liquor, drank the white wine placed in front of [her].

“The… wedding ceremony… of the ancestors of the Sanggye… is a method…”

What’s regrettable is….

The fact that I really couldn’t have a real wedding with Ha-eun.

That was the only one.

After drinking the Baek Hong-ju in front of [her], Jo Yeon realized that she didn’t have the energy left to move even a single finger.

He looked at [her] face in front of him through his gradually blurring vision.

[She] will also not be able to move because all of her power sources have been used up while unfolding the kite.

‘It was a sinful life. I guess I will fall into the bottom of hell. But, I confess it before the gods of heaven and earth…’

He squeezed out his last bit of strength and kept his eyes on [her] until the very end.

‘I have no regrets at all about meeting you, about loving you…’




[Her] hand began to move.

[Her] body, which is nothing more than a puppet and has no power source, moves.

The puppet’s body, torn apart by the attacks of the Heavenly Demons and so badly wounded that it couldn’t even move properly, was forced to do so.

I started to move forcibly.

The supporting actor opened his mouth.

Tears flowed from his eyes.

Giggle, giggle giggle, giggle giggle!

The pulleys and gears inside [her] turn.

And then, the puppet, who had no idea where he was getting his power from, finally caught Baek Hong-ju, who Jo Yeon had followed.


‘Ahhh… keep going… really… .’

The supporting actor cried.

‘You were really there.’

[She], who was always controlled by someone’s will, moved on her own, without any input from Kim Yeon-do or Jo Yeon-do.

[She] brought the glass to her lips and poured the alcohol into her mouth.

Finally, the two puppets that had performed their best play under the sun and moon finally stopped moving.

The pattern on one side of the monster’s face glowed pink and fell from his face, scattering like flower petals.

* * *

Kim Yeon bit her lips.

My heart ached.

The supporting actor’s last feelings were desperately conveyed to her, who was connected to him.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk!

She took the apple blossoms into her bosom.

And she was finally able to find the answer to her heart’s desire that she had been searching for.

Love is joy.

Love is bittersweet.

Love is sadness, joy, and again hate, and soon desire.

Love doesn’t mean everything.

On the contrary, everything soon meant love.

The joy the supporting actor felt at the end.

Longing. Relief. Liberation. Possessiveness. Obsession.

It’s all love.

“What is a spiritual cultivation? Someone once asked me that question.”

Kim Yeon felt Jo Yeon’s feelings and realized that she had arrived at a place she had never seen before.

It was a peach blossom garden.

A beautiful place where pink forsythia flowers are in full bloom all over the place.

There, hidden by a large forsythia tree, someone spoke.

“He told me that repair is the process of observing and cultivating oneself. I agree with that to some extent, but my answer was a little different.”

Kim Yeon felt an indescribable sense of awe and beauty as she looked at its existence.

“Repair means moving forward. Becoming better today than yesterday is repair. We are all always moving forward in some direction. Sometimes with longing, sometimes with gratitude, sometimes with affection, sometimes with obsession, and sometimes with pity…”

Kim Yeon flinched.

The order of emotions that the being recited was the order of emotions that Kim Yeon had felt towards Seo Eun-hyeon.

“It’s not that the form or essence changes. Isn’t it ultimately… repairing to struggle a little more than yesterday, to worry a little more than yesterday, to continue to advance a little more than before, and to seek a more complete form? So… don’t blame yourself.”

She shed a tear, feeling as if her heart had been pierced.

Even though my hidden feelings were revealed, I felt liberated rather than ashamed.

“You have only come this far. If you have come here with a clear mind, not being caught up in your own desires, then that must mean you have grown from the past. Just as the mind of heaven and earth is one, but the way it is expressed is different… Your mind has never really changed from the beginning. It’s just that… the way it is expressed is different.”

At those words, Kim Yeon finally burst into tears.

I thought I didn’t want to lose anyone.

That’s why I wanted to understand love.

So I’ve always been looking at Seo Eun-Hyeon.


I thought that maybe this feeling wasn’t love.

Could it be that he didn’t gain anything?

In fact, wasn’t he just a human being no different from Oh Hye-seo?

I’ve been thinking about that.

But it wasn’t.

It has always existed without change, even if the way it is expressed has changed slightly.

The being behind the copy flower tree spoke with a smile.

“Never forget today. I am the Heavenly King of the End of Life, the Heavenly King of the Great Cold.”

Kim Yeon suddenly felt a warm feeling like sunshine, as if that being absolutely supported her.

“My soul may ■■■■■, but my flesh will always support you.”

Kim Yeon felt as if a giant hand was pushing her away.

But even so, she didn’t feel particularly rejected, and only a warm feeling seemed to surround her.

“Beware of what good and evil give you. They can’t give you anything but misfortune…”

With those last words, Kim Yeon realized that she had returned to the top floor of the strange castle.

‘Apple blossoms… .’

She smiled as she looked at the pink petals fluttering around her.

If you think about it, that flower really had a lot to do with her.

Wasn’t it on that day, in front of a tree with falling apple blossoms, that I really started to like Seo Eun-hyun?


Kim Yeon took a stance.

It was like Wolha Eun’s flying spear, Jo Yeon’s fan dance, or the flying dance that Seo Eun Hyun taught me.

Kim Yeon’s feet began to move.

She began to dance, performing several movements in succession.

The internal energy and the Yeonrijisim that Seo Eun-hyeon had taught her began to rotate fiercely within her body.

Movement follows movement, drawing a circle.

And at the end of that circle, the energy is slightly amplified.

A weapon that was originally designed to have infinite power ‘theoretically’.

Of course, Seo Eun-hyun thought that for that theory to come true, Kim Yeon would have to perform the Bi-ik-mu several billion times, but Kim Yeon found another way in his own way.


Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of threads began to pour out from Kim Yeon’s body.

The threads were connected to hundreds of millions of puppets remaining in the strange fortress.

And then, the puppets all stood up at once according to Kim Yeon’s will.


The puppets began to move.

The puppets moved exactly like Kim Yeon.

It looks like everyone is dancing together.

Inside the strange castle, the puppets in the water tank began to dance the flying wings dance all at once.

Everyone repeats the same movements and connects.

A circle is drawn.

The circles drawn on the bodies of the puppets in the water tank connected with Kim Yeon and resonated with the circles in her body.

The resonance gradually began to grow larger, and finally the pink energy of the entire strange castle gathered around Kim Yeon.

Finally, Kim Yeon stopped the flying machine and stretched out her arms towards the sky, controlling the immense rotation that had taken hold within her body.

‘I love you.’


And I won’t name anything else besides that.

He will no longer pity, appreciate, or love Seo Eun-hyeon.

Because love originally has no name.

Isn’t there a saying, “No written language can stand?”

Just as Buddha nature cannot be expressed in words, love cannot be expressed in words.

So, from now on, he will never say out loud that he loves Seo Eun-hyun.

It was just the simplest and clearest expression, ‘I like it.’

Kim Yeon, who realized that love cannot be named and why her affection was colorless, unleashed the power of light swirling within her body into the sky.

“Crossing the road and entering heaven.”


The kite of kites is re-activated.

During the winter, instead of the pink heart of the supporting actor that was tied to the old tree in place of the apple blossoms that did not bloom.

Spring has come, and the apple blossoms on the apple trees have awakened again, and are beginning to bloom profusely over the strange castle.

“Flowers in full bloom!”

Accepting Jo Yeon’s feelings, unfolding them through Gwanghan, Kim Yeon finally recognized her own feelings and smiled silently.

Author’s Note:

The flower language of apple blossoms is ordinariness and passion.

And at the same time, it is also precocious.

The reason why the supporting character’s family was named Jo (早) was set for today.

Looking at the work from its internal perspective, this can be seen as the ‘maturity of an early relationship’ or as a pun on ‘the maturity of an immature relationship’.

Looking at it from the outside, it could be seen as simply ‘the supporting characters are now maturing’, or it could be seen as taking the flower language of the apple blossom, ‘precocious’.

Seo Eun-hyun and Kim Yeon-eun both have apple blossoms as their symbol.

If Seo Eun-hyun is on the ‘ordinary and passionate’ side, Kim Yeon is on the ‘precocious’ side.

It was an episode for two people with the same flower but different symbols, and at the same time, it was an episode for the supporting actors.

Finally, the end of the supporting episode is approaching,

After this episode, I’m going to switch to a 6 day week instead of a 7 day week.

Thank you all for loving Return of the Condor Heroes so far, and I also always love my readers.

I love you, readers.

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