A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation Chapter 453

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Yeon’s Heart (5)

“… Thank you for being with me, someday… I will have a proper wedding with you. You.”

“This alone is enough. I am the one… who… .”

And that was when the word ‘husband’ came out of her.


The intense heat melted all the snow nearby and burned all the trees.


An overwhelming heat filled the surroundings.


Elder of the Jo family, a decisive figure.

It was he who brainwashed the supporting actor and pushed for a political marriage with the Black Ghost.

Paat, pabababat!

Countless later generations of the Jo family also appeared around him.

“This dirty, stupid, and lost child… finally couldn’t stand it anymore and got horny so he came to have s*x with the livestock! Oh, then I’ll separate the two of you completely. If the livestock dies, then you too…”

Jo Yeon did not listen to the elder’s words until the end, and prepared a magic spell and held it against his own head.

“If you kill her or harm her, I will commit suicide immediately.”

“What, what is it!?”

“I will accept the political marriage you have suggested. I will marry the investigator of the Black Ghost Valley and have children with him. However, please spare her life and promise not to harm her in any way. If you do not, I will blow my head off and die here and now. Even if you are an elder, you will not be able to stop me.”

The assistant looked at the elder with sharp eyes and said.

“If there were more Gimunbeopjae born, you could just kill us now. But as far as I know, there doesn’t seem to be any Gimunbeopjae who have awakened recently.”

The supporting actor wasn’t just stupidly threatening his own life.

Before escaping from the Jo family, they conducted a thorough investigation and escaped.

“If you want to break off the political marriage with the daughter of the Cursed One Vessel Elder, you can kill me. Of course, that kind of magic device and magic spell are really useless. Please let me die right here and break off the engagement!”


The supporting actor knew.

I was convinced of this after eavesdropping on conversations outside the solitary confinement cell through ritualistic methods over the years.

The head of the Jo clan intended to make the Jo clan the imperial family of the capital city through this political marriage.

He needed a watertight alliance, and the death of the supporting actor here would mean a gap in the family’s grand plan.

If one more Gimunbeopjae had been born in a few days, he could have killed Jo Yeon and changed his political marriage partner.

But that was impossible.

The elder glared at Jo Yeon with a pale face, and Jo Yeon grabbed Ha Eun’s hand and brought the magic closer to his head.

Finally, the elder looked at the supporting actor and shouted.

“Understood! You son of a bitch. I swear on my honor, the honor of the Jo family, and my taboos that I will not touch your pet even a single fingertip! I will not kill it, I will not abuse it. But!”

He said, glaring at the supporting actor with burning eyes.

“I don’t want you to hear strange rumors from the Black Ghost Valley, so I’ll take your pet to the far east for a while. After the political marriage, you must never see each other for the next twenty years. Do you understand?”

‘Twenty years… .’

The supporting actor let out a sigh of relief.


It’s too long.

But he read the elder’s thoughts before his eyes.

‘I guess this is the limit.’

If he tried to impose any more conditions, he might explode and kill Ha-eun.

“Okay, but… promise me that you’ll allow us to meet again after that period of time has passed.”

“Okay! I’ll promise you that too. I’ll stake my taboo, my honor, and the honor of the Jo clan! Is that okay!?”

The assistant also spoke to the later indices behind the elders.

“Please also make a promise to those who came with the elders.”

At those words, they looked at each other, smiled, and nodded.

“Okay, we promise. We’ll make sure you meet again later. We promise on our honor.”




Jo Yeon tried to read the thoughts of the later indexes and see their sincerity through his own ritual method, but the elder’s rebuke stopped his ritual method.

“That’s enough. Enough with the small talk! These guys will keep their promise since they promised in front of me. You too, do your best. If you continue to doubt me, I will take it as you questioning my honor.”

“…All right.”

Jo Yeon, although reluctant, decided to trust the elder.



Strangely, I felt a strange ominousness from the elders and the later indices, but I lowered my head, feeling that it was because of the current situation.

Somehow, a feeling of ominousness ran up his spine, similar to when he had met that Wonyeonggi man in the past, but he forced himself to accept the situation.

‘This is the best.’

Jo Yeon looked at Ha Eun and hugged her.

“Twenty years is a long time… but when we miss each other, it’s not that long.”

“Yes, I know. The mountains and rivers may change twice, but my heart will never change.”

The two hugged for a moment, then parted ways.

Jo Yeon went to the Jo family house with the decision-making elder.

And Ha-eun headed far east with the later indexes.

I will have to stay away from you for twenty years in a far away place in the East.

Even though it was far away, Jo Yeon promised himself that he would definitely go see her someday and arrived at Jo’s house.



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‘Someday… someday I will meet you.’

And three days later.

Jo Yeon heard some shocking news.

“A, a broken engagement… is that what you mean?”

The decision-maker nodded with a greatly angry face.

“… Yes. It seems that the Black Ghost Valley side investigated your past and found out that you had committed adultery.”

Thud… .

The elder said, glaring at the supporting actor.

“If that had caused a breach in the alliance, I would have personally torn you and your pet apart… but luckily for you, your opponent was found to be at fault as well.

“The daughter of the elder of the Black Ghost Valley’s cursed vein… I heard she was a man-eater, but I didn’t know that she would bring a man in and play with him on the day before her wedding. The elder of the family found out, and as a result, the engagement was called off. Originally, the Black Ghost Valley side accepted you as a favor to gain the upper hand in our alliance… But since we also found out about the serious negligence of the other side’s daughter, we decided to break off the engagement without saying anything since both sides were at fault.”

“Well, then… .”

Just when the supporting actor’s face was about to brighten up.

The elder shouted and said,

“Don’t think of anything else! Your political marriage partner will be decided again. However… if rumors of your trickery spread, it will be harder to find a partner.”


The elder hit the supporting actor’s face hard.

Thud, thud, thud!

He said, beating the supporting actor with his own hands.

“Consider yourself lucky, you piece of trash! If the other side hadn’t been so corrupt, you two would have been melted down by me and become the materials for my Dharma treasure! Damn, I’m so angry. I have to run around again to find a match for this piece of trash!”

He got angry and beat the supporting actor to the point of near death, then left the room, saying:

“Reflect on yourself. And you’d better raise your realm quickly! If you don’t raise your realm and increase your value, there will be no one to marry a man who is a pervert or a pervert… If you end up not being able to marry anyone for political reasons because of your pervert problem, I will personally bring your pet and tear it to pieces in front of you!”

“…All right.”

The assistant said this and bowed to the elder as he left the room.

And he made up his mind.

‘Let’s raise the bar.’

This was also an opportunity.

The elder said that he had to raise his level to have a chance at becoming a supporting actor, but raising his level also meant that he would have more options.

‘Decisive… no, even if it’s just the pivot machine, it’s a force that Sega can’t ignore like an insect like before.’

When that time comes, even if the political marriage itself is unavoidable, no one will be able to stop him from taking Ha-eun with him and living together.

Is it bestiality to be with a criminal?

What does it matter?

Among those who are as good as the Grandmaster of the Axis, there are some truly eccentric members who have mastered magic and have even done ‘real magic’.

The elder seemed to think that even if Jo-yeon raised his level, it would only be at the mid-level.

However, the supporting actor had already embodied all the realizations of a decisive moment at a young age.

However, if the lifespan had increased too much, no matter how much elixir he fed Ha-eun, he would not be able to die on the same day as her, so he just maintained the initial stage of the accumulation period in order to not raise the level on purpose.

But now was not the time to be obsessed with such things.

‘Even if I take the gold standard and my life span exceeds 600 years, and thus I won’t age like Ha-eun… it’s time to raise my level!’

Jo Yeon vowed that he would definitely reach the highest level, and from that day on, he almost completely shut himself in his room.

* * *

Time passed.

About five years have passed, and the supporting actor’s marriage partner has still not been decided.

The elder of the determination period threatened to kill Ha-eun if she did not find a spouse within 10 years, but Jo-yeon was not afraid.


He had been hiding his practice from the elders, but his practice was already in the latter stages of development.

‘The decision is not far away.’

Even his writing style was showing signs of evolving again.

Perhaps it was because he had been practicing hard to create magical instruments for the past five years and had developed his talents, but two of his six patterns were showing signs of uniting again.

Because of this, the period of deciding on a marriage partner was delayed because the Jo family had to look into it more carefully.

The supporting actor smiled and performed the ritual after the elder left.

‘The day when I can truly be with her is not far away.’

That was when I thought about it.

“Hey, hunchback.”

The reviewers entered the supporting actor’s room.


The supporting actor looked at them with doubt.

It was the later index members who witnessed Jo Yeon and Ha Eun following the elder that day.

They had already all married into the upper echelons of the Black Ghost Valley and held considerable status within the family.

And then one of them came up to the supporting actor, tapped him on the shoulder, and handed him a wooden box.

“I heard that the legal system is trying to evolve these days? Haha, I wonder if this is the same old Mojiri. If the legal system becomes the Omun Law System, then we will finally be on the same level as them!”

One of the later indexes, who had been illiterate since birth, seemed friendly and put his arm around the supporting actor.

It was that latter index that had been particularly harassing Jo Yeon since he was young.

“I’m sorry for tormenting you before. Now that you’ve become a human being, you can at least become a human being. You can’t have any grudges like before.”

He laughed unpleasantly and shoved the spoon into the supporting actor’s hand.

“Eat it, it’s elixir.”

Suddenly, Jo Yeon felt an inexplicable sense of discomfort and disgust rising within him.

“… What kind of elixir is this?”

“You know it too. Jeongjindan (情進丹).”



An elixir created only for the Gimun Beopjae by the Jo family, who possess Gimun Beopjae!

It was an excellent elixir whose recipe was known only to a very small number of elixir makers from the Jo family.

“My uncle is the best herbalist in the family. I gave him some precious ingredients and asked him to make a special Jeongjindan. My uncle said that it was his first time using such special ingredients and he was very pleased with it and made the elixir.”

The latter index said with a sly expression.

“Here, eat. Even though Yuk and Chilmun Beopjae are crippled, Omun Beopjae is still helpful to the main family, so you too will become a talented person who will contribute to the main family in the future. You may think that I bullied you a little when you were young, but that was all because I was thinking of you and training you, so don’t misunderstand.”

Jo Yeon accepted the wooden box that Jeong Jin Dan was carrying and hesitated for a moment.

I felt a sense of discomfort and disgust somewhere.

And looking at that supporting role, Ji-su Hu made an annoyed expression.

“Hey, why are you making that face? That’s a potion that my uncle spent years making. Are you ignoring me and my uncle right now?”

“That’s… no. It’s just that I’m the type of person who… gives something this precious to me.”

“You keep trying to take it away, so eat one here. If you continue to ignore our sincerity, we won’t stay still. Do you know that we know where your pet is?”

“… Hmm… .”

The supporting actor’s complexion darkened.

He sighed and opened the box.

Inside the box were three soft, pale pink pills.

An elixir of immortality that amplifies the talents of the Gimunbeopjae when eaten!

Why would I give something so precious to someone who has tormented me since I was little?

The supporting actor saw the later index’s thoughts.

His thoughts were filled with purple joy.

‘Is it malicious or good?’

His ritual method is not complete.

Interpreting Ogi Jo-won’s enlightenment wasn’t easy, even for a supporting actor.

He could only begin to see the hues little by little, and to discern the intentions of the hues little by little.

‘It’s hard to know what the exact intention is.’

In the end, the supporting actor took the elixir right in front of their eyes.

It didn’t seem to be poisonous.

As soon as he ate it, a soft energy spread throughout his body.

It felt like warm hands caressing the supporting actor’s body.


Seeing that sight, the reviewers all burst into laughter.

They were having a great time.

The supporting actors couldn’t figure out their intentions.

“Okay, okay. I really like this hunchbacked guy!”

After patting the assistant’s back, the latter said as he left his room.

“I’ll step aside so you can absorb the weakness. Then, eat well and become a great talent for your family, you brat!”

The supporting actor looked at the door they had left through for a moment.

And he looked at the elixirs that were left in the jar.

I felt a bit uneasy.


‘… I guess I should eat it.’

Because you have to eat and grow to be able to seize opportunities.

If he became the Minister of Justice, his family would not be able to completely ignore his opinion.

‘And… if it’s this diagnosis, then maybe.’

Jo Yeon thought that he might be able to aim for the Samunbeopjae as well.

‘If it’s the Samunbeopjae, I think he might accept me if I say I want to live with Ha-eun in the family.’


The supporting actor swore while looking at the elixir.

“I will be with her next time.”

Now was the time to raise one’s level and talents without regard to means and methods.

Just… to be with her.

Jo Yeon thought about it and took another pill.

The six characters that appeared on his face combined to form the five characters.

The supporting actor gave a short speech.

“Wait, you….”

The medicinal properties of Jeongjindan were still swirling within his body.

If I absorbed all of this medicine, it seemed like the path to becoming a monk would open.

“I will definitely go see you. I will make a promise to live a hundred years with you and grow old together…”

The supporting actor caressed his chest with fire in his eyes.

“Because you promised….”

* * *

Bubbling, bubbling… .

Above the corpse of a giant sea dragon, dying, with purple foam flowing out.

There, a man with a bleary eye and a bamboo hat was caressing the corpse of a sea dragon and grinning.

“Haha… I guided it with my own hands, but the Jo family is beyond imagination. I just stimulated their nature and it’s like that… More than that…”

His pupils were slit vertically.

“I guess that wasn’t what I was looking for after all. It’s set up so that they ‘definitely meet and die together at the same time on the same day.’”

Clicking his tongue as if he regretted it, the man pulled something out of the dead sea dragon’s corpse with its eyes rolled back.

* * *

Five years have passed.


Inside the eastern part of the Jo family’s training camp.

There was a loud noise and the spirits of heaven and earth rushed in.

“What’s going on?”

One of the elders of the Jo family looked in the direction of the eastern part of the training camp.

“This weather phenomenon….”

He seemed to notice something and flew towards the training center in surprise.

After a while, a powerful pressure of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Energy surged from inside the Eastern Training Area.


The training center door opened, and a supporting actor walked out from inside.

“Ah, no, what is this….”

The elder’s mouth fell open.

What emerged from the inner part of the training camp was the supporting character who had threatened to kill his pet if he didn’t find a wife.

He took a deep breath as he looked at the supporting actor.

“Hey, decision… decision… what is this… no, more than that!”

He was astonished at the pattern appearing on his skin.

“F, False Moon Law! False Moon Law!? How on earth did you do that, Seven Moon Law evolved into False Moon Law? Even if you eat Jeongjindan like rice, it’s not easy to evolve a law, how many times has it evolved already!”

But whether the elder was surprised or not, Jo Yeon just smiled.

“It’s been a while, Elder.”

“… .”

“I made the decision and reached the level of the Four Gates Law Courts.”

The supporting actor pointed behind himself.

The interior of the training center was filled with countless Dharma tools that Jo Yeon had created over the years to evolve the Gimun Dharma.

“I will offer all of those Dharma instruments and Dharma treasures to the family. At this rate, Elder, can I decide who I want to marry?”

“… .”

The elder looked at the supporting actor as if he was dumbfounded and sighed.

“… Do as you wish. I can’t believe you kept such talent hidden… It’s surprising. Your pet… Yes. It’s a magical instrument that records the location of the criminal you cherished. Go there or not, do as you wish. As promised, since that day, I’ve completely turned my attention to that criminal and haven’t touched him!”

“Haha, thank you.”

After expressing his gratitude to the elder, Jo Yeon quickly went to find the elders and head of the family and paid his respects.

Jo Yeon ignored the compliments from the head of the household and the elders and waited only for the right time to go see Ha Eun.

And finally, when the head of the household finished his words of advice and encouragement to the supporting actors.

The supporting actor advised the head of the household.

“My lord, I have reached the golden age and obtained the Fourfold Law, so I believe I have the right to choose my own spouse.”

“Hmm, that’s true. Do you have any noble families or big-name families in mind?”

“I want to have a martial artist as my wife.”


Won Young-gi’s head of household shouted with his face red.

“When I first heard the rumors about this… I thought they were false… but it turns out he still had such perverted tastes!”


Won Young-gi tried to build up his momentum by grumbling, but barely managed to suppress his anger and sat back down.

“… If you were a member of the Omunbeopjae or Chukgi Daewonman, I would have personally beaten you to death. However, since you are a realm of realm and talent, I will not kill you. Do as you wish. However! Even if you raise a pet, you must marry a woman chosen by the family!”

“…thank you.”

The supporting actor was dissatisfied, but nodded his head once permission was obtained.

‘I am confident that I can climb the Wonyeonggi with my own five senses.’

When that time comes, no one will be able to stop Jo Yeon from having a formal wedding with Ha Eun.

It’s a bit disappointing that Ha-eun and I are only together for a hundred years, but if I can raise her to the point of determination by scraping up all the elixirs from the entire continent, I might even be able to make it to a thousand-year-long marriage.

While dreaming like that, Jo Yeon came out of the audience room and took out the magic tablet that recorded Ha Eun’s location.

As expected from a family made by geniuses in the field of magic, it was very easy to create a magic tool to track the location of a criminal.

‘It seems that the elders created it just in case, but they haven’t activated it even once in 10 years.’

The supporting actor interpreted the structure of the law.

‘Is this a magical device that remembers Ha-eun’s movement path based on her blood information and then heads to that location? It’s unnecessarily high in completion. Anyway, this Jo family… If they had this kind of technology, they could bring good harvests to criminals…’

Although he was a little dissatisfied with the Jo family inside, Jo Yeon felt like he was flying.

Now it seemed like everything was going to be happy.

It seemed that I was secretly feeling a sense of belonging to the Jo family, which I had previously disliked.

“Okay, let’s go now.”


As Jo Yeon activated the magical device, wings sprouted from the round magical device and rose into the air.

The Dharma instrument flapped its wings and headed towards some place.

The supporting actor followed the magician’s lead, performing a magic trick.

“It will take a lot of spiritual power to travel to the East, so you should replenish some elixir or spiritual stone before going….”

And the supporting actor felt something strange.

The direction the Dharma sword was pointed was not east.

It was a corner of the Jo family’s hometown.

The supporting actor’s eyes grew wide.

‘Wait a minute, no way…’

He felt at a loss.

“It wasn’t the East, but the Jo family that hid her? Huh… .”

Well, if he was a martial artist from the Ogijo clan, he could have been used as a bodyguard for the Jo clan, so he might have been used for that purpose.

“Ha… I didn’t know even though I was nearby. It must be because my family controlled the information. No… Maybe I was too focused on my training to be familiar with the family’s information? Anyway, still…”


The Dharma instrument went through the training room, practice room, and Dharma instrument smoke room, and ended up in a corner of the main house.

I headed to the podium.


The supporting actor looked at the Dharma instrument that had arrived in front of the podium and had doubts.

‘Is Ha-eun in here?’

He carefully opened the door to the podium and went in.

The podium was a place that even a determined person like him could not enter carelessly, so Jo Yeon’s attitude was cautious.

As he opened the door to the lecture room, the Dharma artifact flew to the corner of the lecture room.

“You… are you there?”

The supporting actor followed the Dharma tool with a trembling heart.

And then the law stopped.

The place where the law stopped was in front of the earth fire nozzle that lit the fire in the furnace.

“… .”

The supporting actor looked around for a moment.

Ha-eun was not visible.

“… Is the magic weapon broken?”

He touched the instrument of law.

But when he reached the four gates of the law, he saw that the law instrument was not broken.

I felt Ha-eun’s blood registered in the legal instrument.

The energy of Ha-eun that Jo-yeon remembered was contained in this blood.

“… .”

The assistant muttered again, fiddling with the magic wand.

“That’s strange. It seems like something is broken… I can’t tell with my skills.”

That was when.

Someone walked behind the supporting actor, yawning.

“Hwaaam, mixing herbs isn’t easy. Hey, wait a minute! Who are you!”

The supporting actor looked back.

It was the latter index that gave the supporting actor a thorough examination the other day.

The later index looked happy when it saw the supporting actor.

“Who is this! Isn’t that a hunchback? Haha, did you come out of the closed store? Did you have any achievements? I haven’t even closed the store yet and I’m already writing a review, how much is it… Huh?”

Suddenly, the expression on the face of Ji-su, who was checking Jo-yeon’s consciousness and spirit level, changed.

“Uh, uh…?”

And then, the supporting actor reached out to Ji-su.


He asked, holding the shoulders of the later index with both hands.

“…where is she?”

The later index’s face turned white.

“Oh, how can someone like you make a decision… .”

“she is.”


He spoke to the latter who was babbling nonsense.

“Where is it?”

“Ugh, you, you….”

It was just then.


Someone appeared in the room and grabbed the supporting actor’s hand.

The supporting actor looked at someone.

The uncle of the later index.

He was the great general of the Daewonman clan, who was preparing for the Wonyeonggi era.

“It’s amazing. I never thought that hunchbacked guy my nephew talked about would grow to this level.”

“…where is she.”

The supporting actor asked him with a chilling look in his eyes.

And before the elder could say anything, the latter index hid behind him and laughed.

“Haha, you mean your pet? We kept our promise! We said we’d ‘make sure we meet again’!”


“There! Your pet is ‘there’!”

The latter index pointed to the supporting actor’s stomach.

The assistant turned his gaze to his ship for a moment, then looked at the Jihwa vent on the platform, and then back at the great master.

Finally, his gaze turned to the latter index.



A cold air spread around the supporting actor.

“Hey, Uncle!”

“Hmm, you were wrong. You never said you cared for your pet to this extent.”

The elder blocked the assistant’s path and said.

“My nephew was a bit hasty. But you must understand. After all, they are still livestock. And the three hundred pills of Jeongjindan made from your pet were truly special products, so the later generations of the family, the head of the household, the elders, and the Grand Elders ate them and achieved excellent improvements in their qualities. They were of great help to the Jo family, so I’m sure they were happy about that as they died.”

“… .”

“If you have any complaints, tell me now. Since it was a special livestock, I will compensate you. If you need other pets, I can go to the secular world and bring you a few more.”

“… .”

“If you don’t have any complaints, just leave. The podium is a place that even the most important elders of the family cannot enter without permission.”

“… .”

The supporting actor passed by the elder.

He returned to his room in a daze.

And then he looked at his hands.


The supporting actor bit his own hand.

Ugh, ugh, ugh….

Blood began to flow from his hands.

Udder udder udder udder udder….

The assistant didn’t care about the blood flowing and chewed his hand until the bone was exposed.

Knock knock… .

Red began to flow from the supporting actor’s eyes.

He understood what he had eaten.

“iced coffee….”

Clink clinking clinking clinking clinking….

His own hands were resentful.

I was angry at my own mouth for eating anything without thinking.



The four questions that appeared on the supporting actor’s face gradually began to approach the three questions again.

That day, Jo Yeon went crazy.

Everything else disappeared from his mind, and only one goal remained.

The destruction of the Jo family.

With that as his only goal, he threw himself into vengeance and madness.

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