A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation Chapter 389

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Return to the Immortal’s Tale Episode 390

salt (6)

‘Are you crazy?’

Yuk Rin thought.

I feel it.

Down there, what Seo Eun-hyeon was emitting was clearly the power of Bongrae.

The power of Bongrae is of unknown origin and is a legendary power even in the high-power world.

When the power of Bongrae surges, the sea of the high-power system roars and amplifies the power of Bongrae.

And that’s it.


[Yeomhaeguiro-ok is the pinnacle of the high-powered world! No matter how powerful Bongrae is, he can’t beat it!]

It’s not just overconfidence.

The Yeomhaeguiro-ok is a divine technique that becomes more powerful the more quality salt you obtain and the more salt you obtain.

And, it was this saltiness that brought the power of Yeomhaeguiro-ok to its peak.

This precious salt, not one or two, was in his hands in its entirety.

‘Right now, at this moment, I am at the peak!’

A power that could rather be called infinite was poured out from the palace of salt and added to the dragon wave of the six rins.



The salt water turtles are starting to move.


Yuk Rin’s eyes rolled back.

I heard someone’s voice from down there.

[Just as tiny grains of salt gather to form the ocean…]

It is a charcoal monster.

It was a sound heard from Seo Eun-hyun’s mouth.

It was almost like a whisper.

No, it was actually a whisper.

It’s just a whisper that Seo Eun-Hyeon lets out without realizing it while using the method.

However, the high-power meter was pulsing and amplifying the whisper itself.

Seo Eun-Hyeon’s whispers seemed to spread throughout the waters they were in.

[Build a mountain through truth.]


[Nonsense! Stop talking nonsense! Yeomhaeguiro-ok, Yeomhaeguiro-ok is being pushed out!!!]

[The fastest way to reach heaven is to pile up mountains of salt…]

It’s getting pushed.

The waves of the six-legged dragon were pushing forward.

Of course, the reason Yuk Rin fired the Dragon Wave from Yeom Hae-Gwi-Ro-Ok was not to kill them, but for another purpose, and his intentions have been faithfully reflected up until now.

Bongrae Island, the deep sea island that was fixed in the deep sea, was gradually sinking lower and lower.

And as the day grew brighter, the road to Bongnae Island was also gradually closing.

In the end, the winner was Yuk Rin.

But Yuk Rin could not tolerate it.

‘The Salty Sea Guiro Jade that I… have dedicated my entire life to obtain… Even though I have the body of a pure sea dragon, the Salty Sea Guiro Jade, and a bunch of salt essence lumps, are you saying that it can’t be defeated by the power of Bongrae alone? Are you saying that the pinnacle of the high-powered world can be defeated by the power of Bongrae, which may be a special power, but isn’t even rumored to be a strong power!?’


A crimson aura began to emanate from his body.

The life force of the flesh began to run wild.

[Absolutely unacceptable! I will win! My salty seaweed must be an invincible power!!!]

‘Even if it costs me my life, I will definitely win!’

He screamed and spit out dragon waves, burning the life of the sea dragon’s bloodline that he had finally obtained.

The stem of the dragon wave, imbued with the power of the salt water ripple, became even thicker.



Seo Eun-hyun’s light began to grow brighter.

* * *


For a moment, the entire high-power system vibrated.

The center of the high-power system.

The highest mountain in Chije Station, Haewangsan Mountain.

A groan of pain flowed from the Haewangjeon Hall at the top of the mountain, filling the entire Chije Station and Dogeo Station.


“Oh my goodness! What is happening!!!”

“Harin Seongsa!”

The combined demon kings who worshipped Haerin, the holy spirit of the high-powered world, rushed in front of the Sea King Hall and called out to Haerin.

The center of the Sea King War.

The top of the coral-covered dragon.

There, Hae-rin was shaking all over, with blood flowing from both eyes.

“M… bu… truth… truth…!”




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He was gasping for breath, spitting out a bucket of blood from his mouth.

“He got it…! I see, that’s why those guys from the Demon World fainted en masse! That’s why they put it in the High Power World out of spite…!”

Thud thud… .

He bit his lips hard.

Hae-rin’s whole body trembled and her expression became terrified.

“It wasn’t just… you inherited his legacy… ? Being able to spread it, haha… then…”

Hae-rin, her eyes empty, leaned against the dragon’s back and let out a hollow laugh.

“… This life is about to end… It’s useless…”

* * *

The light gets brighter.

I discovered a new side of this miracle that overturned the Taishan Rebellion.

“It’s combined!!!”

“We will also help!”

“Hang in there, Seo Eun-hyun!”

Oh Hyeon-seok, Kim Young-hoon, Jeon Myeong-hoon, Kim Yeon, Buk Hyang-hwa… .

And all members of the Mugeuk Church.

All of them add strength.

And that power went into the inside of the inverted cone, and it blended so naturally that it made the inverted cone grow even bigger.

The inverted cone grows in size and pushes away the waves of the salt sea turtle.

If we continue like this, we can push through Yukrin and win!

‘Everyone is in this together!’

I can never lose!!!

“Haaaaa …

The waves of the salt sea dragon that oppose all of our strength are gradually getting thinner, and finally!

The dragon wave is gone!


“Haaaaaah! Haaaaa… Ah… ?”

I saw [a hand] stick out from behind Yukrin.

It was a hand covered with scales.


And just like that.

Our power, which was about to be shot into the sky by trampling the remnants of the fallen salt sea turtle by hand, was crushed down.


When Gwangum Station entered Bongrae Island, it was floating inside the boundary of Bongrae Island after entering it.

Because even though we all fell asleep, the floating island remained intact.

However, the floating island fell down without a trace and crashed into the ground of Bongrae Island.

We were all brought to our knees by the merciless force, and the divine power that reversed the Taishan Emperor was shattered and disappeared.

At the same time, Bongrae Island fell even deeper into the deep sea due to the gravity of the hand.

I looked up at the sky with a blank face.

The deep sea route we used to enter was completely closed.

All that can be seen around is the vast depths of the ocean and countless fragments of dimensions within the ocean.

No… there is one more.

It was a huge flow of misfortune that enveloped me to the point of despair.


I struck Bongrae Island until the ground collapsed.

“…Oh, heavens…”

By a hand that suddenly appeared, all of the members of the Mugeuk Sect and Bongrae Island were thrown deep into the ocean and trapped.

* * *

Yuk Rin looked at the sea with blank eyes.

[…Is this the Holy Spirit?]

It was close.

If it weren’t for the sudden appearance of Haerin Seongsa’s attack, he would have been hit by Bongrae’s power rising from below.

It didn’t seem to be dead, but the entire Mugeuk Sect was trapped in the deep sea.

There was no way out.

[Thank you for your help, great sacrament…]

Yuk Rin bowed deeply toward the direction where the Holy Spirit’s hand appeared.

Hae-rin didn’t really have an answer, and the hand disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared.

“Hahaha…! Congratulations, Princess Jeongryong. Not only have you been reinstated, but you’ve finally had your wish granted. As promised, please share some of your love with us.”

Then, Jin Ma-yeol, who helped Yuk Rin raise the Yeomjeong Palace, appeared and spoke to Yuk Rin.

Yuk Rin seemed to be looking at Jin Ma Yeol for a moment, then opened his mouth.

[Activation. Self-contained ten thousand…!]


And then, it happened in an instant.

Jin Ma-yeol’s pupils seemed to turn purple.

However, Jin Ma-yeol was consumed by Ja-hon-man-cheon and instead swung his arms.



A huge scar remained on Yuk Rin’s body, which had been exhausted from using the Salty Seaweed Jade.

Jin Ma-yeol, with a face full of joy, snatched a handful of Yuk-rin’s blood and blew it somewhere, and Yuk-rin struck Jin Ma-yeol with his foreleg.


Jin Ma-yeol’s entire body explodes.

The six-person attack continued.

Even though they are exhausted, these are attacks that only the combined machine members can launch at the beginning of the combined process.

Soon after, the realm of Jinma-yeol exploded, and all parts of it were torn off, leaving only the head behind.

But still, Jin Ma-yeol smiled.

“Heh, hehehehehehe! Hehehehe! As expected, you were hiding Jahonmancheon, Princess Jeongryong! But I should thank you. Thanks to you, I learned how to use Jahonmancheon! I also got your blood… Now all that’s left is… only…”

Jin Ma-yeol’s head lost its vitality as he spoke.

“Only immortality… .”

Yuk Rin looked at the place where Jin Ma Yeol had disappeared with an expressionless face, then with an annoyed expression, he sent a force inside Yeom Jeong’s palace.

Gukguk… .

And then, the six yolks came out.

Clearly, the self-destructive spirit that Yuk Rin had placed on Jin Ma Yeol had been transferred to Yuk Yo.

[Is it a curse? That bastard Jin Ma-yeol… I heard he succeeded in kidnapping Yuk-yo last time, but it looks like he turned Yuk-yo into a cursed doll in the meantime.]

Yuk Rin clicked his tongue and took the secret technique embedded in Yuk Yo’s spirit.

From his point of view, eating the six yolks was actually a loss.

He threw the six yo into the palace of Yeomjeong roughly and then laughed bitterly.

[You idiot… What will you do with the Jahonmancheon? What will you do with my blood to learn the dragon transformation technique? You will never be able to learn it anyway… Hehehe.]

Yuk Rin’s gaze turned to the edge of the Angryong Sea.

There, the salt lake was submerged below sea level.

There must have been a resurrected Jin Ma-yeol inside.

[You annoying guy. But this is the last time I’ve lost all my resurrection attempts. I risked my life thinking I’d be immortal, but I wonder what kind of expression I’ll make when I find out it was all an illusion… I wonder.]

Yuk Rin laughed heartily.

Starting with the traitorous King Geumwi, the fearsome Mugeuk Church and its leader.

And from the beginning, Jin Ma-yeol only had thoughts of attacking each other’s backs.

After defeating them all, the final winner was Yuk Rin.

However, Yuk-Rin defeated the enemy who had threatened him.

Even though he had obtained the palace of Yeomjeong that he had so desperately wanted, his smile had become smaller.

The rumbling sound soon turned into silence, and only silence lingered in the Angryong Sea, where an overwhelming majority of living beings had died in the aftermath of the battle.

Even though they won, Yuk-Rin couldn’t be happy.

‘Yeomhaeguiro-ok… was pushed out.’

It was a dent in the pride of Yuk Rin, who had believed all his life that Yeom Hae-Gwi-Ro-Ok was invincible.

Thud… .

Yuk Rin, who had been gnashing his teeth for a while, headed to Jeongryongdo with Yeomjeong’s palace.

While ordering Wei Yun to return, Yuk Rin, who was organizing various plans for the future, decided on what to do first.

‘I will soften the palace of Bongrae Kingdom and make it completely into the treasure of my true name. I will assimilate it into the territory and make it into the treasure of the Yanheo Dharma. Then, based on that, I will create the Yanhae Guiro Jade. I will truly reach the top.’

[… It’s not that I have achieved the Yeomhaeguirook. It’s just that I have not yet achieved the Yeomhaeguirook… ]

However, even though he tried to console himself, the darkness did not disappear from Yuk Rin’s face.

* * *

The Sea King’s War.

In the middle of it all, Hae-rin’s hands trembled with blood dripping from her eyes.

“… Even though it was a bit rough… I helped his successor according to your will. This is the best I can do. Now I will try my best to find a way to live. Please protect my descendants, Grandfather Haenyeong…”

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