A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation Chapter 370

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holding hands (7)

I swallowed as I watched Jang-ik pull out his sword.

“…Great Master Hamcheon, I have heard of your great reputation.”

“What, do you have something to say?”

“First of all, I am not a simple psychic, but a celestial. And the way I came down to the Holy World now is by briefly descending into the body of this boy from the Sub-Sea World. That means, if you and I fight, this boy will die ten out of ten. I don’t know, but please show mercy to this child.”

At my words, Master Hamcheon looked at me with a look of wonder.

“You’re a celestial…? That’s strange. The celestials I know think of the lives of such descendants as nothing more than fertilizer…”

“… .”

“Well, good. Then, first, get out of that guy’s body. Even if he’s a celestial, he’s already reached the throne, so he can at least say ‘greeting’ in his powdered form.”

“…Thank you for your concern, but if I leave, this child will die from the heat of this planet.”

“Do you think you could have told me to come out without even thinking about that?”

Jang-ik swung his sword towards the surrounding hot areas.


Then something amazing happened.

For a moment, the force seemed to be distorted.

No, it seemed like the law itself was being twisted.

Part of the planet’s surface, which had been revealing a hellish appearance under the hot star, changes according to Jang-ik’s will.

Just as monks use magic to bend the laws, Jang-ik’s work felt like nature itself was literally obeying Jang-ik’s commands.

In an instant, the hellish landscape became a clean and clear valley where humans could survive.

Although the grass and trees did not grow, clear water gushed out in an instant, cooling the earth and wetting various places.

A clear lake spread out before my eyes, seemingly ready to sprout green leaves at any moment.

“Throw it inside appropriately and come out.”

“… .”

I opened my mouth in disbelief.

‘With the power of the mind… is something like that possible…?’

Until now, I thought that martial arts, compared to sorcery, was focused only on competing and defeating opponents.

Of course, there were martial arts that could create fire and direct water currents, but transforming Mother Nature itself like Jang-ik was more in the realm of the monks’ magic.

After I dipped Ham Jin’s body into the lake that Jang Ik had created, I used the left-handed attack to escape Ham Jin’s upper body.

Thud, thud!

The blow of the left-handed sword was a clone, and that clone was not much different from the main body in terms of pure mind skills.

Of course, compared to the main body, the endurance is lacking, but that is the extent of the difference.

Jang Ik looked a little uneasy as he watched me crawl out of Ham Jin’s upper chamber.

“… Well… Everything is fine, but why is there such a sinister parasitic monster coming out of my head, waiting for another victim? Why can’t it just come out?”

“… I think it has become a habit after practicing the Guido method for a while. I ask for your understanding.”

I glanced at Ham Jin, who had passed out after using up all his stamina and magic power, then looked at the completely changed surroundings and said.

“How did you do this?”

“What can you do with someone who can’t even walk knowing how to fly? Since you’re a celestial who can descend to the lower world, you can do similar things with magic, so you don’t need to know.”

I was speechless because that was the right thing to do, so I left the area Jang-ik had created and took a stance.

“I was just asking to think about the next steps.”

“Well, that’s not a bad attitude. However, what I did was closer to a season that I deliberately developed to stabilize the Nan-gye region and establish the Sim-jok realm after reaching the enlightenment of the previous king.”

“I see… Then, I will ask questions about the next level… with a greeting.”

Before I could finish speaking, I concentrated my mind and shot out at Jang-ik like lightning.

I gathered the energy of heaven and earth to form a sword of energy, took a stabbing stance, and aimed for Jang-ik’s face.

However, he deflected my sword with only one sword, without even pulling out the rest of his swords.

“Come in further.”

A bit out of the blue.

But I could see what it meant.

Between Jang-ik and me, countless ‘realms’ and ‘scenes’ were overflowing.

These were mostly ‘scenes’ where I was getting beaten up by Jang-ik, my body was split open, or my head exploded.

And the areas were places where Jang-ik could move once and blow away the entire space.

Those places and scenes, thousands and tens of thousands of areas and scenes, were violently crushing my head.

And even though Jang-ik and I were physically close, the countless areas and scenes between us made me feel like he was so far away.

Jang-ik was talking to me.

Come a little closer.

‘Kick out his territory.’


Step forward with your right foot, lean your left half back, and then cut downward from the upper left to the lower right toward the long wing.

Before I could even get a chance to step on the ground and see the rocks bounce back down.

Jang-ik moved his sword and rotated it three times on the spot, striking three times to the right.

It felt like a giant claw was coming down on me.

I immediately changed my posture and thrust my sword slightly off-center towards the claw.

It needs to be flushed out.

If not… .

The next moment.


I was thrown into space.

When I came to, the planet I was supposed to be on was swept by the aftereffects of what seemed to be the exchange of food between Jang-ik and me.

‘Right now, with that one blow, I’m here… .’



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And before I could even finish my thought, I recognized Jang-ik standing above me, holding a sword in both hands, ready to cut me down.

‘You must avoid it!’

I transformed my body into a sharp sword without thinking and escaped his attack.

Since it was space, there was no air and no waves, but I got goosebumps when I saw that everything in the space where Jang-ik crossed his two swords and cut them was destroyed.

And, in space, Jang-ik’s thoughts resonate like Hye-gwang-sim-eo.

-Don’t avoid it.



I was sure I would have dodged it, but my waist was broken and my upper and lower body were cut off.


‘Why why!?’

The problem wasn’t that the body of the clone of the left-handed man was split in half.

Jang-ik’s attack was clearly carried out on a level I couldn’t understand.

* * *


Suddenly, an emergency alarm sounded throughout the entire Mugeuk Church.

It was an alarm that sounded when the leader of the Mugeuk cult, Mugeuk Demon King Seo Eun-hyeon, was fatally injured.

Hong Beom was sitting on the podium when he suddenly saw Seo Eun-hyeon’s stomach split open and her waist broken. He was astonished and quickly stitched up Seo Eun-hyeon’s waist.

“T, what the heck… Why all of a sudden… .”

A strange story that I can’t understand at all.

However, despite this strange event, Seo Eun-hyeon did not wake up.

Rather, he was sitting on the podium, his eyes closed and his mind focused with an expression that seemed to be concentrating on something.

* * *

‘I don’t know how or what they did, but they cut the main body!’

Creepy skills!

It meant that shallow tricks like powder or body wouldn’t work in front of Jang-ik.

I gritted my teeth and created about three thousand swords around me.

It was the realization of a colorless glass sword.


Three thousand swords danced and attacked Jang-ik.

A formless dance boasting an infinite trajectory, a sword that splits the mountains as a gigantic slash―


As Jang-ik swung his sword, the sword he had unleashed along with the sword shattered into pieces, and his right arm was cut off.


There is no sound in space, but there is vibration.

Looking behind me, I see where Jang-ik had attacked.

Another planet in this star system, not the one where Hamjin was, was being split in half.

-do it properly.


Just looking at your eyes makes me feel like my soul is being crushed.

Jang-ik had already arrived in front of me, holding a sword in both hands.

– Even though you are a celestial, I have no qualms about killing you since you are a celestial.


My sword ascends to the level of the soul and descends.

The blow from Sansimyeonhudo struck Jang-ik, and Jang-ik smashed the Sansimyeonhudo with his sword from the front, destroying it.


My left-wing clone couldn’t withstand Jang-ik’s attack and was thrown out of space towards the star.

Jang-ik chases after him again.

No, it’s wrong to say that they’re chasing you.

When I close my eyes and open them, he is right in front of me.

It was different from Kim Young-hoon or other investigators of the combined machine.

If Kim Young-hoon was too fast to recognize, or if the combined investigators were jumping through space, he had another way.


To avoid being burned by the heat of the star’s surface, he wraps his sword tightly around his entire body and concentrates all his mind to block Jang-ik’s next attack.

Jang-ik lifted his foot and brought it down again.

It was the foot of a small green dwarf, but I had a terrifying vision of a continent-shattering slash coming from his kick.


The left-wing clone was directly struck down on the surface of the star.

Red flames and heat storms were seen rising from the star’s surface.

A storm big enough to cover a small planet!

‘This, this is a shatterproof machine… .’

I was dumbfounded by this cosmic power, but I soon gritted my teeth and focused my mind on the Chongcheon Sword.

There is no time to think about anything else!

‘I know how to move the long-term!’

Surprisingly, Jang-ik was moving up the ranks!

Of course, it wasn’t really moving through all the levels, but rather moving around the level of the soul for a while before moving down to the lower levels.

After I noticed Jang-ik’s method, I sensed the level of the soul and extended my sword.

Danak (break the mountain)!


The secret technique of the single-edged sword technique that I had stretched out with all my might lightly brushed Jang-ik’s cheek, which appeared before my eyes in the blink of an eye.

His skin split open, spewing out small drops of blood.

Judging from the fact that blood was seeping out of the surface of a star, just like a floating planet or an ordinary star, the area around Jang-ik was practically another world in itself.

Jang-ik wiped the blood off his face with a surprised expression and let out a sigh.

-You’re a smart guy. Did you realize that I was moving up the ranks and counterattack right away?


Jang-ik spoke and struck the sword again, and I pulled out all the strength I had left in my left-handed clone to release that power.

However, the aftereffects alone had left the clone’s entire body in tatters, and to make matters worse, the main body currently sitting on the throne of the Mugeuk Church was vomiting blood from all over its body and dying.

‘Ah, no matter what, I can’t just fight and die in this life!’

I began to draw the power of the main body through the soul level with the Cheoncheon Sword.


The dragon veins of light and dark energy were gathering around the main body, and as their power was consumed, a path was opened between me and the main body.

It was not really possible for the main body to cross over, and it was a technique that could only be used for a short period of time with the other powers of the main body.

After activating the celestial and earthly practices of the main body, raise it to the level of the soul through the Cheoncheon Sword and move it here, then lower it again to unite the mind of heaven and earth.

Of course, this method wasn’t free either, and in return, I felt like the dragon veins of the Gwangum area were temporarily drying up.


The Taegeuk symbol appeared behind my back.

Jang-ik let out a gasp once again.

―Huh, I was just thinking of blowing everything up with one blow, leaving only the head… . That sword, is it moving up a level? You’re really good at utilizing your self-realization.

He laughed heartily and gave me his compliments.

And once again the green slash flew in.

I released the power of Jang-ik and was bounced back again.

Cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies!

It was swept away beyond the star’s horizon and then flew outside the star again.

It was not the time to choose between manpower, sorcery, circuits, curses, blessings, and the strength of the players.

If you don’t want to get screwed, you have to use anything!


Jang-ik’s grip grabbed my head.

– That’s great. I don’t know how you did it, but the Heaven, Earth, and Mind are all at similar levels. If you combine all your powers, you’re at the level of the Great Wonman of the Combined Machine… If other venerables see you, they’ll want to take you as their disciple.

His grip was small, but I felt as if every cell in my body was held in his hand.

‘We must fight back.’

Once again, Jang-ik lifts up Park-do.

I took my hands off my head, but I couldn’t move.


If you get hit with that, you die!

Wood crack!

I forced myself to move in the fear he had instilled in me.

After that, I combined all the techniques of the single-edged swordsmanship.

At the same time, all the power of the Samtaegeuk was contained in one sword.

I’m betting everything on this one hand!

―Haha, that’s a pretty cute outburst… .

I feel it.

No, I see it.

The next moment, I was sure that my whole body would crumble and turn into a bright red Seo Eun-Hyeon kimchi pancake.

So, let’s change that future!

– Enjoy it, you little celestial!

[Wolsu Palace Record!]


Just a moment.

My body disappeared into all that flow and awareness.

It cannot be found anywhere in the future, past or present.

The emptiness that Taeyeoljeon had tried to teach me was transformed into itself for a moment, avoiding Jangik’s perception.


I could see Jang-ik’s eyes closing tightly.

His attacks don’t find me.

However, in that short period of time, Jang-ik converted Park-do’s attack into a range attack.

His lightning tinted the area around the star green.

Clang! Clang!

Fine needle-like strikes spread out all around the star.

And, during that short period of time, I avoided his eyes for a very brief moment, and with all my energy exhausted, I was being sucked into the star by the star’s gravity, with holes ripped through my entire body.


I can’t move my body.

The fine needles scattered by Jang-ik were digging into every part of my body and holding me captive.

I lost.

And then Jang-ik appeared in front of me.


Before he knew it, he was holding a spear in one hand.

[… That child… Why did you bring… him…?]

Jang-ik was somehow distorting the laws around him, so Ham-jin was breathing normally in the castle.

But I didn’t understand.

Are you planning on killing Ham Jin-do, the Heavenly Clan?

But suddenly, Jang-ik grabbed the back of my neck, laughed loudly, and started flying away somewhere.

[I tried to find you, but I think I got in the way of the person above me. Let’s run away.]


And then, it happened.


The ‘middle ground’ that was suddenly sent to me and Ham Jin.

From that planet, covered in high temperature and where that ‘middle ground’ was, a black ‘hand’ emerged.



My whole body is shaking.

It’s hard to keep your wits about you.

That’s, that’s….

[Junseon, who had been sleeping, is tossing and turning because of us. Let’s run away quickly.]


Jang-ik took us on a journey across boundless time and space.

And then, a ‘giant hand’ protruding from the stars, like a dry, old tree branch, was chasing us, transcending boundless time and space.

[What, what is this… Why, why, why, why, why, why is there a crack in there…!]

[Wow, you’re still sane after seeing Junseon for so long, you idiot. I don’t know much about the combined period and below, but most of the true beings are originally in a state of sleep, pretending not to exist in the constellation. In the first place, all the worlds where high-power transmission lines are installed are also places where the true beings’ bodies are in danger… Some of them are awake, but they’re focused on other worlds, so it’s not easy to meet them.]

He said with a hearty laugh.

[Well, in short, what I’m trying to say is that he’s in a state of tossing and turning while sleeping, so he won’t be caught. But anyway, he seems to have this much mental strength and even the basics, so… What do you think, will you be my disciple?]

I couldn’t answer Jang-ik’s words, and just screamed into space as I watched the giant hand chasing us.

So, Jang-ik and I flew somewhere beyond the boundless space and time.

Return to the Immortal’s Tale Episode 373

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