A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation Chapter 203

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“First, wear these clothes.”

I take off my top and drape it over Gyu-ryeon, whose spiritual energy has fallen to the level of a mortal.

Gyu-ryeon keeps mumbling with a soulless expression that she will kill Seo Hweol, and I look around for a place to avoid the rain.

‘I need to find Yu Hwa.’

I remember Yu Hwa definitely falling with us.

But strangely, she is nowhere to be seen around here.

As we cross beyond Gyu-ryeon’s main body, the surrounding terrain appears to be mountainous.

I head towards the mountains, intending to make a cave by drilling a hole somewhere suitable.

That’s when I spot Yu Hwa in the distance.


Apparently, she had been catapulted incorrectly while descending to the lower realm, half-buried in the ground with her lower body exposed.

Trying to lessen the impact with spider webs during the fall, white spider webs are oozing out from her rear.

I first pull her out, upside down, slung her over my back, and head to a nearby cliff to create a rock cave.


Unleashing the power of the Black Dragon’s True Blood, a punch creates a cave large enough for three without much effort.

Entering inside, I gather branches.

Chzz, chzzz!

Infusing fire spiritual energy continuously with the Fire Surpassing Path to Cultivation, steam erupts from the branches, drying out all moisture before catching fire.

‘Fortunately, I still have spiritual power equivalent to the Qi Building stage left.’

Seo Hweol strangled me and played tricks at that time, causing considerable loss of my spiritual power. However, not only my body, which was trained through the Azure Spirit Starlight Quintessence Great Method, but also my internal energy is intact, and the remaining spiritual power is enough for the Qi Building stage.

‘I should be able to recover my cultivation soon.’

“Senior Gyu, come sit here.”

After lighting the fire and calling Gyu-ryeon over, she looks at me with a dazed face.

Then, she laughs emptily.

“…I’m not Gyu-ryeon. Don’t call me Senior Gyu.”


What she says next makes me sigh deeply.

“The real Gyu-ryeon is dead. Normally, a being at the Four-Axis stage would resurrect with a body capable of cultivation after death. But… do you see?”

She shows her frail arm.

“It’s an arm that cannot accumulate spiritual energy. I’m neither exactly a human nor can I return to a dragon’s body, only living in a transformed body. Even then, I’m not a real human capable of practicing Heaven Tribe methods…”

She looks at the flames with empty eyes and continues.

“The real Gyu-ryeon She gave up on reviving and chose to die. She intended to die and probably did die. I am not Gyu-ryeon. Just a remnant she left behind.”

She forces a smile and speaks gloomily.

“At the Four-Axis stage, life force becomes so strong that even if one doesn’t wish to resurrect… remnants like me can come into being after death. The real Gyu-ryeon’s lingering resentment, anger, despair, and sense of betrayal created me. I am definitely not Gyu-ryeon, just her remnant…”

Seeing her empty laugh, I ask with a heavy heart.

“Then, how should I address you?”

“…Call me Gyu-baek, the spirit of Gyu-ryeon.”

“Yes, Miss Gyu-baek.”

After saying that, Gyu-baek stares blankly into the fire.

Her heart essence is so twisted that it’s hard to read properly at the moment.

Leaving her aside, I approach Yu Hwa.

I cleanse the wounds on Yu Hwa’s upper body with a spell and cast a technique to activate her vitality on her.

I would have preferred to treat her directly, but since she has the body of a demi-human, not a human, her meridians and blood vessels are completely different from those of humans, making it impossible to treat her with anything specific.

Having no other choice, I reluctantly decided to rely on her innate vitality for healing and cast a spell to activate her life force.

After the rain stopped, several days passed.

I took care of Yu Hwa and gathered even the sparse spiritual energy to regain my cultivation.

Having practiced the method of Understanding before Breakthrough several times before, I was able to regain my cultivation quickly even with sparse spiritual energy.

Using formations to draw and absorb the dragon veins of the surrounding terrain, I managed to regain my cultivation up to the Core Formation stage.

Yu Hwa also regained consciousness when I returned to the Core Formation stage.

“…Where is this?”

“It seems to be the lower realm.”

“Lower realm… Which lower realm?”

Which lower realm?

As I am wondering, Yu Hwa asks again.

“The Astral Realm or the Decaying Corpse Realm. Which one is it?”

“Ah… I’m not sure about that.”

“I may not know much about the lower realms since I’m from the Bright Cold Realm, but I’ve heard that in the Decaying Corpse Realm, the sky is blocked above, and in the Astral Realm, you can ascend endlessly. Could you check for us?”


Leaving Yu Hwa still lying behind, I step out of the cave.

‘Let’s see, shall we go up?’

My crushed arm had fully recovered after reaching the Core Formation stage.

I leap towards the sky.

‘Treading Heaven!’


The Formless Sword merges with my entire being, and I rise to the sky as one with the Formless Sword.

Mixing in the Flying Escape Technique as I ascend, I soar into the sky faster than most Nascent Soul stage cultivators.

Gradually, the air becomes thinner.

However, having regained my Core Formation stage cultivation, the presence or absence of air is of little concern to me.



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Breaking through the clouds and rising further into the sky, I widen my eyes.


The air completely disappears, and sound ceases to exist.

The sky, which had been endlessly blue, suddenly turns as black as night.


While it’s not as cold as the lowest level of Serving Command Ark, a considerable chill envelops my body.

At the same time.


I enter the universe.

“This place is… the Astral Realm…!!!”

I realize that I finally come to a ‘familiar’ world, different from the flat earth I had seen before, and shout with excitement.

Below me, ’round earth’ can be seen.

Wearing the Formless Sword and moving further away from that land, the round earth soon looks down upon me like a star.

“Indeed, the Astral Realm is a proper universe…!”


Well, not really familiar, but somehow, I look around the universe with anticipation.

‘If the Astral Realm really is the universe…’

The terrain of the land I had just ascended from, at a glance, is definitely not Earth.

First of all, this planet has two satellites orbiting it.

But, in any case, I have fallen into a world that matches the knowledge I had during my time as an Earthling.

This means.

‘Somewhere in this universe, Earth might exist…!’

This is significant news.

The universe is infinitely vast, but.

Someday, we might be able to return to the place we lived in.

I float in space for a while, filling my heart with the countless stars in the galaxy.

Afterward, I descend back to that planet.


Entering the atmosphere with the Formless Sword enveloping my entire body, a strong frictional heat is generated on the Formless Sword, causing a burden.

Of course, the burden isn’t too great, so it’s bearable, and I fall near the original place like a meteor.


The hillside next to Gyu-ryeon’s body is completely crushed as I land.

I return to the cave to tell Yu Hwa that this place is the Astral Realm.

Just then.

“So you were from the Heart Tribe too.”

Suddenly, Gyu-baek, who had been staring blankly, comes out in front of the cave and looks at me indifferently.

I slowly nod my head.

“…I’m sorry for deceiving you. But…”

“It’s fine. You deceived Gyu-ryeon, not me.”

“…I’m sorry.”

I bow once again to her and then head into the cave.

From behind, I hear Gyu-baek muttering blankly.

“This one or that one. They all only came to deceive Gyu-ryeon.”


Although she didn’t say much, Gyu-baek seems to become more upset upon realizing I am from the Heart Tribe.

‘…I’ve deceived her about too many things.’

I sigh inwardly and approach Yu Hwa.

She is healing her body by activating her own vitality.

“This place is the Astral Realm. The sky stretches endlessly, and the land is round.”

I explain the universe in a way she can easily understand, informing her that this is the Astral Realm.

Upon hearing my words, Yu Hwa’s eyes light up.

“The Astral Realm…! Then, then…!”

Her eyes, usually closed in contemplation, flashes open in excitement.

“Is there something in the Astral Realm?”

“Yes, of course. We ended up in the Astral Realm and got trapped in the lower realm… but it turned out to be a good thing.”

“Hmm, I wonder what’s good about that…”

However, what she says next surprises me.

“If we’re in the Astral Realm, we can somewhat communicate with the Highest Council of the Heart Tribe.”


‘Indeed, there is a reason for her excitement.’

It means that, although we are stranded in the lower realm, there might be a way out.

“Being able to communicate with the Highest Council, is there anything I can help with?”

“Ah, there’s nothing you need to help with.”

“It’s fascinating. Being able to directly contact the upper realm from the lower realm.”

“Oh, to be precise, it’s not about connecting the lower realm with the upper realm. Perhaps the Heaven Tribe or Earth Tribe could, but our Heart Tribe doesn’t have such capabilities.”

“…? Then how do you make the connection?”

As I wonder, she smiles and explains.

“To contact the Highest Council means directly contacting the Supreme Leader of the Council, who then relays the message to the Bright Cold Realm.”


I gasp at her words.

“Wait… the Supreme Leader you’re referring to…”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Upon her confirmation, not only I, but also Gyu-baek, who has been sitting gloomily at the entrance of the cave, is startled.

“The Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One is currently in the Astral Realm and I am an intelligence agent who received a mission from the Esteemed One, so with a little time, it will be possible to contact him.”


This is astonishing news.

‘So, that’s why she said she will contact the Esteemed One about Kim Young-hoon being in the lower realm last time.’

The Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One was originally in the lower realm.

From the entrance of the cave, Gyu-baek looks at us and snorts.

“That’s quite surprising. A great musician who can also communicate with the Esteemed One. Anyway, it’s fascinating how the mysterious Heart Path Method enables communication with the Esteemed One from such a distance.”


“Having two Heart Tribe spies so close and Gyu-ryeon not realizing it is just pitiful.”

She clicks her tongue as if displeased with us and turns her head away.

There is a moment of intense silence between Yu Hwa and Gyu-baek. I break the silence by changing the subject.

“By the way, what is the Heart Tribe’s Esteemed One doing in the Astral Realm?”

Yu Hwa tilts her head in confusion.

“I’m not sure. I heard he was looking for something…”

Gyu-ryeon interrupts our conversation again.

“Except for those from the Blood Yin Realm, all the Star Shattering stage Esteemed Ones from across the Middle Realms are currently on a mission in the Astral Realm. I heard they are all looking for something at the edge of the Astral Realm. There’s a special Decaying Corpse Realm within the Astral Realm, but I don’t know much about it.”

“Ah, thank you, Miss Gyu-baek.”

I thank her and, reminded of something, ask again.

“But why are the Blood Yin Realm’s Esteemed Ones remaining in their realm? Didn’t you say that the Esteemed Ones from the other realms have all gone in search of something?”

“The Heavenly Fiends of the Blood Yin Realm didn’t follow not because they didn’t want to, but because they couldn’t. They are confined to the Blood Yin Realm.”


“Yes. They cannot go to any other world except for the True Devil Realm and the Bright Cold Realm. This includes the lower realms like the Astral Realm as well.”

Though she pretends to be reluctantly sharing what she knows, she seems to genuinely enjoy being part of the conversation.

I smile slightly, reading her intent.

Though her heart essence is still incredibly gloomy compared to the normal days of Gyu-ryeon, it is evident that engaging in conversation is making her a bit better.

“With my limited understanding, I’m not sure why the Heavenly Fiends of the Blood Yin Realm ended up like that. Could Miss Gyu-baek enlighten me?”

“I don’t know much either. It’s said that due to the pull of fate, the Star Shattering stage Heavenly Fiends are bound to the Blood Yin Realm and cannot leave. They can travel to the True Devil Realm since it’s originally the same dimension, but I’m not sure why they can go to the Bright Cold Realm.”

“Thank you for your teaching.”

“Enough. Don’t talk to me, you Heart Tribe folks.”

After finishing her words, she turns her back again and stares blankly at the sky from the cave entrance.

However, seeing her heart essence and noticing she improves a bit as we converse, I continue to engage her in conversation.

Gyu-baek, though pretending to be annoyed, answers when I keep talking to her and I can notice her condition improving.

When the fog over her heart essence finally lifts somewhat, I cautiously ask her.

“Miss Gyu-baek, I have a question.”

“What is it, again?”

“…Mis Gyu-baek mentioned that it’s difficult for you to learn demon beast methods or Heaven Tribe methods.”


Her expression darkens again at my words.

I cautiously ask her.

“Have you considered learning the Heart Path Method?”


Startled by my question, Gyu-baek glares at me, and Yu Hwa, who had been carving wood and attaching spider webs to create new strings, also turns her head towards us.

“You’re telling me to learn the Heart Path Method…?”

“Why not?”


After pondering for a moment, she sighs softly.

“…After oppressing and despising the Heart Tribe, how can I now learn the Heart Path Method? Wouldn’t that be shameless?”

It’s an interesting reason.Aall 𝒏𝒆west ch𝒂pt𝒆rs on n.o./v𝒆l𝒃i/n/(.)c𝒐m

‘It’s not that she dislikes the Heart Tribe, but she dislikes the idea of herself, who has tormented the Heart Tribe, learning the Heart Tribe’s power…’

Indeed, her nature is kind.

I smile at Gyu-baek.

“Why would Miss Gyu-baek worry about that?”


“Who you’re talking about is ‘Gyu-ryeon’, isn’t it?”

“…! You”

She seems momentarily confused about her identity, clutching her head and glaring at me.

“Besides, doesn’t Miss Gyu-baek have something she wants to do right now?”

Observing the deep-seated heart essence within her, I ask.

After a long silence, Gyu-baek nods.

“…I want to kill Seo Hweol.”

“Yes, with such a desire, such longing… how can you achieve that with a body that cannot learn any methods right now?”


“I can teach you the Heart Path Method. Shouldn’t you seek revenge on Seo Hweol by learning it?”

Of course, I don’t expect her to reach Beyond the Path with it.

The reason I made this suggestion is because I want to give her, who is deeply twisted in darkness, something to immerse herself in.

‘Conversing seems to improve her state slightly, but…’

Without addressing the root issue, she will remain in a state where she might succumb to suicide at any moment.

I hope that by awakening and training her in this way, focusing on cultivation might help lighten her dark heart essence.

After hearing my words, she is silent for a while and then clenches her teeth.

“…I don’t know. All I have are memories of fearing, despising, and being terrified of the Heart Tribe. Moreover, in my, no, in Gyu-ryeon’s memories, Gyu-ryeon always considered the Heart Tribe as something that must be killed…”


“I don’t know if I should learn the Heart Path Method.”

“…Give it a”

“I will give it a thought.”

She bites her lip.

“I understand.”

I decide to give her some time to think about it.

Thus, near the cave, we spend a few more days with Yu Hwa recovering her vitality, I my cultivation, and Gyu-baek her spirit.

About two weeks after falling into the lower realm, on the day Yu Hwa’s injuries are fully healed, I receive unbelievable news from her.

“The Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One is sending an avatar here this way.”


Both I and Gyu-baek nearby are startled by her words.

“When… is the Esteemed One expected to arrive?”

I ask her in confusion, and she makes an awkward expression.



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