A Magic Genius Who Redefines The Concept of Magic Chapter 80

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Concept Grasping Magic Genius Episode 80

At first glance, the match between Rowan and Jose seemed to be fairly even.

No, there were even those who thought that Jose had the upper hand.

Jose’s swordsmanship was known to be fast even among runners, and it seemed as if Rowan was barely able to avoid being hit.

They even guessed that Rowan had no room to practice magic.

“What do you think you’re up to now?”

There were quite a few people who thought like Lucas. That’s because Rowan has shown many unexpected scenes so far.

“It seems more like you’re observing than decorating. Like you’re studying.”

But most people, like Sienna, understood Roan accurately.

In any case, those watching this showdown were not ordinary people, but members of the Union.

‘First of all, I need to get my breathing back in order.’

In fact, Rowan was recalling every moment in detail, going back to his first memory of seeing Mana for the first time.

Although his magical powers may be outstanding and the knowledge he has instilled may be vast, it seemed reasonable to view his senior magicians as beginners in mana at least in the direction he was trying to systematize.

It was such a deep-rooted situation.


Suddenly Jose distanced himself from Rowan.

“Are you making fun of me?”

He is a competent inspector, as Lucas acknowledged.

He had been in Oz for 6 years and had gained considerable experience and skill. He also had outstanding magical powers thanks to having grown up in a good family.

It’s natural to feel displeased with Rowan, who doesn’t launch any proper attacks.

Rowan bowed his head and apologized.

“I’m sorry. Your swordsmanship is so refined that I wanted to keep it in my sight for a long time.”


“I think I did it without realizing it because I had an epiphany.”

It happens often.

And because growing together is also a sparring process.

Jose couldn’t just keep being angry because his opponent had gained enlightenment by frankly competing with him.

“Then show me properly now.”

“I will do that.”

As soon as Loan finished speaking, Jose suddenly raised his magical power.

The magical power that awakened my whole body and shook me wrapped itself around my lower body.


Jose’s body, sword in hand, crashed into Rowan with a sound like it was being struck by the wind.

Roan led the convection current that was constantly circulating rather than being properly released with his fist.

The moment the tip of the sword was about to touch Rowan’s chest.

Rowan, who had gently turned his body, examined the sword passing before his eyes with great precision and then swung his fist at one point.

Recalling the blue light regime that Hans had shown, he turned to the central axis of the sword that ran like light.


I gave it my all.


Behind the loud noise of a massive clash of magical powers, Jose’s sword, unable to withstand the shock, left his hand and flew far away.

“Roan said to Jose, who had a blank expression on his face.

“I showed you.”

It was a clear defeat for Jose.


As Captain Garcia’s declaration fell, Rowan suddenly looked up at the podium.

The Governor’s face, whose eyes were covered, seemed to be smiling for some reason.

She said, clutching the commander’s badge.

“Oz Jose, continue the next mission. Runner Rowan is done for.”

Such a quick summary of titles.

Rowan was bewildered and just blinked his eyes quickly.

Jose tapped Rowan on the shoulder.

“I didn’t see it. Don’t do it next time.”

Leaving those bitter words behind, he left the stage first. At the same time.

“Runner Rowan!”

Lucas jumped up onto the stage with his arms outstretched.

“Wow… Does that make sense? You’re a runner after less than half a year since graduating.”

“I see… ”

It is generally considered to take ten years for the Wizard of Oz to ascend to the Runner.

It was an absurd result, but comparing Rowan to other wizards was also unreasonable in the first place.

Rowan, still dazed, received praise from his seniors, starting with Lucas’ congratulations as the only Oz left with faith.

“Thanks to you, I feel like our shoulders have lifted up too.”

“It seems like there has been progress in your fighting skills while working with the Stability Committee. It felt like there was an aura in your fists.”

“It feels different. I wonder if you’d call it a magic punch.”

“Isn’t that a really ugly name?”

My bewildered mind was gradually eased by my seniors’ teasing.

Rowan expressed his gratitude to his seniors one by one.

Finally, Oscar and Adrian were greeted by Rowan.



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“I got promoted thanks to your help. Thank you.”

“You’re the youngest of the runners. Work twice as hard.”

Those were Adrian’s words.

Oscar tried to pat Rowan’s head, but then he awkwardly lowered his hand and tapped his shoulder.

“The promotion ceremony will be held tomorrow, all at once after all the runner ranks are completed.”


“From now on, you need to have a different mindset. You’ve become a member who can represent the union on your own.”

“All right.”

Rowan turned his gaze to the stage where the next promotion ceremony was to take place.

* * *

The next day, after all the evaluations were over, a promotion ceremony was held.

When Rowan climbed up onto the stage and looked down, he was overwhelmed by the number of Union members and indirect personnel including the management office lined up to the point of filling up the grand parade ground.

In the case of the members, they said that about half of them remained, excluding those who were on missions outside, but when they gathered like this, their momentum was truly impressive.

“Attendance at the promotion ceremony is mandatory unless it is unavoidable.”

That’s what Sienna said before going up to the stage.

The last official ceremony was attended only by those who received meritorious service, and yesterday and today’s promotion evaluations were voluntary for the sake of support, so why is the promotion ceremony attended by everyone?

In the midst of my curiosity, Lazarus’ voice rang out loudly throughout the arena.

“From the odds that were once a possibility, to the runners who have now stepped forward and become the driving force of the Union-”

The three people who were promoted through this evaluation, including Rowan, were the center of attention.

“Here is the Union’s power seeker who will expand the realm of establishment from oneself to the world.”

There were five people who were recognized for promotion. Compared to the number of applicants, there were not many who achieved their goal.

The power to deal with a single family, the position to become the 7th rank vice-captain and supervise the practical work of the unit, and the position to claim the Union’s will and commit sins anywhere in the world.

Because it weighs a lot, it is not easy to get over that threshold.

Rowan looked at them with a small sigh of relief.

It’s because the distance I usually felt has become a little closer.

“Practical Seeker, Yorgos.”

Meanwhile, the roll call continued.

It was to wear a new badge on my chest.

Those whose names were called stood before the governor one by one.

The Governor’s very delicate and delicate hands touched their hearts. The old badges were replaced with new lights.

She said.


Expressing gratitude, not congratulations. And smiling.

The Governor’s softly curled lips felt very affectionate.

Maybe that’s why.

“Runner of Faith, Rowan.”

The moment his turn came, Rowan’s heart also started beating fast.

Rowan walked slowly and stood in front of the governor.


After a moment of silence, the governor’s hand touched his chest.

The Oz token that had been on his left chest disappeared, and a silver Runner token that had floated into the air and lingered in front of his eyes for a moment took its place.

During that process, Rowan didn’t know where to look.

Because I felt somehow guilty looking at the governor’s head.

I pretended to put my head back and look into the distance.


The governor’s voice was heard.

I told everyone the same thing, but it sounded different than before. It wasn’t my imagination.

Just like when you are reciting, you gently push out the mana through your breath, tickling your ears and pounding your chest.

It is only natural that the Governor-General’s sincerity was fully conveyed.

It also included words of praise for his talent and for keeping his promise.

Rowan did the best he could to salute the newly created silver badge by raising his fist again.

“Then, the promoted runners will come down from the podium and greet everyone present.”

Only then did Rowan realize why there were so many people filling the training ground with such upright posture.

Walking and stopping.

I greeted each and every one of them, looking them in the eye and placing my fist on my chest.

I saw a look of trust in the welcoming greetings.

“I’m counting on you.”

“thank you.”

It was the moment when I was finally recognized as a colleague who would run together in step with one possibility.

* * *

After a day’s rest, Rowan returned to the Faith Tower and headed straight to the captain’s office.

“Oh, our new runner is here?”

Adrian greeted Rowan warmly, leaving him and Sienna alone in the office.

“Sit down. I have something for you.”

As soon as I sat down according to Sienna’s words, a small notebook and pen were placed on the table.


I remembered it. It was the magic tool I first saw during the last Olen mission. It was a teleporter that allowed the Union to communicate with each other from a distance.

“It’s an item given to runners.”

“Yes. You told me about it then.”

I also examined the magic circle drawn on the pen.

However, I did not fully understand Jin then or now.

Since there were many omitted parts, Roan guessed that there must be some special trick here that could not be handled through magic.

“This notebook can only be used with one person. That is, if this notebook understands your magic, no one else can use it.”

“Do you understand magic?”

“By absorbing the magic power that flowed through the pen. Because there can be no two magic powers that are the same.”

Rowan nodded and picked up the pen.

“Write your unit name and your name.”

As instructed, he wrote neatly on the first page of the notebook, which had the Union mark faintly engraved on it, “Faith and Loan.”

In that moment, the convection current that had been flowing through Rowan’s body suddenly encountered a hole and was sucked into the pen.

It wasn’t too much, so I watched quietly without showing it, and a subtle magical power flowed out from the tip of the pen, but the writing didn’t actually appear on the paper.

“It is written with magic power, so it cannot be seen in reality, but since the thoughts are connected, the meaning will be conveyed……”

Sienna trailed off slightly because she guessed that Rowan could see it.

Indeed, Rowan’s eyes could clearly see the process of the neat handwriting being absorbed into the paper.

“Now that notebook has become your possession. The two are a pair, so sending and receiving information is now possible.”

“If you want to send it to the management office, you have to write it and tear up the paper?”

“In the case of reports, yes. Just write down the questions as is.”

“Are the two different?”

Adrian, who had been watching the process so far with interest, suddenly opened his mouth.

“Reporting information about missions is the most important function, but of course you can also ask for information you want to know. Write down what you’re curious about.”

“Are you here?”

“Yeah. Ask me anything. Any question that can be answered will get answered.”

Rowan nodded and wrote down on a piece of paper what he was most curious about right now.

[Where is Franco.]

I wanted to get back one of my lost Shevilles.


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