A Magic Genius Who Redefines The Concept of Magic Chapter 74

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Concept Grasping Magic Genius Episode 74

Liberta was helpless without her commander in chief.

Even the commanding officers who had gathered considerable power were being pushed back by the Union led by Siena and the Barcino capital army.

In the meantime, they pushed me to the harmony level, so I couldn’t handle it.

“Why isn’t support coming?”

“You crazy bastard, now is the time to strike back!”

A frustrated voice continued from Liberta’s side.

No matter how long I waited, my comrades who were to cross the Grafton Kingdom territory through the bridge area and attack Barcino’s rear never came.

“The ones you’re waiting for won’t come.”

Lucas continued, swinging his greatsword at the man who was shouting for support.

“They would have all been massacred in the bridge area.”

“How on the bridge…….”

The Liberta man’s words were not continued.

Lucas spoke to the head lying on the floor.

“……There is something like that.”

As soon as they reached the podium, the scales of victory and defeat quickly tipped.

Liberta was helpless in the face of the advance of the Harmony Guard and the large-scale magical attacks of the Honor Guard.

As time passed, it got closer to total slaughter, but there was no mercy until the end.

The Union and the capital army of Barcino decimated all the Liberta remnants on the battlefield, leaving not a single one behind.

It was ironic that the only things that could move were the ghouls, who were alive but not alive.

“I won!”

Shouts of victory rang out through the ranks of the Barcino capital.

Barchino and the Union celebrated their victory and assessed the damage.

There were some casualties in the Barcino capital, but even the injuries on the Union side were minor.

Oscar’s loss of one ear was perceived as a great wound.

While Hans was bandaging Oscar’s wounds, someone in heavy armor stood in front of them and asked.

“What about Franco?”

As he took off the helmet that covered his face, his dazzling blond hair flowed freely in the sudden liberation.

A person of considerable beauty.

Lucas, who had been looking at his father with concern, turned his gaze away and let out a gasp without realizing it.

Hans answered.

“He ran away.”

“I knew it, you little shit.”

An inappropriate curse flowed out from her slightly pursed lips.

Hans interrupted the verbal abuse that had continued for a while in the direction Franco had disappeared.

“I will refrain from doing this for the time being. The wounds will be deep.”

“Who put it on you? That one ear?”

“It’s Rowan. On faith.”

She turned her head sharply at Hans’ answer.

Even though there were more than a few people staring at her face, she looked at Rowan without wavering in her gaze.

Rowan, who was looking for a useful head to feed to Aul, responded to the gaze.

“Are you Rowan?”


“This is Lydia, the leader of the Harmony Committee.”

“Hello. This is Oz Rowan from Faith.”

“Hello. This is Oz Lucas from Belief Team!”

Rowan and Lucas put their fists to their chests and saluted.

Lydia didn’t even glance at Lucas.

“You hurt that guy Franco?”

“Shevil, ah. My weapon is this……”

“I know. How about that.”

“I aimed for the bastard’s neck and fired a precise shot on the convection current, but he dodged in the blink of an eye and escaped with my Cheville embedded in his left eye.”

It hurt more when I said it out loud.

As I was exhaling, I suddenly felt a warm sensation behind me.

“You ugly thing. Are you tormenting a child who has accomplished great things with unnecessary persecution?”

It was Magda, the leader of the honor guard.

She looked like she was paying a lot of attention to her makeup today. Her bright red lips were particularly shiny.

Lydia responded with a frown.

“It’s not something the lady should worry about.”

“He is a comrade who shares my literary sensibility and someone I seek magical advice from. I have every reason to care.”

“What the heck……”

“You still have a dirty mouth. It’s really something to come from a respectable family. Even if you’ve become a monk, you can’t help but feel worried when you see something like that. Isn’t that right, Barchino?”

“Yes, Lady Magda. That’s why blood relatives aren’t always welcome.”

The Duke of Barcino, standing next to Magda, answered.

Although it was something familiar to Magda’s daughter, Loan, Barcino’s polite attitude was somehow unfamiliar.

After finishing his answer, Barcino’s eyes turned coldly towards Lydia.

Did you lose the snowball fight?

“What a surprise. Do you really want to be my older brother?”



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Lydia, who had made a “tsk” sound, turned her head back to look at Rowan as she had at first.

“Anyway, as soon as you get to Union, come to Harmony.”

“I’ll ask Captain Adrian. Is that right, Vice Captain Oscar?”

Oscar nodded slightly when asked the question.

It was a perfectly reasonable answer, but Lydia didn’t seem to like it.

She briefly cursed Rowan and Oscar with her eyes and then left the place.

A moment of hecticness passed like that.

Magda said.

“Putting aside the grudge against Franco, why is Rowan tripping?”

“He was an uncontrollable child. It’s better if you don’t worry too much about him.”

“That’s right. I’m already feeling sick.”

Magda shook her head and said.

To her, Barcino was still polite.

“Thank you for coming. The honor guard’s room played a big role in the ending.”

“Thanks to this kid. Roan, it made getting through the bridge area a breeze.”

Magda’s hand lightly stroked Rowan’s hair.

“I’m glad you came early.”

Roan looked around at Magda and the Honor Guard members and said hello. One of the members mentioned that Sophie was away on another long-term mission.

The Duke of Barcino nodded with a satisfied smile.

“There’s a lot to talk about regarding this final battle. Leave the organizing to us and everyone, please get some rest first.”

“Yeah. The sun is too hot here. My skin is going to get damaged.”

Magda said, raising her hand to create a small shade.

The sun had just passed its noon zenith.

While most of those who had gone to the battlefield were resting, some, including Rowan, were still busy.

The number of captured ghouls is around thirty.

Moving them or isolating them was not an easy task.

“Barcino gave me a good place.”

Magda said, looking around.

The ghoul treatment room prepared by the Duke of Barcino is a space rented from the Barcino National Hospital.

It was convenient to use in many ways because it had an isolated area inside.

“Let’s start with just one person.”

With Hans’ help, Rowan laid one of the ghouls upright on the table and secured it in place.

Magda used her magic to press hard on the bastard’s body as his body shook violently.

“Thank you, Commander Magda.”

Rowan, Hans, and Magda sat down next to the table where the ghoul was lying.

Oscar was present at the Belief Summit, just like he was during Letel’s magical consultation earlier.

He was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and a listless expression on his face, his ears and head wrapped tightly in bandages.

There were many others besides them.

They are members of the Stability and Honor Committees. They sit on the second floor and look down.

The two units are relatively older than the Union. The atmosphere in the treatment room was like that of older instructors examining the students’ performances.

“I’m curious. Why are you challenging the purification of a ghoul that even priests find difficult?”

“I’m looking forward to it. I wonder what magical achievements will be made.”

It is quite unusual for priests and magicians to gather here with a common purpose.

What Roan was trying to do was purify and heal, but at the same time, he was also trying to destroy magic, so he showed interest in both.

Rowan spoke, looking back and forth between Hans and Magda.

“Then I will explain the treatment process. I am sure that Captain Hans and Captain Magda know that I helped the torchbearers in the bridge area.”

“is it so.”

“I heard. You did something fun.”

Rowan began to briefly explain how he had used his past experiences at the Human Tree to draw Liberta’s mana into the torch.

“……The point here is that if the mana practice and breathing we do are taking mana into our bodies, then the human tree and torch are drawing out what’s inside our bodies.”


Hans nodded, his voice low and drawn out.

“Taking a hint from there, I reversed the process of mana training and drew out Liberta’s magical power through breathing. That’s what I tried in the bridge area.”

There was a simultaneous sigh among the priests and magicians who were listening to this on the floor.

They are all people who have been practicing Mana Yeong-gong since early on.

To my ears, the hypothesis itself seemed theoretically unproblematic.

But how Rowan made it possible is a matter of empirical research. Naturally, curiosity arose.

Magda asked as if she was speaking on behalf of him.

“Mana’s training is not a magic that has a formula. It’s like putting your will into your breathing. How can you reverse that?”

“Mana breathing and practice are things that have been ingrained over the years. You instinctively know how, how much, how fast, and how deep you should breathe. Even if you don’t have numbers.”

“Hmm. Right.”

I didn’t say on purpose that mana is visible.

There was no need for that.

Usually, we don’t breathe by watching the breath coming in and out. Everyone just feels the tedious process of mana coming in, accumulating some, and then leaving.

“What I did was intervene in the process and draw out the opponent’s breath with my own.”

“Intervention? Is that possible?”

“It was possible. However, for convenience’ sake, it was necessary to inflict somewhat excessive pain on the opponent.”

“Pain? Oh, the second torchbearer’s hut. Is that why they were supporting my knees?”

“Yes. I will demonstrate the benefits and specific methods to be gained from it later when I have the chance.”

Even though I just let it slide, it was quite an accomplishment to have directly intervened in the opponent’s magic.

It is not something that can be easily taught as it is close to a unique magic or magical understanding.

Everyone nodded as if they understood everything.

Hans, who had been lost in thought for a while, asked.

“So you said that complete engulfing darkness might be possible then?”


“This time, I will be the torch bearer.”

“That’s correct.”

Rowan was impressed by Hans’ insight.

He understood exactly what Rowan was trying to do.

Rowan, with a rare bright smile on his face, turned his gaze to Guul and said.

“I don’t think I need any pain. Just release that gag and I’ll start breathing heavily.”

Magda did so with a wave of her hand.

The ghoul, who had just removed the gag from his mouth, began to let out a howl so loud that it shook the treatment room.


Rowan stared blankly at the ghoul.

The turbid mana that had been forcibly stored without any training. It was now time to pull it all out, as if it was spreading inside the ghoul’s body like mold.

“Ugh! Ugh!”

Even ghouls breathe.

Rowan quietly explored the end of the scream, the flow of breath.

Then, the convection was refined. The convection was regulated with an incredible density. The flow, as thin as thread, formed bundles and formed shapes.

Although the process was not visible, we all knew that something unusual was happening just from the fine dust swirling around.

“Okay, let’s begin.”

A thin stream of convection started from the tip of his finger and entered the ghoul’s body through his nostrils.

It is a ghoul that is not breathing mana. Its breathing itself is rough and intermittent. Its screams burst out at inexplicable times.

So, for a ghoul, it is a very unpleasant and strange feeling to have a convection current with a flowing flow swirling around inside their body.


Rowan patiently circulated convection within the ghoul’s body.


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