A Magic Genius Who Redefines The Concept of Magic Chapter 61

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Concept Grasping Magic Genius Episode 61

The group was guided to an office inside the main building.

It was a branch office of the Union, but it didn’t seem to be used for that purpose.

Just a quick glance at the displayed items and piled up documents gave the impression that I was in the office of some business company.

The runner on the practical side introduced himself as Boris.

“I am the only full-time member in the branch.”

Oscar, Sienna, and Rowan nodded as if they were doing so.

Lucas, who couldn’t do it alone, couldn’t stand it anymore and asked.

“I heard that Dunton is a small city, but even so, can you handle it alone?”

As for the stability committee, I also don’t know anything about it.

Rowan answered through Oscar’s sigh.

“The Practical Unit is a unit that specializes in gathering information and monitoring the situation while infiltrating the daily lives of local residents.”


“Being absorbed means living as a normal person, not a member of the Union. It’s easier to move around alone without being noticed.”

“Then either you’re not wearing a uniform or this place looks like a company office.”

This time Boris answered.

“Yes. It’s the office of a company that does intermediary trade. They actually do business. I’d like to add that in normal circumstances, I could handle it by myself.”

Thanks to this, the Silpwi had to be good at all kinds of grabs, and its fighting style was specialized for one-on-many battles.

That was the reason why throwing weapons were mainly used.

“You’ve wasted your time. Don’t continue.”

Oscar’s words were followed by an explanation of the situation.

As I heard, Letel has completely disappeared from Dunton.

That’s always the way the Dark Church works.

They spread their seeds across the continent, but if something goes wrong, they quickly disappear.

It’s easier to take control of something that already exists than to start from scratch.


“It’s just that Liberta is filling Letel’s empty spot.”

“I thought so. I heard the rumors on my way here. It looks like they’ve come up high.”

Liberta is one of the Graves that devour the continent.

They call themselves the Free Mercenaries, but in reality they are a coalition of villains who commit heinous crimes.

They worship only force.

They believe that it is most natural to ignore order and express one’s nature. The number of murders and r**es is treated as a badge of honor for them.

The seeds that should not be left in the world have dug into Letel’s empty space. That’s how the balance is somehow restored.

“Yes. They’ve absorbed the local criminal organization in Dunton and are causing trouble by operating in the city. They seem to be expanding their influence a lot these days.”

After Rowan greeted his senior politely, he carefully opened his mouth.

“If you’re talking about a criminal organization that was here, are you talking about the Manson Family?”


It’s a wonder how young Oz knows such trivial information.

Rowan answered immediately.

“I’m from this relief center.”

“Ah… you’re Rowan.”

“Do you know me?”

“It’s strange not to know. I thought that somehow its appearance was unique.”

It was a remark that put down the two remaining rich people at once.

Boris realized it the moment he did and immediately apologized to Oscar.

Oscar said, stroking his beard absentmindedly.

“Isn’t it stranger that you have to apologize to me? How could you be in charge of the branch if you’re so clueless….”

The end of the words trailed off, but there was a faint smile on his face. Boris was able to feel relieved when he confirmed that it was a joke.

He changed the subject to Rowan.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been here, and I haven’t even had time to look around. The main building is empty except for this office. The old dormitory building is still in operation. Is there anyone you’d like to meet?”

“No, there isn’t.”

“Hmm. I see.”

Those who shared feelings for him and those who tried to use him are no longer there.

Noah, who I shared a room with, and the children I lived with might still be there, but I had no desire to see them.

Rowan asked.

“How bad are they?”

“It’s been manageable so far, but it needs to be sorted out before it gets any bigger.”

Evil was bound to flow in somehow, and if they were not rooted out in time, the region would slowly be eaten away.

It’s only ordinary people who suffer.

If we leave it like this, we might end up like Letel, who took control of the relief center for several years.

“Is the area around Dunton Intersection where most crimes are committed?”

Boris nodded slightly and spread a large, lumpy map on the table.

Looking at the floor plan, memories of the days when he wandered the alleys naturally overlapped in Rowan’s mind.

Boris pointed to a spot on the map with the end of his stick.

“As Rowan said, the Liberta gang, which is currently headquartered near the Dunton intersection, has absorbed a local criminal group called the Manson Family. Their numbers are growing.”

After explaining that he had completely changed his line of business from robbery to giving up unprofitable businesses such as fishing.

“The leader is a 17-year-old boy who is said to have received swordsmanship training directly from a high-ranking official of Liberta.”




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Oscar, who had been asking that question, looked at his son absentmindedly.

We are the same age.

Lucas pursed his lips and looked quite impressed.

“I ran into him by chance two years ago, and he was quite serious back then. It was my fault for not having gotten rid of him in time.”

Two years ago, I was 15 years old.

No matter how evil the opponent is, it won’t be easy to deal with the boy.

But Oscar didn’t give him any leeway.

“There was hesitation in the hands of the practical committee.”

“I’m still reflecting.”

Rowan gave Lucas a little tip.

“The Practical Committee is so good at assassination that it has no business being one of its specialties. Its roots are in Rhodes.”


Oscar, who immediately sensed that the story would be long, asked Boris.

“What is the impression of that boy who is the leader?”

“He is so old that he could almost be considered an adult. He is also quite large in stature.”

“name is?”

“Known only as Balder.”


Rowan made a sound as if he was surprised.

Boris nodded and said.

“Yes. I heard he came from a shelter. Do you know that name?”


It’s a special relationship.

It was strange to become the leader, but at the same time, I understood it.

There was no peer who could handle him without being able to handle mana at all.

If he had caught someone’s eye with his quick wit and intuition, it might have been possible for him to learn Mana and swordsmanship.

“Roan, are you feeling awkward about your fate?”

Rowan answered Oscar’s question calmly.

“No. Even if we have a connection with the leader of such a group, I can’t just leave him alone.”

It’s a proper union.

Oscar turned his gaze to Boris.

“If you feel like you’re hesitating, rest at the branch.”

“It happened two years ago.”

Perhaps stimulated by Oz from another unit, a rather strong answer came back.

Oscar also nodded, seeming satisfied.

“Then, before it gets any bigger, let’s completely clear out Liberta in Dunton and move on.”

We went straight into the meeting without even having time to recover from the aftereffects.

Boris said, pointing to the map.

“Here, here, here. These three are their hideouts, and you can consider them all as their main base. The leadership appears randomly in all three. They usually wear the red muffler that symbolizes Liberta around their necks.”

“How many are there?”

“Each is more than twenty.”

Oscar nodded and looked around at everyone.

“I’ll go to point 1. Sienna and Lucas for point 2. Lucas, don’t upset your senior with useless questions. Boris and Rowan for point 3. This is a mission based on faith, so Boris should focus on assisting rather than ranking.”

A truly simple and rational personnel arrangement.

Considering the number, it was natural. You would have to hit all three at once to uproot them.

This is the way the Faith Committee has always done it.

Oscar said, rising from his seat.

“Leave no regrets behind.”

The vice-captain’s order was complete annihilation.

It was a race against time.

* * *

The runner on practicality and the odds on belief ran side by side.

The speed is ridiculous.

Boris was secretly surprised when Rowan matched his pace.

The Silpwi unit is also known for its mobility skills due to its unit’s characteristics. It was a natural necessity to do so in order to cover a wide area on its own.

I thought that I could show off my mobility skills without any shame… … .

Boris understood that the boldness that Rowan had shown during the meeting earlier was based on ability.

Oscar’s remarks also seemed to rely on Rowan rather than himself.

While climbing up onto the not-so-low roof and exploring the surroundings, I tried to say a word of praise.

“As expected, the practical skills are amazing. I heard that the mobility is on par with the belief skills, but the senior’s mobility skills have a different depth.”

Instead, I ended up hearing praise from Rowan.

“Hmm. Yeah. I was actually impressed by your accomplishments.”

“I guess it’s because the street looks familiar. I spent my childhood here.”

In fact, the place where the two were trying to hit was in an alley that was clearly remembered by Rowan.

Rowan first ate ice cream at a cafe at the entrance of that alley.

It was empty now, probably closed.

“It was a pretty clean alley. There were also some fancy restaurants and cafes.”

“The famine is getting longer. If commerce is not continued, space will change as well.”

The abandoned buildings here and there were covered in graffiti, and the streets were extremely dirty.

Naturally, there were a few vagrants sleeping in the corner.

“I don’t see any anglers.”

“After absorbing the Manson gang, you could say that their business has completely changed. These guys think that committing atrocities is their job.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Rowan urged Boris to take a closer look at the situation.

To him, who was looking at Mana, the current situation was just a waste of time.

Boris said seriously.

“Rather than rushing and making a mistake……”

“If something goes wrong, I’m the one responsible for it. I’m on a mission to uphold my beliefs.”


When the other person didn’t say anything, Rowan immediately jumped down from the roof.

The landing was very warm, with the convection currents underfoot. The sleeping vagabonds felt no movement at all.


Until Rowan kicked the door open with a loud bang.

“Me, me!”

Boris, in a panic, immediately flew down, but by then Rowan had already taken action.

The heart of the man running towards the broken door was completely pierced.

Loan’s Shevil formed a long tail and went ahead like a snake slithering through the air.

Another guy who was startled by the loud noise also flew towards the neck of the other guy.

A head that rolls around with a rustling sound.

Rowan climbed up one floor, then another, without even looking at the passing corpses.

After eliminating two more, I finally entered Liberta’s hideout.

A dozen or so people were about to move with their weapons.

Rowan stood still and straightened his clothes.


I didn’t pay any attention to the sound.

In the middle of them all, he just sat there with his arms up on the back of the large sofa, staring blankly at the man who was sulking.

Only then.

Balder’s eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

Rowan smiled and spoke in a very soft tone.

“Balder. Would you like to stand up and face the wall over there?”

Balder suddenly got up from his seat and tried to move his body.

Unconsciously, reflexively.

Balder suddenly shouted as he finally understood the situation as everyone’s gazes gathered around him.

“You crazy kid!”

“This time it wasn’t a favor…….”

Rowan’s smile slowly faded.


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