A Magic Genius Who Redefines The Concept of Magic Chapter 35

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Concept Grasping Magic Genius Episode 35

The main auditorium of Union School.

Roan, who stood on the podium under the gaze of countless people, received the award from Principal Gregor, then lightly raised his hand toward the crowd and responded to their cheers.

Those who were absentmindedly staring at the smiling faces quickly blurted out a few words.

“Could it be that the valedictorian was chosen based on his/her appearance?”

“I’m curious about your origins. What family are you from?”

“I heard that the illegitimate child of the Pobel family is graduating. Isn’t that the kid?”

“She’s second in line and she’s a girl. I heard the head of the household was very displeased with her. When will she be abandoned?”

Most of them complimented Rowan’s appearance and guessed at his famous family origins.

Of course.

How can someone with such outstanding looks and bearing be born without growing up in a noble family?


The graduation speech that followed was enough to leave people perplexed.

“……I grew up begging at the Dunton Orphanage since I was about three years old. I was almost sacrificed to the Letel Dark Church, but the Union saved me. That was when I was ten years old. After that……”

The auditorium was eerily quiet, except for Rowan’s voice.

The life he began to tell was a story so different from that of those gathered, and the manner in which he spoke and the tone of his voice were so dignified.

“…I thought about it while learning and practicing. I pledged to protect people’s lives from Grave, including Letel. So my abilities will only be used in the name of belief, harmony, stability, honor, responsibility, freedom, and practicality.”

The values ​​that symbolize the 1st Kingdom and 6th Duchy, and the 7th Union, and their respective names.

Rowan’s words were tantamount to declaring that he would join the Union.

“My heart will only move towards peace and the people’s livelihood. Please be my protector and help me develop such a righteous character, so that I will not be ashamed of myself….”

A nervous look appeared in the eyes of several people who were watching Rowan’s mouth.

I don’t know why they are so desperate for the boy’s approval.

Rowan gave the answer.

“I would like to express my gratitude to Principal Gregor, his subordinate teachers, all the staff, my seniors and juniors who encouraged, guided, and pushed me, and my classmates who made today possible together. I would like to express my gratitude to the Union and the school that embraces them all.”

Applause and cheers that started from friends and began to resonate throughout the auditorium.

Suddenly, tears gathered in Daphne’s eyes.

Although they didn’t show it outwardly, those who briefly argued seemed to have similar feelings.

Everyone wanted to step forward as guardians so that Rowan, who was alone, would not feel lonely and would purely accept the joy of graduation.

Actually, after hearing stories like that, I wonder what use a plaque of appreciation is.

“Maybe protection wasn’t necessary in the first place.”

Lazarus spoke softly, and everyone agreed in silence.

Right after.

“That was a great graduation speech, Mr. Rowan.”

Rowan walked down the podium, leaving behind the congratulations of Principal Gregor and leaving a deep impression on the people.

Union School valedictorian.

That phase was so different.

The emphasis should have been on the union rather than the school.

Since the founding of Union School, there has never been a case where a valedictorian failed to become a member.

Every year, about a thousand people, including adults, take the union entrance exam, and only about ten of them pass, so it is clearly a great achievement.

It’s not that they give special bonus points, but rather that they select the child with the highest possibility of admission as the top student.

“Even though your attitude is neat, your momentum is amazing.”

“It’s a shame. Another talented person has gone to Union.”

“After hearing the story, I guess that couldn’t be helped. I guess I should be thankful that he grew up like that despite all that.”

“I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. I’ll have to throw the stone to see how it bounces.”

A child who received attention in the morning shows off his dazzling skills during the entrance exam in the afternoon.

There is no better picture to simultaneously raise the status of the union and the school.

Considering the crowd reaction, the union was at least halfway there.

But there was another interesting thing about the rumor about this year’s top graduate.

“I heard that you use magic instead of swordsmanship?”

“How can a fifteen year old be so good at magic?”

“Nonsense. Even the Schwerin wizards acknowledged it.”

“That’s a story among wizards. Even so, you need to have the skills to pass the test. How can you do it with magic…”

“Do you know? Maybe implement a fireball or something.”

“This joke is too much.”

The Union graduation ceremony, which was impressive in many ways, ended with all the graduates going up to the stage one by one to receive their diplomas.

The hall quickly became chaotic with graduates and their families mingling among themselves.

In between, there was an old man standing there with an arrogant attitude, lecturing Sophie, and Lucas and Oscar, who looked at each other with a puzzled look on their faces.

Rowan took advantage of the commotion to leave the restaurant first.

There were still a lot of eyes following him, but he didn’t really care.

‘Five years from now.’

As I walked along the road lined with spring flowers, I finally felt relieved that I had spent half the time well.

The next five years will be even more intense, hectic and challenging, so you might as well hunker down to make that leap.

I felt pretty good about getting my body and mind ready.

And yet, there was a tiny bit of emptiness somewhere.

‘I guess that’s why all the families are congratulating me like that. It’s to comfort my heart as I leave the school I love.’

The emptiness that you feel only when you are about to leave the school gate.

I wonder if he understood Rowan’s feelings.




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The scabbard on his waist rang faintly. Roan gently stroked the scabbard as he passed through the school gate.

at that time.

“Roan! Are you going first, lethally?”

When I turned around at the sound of the voice, Lucas and Sophie were running towards me.

Neither of their faces were very bright, especially Sophie.

As his friends approached, Rowan asked.

“Why do you both have such expressions? Are you sad?”

“I guess it’s because I got nagged by my father whom I haven’t seen in a while. Oh, my father was looking for you.”

“I’ll take the test and come back to you later. What about Sophie? Are you okay?”

This time Lucas answered instead.

“It’s not okay. I got embarrassed like that in a crowded place.”


Sophie couldn’t respond properly and just glared at Lucas.

Lucas continued speaking, seemingly unaffected.

“Please do something about this child. He is so depressed that I’m worried he won’t do well on the test.”

“What am I.”

Sophie grew up to be very strong and beautiful, but there was a dark and gloomy atmosphere that occasionally appeared.

It was even more so today.

Perhaps because he was feeling even worse after being scolded by the elders of the family, even Mana was dyed with a somewhat hazy light.

Lucas said.

“I don’t understand why you’re upset about not being the top student. Where did you graduate?”

Rowan couldn’t find the right words to comfort Sophie. It was because of his superiority that Sophie was upset.

I just wanted to add a word as a friend.

“Let’s go to the Union and go further. Then, I’m sure they’ll acknowledge you. I know your abilities best, so you can trust what I say.”

Sophie’s face turned slightly red.

* * *

The three of them, led by the large Lucas, pushed their way through the crowd.

As we passed the park where we had seen the old clock tower, a wide square appeared.

The plaza surrounding the buildings clustered in the center was divided into seven sections by boundary stones.

Each of these is a place corresponding to the 7th rank training ground, and once you pass through here, you will reach the core of the Union, the 7th rank building.

The outer walls of the building serve as the Union’s inner wall, surrounding the main clock tower building.

I have visited it every year during the union entrance exams, but I am once again amazed by its scale and grandeur.

Lucas said, tapping me on the shoulder.

“Let’s start with the reception.”


The area around the reception desk was filled with countless lights, as if a festival of lights was taking place.

Those with such a high concentration of mana have gathered in one place.

The thought of so many people wanting to become Union members made even Rowan, who rarely wavered, feel a little excited.

Lucas said.

“Wow, there’s a lot of competition out there.”

“There are many, but the evaluation itself seems to be harsh. It’s rare for someone to pass the union entrance exam on the first try.”

Sophie continued speaking, unable to hide her nervousness.

“The Union is the most powerful on the continent, so it’s bound to be tricky.”

Although it is a kingdom, it is not a complete one.

The world was divided into seven parts. Countless families and interest groups were scattered in places beyond the reach of the kingdom.

There was even Grave, who persecuted the people and committed atrocities.

As a union established to maintain a balance of power, it had to have overwhelming power.

It is only natural that people from all over the country flock here to achieve success and achieve their goals.


“While waiting for his turn, Roan submitted his application at the reception desk and said:

“I’m Rowan, a graduate of Union School.”

Immediately afterwards, a commotion began to spread all around.

“You’re Union graduates. I heard there are over 100 people taking this entrance exam.”

“Do kids that young take the test?”

“Fifteen. At least I passed the age requirement.”

“Even so, he’s just a kid. What can he do among those powerful people who are full of blood and gore?”

Amid the heated discussion, a red-suited bureau worker reviewed the paperwork submitted by Rowan and spoke.

“Roan, valedictorian of Union School. Your application has been accepted. Take this application to the first testing room.”

I’m going to say it with the word chief.

It was an announcement calculated to keep the crowd’s attention.

It worked.

“Hmm? Union valedictorian?”

“They said he was a pretty boy, but I feel like his evaluation was harsh.”

“It’s a sight to behold. You use magic, after all.”

It was only natural that the attention of the people from all walks of life, merchants, residents, and onlookers who had come to Union to witness the biggest event of the year was focused solely on Rowan.

Even for Rowan, who usually didn’t care about the attention of those around him, the attention he received felt strange.

“Lucas, Sophie, are you okay?”

“Okay. Let’s go.”

Roan headed to the training ground of the Faith Foundation where the first test was to be held with his friends who had finished registering one by one.

People followed Rowan and his party in a swarm.

The Union Unit Exam is administered as a first test upon registration.

It was a method to quickly detect truly capable people among the numerous people gathered from all over the continent.

As I listened to the whispers of other adult test takers among those who were waiting to submit their application forms,

“Even though I said I was prepared, I’m still nervous.”

“Rather, I think I’m more nervous because the first round is a free demonstration.”

The exams have been the same since the union first came into existence.

Demonstration and competition.

It is about showing off what you are good at in front of the supervisor and competing with those who took the test together.

In front of the testing center, the administrative staff in charge of the process checked each application form and then called out who was next.

“The next candidate is Union School valedictorian Rowan. Come up when you’re ready.”

The deliberate roll call drew the attention of applicants, union members, officials, and onlookers, including friends.

Those who claimed to be Rowan’s guardians were also located here and there.

Without hesitation, Rowan walked up onto the waist-high platform.

In the examination room there were two supervisors in black suits and a figure.

After bowing to the supervisors, Rowan focused his attention on the tall figure opposite him.

Mud golem.

A magical creature created by combining mud with mana crystals and covering them with a magic circle.

Golems, which have been reduced in size and reduced in aggression for testing purposes, are not easily knocked down and can be reassembled quickly, making them a perfect subject for free demonstrations.

One of the supervisors said.

“Get started.”

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Everyone held their breath and watched to see what kind of magic Roan would use when he faced the golem with his bare hands, not even carrying a sword.

Rowan slowly extended one hand toward the golem.

And let’s mutter a few words.

The golem’s body began to vibrate like crazy-

Then, the dull color turned dazzlingly bright –

It lost its shape, turned to dust, and fell to the floor in a rustling pattern.

Silence of amazement.

In the midst of a pile of dirt-


Only the sound of the mana core breaking could be clearly heard.


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