A Magic Genius Who Redefines The Concept of Magic Chapter 164

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Concept Grasping Magic Genius Episode 164

“You turned a deaf ear to what I said. Now you understand. Those of us who have ordinary standards for judgment can never gauge the true possibilities.”

“… … .”

Despite Magda’s scolding, Werner couldn’t close his gaping mouth of his own accord.

He had never reacted to Rowan’s performance until now to this extent.

It was that shocking.

The fact that Rowan had used Schwerin-style enchantment in one go was beyond his common sense.

He barely made a sound.

“It was no ordinary magic stone. It was the highest quality stone, with a purity approaching 100.”

“So that’s what it was. It was small, but it felt very heavy. Even though it wasn’t a living thing, I could feel that it had a lot of willpower.”

“For a magic stone of that magnitude to react, the nature of the object to be enchanted must be perfectly understood. The level of synchronization between the two entities to be connected must converge to perfect unison, and the solidity of the intention must be beyond imagination for the final implementation. That… … .”

Werner suddenly calmed down his excitement with superhuman strength.

‘So I was about to say, ‘When the time is right, I’ll take my time and enchant it,’ but I stopped myself because it would be embarrassing to say that.

“… … But is it that simple?”

“No, it wasn’t simple. It wasn’t easy.”

As Loan continued speaking, he gently stroked the pendant on her necklace with his fingertips.

“First of all, understanding the essence of what you were talking about was a difficult concept that I had never experienced before.”

The most important thing in enchanting is understanding the ‘essence’ of the object you want to enchant.

“I was wondering. What is the essence of things? The concept I understood was something unique that distinguishes something from something else. Something original that is unchanging and unlosable… … .”

Rowan continued speaking in a slightly excited voice.

Werner, who had given me a huge gift and was now looking at my mouth with a curious expression, suddenly felt friendly.

“Well, that’s what it was. I think the common sense that other people have is no different. But the Lord of the Tower of Guhyeon said that it wasn’t like that.”

“Yeah. That’s not what I said.”

“You said it wasn’t that fundamental. You also said it wasn’t common sense, simple, or textbook-like.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Werner called it ‘subjective essence’, i.e.

The target to be enchanted has-

When the various, multiple, and complex impressions that cannot be expressed in a single line become mental images and are imprinted on the caster’s mind – when a strong will to recognize two different things, the magic stone and the target, as one works appropriately – only then is the unique magic called Schwerin-style enchantment realized.

If it was about seeing and dealing with Mana directly, then it wouldn’t be a problem, and even Roan wouldn’t readily approach him.

“It was a rather abstract and unfamiliar concept to hear and understand. Still, I think it’s fortunate that the object of my enchantment was a necklace.”

“Does that mean it’s something you’re familiar with?”


I modified it myself, and it became familiar to me both physically and mentally as it served as a trigger when implementing [The Void Arc].

But more than anything, the reason the necklace is so meaningful to Rowan is because the design engraved on the pendant is identical to the brooch on Sheville’s scabbard.

A symbol related to an ancient elven family.

Rowan thought it was something special that defined the essence of the necklace.

I thought that understanding the necklace would be an important point in understanding how it affected you.

“As I was thinking about necklaces, I realized that the essence of things is not the intention, usefulness, and value they had when they were created.”


“It’s not about origins, nor is it about unchanging characteristics. It’s more like a special reason that makes things exist as things.”

“Umm… … .”

“I wonder if it’s closer to the meaning formed by the caster and the target influencing each other. As that thought suddenly occurred to me, the impression the necklace had gradually took hold.”

The necklace was like a ‘link of memory’ that connected my past and present selves.

It was like a painting that captured the days I had lived on one giant canvas.

It was like a medium that summoned memories like a revolving lantern.

“And at some point, I felt like all those impressions were summed up into one ‘emotion’ and filled my head.”

In this way, Roan realized the true nature of the necklace and finally completed his preparations.

“In that brief moment… … .”

“I don’t know the exact time because I was so focused. But the part about synchronizing with the magic stone and the will was also quite difficult.”

In fact, this answer should be seen as somewhat humble.

Making images concrete is something that Rowan is used to.

It was a relatively easy task compared to building a circle around the heart with the mana circulating in the body.

Werner shook his head quickly, unaware of the circumstances.

“And yet you did it. That madness is the inescapable proof.”

“Yes. It was a very new experience.”

As the magic stone was destroyed and the object began to glow, everyone could tell that the necklace had been granted unique properties.

It was surprising that she had been able to awaken the enchantment in such a short time, but I was also curious about what kind of properties she had given to the necklace.

But you can’t ask about it outright. There’s no need for the owner to reveal what effect it has.

However, it was very nice to see Rowan gently caressing the necklace and closing her eyes for a moment.

It seemed as if he was savoring the magic that had been bestowed upon him, and he was indeed.

‘It’s definitely different.’

The first change is that Rowan has been given the power to draw mana as he wishes, and the amount of mana he draws from nature has increased significantly.

I didn’t understand the content by reading the text. No one taught me the content verbally.

That changed ‘personality’ was just transmitted to my heart. It was as if a necklace had been planted in my heart.

But the second effect could not be confirmed right away.

When you encounter those related to patterns, you will likely feel some kind of change.

That very vague feeling was engraved in Rowan’s mind without his knowledge.

‘Then… … .’



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Some fundamental questions that arise when assuming a situation.

Rowan slowly opened his eyes and asked Werner.

“But as I was thinking about the essence of the subject, I had a question.”

“Hmm? Tell me.”

“Is it possible to bestow magic on non-objects, that is, on humans rather than inanimate objects?”

“What… … There’s no way that could be… … .”

Werner frowned, trailing off.

Rowan offset the impression with a smile.

“Yes. That would be true. It would be nearly impossible for a person to understand and realize the true nature of another person.”

“That’s right. But why is that… … . Have you ever considered giving humans magical properties?”

“No. While I was pondering the topic of essence given by the Lord of the Tower of Heaven, the thought of who I am suddenly occurred to me. As my thoughts continued to wander, I arrived at that point. Don’t worry about it.”

“No. It’s something that I can’t help but care about, it’s on a very high level… … .”

“I told you not to worry about it.”

Magda suddenly interjected.

Did he sense that Werner’s words would be long? Did he feel that the story that followed would be sensitive?

She seemed very determined.

“I understand that you are all wizards and are curious about the mysteries that Roan has shown you. I am too. However, this is not the time to waste time here. If you are done with your business at the shipping yard, then you should leave now. My skin is probably getting worse because of the air.”

Then he turned around and nodded for Rowan to follow him.

“… … I’m sorry for taking up your time when you’re busy.”

As Roan followed Magda, smiling at each of them, including Werner, everyone started walking in surprise.

Werner didn’t care about the sudden development or the loss of initiative.

He was busy recalling the topic that Rowan had thrown at him again.

Magda glanced back at the large figure as they walked through the tunnel and lightly tapped Rowan on the shoulder.

Soon her heart was touched.

-You are great in many ways. Everything you showed me in Schwerin made me proud. Now that you have even learned how to plant it, I feel even closer to you.

-Thank you, Captain, I was able to gain a lot of experience. Thank you.

-I am grateful. Schwerin’s cooperation was essential in the confrontation with Grave, and you led the way to an all-out war with Brienne.

-I just happened to see it… … .

-I’ll recap your achievements as soon as I get back to the Union, but more than that, I couldn’t help but pay attention to what you said a little while ago.


-I was wondering who you think I am. What do you think of me?

Rowan suddenly stopped walking and looked up at Magda.

From her, who was looking at him with such affectionate eyes, Rowan felt the same emotion as the essence of the necklace: ‘longing’.


I wanted to tell her.

No. I needed to tell the story anyway, for my own sake and for my next plan.

She also seems to know a lot about things.

-If I had to sum up in one word the essence I felt from this necklace, it would be longing.

-Was it like that?

-I don’t know when or how the pendant on this necklace was made, nor who owned it. It was just something I received as a reward from the Union Treasury, and the reason I chose it out of all the other items was because of the pattern on it.

-You know about that pattern.

-I don’t know for sure. The fact that it is the symbol of an ancient elven family. The fact that the family is related to the royal family of Grafton. A long time ago, when I came to the shelter in my nanny’s arms, she had this brooch with the same symbol. So, I guess my past might be related to the royal family. That’s all I can guess.

Even if it is just a guess, it is a story that will have considerable ramifications.

It was fortunate that I planted it.

Magda continued her thoughts.

-Even if you try to put the puzzle together as you hear it, something feels strange.

As I pondered Loan’s words, I felt a strange sense of inevitability, of some kind of fate guiding the situation rather than a coincidence.

Then suddenly she tilted her head and looked at Rowan.

-This year. How old are you, Roan?

-Fifteen… … right? Because I enlisted right after graduating.


Magda didn’t express her thoughts for a long time after that.

The sound of footsteps of many people walking through the tunnel.

Rowan knocked on Magda’s heart again.

-When I return to the Union, I will ask Lord Werner Mattap to accompany me to Grafton. I think it will be an opportunity to explore my true nature.

-You’re going to Grafton?

-Yes, if the Governor and the Commanders permit it.

-Is there any reason to go at this time?

Magda had a worried mind in her heart.

-Somehow I felt that knowing my past might be helpful in relation to the future I must face.

-Hmm… … So does that mean that the natural order and providence of the world cannot escape causality?

After a brief pause, she patted Rowan’s head.

-Let’s talk again when we get back. If you still agree, I will also state my opinion to the Governor.

-Thank you. The order is to return to the Union. And before that, we should take care of the enemies outside here.

-I’m sure there are enemies outside.

-Because I learned from my convictions. In this case, I don’t think the people who carried out the operation would have set traps only inside. They probably did something twice. They would have been fully prepared after seeing the corpses outside.

Finally, when we reached the end of the tunnel.

Rowan confirmed for himself that his thoughts were correct.

The entrance was destroyed and the debris rushed in, completely blocking the exit.

It’s no different from deliberately burying him alive.


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