A Magic Genius Who Redefines The Concept of Magic Chapter 113

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Concept Grasping Magic Genius Episode 113

Rowan and Bella boarded a ship provided by Knight Commander Vagelis and headed to Ferrara.

The senior members of the practical team did not show up at the dock.

It meant that he had already started on his mission.

While Roan wished his seniors well, he also felt sorry that he was the only one who got better.

It was because Bagellis had provided unexpected convenience for Rowan and Bella.

It was less than half the size of the first ship I had ever been on, but it was very comfortable because there were only Rowan, Bella, and the crew on board.

Still haven’t woken up though.

Thanks to Rowan’s constant mana breathing while surrounding her, Bella was slowly recovering.

Rowan ate ice cream next to Bella, who was lying on the bed in the guest room.

It’s the very same ice cream made from Rhodes milk that Philippa brought back from Bella while being bullied on her first day on the ship.

Today was a little bit sad.

Rowan suddenly put his hand on his chest.

As always, Huido found comfort in his heart.

‘I wonder if the feeling of sadness is as unnecessary as anger.’

I know it can’t be done by will.

But to avoid repeating the sadness or anger.

To prevent this from happening to more people.

I thought I needed to be more determined.

The vision from five years ago, deeply engraved in his mind, was now accepted as fate by Rowan, and all the coincidences and relationships that occurred afterward felt like inevitability in preparation for this.

Roan was lost in his emotions while eating ice cream like that.

Breathe with Bella.

I would spend a long time looking out at the sea and thinking about my journey from Versailles to Ferrara and Rhodes.

Two missions that span that time.

The words of Director Adrian, who told me to just go to the social gathering and have fun.

It contained a very deep meaning of experiencing, working hard, and cultivating, and it left Rowan with an unforgettable experience and profound impressions, just like the foresight of the captain.

The mission given by Deputy Director Oscar was the same.

In hindsight, I was grateful.

When he was short on one hand, the reason he sent himself to chase after Bella was to make sure that he had something left in his mind.

Fortunately, it’s not perfect, but there are a lot of things I’ve gained and accomplished.


Forgotten Wheat Fields, Dwarven Underground City, The First Passage, The Bound Demons, The Makers of Goetia’s Stones, The 72 Demons, The Demon Army, Absorbing the Army.

Just revealing the information you’ve discovered on your own will be recognized as a significant achievement.

My personal enlightenment and accomplishments were difficult to compare to before I left.

The concept of splitting convection into thin threads and mixing elemental magic to use them has greatly enhanced Rowan’s abilities, to the point where you wonder why you only learned about them now.

‘It’s not just a little bit better, it’s completely new.’

It can be used for both offense and defense.

It can even be applied to teleportation, and thanks to it, it has been possible to cross the sea.

It was so effective and efficient that it could be used as a main weapon alongside Sheville.

‘It’s also a fun memory to be inspired by the demon Naberius.’

The ‘sphere’, which is implemented around a stationary caster, embodies the power of constant movement within the principles of nature.

And to confine it again in an artificial form.

A destructive attack that ties the magical power that is about to spread out into a single thread, controls it to its limit, and then suddenly cuts it off and releases it all at once.

That is the second season [The Void Arc] realized through the devil.

‘It’s still too incomplete to be left as a vision.’

Of course, anyone with enough intelligence to learn ‘Gu’ will be able to briefly create ‘Ho’ just by changing the shape through thought.

Although it cannot pour out convection itself like a memorized spell, it can be an excellent ranged attack if used with thrown weapons, etc.

However, creating a method to systematically organize this is a separate issue, and the existence of the mana magnet that plays a key role and the method of handling it will also be an obstacle to commercializing the season.

‘There’s a lot to solve.’



Rowan turned the necklace around.

It’s still steadily drawing mana, but it’s not fundamentally working.

The awl and necklace are supposed to function as auxiliary tools.

‘You have to be able to do it on your own without any outside help.’

That’s real growth.

Since I saw potential as a necklace, the real goal would be to make it more personal.

Rowan went back to the trouble he had when he was making the necklace.

‘I realized it from the way the mana started to pull each other with its own power that started from the rotation.’

A necklace made by rotating a magical tool at extreme speeds to artificially increase the interaction of mana.

[Infinite Emptiness] realized through enlightenment in the cycle.

Everything started and ended in the shape of a circle.

Circle. Circle. Rotation. Circulation. Loop.

So the correct answer is –

A gift from Pauline that allows you to draw in mana more quickly and purify countless dark manas.

‘Isn’t this power that has taken root in my heart a fundamental mana magnet?’

Been there.

However, since we do not know the source and principle of that power, we leave it as a possibility for now.



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That alone was quite exciting.

And the day before arrival.

Another happy thing happened.

“Roan… …?”

Bella’s consciousness has returned.

When she woke up, she couldn’t sit up completely, but she had no trouble talking to Rowan.

However, my memory was a bit jumbled.

“So… … we didn’t meet at the shelter?”

“Yes. That’s not Bella’s memory.”

Amy, Bella, and even what was presumed to be the demon Asmo’s memories seemed to be fragmented and incorrectly placed.

“It’s so confusing. I brought it on myself.”

“A human being without any power can’t resist a demon. The fact that you accepted the contract means that your judgment has become clouded because your body has been taken over and your weak points have been touched. Stop worrying about it now. Bella is just a victim who has been harmed by a demon.”

“… … .”

“Your memory will gradually improve. If you meet the people at the company, it might get better even faster.”


Bella, who was deeply moved by Rowan’s prepared speech, quickly began to shed tears as she remembered the presence of the company’s members.

When he heard that Rowan had promised them that he would definitely take Bella with him, he finally started to cry.

Even if you hear kind words, your regret about your actions does not easily subside.

It was because of the mixed feelings of regret towards Roan and the people at the store.

She cried and vowed.

“I am grateful. I will repay you for the rest of my life.”

“Don’t do that.”

After that conversation that day.

Bella began to eat and move her body more vigorously.

And he regained his energy in just one day, which seemed a bit fast even to Rowan.

The memory seems to have become a little clearer.

He kept talking to himself, but it seemed like he was saying his memories out loud and separating them from each other.

“How amazing.”

Bella said as they stood side by side on the deck, watching the approaching port of Ferrara.


“The memories of all three are mixed up, but all my memories of Lord Rowan are good.”

“Even the devil?”

“That’s why.”

“That’s funny.”

“Shall I tell you?”

“Not really. But I’m curious about the other memories.”

Bella tilted her head.

“Other memories?”

“Amy’s memories of Letel. All the memories the devil has. That kind of stuff would be nice.”

“Personally, these are things I don’t want to think about.”

Bella’s face suddenly darkened.

Rowan couldn’t tell exactly how she was feeling, but she kept thinking back to the horrible visions she had seen and imagining herself telling someone about them.

It’s not easy, but if you have a clear goal, it can be overcome.

It seemed like he needed some motivation.

“Because it will be helpful to the Union. I am sure the information you have provided will greatly contribute to world peace and stability.”


“Yes? Why?”

“It’s really burdensome to have such grand things in my head.”

“Because what I went through wasn’t ordinary.”

The two took a moment to recall their memories.

And at the same time he shook his head.

Bella said.

“I don’t know if it will work because memories don’t come out in a stream.”

“There is a way, but… … .”

Rowan trailed off slightly and then shook his head again.

“No. Please take your time and tell me whatever comes to mind. We have time to get to the Ferrara Castle.”

But that wish didn’t seem like it would come true right away.

This was because familiar faces were seen at the port that had come right up to our noses.

“Uncle Richard? Gaston? Sasha!”

The Bella Company’s employees had come to the port with carriages and horses, waiting for the two.

Their appearance was extremely haggard.

It didn’t seem to be just because they had come on a long journey.

After waiting for the Bella Company people to enjoy the reunion with tears and laughter, Roan asked.

“How did you know about our arrival? And did you have any difficulties getting here?”

The man who asked Rowan to bring Bella to him. Richard answered.

“The old man with the mustache who was with me told me that the two of you would arrive. I had a schedule to return to Versailles quickly, and I thought that I could save time by getting an escort… … .”

“Did the Union members escort you?”

“Roan asked, interrupting him in an unexpected manner.

I looked around, but there were no Union members anywhere.

Even if they were in places that were out of sight, I would have confirmed them with mana, but I didn’t feel like they were that strong.

However, Ferrara’s guards were rather numerous.

“Yes, it has improved a lot, but Ferrara itself is in a very chaotic state right now, so it is not easy to go around carelessly.”

Rowan also knew through the notebook.

He said that there were frequent incidents of large and small unrest.

It can’t be helped.

The Duke who supported the country and his young wife. The three heirs of the powerful families who attended the social gathering were all killed.

There are people who want to take advantage of this time to seize the duchy, people who have lost their minds with anger and sadness, people who want to take advantage of it, and people who just enjoy the chaos.

No matter how active the Union is, it will be difficult to calm things down easily.

The fact that all of this was caused by just one demon made Rowan feel indignant again.

“But why can’t I see the members?”

“Because the Union was short on people, one person came with us. He insisted that he really wanted to go, so we forced him to… … .”

At that time, one person clearly appeared in Rowan’s mind.

Was that why I began to feel uneasy as the conversation continued?

Rowan asked slowly, carefully, in a low, hushed voice.

I wanted to confirm life and death.

“That unit, is it dead?”

I was prepared, but the response I got was unexpected.

“Oh my, how could that be? You may say that, but there has never been a monster like that.”

“… … .”

“A line of people came out, from men in suits to bandits and robbers, but he single-handedly destroyed them. He became even more violent after hearing the news of Lord Rowan. He also needed to achieve great things.”

“Then why are you guys in such a state… … .”

“That’s because you can’t go the normal way. You only go to dangerous places. It’s as if you’re hoping to be attacked.”

“Then where are you now?”

“He was just there a little while ago, but when he heard that a robber had appeared nearby, he pushed past the guards and ran towards them. He looked really excited.”

“That union. Are you by any chance around my age?”

“Oh, yes. My name is Lucas.”


Rowan sighed and felt relief at the same time.


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