A Genius Gamer Reincarnated into a Hero’s Family Chapter 62

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Genius Gamer, Reincarnated into a Heroic Family Episode 62

Wizard Days (8)

Alehardin’s Executioner was originally a 6-star magic, but Natalen modified all of his magic so that even lesser magicians could use it.

For example, Alehardin’s Executioner, which originally dropped dozens of guillotines, could be downgraded to a 3-star spell that only dropped a single guillotine.

It may not be as powerful as the vision magic that executed Alehardin with dozens of heads, but if it hits even one, it will be something not to be trifled with!

“Ugh… … Damn, that little brat… … !”

Galic held the severed part of his right arm with his left hand.

The guillotine missed slightly due to the shield being spread out in layers, but it was not enough to prevent it from being completely cut off from below the right shoulder.

‘… … That’s what it was.’

The moment his magic hit Galic, Harang gained a new realization.

For a moment, a silver halo enveloped Harang, and his hair swayed as if defying gravity.

‘No matter how fast your reaction speed is, if you can’t analyze the magic, it’s difficult to respond… ‘

Why haven’t we realized this simple fact until now? If you think about it, it’s so simple that anyone could think of it.

Why Wizards Are Obsessed with Vision Magic.

The reason they keep their magic hidden and tightly concealed within the confines of their family.

It was right here.

The moment you show it to others, a way to deal with it will immediately appear!

‘If you think about it, swordsmanship was similar.’

In order to defeat an opponent who was much stronger than him, Harang used fake swordsmanship to hide his skills.

It was an unusual event in a duel between knights, but for Harang, who was a gamer, it was always like everyday life!

Pretend to use a skill, but don’t use it, and make the opponent use their movement skill. Pretend to move backwards, but move forward, and make the opponent miss their skill… .

Since everyone used the same skills and had similar reflexes, this type of psychological warfare was essential for gamers.

‘It’s impossible to develop vision magic forever without being detected by others… … Especially since I’m just memorizing magic by rote. If I use up all my magic because I have no creativity, that’s the end.’

Unless you find and acquire new magic, Harang’s ‘magic’ resource will eventually be consumed.

Wizards constantly pursue and develop magic, but the current Harang cannot do so.

“You… … !!”

Galic exploded with a crimson aura and circled his blades around Harang’s body, trying to tear him apart, but his magic split the air.

[Mirage Street]

“Wow, an illusion? There’s no way I’d fall for an illusion… …!”

Magic that the opponent doesn’t know about. Magic that the opponent can’t figure out. If you could use that forever, the current magic system would change completely.

‘Oh, right… … .’

Although Harang was not aware of it at the moment, his head was spinning faster than ever.

The silver eyes were dazzlingly bright, consuming the red energy of this altar.

‘It’s impossible to hide swordsmanship and skills. What about magic? Is magic impossible too? Why can’t it be?’

Magic is supposed to appear as a magic circle the moment it is used. Most magicians read and analyze the formulas, runes, and patterns of the magic circle to figure out their magic. Or they simply memorized the entire magic circle!

It is theoretically impossible to hide a magic circle.


‘Wouldn’t it be possible to confuse your opponent by adding useless codes to the magic circle? …?’

Skills and swordsmanship are impossible, but only magic is possible.

The magic circle appears to be perfectly constructed, but each person uses it differently.

Some people draw the six senses from right to left, while others draw them from bottom to top.

‘The fact that they use the same formulas, but in different orders… … .’

The current magic is so easily optimized. It’s been hundreds of years since the Age of Magic. It’s become an era where it can’t be helped.

So what if we intentionally make the formula more complicated?

1+1 is 2.

The answer to 1²+2×1-1 is also 2.

If we add little differences in detail one by one, and messily insert dummy formulas and codes that do not interfere with the essence of magic… … .

“Damn it, I won’t get hit this time! Get up!”

As Harang unleashed his magic circle, Galik quickly unleashed four mud walls around his body.

This time, it was a magic circle of a familiar shape, but the formula was somewhat complicated, so I thought it was probably a magic I had never seen before!

However, the identity of the magic he cast was… …not that special.

[Icicle Shower]

A really simple and basic 3-star spell that summons icicles from the sky and rains them down over your head!


Because there were curtains surrounding him on all sides, Galic, who was unable to protect his head, was so helplessly pierced by the icicles all over his body that he fell to his knees.

“Keuk… … !!”

Unable to withstand the baptism of icicles stuck in his back, Galic vomited blood and trembled all over.

The proud black magic was not even properly deployed. Even the final blow was not the opponent’s vision magic, but a very ordinary magic. The mental pain was even greater than the physical pain.

As Harang approached, Galik forced himself to hold back his pain and raised his head. He felt like screaming.


The moment I met those silvery eyes that resembled morning stars, my heart started to feel heavy, my ribs started to tingle, and I felt out of breath.

I was overwhelmed by the gaze.

That moment.

Galic’s body, which had been trembling, stopped.

He looked at the magic circle spinning around Harang’s wrist with his eyes blank for some reason.

‘… … Is that the true form of magic?’

So far, magic has been to Galic.

It was just a tool for survival, nothing more, nothing less.



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A very high-performance weapon that can be used to fight effectively against back-alley gangsters.

Galic studied magic for that. He was weak by nature and afraid of fighting, so he became a gangster to earn a living, and the only way to survive was to use his somewhat smart brain.

Magic is a tool. That’s why I used magic as a small ‘tool’, confining myself to it, and never once in my life did I question my own thoughts.

Because, not only you, but most of the wizards in this world were like that!

However, immediately after witnessing Harang’s magic, the axis of thought in his head began to creak and twist.

‘Ah, yes… … that’s what magic was.’

Galic thought back to when he first learned magic. The thrill of that day when he could conjure fire from his hands and control lightning.

However, he had companions and younger siblings. They were so weak that they could not use magic or auras, and to be honest, they were like a burden to Galic.

To protect them, Galic honed his magic to become even more sinister.

Since that day, in order to protect my younger siblings, I began to wield magic as a weapon.

Galic could no longer feel these emotions as he mastered magic.

Perhaps… …I thought I would never feel that again in my life.

“Ha, just one more time… … .”


Harang was wary, wondering if he was trying to memorize a spell, but then noticed that something had changed in Galic’s eyes.

“My, last one is… … with your magic… … .”

Even though he had been bludgeoned all over his body by the gore and was no longer able to open his mouth, Galic demanded magic.

Harang, who was already preparing the wind blade to cut off his head, had a change of heart after hearing Galic’s words and used ‘Myth Descent’.

Type 1 of Heavenly Punishment

As Harang made a light gesture, a golden magic circle appeared above the dark cave ceiling, and dazzling sunlight poured down.

“Oh, oh… … To give this level of honor to a piece of trash like me… … .”

Galic stretched out his hand towards it as if he had witnessed a miracle from God.

Before he knew it, he was shedding a tear.

“Really, thank you… … .”

Confession, the calling of light

Soon, a ray of light as thin as a human arm shot out and pierced Galic’s heart.

That moment.


The mana circle in Galic’s chest suddenly increased to six after he achieved enlightenment.


like that.

The wizard Galic has met his end.

* * *

Wheein! Wheein! Wheein!

In this world, something similar to an ambulance existed. Although it was not a car, but a carriage that came running and carried the patient.

The altar completely collapsed due to the magical clash between Galic and Harang, and the judges who arrived late witnessed an unbelievable sight.

I came to arrest the wanted black magician Galik, but a young boy subdued and killed him.

What is even more shocking is that… … .

“Archbishop Mafred. You are under arrest for blasphemy and apostasy.”

That the Archbishop of Rondel Cathedral, Mafred, had conspired with pagans and committed apostasy!

It was even revealed that they had kidnapped children and tried to offer them up to the devil, and a report was made to the authorities of St. Benedict.

More than just a hot topic, it was a scoop. The story of the Archbishop’s corruption was so shocking that it was almost impossible to believe.

“Thank you for your hard work. You are truly amazing. People will remember the name ‘Days’ for a long time.”

“… … .”

The person who approached and spoke to me was Maltiren, a spy from Kaladan.

As soon as Harang saw him, he made a slightly apologetic expression. Maltiren, who saw that face, expressed his doubts.

“Why are you doing that?”

“I’m sorry to all of you who have suffered so far.”

“… … What are you saying?”

He pointed to Bishop Mafred, who was arrested and taken away.

“That’s the guy you’ve been trying to arrest for months. In fact, you almost cut off his tail.”

If Maltiren and his agents had not eliminated the entire group of wizards following Mapred’s orders, Harang would not have had this great opportunity.

Not only did he capture the warlock, but he also revealed the truth about Archbishop Mapred, so Harang has achieved great success and may be highly regarded within the family, but he cannot help but feel sorry.

In fact, Maltiren also detested the Kaladan bloodline for taking unfair advantage of their efforts to build their reputation.

So, first of all, I apologized.


Maltiren simply responded with a smile. Harang didn’t understand why he was smiling, but Maltiren was genuinely smiling with joy.

‘… … Which bloodline of a knightly family could think of their inferiors like that?’

Harang was too young to have learned such worldly wisdom and persuaded others, and he had lived in Baekya Castle for most of his life.

He, who only knows how to swing a sword, is bewitching himself after working as a spy for many years with his high-level worldly skills?

That’s nonsense… … .

The appearance that Harang is seeing now must be a true appearance that comes from the heart. That appearance is the appearance of a true knight and king that makes the knight’s heart flutter.


Maltiren smiled gently and bowed his head.

“Rather, I would like to express my gratitude. Didn’t you solve in one breath a problem that had been bothering us for months? We were also getting sick of the smell of the sea.”

“What? Still… … .”

“Perhaps, we would have missed out on the crucial evidence that Archbishop Mapred was in league with the heretics. It was thanks to you, the young master, who caught him just before he was about to flee in the middle of the night that we were able to complete our mission safely.”

He looked behind him furtively.

Archbishop Mafred was being taken away by order of the Reverend Ezact, presumably to be transferred to the Pope of the Holy See authorities of St. Benedictus for trial.

Perhaps, it won’t go smoothly.

“I never imagined that you would keep your promise to repay the debt of information you received so clearly.”

“… … .”

I was a little taken aback because I never thought he would say something like that, but somehow I felt better and smiled slightly.

“thank you for saying it like that.”

Harang looked at the ground, her hair spinning, and then asked as if an idea suddenly occurred to her.

“By the way, what was Bishop Mafred’s purpose? Oh, is it difficult to say?”

“No. Your Majesty has a more than ample right to know.”

Maltiren took a photograph out of his bosom and showed it to me. It was a strange jewel, completely red and covered in black spots.

“It’s an item called the ‘Bloodstone.’ It’s an item created by sacrificing the pure life force of a human being.”

“What is it used for? Summoning demons?”

“No. The demons take the sacrifice itself as payment, but the bloodstones are refined to a much higher concentration. These are usually… … .”

His expression was slightly frowned.

“It belongs to the axis of evil, and is mainly used when making a contract with the ‘Evil Guardian’ who sided with the devil during the war with the Demon King in the distant past.”

“… … It’s similar to Cheonggye Seok.”

It is known that the Cheonggye Stone is a key item for making a contract with the Guardian, and if you find it hidden all over the world, you can request a contract from the Guardian.

However, Cheonggye-seok is naturally formed and is fundamentally different from artificially created blood-related stones.

“You give up your position as Archbishop to make a contract with the Evil Guardian?”

“His ambitions were greater than his abilities. He wanted to attain a higher position than the Archbishop of Harana Canal, but since his faith and divine powers were not promising, he hoped to become a ‘Guardian Contractor.’”

Guardian’s contractors would gain special and mystical powers in and of themselves, and could even become symbols of power.

‘In return for signing a contract with the Guardian, I received the Dragon’s Word, Morning Star, Silver Heart, and Skill Window, etc… ‘

Of course, Kalantatis’s abilities were even more special because he was the strongest Guardian, and most Guardians aren’t that great.

“The contract with the Evil Guardian is not officially recognized as a ‘Guardian Contractor’, but because their power is so special and powerful, there are cases where they are secretly trained nationally or recruited as contractors from outside.”

“It’s not that I don’t understand. After all, Kaladan’s national power was greatly shaken by the loss of Kalantatis.”

“… … Unfortunately, that is true.”

Maltiren was cautious when using the phrase that Kaladan’s power had weakened, but Harang did not seem to care.

“It doesn’t matter. Later, when I become the head of the family, I will once again create a power that no one, not even the Three Great Sword Masters, Four Great Masters, or Five Great Magic Masters, can rival.”

It was a light remark, but at the same time, it was a statement filled with strong will, so Maltiren nodded and showed his respect without realizing it.

“So, what happened to the bloodstone?”

“That is… … Some of them have been found, but some have been lost. It seems likely that they were collected by a mysterious group that had made an agreement with Bishop Mapred.”

“Hmm, did I lose it?”

“I’m sorry. We should have moved a step faster… … But based on the remaining traces, a separate pursuit team has been dispatched, so we should be able to find them soon.”

“Then that’s good.”

He got up from his seat and stretched out, feeling refreshed. It was a shame to lose the bloodstone, but from that point on, Harang had nothing to worry about.

“Anyway, thank you for your hard work. Next time we meet on a mission, let’s help each other out. Of course, as long as we pay each other the appropriate price.”

“Umm… … .”

Maltiren hesitated for a moment.

He made an embarrassed expression, but soon his face changed into one of determination.

“… … Your Majesty, I am sorry, but that is not necessary.”

“Huh? This is disappointing. Do you not like working with me?”

Harang said that with a slightly embarrassed look, but Maltiren shook his head.

“That’s not it… … From the beginning, I was loyal to my family, so the term ‘dealing’ with my blood relatives was truly shameful to me. Now, I deeply reflect on it and regret it.”

“No, is it really that bad… … .”

“young master.”

Maltiren knelt down on one knee and quietly bowed his head.

“I would like to serve you as my ‘lord.’ I feel that you, my lord, are the true next ruler of Kaladan, and the future.”

“… … .”

Harang, who had been staring at Maltiren for a moment, quietly got up from her seat and placed a hand on his shoulder.

A knight who swears loyalty to him after only seeing him once, even though he has not yet built up any fame, is only a 4-star swordsman, and has not even laid a foundation for himself.

For Harang, it had quite a deep meaning.

“I will do my best to be a writer who lives up to your expectations. Please continue to take care of me in the future.”

Harang smiles as she says that.

Looking up at him, Maltiren felt his heart pounding without him knowing it.

The sun is rising.

The sunlight illuminates Harang’s face.

That smile somehow felt more splendid and beautiful, and Maltiren’s soul was captivated.

It was truly an unbelievable magic that drew me back again and again.


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