A Genius Gamer Reincarnated into a Hero’s Family Chapter 58

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Genius Gamer, Reincarnated into a Heroic Family Episode 58

Wizard Days (4)

Pastor, Agent.

We don’t know much about him. The intelligence agents of Caladan have written down in detail the information about Archbishop ‘Mafred’ of Rondel, but the information about the pastors is very brief.

‘A priest with outstanding divine powers, sincerity, and excellent theological grades, but with an ordinary background and no support base, his path to success is blocked.’

The explanation on its own seemed sufficient, but Harang added one more line.

‘Strong ambition for success. Very strong.’

Pastor Ezakt also had a dream.

If he, who has nothing, obtained such divine powers through his faith alone, it would be a great mistake.

‘I will become a much greater, higher, and more profitable priest than I am now.’

Such a strong yet pure desire for faith was soon transformed into divine power, creating the current Pastor Ajax!

“Our Father in Heaven, please give the wounded young bird warm tears of hope and hold it in your hands… … .”

As Pastor Ezakt began to pray, a pure white light descended on Harang’s body. It was a warm, energizing blessing.

The agent who had been giving blessings suddenly opened his eyes wide.

The warm glow is almost perfectly absorbed by Harang’s body!

‘Huh?! How can the affinity for absorbing blessings be like this…?’

No matter how devout a believer is, he cannot absorb all the light of blessings so perfectly.

Born as a saint or saintess, or a hero in a past life, or made a contract with a guardian of good.

There aren’t many Guardians of Good left in the world who are awake and active, and if they had made a contract with humans, the whole world would have been in chaos, so there’s no way Axact wouldn’t know.

However, to be called a saint, Harang’s body did not have even a speck of divine power.

Harang also felt that the absorption rate of divine power was suspiciously high.

‘What is this, is this how it’s supposed to be?’

However, since there was no comparison group, they did not realize how great it was that they were absorbing blessings.

‘This… … seems to really work?’

The divine power was fully contained in the heart, and was overlaid on top of the stigmata curse.

Of course, this wouldn’t be enough to erase the curse of the stigmata… … but if used well, it seemed like it would help with not only magical power but also physical growth.

‘Why doesn’t your family do such good things? They have so much money.’

Harang, unaware that not everyone had the same divine affinity as he did, had such a pure question.

“Whew, it’s all over. That’s really great. Were your parents devout Christians when they were alive?”

The agent said with a bright smile.

Harang didn’t understand why the question about her parents being devout Christians was so out of the blue.

“Why do you ask that?”

“The effect of the blessing was amazing. It was so warm to receive such a blessing. My parents must have received the Lord’s love.”

“… … ?”

That’s impossible. Harang’s parents, as Caladans, probably weren’t particularly devout believers in God.

However, it is not possible for the gods to like Harang. According to his words when he made the contract with Kalantatis, the gods were actually trying to kill Harang.

‘No. Do you think all the gods hate me?’

Just as the Holy Empire of Benedice worships Saint Benedice, each place in the world worships its own god.

Didn’t the Duchy of Kaladan even deify Kaladan and worship him?

‘Hmm, I see. It seems my divine affinity is somewhat different.’

There was no reason to break the mood by denying it, so Harang nodded in agreement.

“Yes… I heard that your parents always prayed every night.”

“I see! Haha, that’s such an incredible affinity for the divine. I’m sure you’ll become a good believer.”

After that, Ajakt and Harang recited the prayer. It was quite difficult to endure the boring time of praying for almost 30 minutes.

“If it’s okay, could you tell me the telephony code?”

In this world, long-distance communication devices called ‘telephones’ clearly existed, but not every household had one.

However, each town or city had a ‘telephone center’ for long-distance communication, and if each person registered their personal code, they could go to the center to check contacts or messages left from afar.

“of course.”

In preparation for such a situation, Harang had created a personal code so she could leave her contact information for him.

“I hope we can see each other often in the future.”

Agent said so sincerely.

* * *

About three weeks had passed since then.

Harang had a dream.

It was a dream of me flying in the sky above the clouds with baby angels blowing trumpets, singing hymns, and dancing happily.

“… … ???”

Harang woke up and grabbed her messy hair with her hands.

In my dreams he had brilliant golden blond hair, but now, thankfully, his hair was black.

“What kind of crazy dream is this?”

Harang was genuinely annoyed. It was even more so because the dream was so vivid.

At that moment, a message appeared before my eyes.

[The gods have descended!]

[The Dragon King of the Moon, Kalantatis, kicks away the divine presence!]

What kind of absurd message is this? The messages kept popping up, as if that wasn’t the end.

[Divine power is activated, synchronized and absorbed into the Silver Heart!]

[The total amount of Magic Cores has been slightly increased, and ‘Divine 1-Star’ has been added to the ability list.]

[Breaking through some of the traits of the ‘Curse of the Stigmata’ and breaking through the limits!]

[The flow of mana becomes stronger and faster.]



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Harang’s expression slightly grimaced as a pure white aurora, also known as divine power, flowed out from her fingertips.

‘Divine power…?’

After thinking about it for a moment, the reason was very simple. After receiving great blessings from an archbishop-level pastor for three weeks in a row, wouldn’t it be strange if he were to awaken divine powers?

It is a great blessing that ordinary people may receive only once in their lifetime if they pray faithfully or spend a large amount of money.

Even though he absorbed it all with great affinity, it wouldn’t have been strange if he had awakened divine power.

However, it was a bit unusual for Harang to realize divine powers despite having little religious beliefs.

‘I don’t believe in God at all.’

It was not at all uncommon for knights and wizards to awaken divine powers.

However, the knight’s internal energy, the magician’s mana circle, and the priest’s aurora are completely different energies and must be practiced separately, so practicing them together is inefficient.

If you have already mastered Aura, it is difficult to awaken divinity no matter how good your divine power sensitivity is, and the same applies to Mana Circle.

It’s not for nothing that the knights of the Paladin family Makeris are not good at learning divinity.

However… … Harang’s silver heart was special. Just as it could hold both mana circle and internal energy at the same time, it could also hold divine power at the same time!

Harang moved her hands here and there to try to cover the sacred aurora with mana. Honestly, it wasn’t difficult.

I heard that it was like water and oil that never mix, but it mixed very well and very easily like water and salt.

Although he could not use divine barriers, purification, or recovery techniques because he had not learned prayers or divine spells, it was the same as being able to infuse divinity into his sword energy at any time.

Harang, who pulled out the Cheongwolhun, surrounded himself with sword energy that included divine power.


The sword energy, with its pure white aurora and blue light, was definitely much sharper and more keen than two weeks ago. There are probably very few paladins in the world who can use sword energy and divine power at the same time like this.

‘Hmm, I have no intention of training my divine powers right now.’

Harang smiled with satisfaction as he looked at the shining sword energy.

‘But if I have it, it will be convenient when I have to fight ghosts.’

He didn’t know until then.

The true nature of divine power.

* * *

There are no crows in the Harana Canal.

The environment was one thing, but the people of the sea considered crows to be bad omens, so they drove them all out.

Caw- caw-!

So, the cries of crows in the middle of the night must be an abnormal phenomenon.

Urgh… Urgh… … .

The old man, who had stepped on the sticky liquid that had dried up, had a crumpled expression on his face. He was wearing a pure white priest’s robe, but it didn’t seem to fit in with this eerie and dirty atmosphere.

“What is all this?”

When the old priest asked, the man who had been sitting quietly in the darkness answered.

“What is it? It’s blood.”

“… … Blood?”

Only then did the old man look at the man with a disgusted expression on his face. The man was so big that his black robes were bulging as if they were going to burst, and his arms were covered in tiger tattoos that had no magical effect.

Warlock, Galic.

The old man who came to see him was Mafred, the archbishop of Rondel Cathedral.

“Now you’re calling me to a place like this, you’re really annoying, Galik.”

“Huh. Aren’t you and I in the same boat anyway? This city will probably be gone soon anyway… … .”

Crack! Galic, who had been speaking, twisted his head in pain and crumpled his expression. He bit his tongue wrong and blood pooled at the corner of his mouth.

“I have a hound that I can’t recognize the owner of the street garbage like you who want to die.”

“… … You can’t do anything without that hunting dog, and yet you keep nodding along.”


Galic smirked and spat out blood.

“Do you think I don’t know that all your people have been taken away and I’m the only one left? You must have lost all your divinity while doing this… … Who is the one who really has no back?”

“This, this kid… … .”

“If you raise your hand one more time, I will twist it and cut it off.”

Mafred, who was about to strike Galic once more, clenched his teeth and lowered his hand. His words were not wrong. With all of his subordinates being arrested and killed by an unidentified organization that had appeared at some point, he was now truly left with nothing.

The reason I’m still holding on to that piece of trash who’s barely managed to reach 5 stars is because the ‘ritual’ that was in progress is almost at its end.

‘Damn it. If there had been just one more wizard left who could be used as a hunting dog, this wouldn’t have happened.’

Galic, who never listened to what was said and always acted as he pleased, was just a person who would make a lot of money by manufacturing mixed cotton and handing it over to the guards to cut off their tails.

That’s why I didn’t use Galic well for ‘consciousness’.

Thanks to that, Galic was the only one of his followers to remain unharmed.

The problem was that he was the one who disobeyed the most… … .

“So, is the bloodstone ready?”

“of course.”

As Galic nodded absentmindedly, Mafred hurried over to the box and opened it. It was roughly covered with a cloth and was a sinister red orb with red and black ripples.

“Oh, right… … This is it! As expected, this is really great. Please make more like this in the future!”

As Mapred shouted excitedly with a blushing expression, Galic held up two fingers.

“I’ll have to double the price. I heard that all the hunting dogs that made the bloodstones were captured.”

“What, what did you say? Has this crazy guy lost his mind?”

“Three times. There is no more bargaining. If you won’t give it to me, I will give up. You will be the one who feels sorry, right?”

“이, 이 개새끼…… 컥!”

As Galic grabbed his hand, a red magic circle was engraved around Mapred’s neck and his breathing became choked.

“I’ll stop showing off my arrogance. You’re no longer the boss. How about you face reality a little? Great priest.”

“Oh, oh my… … .”

If he had enough divinity, he wouldn’t have been affected by this kind of 5-star magic, but because he had lost most of his divinity while performing the ‘ritual’ repeatedly, Mafred was unable to resist Galic.

Although his pride was completely crushed, Mafred nodded hastily, thinking that if he could just get through this ritual, he wouldn’t have to play the priest game anymore.

“That, that’s right! I’ll give you three times the amount! So hurry up and make a bloodstone!”

“It’s so cool, it’s nice.”

Galic grinned.

The rotten teeth soaked in blood were revealed, creating a hideous appearance.

“Oh, right. If you want to get the bloodstone quickly, bring me a fresh sacrifice, priest.”

“Fresh offerings… …? If you ask for something like that, you or I will both have our throats cut off by the judge.”

“That’s why I’m telling you to find it yourself. It’s really hard to refine the bloodstone with a rotten criminal.”

“… … What does the standard for freshness mean?”

“What kind of ‘freshness’ would the devils like?”

The devil’s ideal type has always been the same.

Young, innocent, pure, and beautiful, she was the perfect sacrifice.

It would be a problem if you offered such sacrifices without caution, because you wouldn’t have any heads left, but if you were planning on leaving this city anyway, wouldn’t it be okay to procure one of such sacrifices?

“… … Okay, I understand. If there is such a sacrifice, I will try to bring it.”

“Ah, yes. I ask that you take care of me until the end, Your Majesty.”

Even though I forced myself to answer, I still feel lost. Where on earth would I find a child who is so pure and beautiful that she would catch the devil’s eye, but whose status is so low that even if she suddenly disappeared, the investigators and heresy judges wouldn’t be called out?

What if it fell from the sky?

‘It’s so frustrating.’

Mafred squeezed his eyes shut.


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