A Genius Gamer Reincarnated into a Hero’s Family Chapter 2

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Genius Gamer, Reincarnated into a Heroic Family Episode 2

Sword Master Kaladan (1)

Is it a possession, or is it the belated recovery of memories from a past life?

After making a contract with Kalantatis, Ha-won opened his eyes to a new world and became a six-year-old boy named ‘Harang Kaladan’.

‘Harang. It’s similar to my original name. It looks just like me when I was young… … .’

At first, I was confused and couldn’t quite understand what was going on, but when I woke up one night, the memories of my body began to flow back to me.

How I have been living with my family history for the past six years.

What kind of place is the Kaladan family?

As he regained his memories, he realized once again that the new life he had been given was truly difficult and not easy.

‘My previous life wasn’t so easy, as I only had a limited time to live… … .’

A six-year-old’s young body is vulnerable to both cold and heat.

But in this wicked family, such a child was confined to a cabin in the forest where it was cold in the winter and hot in the summer.

‘I like prestigious families.’

What would it be like to be born into the bloodline of the Duke of Kaladan, one of the three heroic families on the continent?

The founding father of the Herael Empire!

A descendant of the hero Kaladan, who sealed the worst guardian, the Black Dragon King, together with the Dragon King Kalantatis hundreds of years ago!

The great hero Kaladan.

This was the family where Harang was born and raised, but he was not even properly treated as a blood relative of a heroic family.

Does it even have a presence in the first place?

The reason was that Harang was the ‘illegitimate child of an abandoned child.’

An abandoned child, an illegitimate child. Either one would be miserable, but both.

His father was born into a family of heroes, especially the Kaladan family known as the ‘Famous Swordsman’, but he never held a sword.

This was the reason why my father was called ‘the abandoned child of Kaladan’ in a family that hated the weak the most.

In the meantime, how could he look so pretty if he brought a woman of magical origin to the palace, fell in love with her without her permission, and had a child without even getting married?

Her mother died giving birth to Harang, and her father died of an unknown illness.

It’s already been two years since I held my parents’ small funeral.

There is no one left around him.

It was said that the last consideration of the head of the household was that he was not completely kicked out of the palace, but was allowed to live in a cabin in the forest, where he was cared for by the pitiful servants.

‘It doesn’t matter that I don’t have a family because I don’t remember their faces and I don’t really think of them as my real parents… ‘

He sat still in the corner of the cramped, one-room cabin with his eyes closed. Not that there was any particular reason for that.

It was a habit from a previous life that I had that made me weak mentally when I lay down.

‘I spent my childhood in a room like this in my previous life.’

In his previous life, Harang was a child, living a life of wandering without a proper home. A small container box was his home, and he had to use a public restroom even when washing.

When I think back to that time, this place didn’t seem vaguely unfamiliar.

I just felt a little strange.


Harang, who was sitting in a corner and gathering her thoughts, recited the name of the silver dragon that had allowed her to be reincarnated here.


“… … Kalantatis?”

I called his name to ask what was going on, but there was no answer.

Harang called his name once more with a bewildered heart and a last hope.


Then, suddenly, a translucent window appeared in the air and a system message was displayed.

━━━[Main Quest]━━━

Prepare for the coming darkness

*Content: The Dragon King of the Moon, Kalantatis, has summoned you as a hero to protect the continent of Astera from darkness. However, Kalantatis is sealed and cannot move.

Until he wakes up, continue to practice diligently and prepare for the coming darkness… … .

*target: ???

*compensation: ???



Harang read it calmly, not knowing that the game system would be used here as well.

‘So, Kalantatis, who summoned me here and left me alone, was sealed a long time ago?’

The situation was even more absurd than I had imagined. So how could I overcome this situation where I was barely able to breathe while barely holding on to the title of a master swordsman?

Kalantatis said that when he made his contract with Harang, he would be born as a ‘descendant of the hero Kaladan’ so that he could develop his talents here and perform in the most perfect environment.

However, far from having the most perfect environment, not even the conditions for proper training were provided.

He is clearly a descendant of Kaladan. However, because his father did not learn swordsmanship properly, he was unable to inherit the swordsmanship lineage, and the people of the Kaladan family are completely unaware of his existence.

‘Whew, I guess I’ll have to do it myself.’

As I slowly went back through my memories, I could easily see how great Kalantatis was in this world.

There is a very famous anecdote about how he single-handedly drove the Black Dragon Clan that ruled the world to the brink of destruction, and how he tore down the gate with his bare hands to prevent the demons from invading.

It seems that the Kaladan family itself has a tendency to worship Kalantatis, but since they have real achievements, isn’t that why such fairy tales and biographies are created?

After making a contract with such a great dragon, I couldn’t rely on him for everything.

‘There is one thing I can do right now…’

Harang, who was searching through her memories, remembered the first thing she could do and her eyes lit up.

‘Choosing a gem.’

All of Caladan’s bloodlines, when they turn seven years old, cut down the sacred tree with a real sword to test their talents.

From what I remember, if you don’t show talent here, you won’t even be able to set foot in the training center.

Looking at the calendar, today is the day for my cousin, who is one year older than me, to choose a gemstone. I won’t give a separate seat to my illegitimate child, so if there’s a chance for me to show off my talents, today is the only day.



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‘Can I do it?’

I felt a little uneasy because I had never done anything properly with this body before.

‘No, you have to do it. The chance is only today. If you miss it, there will be no next time.’

Harang clenched his fist.

After making a contract with Kalantatis and being reincarnated, I couldn’t do something stupid like doubting my own talent and giving up before I even started.

‘I challenge you.’

Harang tried to recall where he received the gemstone selection in his head. Fortunately, the six-year-old had not experienced much, so it was not difficult for him to find his memory.

‘I have to go to the training ground first.’

I don’t know what this family does, but their home isn’t just a mansion, it’s a palace. I think the name of it is Calambrinho’s Palace.

‘Crazy, a palace? It’s unnecessarily large.’

I remember the distance from the training ground to here was quite a bit, so it seemed like it would take quite a bit of time for a child to reach there.

Harang quickly put on his clothes and left the cabin, kicking the ground and running.

Boom! I sprang to my feet and my body shot forward as if it had been snapped by a rubber band.

‘I feel light.’

My body felt light, as if gravity was much weaker than on Earth, so I was able to run much faster.

Not only did he have a jumping power of several meters, but his footwork was incredibly fast for a child.

‘Is this where the human body is originally strong? I don’t think so… … .’

When in my life have I ever run like this? The cool feeling of the air brushing my cheeks made me feel good, but I didn’t have time to enjoy it.

After running for almost 30 minutes and getting out of breath, the smokescreen in the distance came into view.

It seemed as if the selection of the raw stone had already begun, as quite a number of knights were already lined up and waiting in the training ground.

The person standing in the center was Karik, who could be said to be a relative of my deceased father. Looking to the side, I saw a short kid holding a real sword and looking very nervous.

Today, it was the 7-year-old blood relatives who were testing their talents.

Harang confidently made his way through the knights.

“Hmm? Who… … ?”

It was natural that everyone’s attention was drawn to the appearance of an unfamiliar child. However, Harang was not intimidated.

He had a way to prove himself.

“Let’s go ahead.”

“What, what?!”

Karik, who discovered him late, frowned.

“What about that kid?”

“We don’t know either.”

“But you brought me all the way here? Get me out right now!”

Karik shouted, but Harang rummaged through his pockets and took out a medal that symbolized the pure blood of Kaladan and showed it to him.

“I’m also a blood relative, so it won’t be a problem if I come, right?”

“That’s… … Are you, by any chance, that son of a bitch Melise?”

Although he called his father a fool, Harang nodded without showing any emotion.

“Ha! I heard that Melize, that punk, had a child and then threw him away in a corner of the family. So there really was. I was wondering where he had died, so I’m glad to hear about his recent situation.”

Although he spoke sarcastically to the child, Harang remained calm.

“I’m glad you’re happy.”

“… … .”

Carik, who felt like he had been ignored by a child, burst into tears in that moment, but tried to suppress them. He had to save face as a blood relative in front of the knights.

“What brings you here?”

“I’d like to see what that pick is or what it is.”

“You can only do the Gem Selection once you are 7 years old and can receive Mana into your body. How old are you now?”

“Six years old.”

“It’s still early.”

“No, can’t I take it now? After all, there’s no one who’ll take the test for me when I turn seven, right?”

“… … .”

Karik wiggled his eyebrows slightly.

It wasn’t because Harang was arrogant, but because he was overly calm and spoke in a very mature manner despite having so many troops gathered there.

Besides, it wasn’t wrong.

Who would provide such a place for the illegitimate child of the abandoned child Melise?

‘What the heck, you bastard. You knew that and came here early today? No way… . . . ‘

Karik shook his head.

I must have just happened to find out about it while passing by.

“Who would take the test on their own… … .”

“No! I’ll make you pay.”


The one who objected to Karik’s words was a young woman who had been standing behind and quietly watching the scene. With her pink hair fluttering, she slowly approached Harang, knelt down, met his gaze, and smiled brightly.

“Look at this. These bright silver eyes… … This is definitely proof that you have a lot of Caladan blood in you.”

One of the characteristics of the Kalladan family.

All blood relatives of the family are born with silver eyes. There was a superstition that the more light there was in the eyes, the more talented the swordsman was.

Karik’s expression suddenly crumpled.

“Ha, what does that mean?”

“Anyway, it’s proof that you’re a pureblood of Kaladan. So, you’re more than qualified to recognize talent. Right, Brother?”

As the woman looked back and asked, the man with pink hair also nodded quietly.

“It might be worth a try. You guys, don’t just stand there. Bring me another piece of sacred wood and a real sword. The 7th martial arts master is slow.”

“Yes, yes!”

When the man commanded the training ground without permission, Carrick’s expression suddenly crumpled.

“… … Go away. Who said it was okay to do whatever you wanted?”

“The bloodline born with the silver eyes of Kaladan is entitled to all the benefits. It is a principle established by the previous patriarch.”

At those words, Karik chewed his lips as if he was offended, but did not say anything else.


Meanwhile, the pink-haired woman kept looking into Harang’s eyes and asked with sparkling silver eyes.

“My name is Arihil Paul Caladan. I am a direct pureblood. What about you?”

“It’s Harang.”

“What a pretty name! Here, here’s a real sword. Do you know how to hold it? Don’t you?”

Harang, who was looking over the real sword handed to him by Arihil, grabbed it with both hands.


The posture was quite stable and well-held, so Arihil looked surprised for a moment.

“Can I cut down the fir tree?”

Foot. Laughter erupted from somewhere. No matter how much he was a kaladan, there was no way a six-year-old child could cut down a zelkova tree.

The Shinsoo tree can only be cut down when the user is 7 years old and has trained in mana.

It is absolutely impossible to cut it with a sword that does not contain mana, unless you are a swordsman who has trained quite a bit.

That is why the Shinsoo tree was used in Kaladan to test talents.

How far can you go with a sword that doesn’t contain mana?

“Yeah, just cut as much as you can.”

“Okay, let’s take the test without wasting any time.”

When Karaen nodded with his back to him, Karik made a displeased expression but did nothing.

Although Karik’s kinship was higher than Garaen’s, Garaen’s talent was more outstanding, so he had more influence within the family.

“Get started, Myuran.”


The boy named Muran gritted his teeth and swung his sword with all his might.


Indeed, was he born with the blood of Caladan? He cut down the divine tree smoothly with skills that were hard to believe for a 7-year-old boy.

The sword didn’t fully penetrate, and stopped halfway through.

The man in the uniform still had a blank expression. He didn’t seem to like it, but Carrick nodded his head in satisfaction and said.

“Well done, son. At your age, it’s not easy to cut down a zelkova tree that deep.”

“Go, thank you.”


Muran’s expression crumpled at Garaen’s indifferent tone, contrary to Carik’s praise.

‘What is that bastard?’

Garaendo didn’t seem to have much expectation either. Harang was holding a sword for the first time today.

Contrary to their expectations, Harang was slightly surprised by the lightness of the sword.

‘This, this feeling… … .’

Just because the sword is light?

No, that’s not it.

‘I’m used to it.’

The feeling of holding the sword is vivid, as if I have been holding it for a long time.

It only occurred to me then.

It wasn’t Harang’s first time holding a real sword.

Previous life, when I was a pro gamer.

In virtual reality games… … haven’t you fought while holding countless types of swords?

This is while receiving the ‘protection of the system’.

This was exactly how I felt at that time.

With the system calibrated, it feels like you can do anything by swinging the sword.

At that moment, a translucent window appeared in the air and a message appeared.

━━━[Sub Quest]━━━

Show your worth as a hero

*Content: It is time to test whether you are worthy of being a descendant of the warrior Kaladan and a contractor for Guardian Kalantatis.

*Objective: Recall the skills from your previous life and perfectly chop down the Shinsoo tree.

*Reward: System Protection Inheritance


Harang was momentarily confused by the system message that suddenly appeared before her eyes, but she quickly figured out the situation and snickered.

‘… This is just a tutorial quest.’

Harang, with his eyes wide open, swung his sword with all his might towards the Shinsoo tree.

[Trait ‘World’s Greatest Champion’ Unleashed]

[If the conditions are met, recall the skills you remember as the greatest champion in your life!]

Swish! The real sword is drawn to the sacred tree as if it were a magnet.

[Acquired skill ‘One Sword, Two Cuts’]


… … was divided exactly into two equal parts.

“Wh, what!”

“With a body that hasn’t even trained its mana yet, how can… …!”

It was the first time this had happened since the first head of the Kaladan family.


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