A Genius Gamer Reincarnated into a Hero’s Family Chapter 148

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Genius Gamer, Reincarnated into a Heroic Family Episode 148

The Law of Strong Self-Respect (4)

Things weren’t going well.

However, things were going well.

It’s a contradiction in terms, but it really was.

The heavy snowstorm hindered the hunters’ special skills and brought out Harang’s unique characteristics.

It was a blessing that I learned magic.

If it weren’t for that, we would have already been defeated by the hunters… no, even before that, when we were attacked by the mercenaries.

It was impossible to completely destroy the hunter’s shelter. Even though they stabbed Letian and Baincal, who could be considered elders, in the heart, the hunters did not stop even though they were dead.

‘… … Then, what happened?’

My mind is hazy. I’m falling asleep. If I could just fall into a dream like this, it would be so sweet…

– Long time no see, contractor.

“… … !”

Harang opened her eyes in a hurry when she heard a familiar voice coming from somewhere.

Pouring light.

Through the dazzling light, a large silver creature, familiar yet still awe-inspiring, watched him.

His true identity was the Dragon King of the Moon, known as the strongest guardian under the heavens.


When Harang shouted happily, he nodded slightly. I couldn’t tell for sure, but I felt like he was smiling.

-You’ve grown so well… … Indeed, I realized that my judgment was not wrong.

Harang’s heart was pounding.

How many years has it been since we last met?

It was the first time since signing the contract.

He was not just a simple ‘contractor’ to Harang. Kalantatis was the savior of his life and the one who taught him what true happiness was.

That favor cannot be repaid even with ten million gold coins.

-Haha, it seems like you have a lot to say… … I am the same. Thanks to you, I have recovered enough to come to my senses to some extent… … .

“Thanks to me?”

-The stronger the contractor becomes, the more powerful I become. That was the condition of the contract.

“Ah… … So, can I come out into the world now?”

Kalantatis closed his eyes for a moment.

It had a negative meaning.

-It is not yet time. Only when the world is covered in darkness will the moon illuminate the world.

“Then, I… … .”

-I’d like to talk for a long time, but there’s no time. If I delay any longer, your life will be in danger… … .

“My life?”

Harang didn’t understand what Kalantatis was saying. I must have escaped the hunter’s shelter safely.

– It’s a side effect of pushing yourself too hard with such a young body. You struggled to survive in your subconscious, but eventually, you reached your limit…


Suddenly, a headache came over me. And that wasn’t all. My bones all over my body felt like they were cracking, and my muscles felt like they were being torn apart. My chest was so tight that it was hard to breathe, and my whole body was so cold that I was shivering.

-Now go back and stand up. You have carried too great a burden to fall in a place like this.

Calantatis’s figure gradually recedes. It seems like he has something to say to him…

-A strange fate will come to you. But, be careful. If your relationship with him is too much, it can become poisonous… … .

With those last words, Harang raised his head from the snowdrift.

“Huh, gasp!”

My whole body felt numb. I felt like I had frostbite because I had been out in the cold for too long. I lifted my upper body with difficulty and realized that my surroundings were soaking wet with blood.

‘Ugh, I feel dizzy… … .’

Only then did the memories from just before come back to me.

Harang, who had been fighting fiercely until the end, ran out of mana and had no choice but to escape across the bridge to Deltain Territory.

However, the few hunters who survived doggedly pursued him… … As a result, Harang was able to kill them all, but after being hit by so many arrows and sword darts, he was unable to endure the bleeding and temporarily passed out.

If he had slept like this for a long time, he would have probably died from blood loss or frozen to death.

‘… … Did Kalantatis save me again?’

He walked with difficulty, with heavy steps. The snowstorm was so strong here that he could not endure it for long.

My chin was trembling, the cold was piercing my bones, the hot pain was rushing from my torn wound, and I was feeling drowsy again, as if I was going to lose consciousness.

‘Why are the legs like this… … Ah.’

Now I see that there were arrows stuck in my thigh and abdomen. I didn’t even realize that there were arrows because the other wounds were so painful.

But, I endure it.

After enduring and enduring for a long time, he went down the mountain and came across a huge cave. Harang crawled inside and leaned against the wall, struggling to catch his breath.

“Haa, ha… … Ugh, ugh… … !”

A rough groan escaped from his mouth.

He raised his right hand with difficulty, but it was a mess here too. It seemed like his bone was broken and he couldn’t use his strength properly. Harang had no choice but to put his left hand on his abdomen. As soon as he pulled out the arrow, he poured in the last remaining potion and wrapped a bandage around it.

Harang, who had barely managed to bandage his broken right arm while enduring the pain because it was difficult to do it with one hand, did the same to his thigh and then tried to use his divine power.

‘… …The magic core is empty.’

When you collapse in a pile of snow and pass out, your body seems to have instinctively used all of its magical power to withstand the cold.

I put a splint on my right arm and made a makeshift cast and tried to hang myself, but my ribs were aching. My entire body was literally covered in wounds.


It was also impossible to light a fire with magic. For such occasions, I dropped the dry branches and leaves I had kept in my backpack, as well as pieces of flammable coal, and threw a spark with my lighter, and it burned with a crackling sound.

After my wounds healed to some extent and the temperature became warmer, I finally fell into a deep sleep. It would be dangerous to fall asleep in a place like this and meet a monster… … .




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Harang hurriedly looked at the cave entrance with half-closed eyes.


There was a huge presence.

In a shadow so large that it completely obscured the cave entrance, a pair of eyes… … .

It was definitely watching Harang, but it was impossible to even guess what kind of emotions it was harboring.

‘Enemy? Or… monster… … ?’

A moment later, the thing that revealed itself was… …a giant white wolf.

The wolf, with four legs and a mane that looked like a blazing blue flame on its neck, stared at Harang with its blue eyes and slowly began to approach.

‘… … It’s not a monster.’

The wolf did not seem to be hungry or wild, but rather intelligent.

Harang, who had confirmed this, could no longer endure it and closed her eyes.

‘No more… … .’

His world went dark.

* * *

The wolf spirit ‘Avalanche’ was a divine spirit who failed to become a guardian, a sage who failed to attain enlightenment, a monster who failed to become a monster, and yet a foolish beast who was unable to cut off its ties with the earth.

It’s been 300 years since he began his journey, wandering the world, in hopes of becoming a Guardian.

He was still just a lowly wolf who couldn’t become a guardian.

Avalanche became interested when they came across a wounded boy lying in a place where they were drawn by an extremely fresh and pure energy.

-… … Hmm, I came here thinking they were spirits or fairies, but were they people?

The wound looked serious.

It looks like they’ve wrapped bandages and applied medicine to the wounds here and there, but if they keep doing that, he won’t be able to endure it and will die.

If you are a normal human being.

‘If it’s a being with this much pure mana… … it’ll probably survive on its own, even if it takes some time.’

The forces of nature will help him survive.

So, it would have been okay to just pass by, but Avalanche felt a strong curiosity about his presence.

-The cliff edge was noisy. Was it this boy’s doing? Even for a human, he must be very young…

Is it possible for a human being who has not even lived 20 years to display such strong will and determination?

Avalanche had a feeling that the boy might be the one who would help them greatly in their ‘ascension’.

Instead of being able to meddle in the world, Guardians exercise their influence through contractors, and gain power from their contractors.

Even though he wasn’t a Guardian yet… … If I were to make a contract with a boy with such pure and strong will, wouldn’t I perhaps find a clue to becoming a Guardian?

‘… … Maybe, this is the chance for me to truly ascend.’

Avalanche’s eyes were filled with desire.

* * *

“Ugh… … .”

Harang lifted her heavy eyelids with difficulty. When she forcibly lifted her trembling eyebrows and barely brought the blurred world into focus, the first thing she saw was a handsome man with white hair.

“… … ???”

He was looking down at himself from above.

At a very close distance.

“Oh, you have white eyes. There is no other human in the world with eyes like that except for Kaladan. Hahaha! What a strange coincidence to meet Kaladan in a place like this!”

Harang punched him in the face.

Thump! The man who blocked it lightly smiled pleasantly and said.

“If you overdo it like that, it’s not good for your health. Oh, right. My name is ‘Avalanche.’ I’m a wolf born in the pouring avalanche, and a foolish beast that failed to become a guardian.”

Beast? He was never a beast. The fact that he could take human form meant that he was at least a being above a spirit.

Could it be that the wolf I saw just before I fainted was that man?

Harang hesitated and opened her lips.

“… … This is Harang Paul Caladan.”

“That’s a good name. Now, take the medicine.”

“… … !”

He brought the pitch-black medicine from the pure white bowl to Harang’s mouth and poured it in. She was startled and swallowed it forcefully, but it was very bitter.

“That potion you humans made? It will be much better than that! I made it myself with the spirit grass.”

Harang’s pupils grew wide.

A medicine brewed from the ginseng root? And judging by the fact that my body felt energized every time I drank it, its effectiveness was certain.

Harang, who had drunk all the medicine without leaving a single drop, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

I felt my body, which had been covered in wounds, become full of energy.

As his energy returned, Harang realized that he was now on the man’s lap, and he felt very uncomfortable. He struggled to get up, walked away from Avalanche, and walked to the opposite cave wall, where he sat down.

“Hmm, I have some questions for you. Would you mind listening?”

Harang nodded, hugging Cheongwolheun with both arms.

“First of all, are you really a hermit from the ‘Heavenly Palace’? I’ve been there for a long time, but I’ve never seen a child like you.”

Heavenly Palace? Harang shook her head at the unexpected question.

“Oh, so you’re from ‘Shinsengol’ then! I have a connection to that place, but I wonder why I haven’t heard your name before.”

Harang shook his head again.

“Not even Shinsungol? If that’s true, then it’s really strange. Your pure and good energy should be something that only the immortals can create, but hmm. No. Right, I can’t say that it’s been created properly yet. If you go to Shinsungol and meet your teacher and refine it a little more, it seems like you’ll grow explosively… … .”

At those words, Harang’s eyes opened slightly.

“You said my energy resembles that of a god?”

“Yes. It was so pure that it must have swallowed a whole spirit, so I was also possessed. Hahaha!”

“… … .”

“Just kidding, just kidding. Well then, I have a suggestion for you. Would you be interested in signing a contract with me?”


“Although I have not ascended yet and cannot become a Guardian, I can still give you enough power to help you.”

“……It’s not possible.”

“Hmm? Why is that?”

“I already have a guardian under contract.”


Boom!! It seemed like a sound effect like lightning striking.

Avalanche gaped in genuine shock.

“Oh, how come at such a young age… … No, it’s entirely possible for Kaladan… … I didn’t expect this at all, it’s quite a disappointing development.”

Harang looked at the man without saying a word.

He didn’t seem like a bad person. If Avalanche had evil intentions, Harang’s life would have been over long ago.

‘I can’t make a contract, but… … .’

I guess I should repay the favor.

“You saved my life, so tell me what you want and I will get it for you as soon as I return to my family.”

“What do I want…? You’re the only one… Can’t I just cut ties with that Guardian?”

“It’s not possible.”

“Whew, I’m stronger and smarter than most Guardians. Well… … I guess there’s nothing I can do. If you’re trying to repay a favor, then you should stop. I’m trying to accumulate virtue in order to ascend, so I can’t accept a reward for my good deeds.”

“Ascension… … What is lacking that has prevented you from becoming a Guardian yet?”

Avalanche let out a sigh.

“Pfft, if I knew that, I wouldn’t be doing this. I’m just guessing that my energy is not pure. That’s why I’m looking for pure energy like you. I think that if I stick close to you and receive purity, things will get better.”

But soon Avalanche smiled again and looked at Harang.

“The contract, okay? If it doesn’t work out, then there’s nothing I can do. Then let me help you.”

“… … You’re helping me?”

“You have a destiny to become great in the future. If you live and practice this long, you will be able to see it. If you can ride on the great destiny of yours, it will surely be of great help to me. Of course, I cannot help you without a price. Only if you act as a hero can I use my power.”

“… … .”

Harang hesitated for a moment, then slowly moved her lips away.

“Is it possible to travel between continents?”

“Are you going to ask for such a trivial favor? I am a god after all.”

“… … !!”

This is not a trivial request.

Because it was a very urgent and important issue for Harang at the time.

“… … What should I do?”

Then Avalanche smiled mischievously and held up one finger.

“Isn’t that right? The Grand Duke of the Frozen Palace, who currently rules this cold land, is infected with an unidentified evil spirit and is suffering from a chronic illness. That’s not right. As a hero who rules over the frigid land, he still has a lot of work to do.”

“… … .”

It was a familiar story.

“Save him from the evil spirit and come back. It will be extremely difficult, but since you have the qualities of a hero, won’t you be able to do it somehow? If you can do it… …travel between continents? Of course, I will share my spirit and the divine water with you.”

“… … .”

Harang nodded without even a second of hesitation.


‘That’s what I was originally going to do, right?’

There was no reason to hesitate, since he already had some idea of the solution.

In fact, the reward Avalanche offered was… …as good as free money to him.

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