I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 32

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◈ Episode 32 Steps towards the truth (1)

Rudger headed for the entrance to the secret lab, which was decorated with a large wastewater pipe.

Rust everywhere and full of stench looked like the real thing, but that changed instantly once you went a little deeper.

The interior walls become clean, and even the stench that was present disappears.

durun durun.

The sound came from beyond, accompanied by a faint scarlet light.

Rudger immediately killed the presence and moved slowly.

“under. I’m really bored to death How many more do we need now?”

“Okay. We still have more than two days to spare, so shouldn’t we wait a little longer?”

“What, of course, is there for those damned test subjects to escape?”

“It might be okay since we haven’t been caught yet. I’m going to pack everything up and leave just in case.”

“Still, it’s better to stand guard like this. It’s a mess inside right now because you’re organizing your equipment.”

“It’s shift time soon anyway.”

“Ah-oh. If only those bastards hadn’t escaped.”

Rudger leaned against the wall and listened to their conversation.

Bored of standing guard at the entrance, the two did not stop chatting.

“I was out at the time, how did that happen? Did I mismanage it?”

“I guess there was a mistake. They say that the kid I kidnapped didn’t take medicine well, so he became less cryptid. Maybe it’s because I’m young.”


“So what? So when I tried to take him out for more experimental drugs, resistance developed.”

“I heard that taking medication is very painful, is that true?”

“It must be so when you see them screaming. But the problem is, my parents gave a damn about it.”

“what? your parents? You said you tried to protect your cub even though you were already a werewolf?”

“okay. Scientists couldn’t believe that reason still existed. They went out of their way to do more than expected, and the inside became a mess.”

“damn. Is that why they escaped? Isn’t that a bit dangerous?”

“Puha! Danger is bullshit. don’t worry. I heard that you asked a trustworthy person about it. Anyway, that bastard would have stepped on it very hard if I was there then. You made us suffer like this.”


Rudger felt no need to overhear their conversation any longer.

Because I knew everything about how things were going.


At the sound of Rudger stepping on the stagnant water on the ground, the two of them, who had been chatting in the middle of the chat, immediately shut their mouths and stared this way.

“what. who is there?”

“Aren’t you a rat?”

The area around the entrance was illuminated by magical lamps, but because of that, the place where Ludger was standing was even darker and could not be seen.

The two men pulled out guns from their waistbands.

However, it was faster for two beams of light to fly out of the darkness and pierce their foreheads.

hooked! hooked!

Without even being able to scream, the two guarding the entrance collapsed from their seats.

It happened in the blink of an eye.

Rudger walked out slowly in the dark.

Leather boots that came up to his shins, black pants, a gray vest with full of pockets, and a shabby brown coat over it.

He wore a black hood that went up to his nose, and a hood that went down to his forehead.

Rudgar walked past the corpse with ghostly, calm steps to the back of the secret laboratory.

And not long after he goes in.

A scream rang out from inside.

* * *

“Ouch! help me!”

A man patrolling near the entrance desperately ran away from a monster that appeared out of the darkness and killed all his comrades.

I don’t know where it suddenly appeared.

Like a mirage, it suddenly appeared and killed the comrades patrolling with him in an instant.

‘What did those bastards who guarded the entrance do!’

The moment I thought so, my vision flipped.


His body slumped and he fell forward. There was no strength going down his shin.

“What the hell, why?”

He looked down at his legs and then realized.

that both of his legs were amputated below the shin.

The moment I recognized it, the pain came belatedly.


He gritted his teeth and glared at the darkness behind his back.

Beyond the huge aisle, all the lights had gone out and it was pitch black.

Footsteps were heard there.

His spine chilled and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

It’s a guy.

An intruder who suddenly appeared and killed all of his comrades.

The guy had already followed him.

that buck

The intruder slowly emerged from the darkness.



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He appeared through the black curtain and covered his face tightly, so his identity was unknown.

However, it was clear from his sturdy physique that he was a man.

He warned in a trembling voice.

“you you. Did you think it would be okay to touch us? I don’t think you know who’s in there, but you’re done.”

The man made no response.

Rather, the eyes seen through the shadows on the hood became sharper.

My lips were dry and my throat was burning.

The moment I was wondering if I should beg for help, a large number of people rushed from across the aisle.

“It’s here! There was a noise here!”

From afar, I saw mercenaries holding magic lanterns and approaching this direction.

All of them were carrying firearms, and among them, the heavily armed figure stood out.

exclaimed the man who had discovered his comrades who had come to rescue him.

“hey! It’s this way! this way! ha ha ha! You are finished! Become a beehive in this narrow street corner… … Whoops!”

Rudger thrust the dagger into the talking fellow’s mouth. His dagger was drawn and his blood splattered and his corpse fell to its side.

It was at that time that the troops arriving just in time found Rudger.

“There! Shoot them down!”

Perhaps because they were well-trained troops, they pointed their guns at Rudger without even asking what he was.

Rudger, meanwhile, stood still as if nailed to the seat.


I pulled the trigger right away, but there was no detonation I was waiting for.


“What, what is it?”

clap. clap.

No matter how much I pulled the trigger, the bullet did not go out. The gun itself wasn’t broken, the gunpowder was jammed.

A cold sweat ran down the cheek of the commander who gave the order to shoot.

In this case, he knew from his own experience.

“[Silence of Fire]! A wizard!”

A considerable amount of time has passed since gunpowder weapons appeared as the world changed.

But even so, the wizards and knights kept their place as the best forces in the world.

One reason.

It was because guns were not a threat to knights and wizards at all.

Knights with superhuman physical abilities could easily dodge or slash ordinary bullets.

Conversely, wizards didn’t have to.

Because the magic they use [Silence of Fire] made that possible.

[silence of fire]

It is literally a magic that suppresses the performance of gunpowder within a certain range centering on the wizard.

Its power makes it possible to neutralize even a machine gun when used by a third-tier wizard.

If used by a 5th tier or so, the cannon can be neutralized.

If it is used by a 6th-tier Lexorer-class wizard, the game of war will change from then on.

Even when the age of guns and gunpowder came, wizards and knights could keep their place for that reason.

However, the magic that Ludger can use ends at the third tier.

Then, Ludger realized that he couldn’t go beyond that, and made up for his lack by strengthening his existing magic.

When a normal 3rd tier wizard uses [Silence of Fire], the maximum effective range is 20m.

And the effective range of [Silence of Fire] that Ludger uses is.

──What a radius of 200m.

“Damn it! Pull out all your swords!”

The people who belonged to the school of Shamssus were quick to judge.

They threw away their firearms, which had no meaning, and immediately took out swords and clubs.

paper weave.

An electric current passed over the club.

Rudger looked up and raised his hands.

A revolver was clutched in each hand.

“How stupid! [Silence of Fire] makes your weapon useless… … !”


The man who had been laughing at Rudger fell backwards with blood spraying from his forehead.

Everyone watched the scene with pale complexions.

what just happened?

“What, what.”

“How… … ?”

Rudger obviously shot. But it wasn’t a bullet he fired.


To be precise, a bullet of shaped magic.

That’s why there was no sound when shooting, and it wasn’t affected by the silence of the fire itself.

“this person… … !”

“Did you want me to fight on an equal footing?”

Ludger laughed at the soldiers and fired magic bullets at random.

Tata Tata Tang!

However, even though it seemed to shoot roughly, the gun was aimed precisely between the eyebrows and blew the head.

In an instant, there was blood and screams.

“These fools! Everyone get out of the way!”

A hulking man in great armor stepped forward. The reinforced armor made of black synthetic metal easily deflected the magic bullets fired by Ludgar.

It was an external suit called reinforced armor made with the development of engineering.

Although it was slow, it was very strong and had tremendous power, so it was used exclusively against knights.

That would be a bit annoying.


The heavy-armored hulking lunged at Ludgar with arms spread wide.

The thumping figure gave off a sense of intimidation, like a tank charging into it.

Rudger wasn’t embarrassed or frightened.

After retrieving the lifted revolver, he took out two crescent moon-shaped karambit daggers from his waistband and held them.

“You’re going to engage in close combat with a wizard?”

The moment he shouted that and stretched out his arms to grab Ludger’s collar, Ludger’s model disappeared as if it were collapsing.

what? where did you disappear to?

The moment the man in the reinforced armor panicked at the sight, a terrifying pang ran down his forearm.

Blood spurted out through the gap between the armor and the armor.

“Ah! What, what!”

The sword was inserted precisely between the seams of the armor.

“How? No, it was so fast that I couldn’t even see it… … .”

The moment I tried to move my left arm, my left arm didn’t have any strength.

It was because something cold and sharp passed under his armpit.

“Uh, what… … .”

Then both ankles.

Before he could come to his senses, the tendons in both his legs were severed and he fell to his knees.

And finally.

A cold feeling touched his neck.

“Sah, live… … .”


Rudger didn’t listen any further and cut his throat with the karambit dagger.

“shit! Gabe got hit!”

“Move! I’m out!”

This time, it was a slightly different form of reinforced armor.

He was wearing yellowish brass armor instead of black, and white steam gushed out from behind his shoulders.

A reinforced exoskeleton made of steam engines.

What he was holding with both hands was a huge gun barrel, and the ends of the gun barrel were connected to a large Tesla coil hanging from his back.



A purple current engulfed the passage. The Tesla gun’s high-voltage current, which could not be suppressed by [Silence of Fire], spread in all directions and sparked.

“Hahaha! How is it!”

But he couldn’t help but stop laughing.

It was because the high-voltage current he shot was not moving as if it had been blocked right in front of Ludger’s nose.

“What, what.”

No, to be precise, he reacted to a metal that rose in front of him and permeated it.

Is that metal magic mixed with alchemy?

Could it be that he was the one who handled metal among the elemental elements?

It’s a waste. The Tesla gun, which shoots high-voltage current, does not work for wizards who use metal elemental magic.

I realized that, but it was already too late.

The revolver that Rudger pulled out again fired magic power.

It accurately hit the muzzle of the Tesla gun and exploded right away.


Electricity spread all over the place, and everyone nearby was charred.

The sole surviving survivor leaned against the wall and glared at Rudgar, who was slowly approaching.

His body was already charred and he was barely breathing.

“Huh. Huh Eok. this, this madman. Why are you doing this to us?”

He argued that because he was unfair, but Ludger just passed him by without even replying.

don’t kill

I couldn’t survive in that state anyway, so I thought I’d leave it in pain for a longer time.

‘How many people have I dealt with so far?’

About twenty people.

About half of the troops still remained inside.

And since he didn’t come towards me, it was clear that he was preparing to greet him from the inside.

More than anything, I felt the gaze.

A gaze flies in from the cracks in the pipes that fill the walls.

It was a gaze that was blatantly searching this way.

‘Is it black magic using bugs?’

They said there were two warlocks inside.

Some of the warlocks have heard that the bug’s shared vision allows them to explore areas that are difficult for others to see.

It’s probably the guy he’s watching right now.


Rudger exhaled lightly, lifted his right foot and rolled lightly on the ground.


The noise of his boots colliding with the floor.

It became a wave and spread widely and deeply inward.

* * *

inside the lab.

There, scientists had no choice but to tremble with anxiety.

“Is this okay? I have to destroy the data right away and get the experimental medicine… … .”

“Ah, that’s because it’s okay.”

It was a blonde man with a tattoo on his neck who stopped the weak scientist.

The outfit was also quite light, but there was no weapon in the hand, so it looked like it was out for an outing.

However, everyone did not know that this man was the most influential black magician in this laboratory.

The same goes for the bald-headed man standing silently next to him.

The bald man’s name is Veron.

The blond man’s name is Bruno.

Even though they didn’t mix blood, the two were black magicians with a reputation in their own way in the underworld, called the Bug Brothers.

“After all, there is only one opponent.”

His younger brother, Bruno, spoke the information he had identified as an insect.


Surprisingly, there was only one intruder.

There is only one guy who single-handedly wiped out troops armed with firearms and two men in reinforced armor.

“Wait, who the hell… … .”

“Yeah, we don’t know either. Maybe the Imperial Security Service noticed us.”

“Bo, security!”

Security Department.

An organization made up of only the elite of the Empire.

Among them, there is one Knights from the Security Bureau.

Nightcrawler Knights

Of course, they were a little different from the normal knights.

The scary thing about them is that each person’s power is also armed, but it is the cruelty that does not cover the means and methods to achieve the goal.

Although he is a knight, he does not behave as stubbornly as other knights.

On the contrary, he thoroughly grasps and digs into the opponent’s weakness, ending his life.

Those who could mercilessly kill even a three-year-old child if it was judged to be harmful to the country.

There was nothing strange about being called the devil of the underworld.

“But the way you fight is a little, very strange.”

I wanted to check more with the bugs, but I don’t know what kind of trick he was playing, but all the signals from the bugs he sent were cut off.

Could it be that you noticed this one watching?

It’s like he came alone, and he’s no ordinary bet.

“brother. I need to prepare.”


My older brother Veron stood up. The subordinates guarding the laboratory also raised their shields and weapons nervously.

A passage leading from the entrance to the center of the laboratory.

It was then that I was ready to face the intruder, staring into it.


A strange wave swept through the interior of the laboratory, and then all the lights went out and darkness fell.

“What, what! Come on, turn on the lights!”

“Turn on the spare power generator!”

Watching the men move in haste, the younger brother, Bruno, turned to his older brother.

“brother. Do you think he played a trick?”

“… … .”


There was no answer from Veron.

Bruno turned to Veron. Even in the dark, his large size was clearly recognizable as a silhouette.

The silhouette of such a Veron.

His throat was cut and he rolled on the floor.

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