How to Survive at the Academy Chapter 61

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Glast Subjugation (10)


The hill road to Trix Hall is steep.

I thought that this level of incline would be okay because I had trained my body to some extent by cantering in the morning and evening.

When I turned around after coming to the middle of the hill, I could see the eastern half of the island at a glance. Far away, from the eastern cliff area, the smoke that Yenika was lighting as a signal was rising.

[Checking the appearance of all fifty-seven people on the boat is over. It seems that all retreats have been completed. The confirmation work is over, so Lady Jenika will be back soon. ]

A bat of flame flew from the edge of the cliff and perched on his shoulder.

It is magnificent to see the waves crashing and breaking under the cliff in the distance. Between them, generations of boats were swimming.

It’s already a dark night, but it must have come up from the cliff area by wading through waves that big.

No matter how much he wanted to move around the bachelor’s surveillance network, wouldn’t it be a reckless plan?

In any case, the mercenaries’ judgment was cool.

You are well aware of how much damage to their trust is when the mercenaries abandon their clients and retreat among themselves.

Nevertheless, the reason why Elte was abandoned was probably because he realized the difference in strength.

There is nothing more stupid than putting one’s head into a request that cannot succeed.

Even if there is a hit to your reliability and a disruption to your livelihood for the time being, it is not more important than your life right now.

Such thorough judgment must have played a part in being able to survive as a veteran for a long time.

If you turn your eyes from the sea and head inland, the number of magic towers Professor Glast has built has already reached 10.

The magic towers built using the Aspect Magic Circles engraved here and there on the island of Aken… Now they are so tall that you might not even see them from the continent beyond the sea.

– Quaang! Kwaaang!

– Kiyiyi profit!

A sharp scream echoes through the night sky of Aken Island.

The final boss of the Secret Lab. It was the scream of the ‘resurrected culvert demon’.

Now that this much time had passed, it was only natural that Taily’s attacking status would have progressed a lot.

Now we are slowly entering the Glast Subjugation, and the final chapter of Act 2 will be finished.

How to deal with the subdued Elte was put on hold for now.

It doesn’t matter if we hand over the new recruit to Elte Corporation for now, and postpone the treatment until after the subjugation battle.

Lortel will take care of most of the work in this regard. Lortel must be the one who has to end the bad relationship with him.

After subduing Elte and the mercenaries, and making a compromise with the mercenary captain to retreat them, he even confirmed that they had all left the island. I, too, have reached the vicinity of the Trix Hall. It took quite a while even though it came at full speed.

The second act is slowly coming to an end.

The time has come for my stage reversal, which started in a secret laboratory, to reach its end.

The Trix building where all the incidents in this episode started. When you arrive there, just check to see if all the named bosses have been completed… and if there are any problems, and that’s it.

In fact, it was natural that there was no problem with the Trix tube. I literally just came to check it out. There’s nothing wrong with being thorough.

Taily arrived at the underground waterway as planned, and confirmed that the clear specs were sufficient, so all that was left was to wait.

Above all, Lucy, who was the biggest variable… was somehow resolved.

“Heo-euk… heo-euk…”

I caught my breath and looked up at the whole view of the Trix building.

The bachelor’s staff are busy trying to figure out the extent of the damage.

Now that the confusion has been settled to some extent, and the evacuation of the students has been completed, it seems as if they are about to begin the pursuit of Professor Glast.

Since there are many things to be responsible for and care about at the bachelor level, the bachelor’s judgment always puts the top priority on minimizing damage and securing the safety of students.

Since you can move only after taking the maximum measures to avoid harming other students and academic staff, your judgment is bound to be conservative and slow.

That’s probably why Taylor came out first… But no matter how much, I wonder if it’s too slow. It even feels as if the chief executive is deliberately slowing down.

“As expected… Trix Hall is in the same situation as expected.”

This has covered all stages of the story. I didn’t expect it to be in the form of a reverse run… but it’s fortunate that Taylor, who runs straight, seems to have handled most of it well.

He also accumulated a lot of combat proficiency, and above all, he received a lot of rare magic engineering recipes. Depending on how you use it, you may be able to use even ridiculous over-spec magical products. It is the rarest of the rarest.

Not only that, but preparation for the trials to come… I feel like I’m good enough, even if it’s not perfect.

I flowed straight into the Trix tube. Everyone was so busy they didn’t pay attention to me.

I just guessed that it must have been a victim student, seeing that the clothes were torn here and there.

I walked straight up the stairs as it was. As I walked through the fragments of the broken and scattered buildings, I reached the rooftop floor before I knew it.

It is a building built on top of a high hill. When I opened the door, the open night sky came into view.

You ran and ran from the secret lab and eventually came this far. It was a short but long journey.

The back of the girl sitting on the railing and waving her feet like a child is familiar. She came to see just in case, but it’s all the same.

I knew right away that this girl liked to take a nap on the roof of the Trix Building. It is not uncommon to be found here and there on the roof of a building, but the frequency was overwhelming in the Trix tube.

Perhaps he liked the open landscape and the panoramic view of the island at a glance.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was looking at that.”

It is Professor Glast’s magic tower.

At first glance, the procession of magic towers embroidering the night sky looks like a beautiful pillar of light. It is a symbol of ominousness to students who do not know the whole story, but it feels like a romantic aurora to those who have transcended the incident to some extent.

Soon everything will be finished. Taily’s sword ceremony was already on track. It is already far away from defeat.

“I was thinking about the old days.”

Hitting the light source that covered the sky, the girl tapped the seat next to the railing. She told me to come and sit there.

I sighed deeply and sat down on the dangerous railing together. Lucy won’t die if she falls, but I die instantly. Well, if that kind of situation comes, I’ll blow my body to save it… but that doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous.



I already know what kind of answer comes back when I call me, saying Lucy is there… but I answered anyway.

“Do you have any jerky left?”

“You said no before.”


Now that the flow of conversation is no different from a macro, there is no emotional consumption to speak of.


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I just sat next to Lucy and looked up at the magic tower together.

There is nothing more left to do. As a spectator, as a supporting actor, as a villain, all you have to do is sit and watch the end of the stage. Certainly, there is no other place like this for spectator seating.

“Have you ever cried a lot in the past?”

Looking up at the shining sky, Lucy spat out those words endlessly.

“I cried a lot because something very sad happened. I didn’t feel so sad since some time ago.”


“It’s just that I haven’t been very sad since I knew it. Why was that? I thought hard about why there was a change in my mind that suddenly made me not so sad… Surprisingly, the reason was not a big deal.”

I turned my head and looked at Lucy’s face, and indeed it was still expressionless and blank. The light from the magic tower shines brightly on Lucy, but she doesn’t even feel the slightest movement of emotion.

“It was just because a lot of time had passed.”

Lucy came to her own conclusion. It was an accurate and perfect insight.

“A lot of time has passed, and it’s foolish to open up wounds… Trying to save Grandpa with Aspect Magic or something like that, you’ll have to leave again someday.”

-‘Are you sure you won’t regret it if you go?’

The reason I asked that question wasn’t a big deal.

I am in a position to have seen all the scenarios of <Sylvania’s Failed Swordsman> at least once. Of course, I also watched the bad ending where Lucy appeared and smashed Taylor.

However, Lucy’s face as she slowly disappeared through the underground water after destroying the player… I couldn’t say that she looked refreshed even with empty words.

In the end, Lucy had no choice but to lower her gaze and answer in a low voice.

– ‘no.’

The reason Professor Glast was able to convince Lucy Meiril was that he promised to save the Archmage Glockt using the power of Aspect magic.

If the plan is going to be ruined by Lucy anyway, you can revive Lucy’s gift, Gloct, instead of Sylvania.

Glockt may not be as great as Sylvania, but he is a historical great man who will make at least some progress. It’s a bit far from his original purpose… but if he can win Lucy as an ally, it’s a win worth taking.

In the process, it is obvious what kind of language Glast would have tried to win over Lucy.

He must have constantly stimulated and impulsed the longing that settled in a corner of Lucy’s heart. He was a professor in the first place, so there is nothing to say about his speech. It would have been possible enough to bake and boil Lucy, who momentarily lost her judgment due to longing.

That’s why… It’s not that difficult to change Lucy’s heart.

Because Lucy already knows.

What is lost is lost. There is no need to relive the pain of loss.

“And, if my grandpa comes back to life, I think he’ll pinch my cheek again and get angry. It hurts.”

The three major fields that twist and break the providence of the world, blur the flow of time, and reject the frame of fate given to humans.

Seeking eternal life, reviving the dead, going back in time.

It is a field that is treated as a taboo among taboos even in the field of magic.

I quietly looked up at the halo and continued.

“It would only be blasphemy to bring back a rare great wizard who devoted his life to the study of magic with such a taboo.”

“In the first place, that old man died after finishing all preparations for himself to die. He might die again while getting angry. Yes… I knew from the beginning. Saving him is all my greed.”

He lived frugally and donated all of his savings to the Sylvania Academy.

Traces of it were clearly left here and there in this academy.

One of the three buildings of the student center that Yenica destroyed is the Glockt Hall, and the institution to which I received this semester’s scholarship is also the Glockt Scholarship Foundation.

Not only that, but Glockt’s name was engraved here and there, so to Lucy, this academy itself might have felt like a relic left by Glockt.

“So, Lucy.”

The busy and urgent situations are over, and now we are finally in the position of the audience.

“Are you okay?”

I’m not going to tell you from my point of view when I told you not to go, but I still couldn’t help but ask.

There is no way that people’s emotions can be easily controlled.

You know that reviving Glockt is an overly impulsive choice. You probably know that you shouldn’t be swayed by what you’ve lost and lose your reason.

Still, it would be emotionally devastating to let this opportunity pass by oneself. at least for humans.

There is no change in expression on the girl’s face. However, you should not hastily conclude that even the inner side will be as calm as the beautiful scenery.

When I live in society, I often feel it.

People who don’t show it on the outside often have a mess on the inside.

Kill your emotions and live, even if you think this person will be fine… You really shouldn’t make any hasty conclusions until you look inside the person.

How unpredictable creatures are humans.

I thought he was a weak person because he was emotional and had a lot of tears.

Even people who always seem to be okay because they are blunt and machine-like, in fact, don’t they break down easily?

That’s why I couldn’t help but check.

Then, the answer came out.



Come to this situation and jerk again? It’s really like you… I tried to sigh deeply.

“Lend me your shoulder.”

I wondered why he had to sit next to the railing… At best, it was like this.

Rather than answering out loud, I just nodded lightly.

In the future, it will be difficult to find anyone who studies Aspect Magic as passionately as Professor Glast.

The lion resuscitation magic also became a departing train.

the dead are the dead What is lost is lost.

I have rarely seen a case where a person who puts down the present, swayed by past losses, greets them with good words.

Maybe that’s the difference between Lucy and Professor Glast.

The form of loss is different for each person, but in the end it comes to everyone equally. Therefore, you have to accept the loss and know how to cover the wounds with the things you are given now.

Lucy understood that fact well enough.

Me and Lucy sat side by side for a while and looked up at the magic tower in the sky.

The starry sky that came into my field of vision seemed higher than usual. It was very beautiful.


– Bang!

The subjugation party, covered with the blood of numerous monsters, stood right at the top of the magic tower.

The top of the magic tower made up of lights. In the center of the open plaza, where the starry sky can be seen at a glance… Professor Glast stood with the bound Ayla.

All kinds of test tubes and research materials were scattered around. The huge magic book floating in the air is the ‘Seal of the Sage’ that has completed the induction work.

“Professor Glast!”

With Taily’s cry, Professor Glast stood up and looked back.

There is not much vitality left in the haggard face. The exhausted look from the few days of staying up all night gives the illusion that he is already dying.

Even so, I couldn’t take it lightly on the Aspect Magic power that wrapped around my body.

Professor Glast stood up straight, looked at the punitive force, and muttered something in a low voice.

I couldn’t tell who the speech was directed at. However, after coming to the extreme situation, that was the only thought that came to my mind.

He had a hunch that this might be his will… Professor Glast carefully pondered the words.

“I miss you, Muri.”

Professor Glast repeated the name once and gently closed his eyes. It was the final round of Act 2.

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